(*********************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2018 Achim D. Brucker * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause * Repository: https://git.logicalhacking.com/adbrucker/isabelle-hacks/ * Dependencies: None (assert.thy is used for testing the theory but it is * not required for providing the functionality of this hack) ***********************************************************************************) (* This file is based on commit 8a5e95421521c36ab71ab2711435a9bc0fa2c5cc from upstream (https://git.logicalhacking.com/adbrucker/isabelle-hacks/). Merely the dependency to Assert.thy has been removed by disabling the example section (which include assert checks). *) section\Hiding Type Variables\ text\ This theory\footnote{This theory can be used ``stand-alone,'' i.e., this theory is not specific to the DOM formalization. The latest version is part of the ``Isabelle Hacks'' repository: \url{https://git.logicalhacking.com/adbrucker/isabelle-hacks/}.} implements a mechanism for declaring default type variables for data types. This comes handy for complex data types with many type variables.\ theory "Hiding_Type_Variables" imports Main keywords "register_default_tvars" "update_default_tvars_mode"::thy_decl begin (*<*) section\Implementation\ subsection\Theory Managed Data Structure\ ML\ signature HIDE_TVAR = sig datatype print_mode = print_all | print | noprint datatype tvar_subst = right | left datatype parse_mode = parse | noparse type hide_varT = { name: string, tvars: typ list, typ_syn_tab : (string * typ list*string) Symtab.table, print_mode: print_mode, parse_mode: parse_mode } val parse_print_mode : string -> print_mode val parse_parse_mode : string -> parse_mode val register : string -> print_mode option -> parse_mode option -> theory -> theory val update_mode : string -> print_mode option -> parse_mode option -> theory -> theory val lookup : theory -> string -> hide_varT option val hide_tvar_tr' : string -> Proof.context -> term list -> term val hide_tvar_ast_tr : Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast val hide_tvar_subst_ast_tr : tvar_subst -> Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast val hide_tvar_subst_return_ast_tr : tvar_subst -> Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast end structure Hide_Tvar : HIDE_TVAR = struct datatype print_mode = print_all | print | noprint datatype tvar_subst = right | left datatype parse_mode = parse | noparse type hide_varT = { name: string, tvars: typ list, typ_syn_tab : (string * typ list*string) Symtab.table, print_mode: print_mode, parse_mode: parse_mode } type hide_tvar_tab = (hide_varT) Symtab.table fun hide_tvar_eq (a, a') = (#name a) = (#name a') fun merge_tvar_tab (tab,tab') = Symtab.merge hide_tvar_eq (tab,tab') structure Data = Generic_Data ( type T = hide_tvar_tab val empty = Symtab.empty:hide_tvar_tab val extend = I fun merge(t1,t2) = merge_tvar_tab (t1, t2) ); fun parse_print_mode "print_all" = print_all | parse_print_mode "print" = print | parse_print_mode "noprint" = noprint | parse_print_mode s = error("Print mode not supported: "^s) fun parse_parse_mode "parse" = parse | parse_parse_mode "noparse" = noparse | parse_parse_mode s = error("Parse mode not supported: "^s) fun update_mode typ_str print_mode parse_mode thy = let val ctx = Toplevel.context_of(Toplevel.theory_toplevel thy) val typ = Syntax.parse_typ ctx typ_str (* no type checking *) val name = case typ of Type(name,_) => name | _ => error("Complex type not (yet) supported.") fun update tab = let val old_entry = (case Symtab.lookup tab name of SOME t => t | NONE => error ("Type shorthand not registered: "^name)) val print_m = case print_mode of SOME m => m | NONE => #print_mode old_entry val parse_m = case parse_mode of SOME m => m | NONE => #parse_mode old_entry val entry = { name = name, tvars = #tvars old_entry, typ_syn_tab = #typ_syn_tab old_entry, print_mode = print_m, parse_mode = parse_m } in Symtab.update (name,entry) tab end in Context.theory_of ( (Data.map