Changed simhashbucket to use MySQL instead of SQLite.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Herzberg 2018-08-31 11:09:12 +01:00
parent a66620bcc7
commit 7d313790a7
1 changed files with 108 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -17,12 +17,14 @@
import sys
import os
import getopt
import sqlite3
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, set_start_method
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from itertools import islice, groupby
from operator import itemgetter
import heapq
import MySQLdb
from MySQLdb import cursors
def unique_justseen(iterable, key=None):
@ -32,17 +34,32 @@ def unique_justseen(iterable, key=None):
return map(next, map(itemgetter(1), groupby(iterable, key)))
def grouper(it, chunksize):
while True:
chunk = list(islice(it, chunksize))
yield chunk
if len(chunk) < chunksize:
def execute(q, args=None):
db = MySQLdb.connect(read_default_file=os.path.expanduser("~/.my.cnf"), cursorclass=cursors.SSCursor)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute(q, args)
return cursor
class SimhashTable(Process):
STOP = "stop"
def __init__(self, splitter, outqueue, fp_it, q_it):
def __init__(self, splitter, outqueue, fp_q, query_q):
self.outqueue = outqueue
self.splitter = splitter
self.table = {}
self.fp_it = fp_it
self.q_it = q_it
self.fp_q = fp_q
self.query_q = query_q
def bit_count(n):
@ -64,25 +81,28 @@ class SimhashTable(Process):
self.table[fp_chunk] += [fp]
def _query(self, q):
q_chunk = self.get_chunk(q)
if q_chunk in self.table:
for fp in self.table[q_chunk]:
query_chunk = self.get_chunk(q)
if query_chunk in self.table:
for fp in self.table[query_chunk]:
diff = SimhashTable.bit_count(q ^ fp[1])
if diff < 4:
yield (fp, diff)
def run(self):
for fp in self.fp_it:
for fps in iter(self.fp_q.get, SimhashTable.STOP):
for fp in fps:
for (q_info, q) in self.q_it:
for queries in iter(self.query_q.get, SimhashTable.STOP):
for (query_info, q) in queries:
for ((fp_info, fp), diff) in self._query(q):
self.outqueue.put((q_info, fp_info, diff))
self.outqueue.put((query_info, fp_info, diff))
class SimhashBucket(Process):
"""Implementation of"""
def __init__(self, nr_of_tables, fp_it, q_it):
def __init__(self, nr_of_tables, fp_it, query_it):
# So far, we support the variants with 4 and 20 tables. Each element of splitters
# describes the key for one table. The first element of the tuple indicates the number
@ -105,55 +125,79 @@ class SimhashBucket(Process):
raise Exception(f"Unsupported number of tables: {nr_of_tables}")
self.fp_it = fp_it
self.q_it = q_it
self.query_it = query_it
self.splitters = splitters
self.tables = []
self.outqueues = [Queue(100) for _ in range(len(self.splitters))]
self.fp_qs = [Queue(100) for _ in range(len(self.splitters))]
self.query_qs = [Queue(100) for _ in range(len(self.splitters))]
self.out_qs = [Queue(100) for _ in range(len(self.splitters))]
def broadcast(it, qs, chunksize=1):
for x in grouper(it, chunksize):
for q in qs:
for q in qs:
def run(self):
self.tables = [SimhashTable(splitter, outqueue, self.fp_it, self.q_it) for (outqueue, splitter) in zip(self.outqueues, self.splitters)]
self.tables = [SimhashTable(*args) for args in zip(self.splitters, self.out_qs, self.fp_qs, self.query_qs)]
for tbl in self.tables:
SimhashBucket.broadcast(self.fp_it, self.fp_qs, 100)
SimhashBucket.broadcast(self.query_it, self.query_qs, 100)
for tbl in self.tables:
def __iter__(self):
return unique_justseen(heapq.merge(*[iter(q.get, SimhashTable.STOP) for q in self.outqueues]))
return unique_justseen(heapq.merge(*[iter(q.get, SimhashTable.STOP) for q in self.out_qs]))
def get_cdnjs_simhashes(db_path, limit=None):
with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as db:
for (simhash, library, path, size, typ, md5) in db.execute("select simhash, library, path, size, typ, md5 from cdnjs where "
def get_cdnjs_simhashes(limit=None):
for (simhash, path, typ, library, version) in execute((
"select simhash, path, typ, library, version from "
"cdnjs where "
"simhash IS NOT NULL AND path like '%.js' and "
"HEX(md5) <> 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' order by path, size, typ, md5" +
(f" LIMIT {int(limit)}" if limit is not None else "")):
yield ((path, size, typ, md5.hex()), int(simhash))
"HEX(md5) <> 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' "
"order by path, typ {limit}")
limit=f"limit {limit}" if limit else ""
# Whatever gets returned here must be sorted
yield ((path, typ, library, version), int(simhash))
def get_crxfile_simhashes(db_path, extension_limit=None, crxfile_limit=None):
with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as db:
for (extid, date) in islice(db.execute("select extid, max(date) as date from extension group by extid order by extid"), extension_limit):
for (crx_etag,) in db.execute("select crx_etag from extension where extid=? and date=? order by crx_etag", (extid, date)):
for (path, md5, typ, simhash) in db.execute("select path, md5, typ, simhash from crxfile where crx_etag=? and simhash is not null and path like '%.js' order by path, md5, typ", (crx_etag,)):
for (size,) in db.execute("select size from libdet where md5=? and typ=? and size >= 1024 order by size", (md5, typ)):
yield ((extid, date, crx_etag, path, md5.hex(), typ, size), int(simhash))
def get_crxfile_simhashes(extension_limit=None, crxfile_limit=None):
for (extid, date, crx_etag, path, typ, simhash) in execute((
"select extid, date, crx_etag, path, typ, simhash from "
"(select * from extension_most_recent order by extid, date {extension_limit}) extension join "
"(select * from crxfile order by crx_etag, path, typ {crxfile_limit}) crxfile using (crx_etag) "
"join libdet using (md5, typ) "
"where simhash is not null and path like '%.js' and size >= 1024")
extension_limit=f"limit {extension_limit}" if extension_limit else "",
crxfile_limit=f"limit {crxfile_limit}" if crxfile_limit else ""
# Whatever gets returned here must be sorted
yield ((extid, date, crx_etag, path, typ), int(simhash))
def print_help():
print("""simhashbucket [OPTION] <DB_PATH>""")
print("""simhashbucket [OPTIONS]""")
print(""" -h, --help print this help text""")
print(""" --limit-cdnjs <N> only retrieve N rows""")
print(""" --limit-extension <N> only retrieve N rows""")
print(""" --limit-crxfile <N> only retrieve N rows""")
print(""" --tables <N> number of tables to use for the bucket (4 or 20 so far)""")
print(""" --limit-cdnjs <N> only retrieve N rows, default: all""")
print(""" --limit-extension <N> only retrieve N rows, default: all""")
print(""" --limit-crxfile <N> only retrieve N rows, default: all""")
print(""" --tables <N> number of tables to use for the bucket (4 or 20 so far), default: 4""")
def parse_args(argv):
limit_cdnjs = None
limit_extension = None
limit_crxfile = None
tables = 20
tables = 4
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", [
@ -161,6 +205,7 @@ def parse_args(argv):
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "--limit-cdnjs":
limit_cdnjs = int(arg)
@ -170,22 +215,28 @@ def parse_args(argv):
limit_crxfile = int(arg)
elif opt == "--tables":
tables = int(arg)
if len(args) != 1:
elif opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
except ValueError:
print("Arguments to int options must be an int!", file=sys.stderr)
db_path = args[0]
return limit_cdnjs, limit_extension, limit_crxfile, tables, db_path
if len(args) != 0:
return limit_cdnjs, limit_extension, limit_crxfile, tables
def main(args):
limit_cdnjs, limit_extension, limit_crxfile, tables, db_path = parse_args(args)
limit_cdnjs, limit_extension, limit_crxfile, tables = parse_args(args)
fp_it = get_cdnjs_simhashes(db_path, limit_cdnjs)
q_it = get_crxfile_simhashes(db_path, limit_extension, limit_crxfile)
fp_it = get_cdnjs_simhashes(limit_cdnjs)
query_it = get_crxfile_simhashes(limit_extension, limit_crxfile)
bucket = SimhashBucket(tables, fp_it, q_it)
bucket = SimhashBucket(tables, fp_it, query_it)
for tup in bucket:
sys.stdout.write("|".join([str(x) for x in tup]) + "\n")