update) (Context.Theory thy)) end fun lookup thy name = let val tab = (Data.get o Context.Theory) thy in Symtab.lookup tab name end fun obtain_normalized_vname lookup_table vname = case List.find (fn e => fst e = vname) lookup_table of SOME (_,idx) => (lookup_table, Int.toString idx) | NONE => let fun max_idx [] = 0 | max_idx ((_,idx)::lt) = Int.max(idx,max_idx lt) val idx = (max_idx lookup_table ) + 1 in ((vname,idx)::lookup_table, Int.toString idx) end fun normalize_typvar_type lt (Type (a, Ts)) = let fun switch (a,b) = (b,a) val (Ts', lt') = fold_map (fn t => fn lt => switch (normalize_typvar_type lt t)) Ts lt in (lt', Type (a, Ts')) end | normalize_typvar_type lt (TFree (vname, S)) = let val (lt, vname) = obtain_normalized_vname lt (vname) in (lt, TFree( vname, S)) end | normalize_typvar_type lt (TVar (xi, S)) = let val (lt, vname) = obtain_normalized_vname lt (Term.string_of_vname xi) in (lt, TFree( vname, S)) end fun normalize_typvar_type' t = snd ( normalize_typvar_type [] t) fun mk_p s = s (* "("^s^")" *) fun key_of_type (Type(a, TS)) = mk_p (a^String.concat(map key_of_type TS)) | key_of_type (TFree (vname, _)) = mk_p vname | key_of_type (TVar (xi, _ )) = mk_p (Term.string_of_vname xi) val key_of_type' = key_of_type o normalize_typvar_type' fun normalize_typvar_term lt (Const (a, t)) = (lt, Const(a, t)) | normalize_typvar_term lt (Free (a, t)) = let val (lt, vname) = obtain_normalized_vname lt a in (lt, Free(vname,t)) end | normalize_typvar_term lt (Var (xi, t)) = let val (lt, vname) = obtain_normalized_vname lt (Term.string_of_vname xi) in (lt, Free(vname,t)) end | normalize_typvar_term lt (Bound (i)) = (lt, Bound(i)) | normalize_typvar_term lt (Abs(s,ty,tr)) = let val (lt,tr) = normalize_typvar_term lt tr in (lt, Abs(s,ty,tr)) end | normalize_typvar_term lt (t1$t2) = let val (lt,t1) = normalize_typvar_term lt t1 val (lt,t2) = normalize_typvar_term lt t2 in (lt, t1$t2) end fun normalize_typvar_term' t = snd(normalize_typvar_term [] t) fun key_of_term (Const(s,_)) = if String.isPrefix "\<^type>" s then Lexicon.unmark_type s else "" | key_of_term (Free(s,_)) = s | key_of_term (Var(xi,_)) = Term.string_of_vname xi | key_of_term (Bound(_)) = error("Bound() not supported in key_of_term") | key_of_term (Abs(_,_,_)) = error("Abs() not supported in key_of_term") | key_of_term (t1$t2) = (key_of_term t1)^(key_of_term t2) val key_of_term' = key_of_term o normalize_typvar_term' fun hide_tvar_tr' tname ctx terms = let val mtyp = Syntax.parse_typ ctx tname (* no type checking *) val (fq_name, _) = case mtyp of Type(s,ts) => (s,ts) | _ => error("Complex type not (yet) supported.") val local_name_of = hd o rev o String.fields (fn c => c = #".") fun hide_type tname = Syntax.const("(_) "^tname) val reg_type_as_term = Term.list_comb(Const(Lexicon.mark_type tname,dummyT),terms) val key = key_of_term' reg_type_as_term val actual_tvars_key = key_of_term reg_type_as_term in case lookup (Proof_Context.theory_of ctx) fq_name of NONE => raise Match | SOME e => let val (tname,default_tvars_key) = case Symtab.lookup (#typ_syn_tab e) key of NONE => (local_name_of tname, "") | SOME (s,_,tv) => (local_name_of s,tv) in case (#print_mode e) of print_all => hide_type tname | print => if default_tvars_key=actual_tvars_key then hide_type tname else raise Match | noprint => raise Match end end fun hide_tvar_ast_tr ctx ast= let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctx fun parse_ast ((Ast.Constant const)::[]) = (const,NONE) | parse_ast (sort::(Ast.Constant const)::[]) = (const,SOME sort) | parse_ast _ = error("AST type not supported.") val (decorated_name, decorated_sort) = parse_ast ast val name = Lexicon.unmark_type decorated_name val default_info = case lookup thy name of NONE => error("No default type vars registered: "^name) | SOME e => e val _ = if #parse_mode default_info = noparse then error("Default type vars disabled (option noparse): "^name) else () fun name_of_tvar tvar = case tvar of (TFree(n,_)) => n | _ => error("Unsupported type structure.") val type_vars_ast = let fun mk_tvar n = case decorated_sort of NONE => Ast.Variable(name_of_tvar n) | SOME sort => Ast.Appl([Ast.Constant("_ofsort"), Ast.Variable(name_of_tvar n), sort]) in map mk_tvar (#tvars default_info) end in Ast.Appl ((Ast.Constant decorated_name)::type_vars_ast) end fun register typ_str print_mode parse_mode thy = let val ctx = Toplevel.context_of(Toplevel.theory_toplevel thy) val typ = Syntax.parse_typ ctx typ_str val (name,tvars) = case typ of Type(name,tvars) => (name,tvars) | _ => error("Unsupported type structure.") val base_typ = Syntax.read_typ ctx typ_str val (base_name,base_tvars) = case base_typ of Type(name,tvars) => (name,tvars) | _ => error("Unsupported type structure.") val base_key = key_of_type' base_typ val base_tvar_key = key_of_type base_typ val print_m = case print_mode of SOME m => m | NONE => print_all val parse_m = case parse_mode of SOME m => m | NONE => parse val entry = { name = name, tvars = tvars, typ_syn_tab = Symtab.empty:((string * typ list * string) Symtab.table), print_mode = print_m, parse_mode = parse_m } val base_entry = if name = base_name then { name = "", tvars = [], typ_syn_tab = Symtab.empty:((string * typ list * string) Symtab.table), print_mode = noprint, parse_mode = noparse } else case lookup thy base_name of SOME e => e | NONE => error ("No entry found for "^base_name^ " (via "^name^")") val base_entry = { name = #name base_entry, tvars = #tvars base_entry, typ_syn_tab = Symtab.update (base_key, (name, base_tvars, base_tvar_key)) (#typ_syn_tab (base_entry)), print_mode = #print_mode base_entry, parse_mode = #parse_mode base_entry } fun reg tab = let val tab = Symtab.update_new(name, entry) tab val tab = if name = base_name then tab else Symtab.update(base_name, base_entry) tab in tab end val thy = Sign.print_translation [(Lexicon.mark_type name, hide_tvar_tr' name)] thy in Context.theory_of ( (Data.map reg) (Context.Theory thy)) handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("Type shorthand already registered: "^name) end fun hide_tvar_subst_ast_tr hole ctx (ast::[]) = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctx val (decorated_name, args) = case ast of (Ast.Appl ((Ast.Constant s)::args)) => (s, args) | _ => error "Error in obtaining type constructor." val name = Lexicon.unmark_type decorated_name val default_info = case lookup thy name of NONE => error("No default type vars registered: "^name) | SOME e => e val _ = if #parse_mode default_info = noparse then error("Default type vars disabled (option noparse): "^name) else () fun name_of_tvar tvar = case tvar of (TFree(n,_)) => n | _ => error("Unsupported type structure.") val type_vars_ast = map (fn n => Ast.Variable(name_of_tvar n)) (#tvars default_info) val type_vars_ast = case hole of right => (List.rev(List.drop(List.rev type_vars_ast, List.length args)))@args | left => args@List.drop(type_vars_ast, List.length args) in Ast.Appl ((Ast.Constant decorated_name)::type_vars_ast) end | hide_tvar_subst_ast_tr _ _ _ = error("hide_tvar_subst_ast_tr: empty AST.") fun hide_tvar_subst_return_ast_tr hole ctx (retval::constructor::[]) = hide_tvar_subst_ast_tr hole ctx [Ast.Appl (constructor::retval::[])] | hide_tvar_subst_return_ast_tr _ _ _ = error("hide_tvar_subst_return_ast_tr: error in parsing AST") end \ subsection\Register Parse Translations\ syntax "_tvars_wildcard" :: "type \ type" ("'('_') _") syntax "_tvars_wildcard_retval" :: "type \ type \ type" ("'('_, _') _") syntax "_tvars_wildcard_sort" :: "sort \ type \ type" ("'('_::_') _") syntax "_tvars_wildcard_right" :: "type \ type" ("_ '_..") syntax "_tvars_wildcard_left" :: "type \ type" ("_ ..'_") parse_ast_translation\ [ (@{syntax_const "_tvars_wildcard_sort"}, Hide_Tvar.hide_tvar_ast_tr), (@{syntax_const "_tvars_wildcard"}, Hide_Tvar.hide_tvar_ast_tr), (@{syntax_const "_tvars_wildcard_retval"}, Hide_Tvar.hide_tvar_subst_return_ast_tr Hide_Tvar.right), (@{syntax_const "_tvars_wildcard_right"}, Hide_Tvar.hide_tvar_subst_ast_tr Hide_Tvar.right), (@{syntax_const "_tvars_wildcard_left"}, Hide_Tvar.hide_tvar_subst_ast_tr Hide_Tvar.left) ] \ subsection\Register Top-Level Isar Commands\ ML\ val modeP = (Parse.$$$ "(" |-- (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ "," -- Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ")")) val typ_modeP = Parse.typ -- (Scan.optional modeP ("print_all","parse")) val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "register_default_tvars"} "Register default variables (and hiding mechanims) for a type." (typ_modeP >> (fn (typ,(print_m,parse_m)) => (Toplevel.theory (Hide_Tvar.register typ (SOME (Hide_Tvar.parse_print_mode print_m)) (SOME (Hide_Tvar.parse_parse_mode parse_m)))))); val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "update_default_tvars_mode"} "Update print and/or parse mode or the default type variables for a certain type." (typ_modeP >> (fn (typ,(print_m,parse_m)) => (Toplevel.theory (Hide_Tvar.update_mode typ (SOME (Hide_Tvar.parse_print_mode print_m)) (SOME (Hide_Tvar.parse_parse_mode parse_m)))))); \ (* section\Examples\ subsection\Print Translation\ datatype ('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar = hide_tvar_foo 'a | hide_tvar_bar 'b type_synonym ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) hide_tvar_baz = "('a+'b, 'a \ 'b) hide_tvar_foobar" definition hide_tvar_f::"('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar \ ('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar \ ('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar" where "hide_tvar_f a b = a" definition hide_tvar_g::"('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) hide_tvar_baz \ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) hide_tvar_baz \ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) hide_tvar_baz" where "hide_tvar_g a b = a" assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_f_def", str="hide_tvar_f (a::('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar) (b::('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar) = a"] assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_g_def", str="hide_tvar_g (a::('a + 'b, 'a \ 'b) hide_tvar_foobar) (b::('a + 'b, 'a \ 'b) hide_tvar_foobar) = a"] register_default_tvars "('alpha, 'beta) hide_tvar_foobar" (print_all,parse) register_default_tvars "('alpha, 'beta, 'gamma, 'delta) hide_tvar_baz" (print_all,parse) update_default_tvars_mode "_ hide_tvar_foobar" (noprint,noparse) assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_f_def", str="hide_tvar_f (a::('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar) (b::('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar) = a"] assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_g_def", str="hide_tvar_g (a::('a + 'b, 'a \ 'b) hide_tvar_foobar) (b::('a + 'b, 'a \ 'b) hide_tvar_foobar) = a"] update_default_tvars_mode "_ hide_tvar_foobar" (print_all,noparse) assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_f_def", str="hide_tvar_f (a::(_) hide_tvar_foobar) (b::(_) hide_tvar_foobar) = a"] assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_g_def", str="hide_tvar_g (a::(_) hide_tvar_baz) (b::(_) hide_tvar_baz) = a"] subsection\Parse Translation\ update_default_tvars_mode "_ hide_tvar_foobar" (print_all,parse) declare [[show_types]] definition hide_tvar_A :: "'x \ (('x::linorder) hide_tvar_foobar) .._" where "hide_tvar_A x = hide_tvar_foo x" assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_A_def", str="hide_tvar_A (x::'x) = hide_tvar_foo x"] definition hide_tvar_A' :: "'x \ (('x,'b) hide_tvar_foobar) .._" where "hide_tvar_A' x = hide_tvar_foo x" assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_A'_def", str="hide_tvar_A' (x::'x) = hide_tvar_foo x"] definition hide_tvar_B' :: "(_) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_) hide_tvar_foobar" where "hide_tvar_B' x y = x" assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_A'_def", str="hide_tvar_A' (x::'x) = hide_tvar_foo x"] definition hide_tvar_B :: "(_) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_) hide_tvar_foobar" where "hide_tvar_B x y = x" assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_B_def", str="hide_tvar_B (x::(_) hide_tvar_foobar) (y::(_) hide_tvar_foobar) = x"] definition hide_tvar_C :: "(_) hide_tvar_baz \ (_) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_) hide_tvar_baz" where "hide_tvar_C x y = x" assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_C_def", str="hide_tvar_C (x::(_) hide_tvar_baz) (y::(_) hide_tvar_foobar) = x"] definition hide_tvar_E :: "(_::linorder) hide_tvar_baz \ (_::linorder) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_::linorder) hide_tvar_baz" where "hide_tvar_E x y = x" assert[string_of_thm_equal, thm_def="hide_tvar_C_def", str="hide_tvar_C (x::(_) hide_tvar_baz) (y::(_) hide_tvar_foobar) = x"] definition hide_tvar_X :: "(_, 'retval::linorder) hide_tvar_baz \ (_,'retval) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_,'retval) hide_tvar_baz" where "hide_tvar_X x y = x" *) (*>*) subsection\Introduction\ text\ When modelling object-oriented data models in HOL with the goal of preserving \<^emph>\extensibility\ (e.g., as described in~\cite{brucker.ea:extensible:2008-b,brucker:interactive:2007}) one needs to define type constructors with a large number of type variables. This can reduce the readability of the overall formalization. Thus, we use a short-hand notation in cases were the names of the type variables are known from the context. In more detail, this theory sets up both configurable print and parse translations that allows for replacing @{emph \all\} type variables by \(_)\, e.g., a five-ary constructor \('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) hide_tvar_foo\ can be shorted to \(_) hide_tvar_foo\. The use of this shorthand in output (printing) and input (parsing) is, on a per-type basis, user-configurable using the top-level commands \register_default_tvars\ (for registering the names of the default type variables and the print/parse mode) and \update_default_tvars_mode\ (for changing the print/parse mode dynamically). The input also supports short-hands for declaring default sorts (e.g., \(_::linorder)\ specifies that all default variables need to be instances of the sort (type class) @{class \linorder\} and short-hands of overriding a suffice (or prefix) of the default type variables. For example, \('state) hide_tvar_foo _.\ is a short-hand for \('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'state) hide_tvar_foo\. In this document, we omit the implementation details (we refer the interested reader to theory file) and continue directly with a few examples. \ subsection\Example\ text\Given the following type definition:\ datatype ('a, 'b) hide_tvar_foobar = hide_tvar_foo 'a | hide_tvar_bar 'b type_synonym ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) hide_tvar_baz = "('a+'b, 'a \ 'b) hide_tvar_foobar" text\We can register default values for the type variables for the abstract data type as well as the type synonym:\ register_default_tvars "('alpha, 'beta) hide_tvar_foobar" (print_all,parse) register_default_tvars "('alpha, 'beta, 'gamma, 'delta) hide_tvar_baz" (print_all,parse) text\This allows us to write\ definition hide_tvar_f::"(_) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_) hide_tvar_foobar \ (_) hide_tvar_foobar" where "hide_tvar_f a b = a" definition hide_tvar_g::"(_) hide_tvar_baz \ (_) hide_tvar_baz \ (_) hide_tvar_baz" where "hide_tvar_g a b = a" text\Instead of specifying the type variables explicitely. This makes, in particular for type constructors with a large number of type variables, definitions much more concise. This syntax is also used in the output of antiquotations, e.g., @{term[show_types] "x = hide_tvar_g"}. Both the print translation and the parse translation can be disabled for each type individually:\ update_default_tvars_mode "_ hide_tvar_foobar" (noprint,noparse) update_default_tvars_mode "_ hide_tvar_foobar" (noprint,noparse) text\ Now, Isabelle's interactive output and the antiquotations will show all type variables, e.g., @{term[show_types] "x = hide_tvar_g"}.\ end