#!/usr/bin/bash set -o nounset set -o errexit BASEDIR=$( cd $(dirname "$0"); cd ..; pwd -P ) NRJOBS=${NRJOBS:-256} echo "Using $NRJOBS jobs" JOBRANGE=${JOBRANGE:-1-$NRJOBS} echo "Executing jobs $JOBRANGE" ARCHIVE=${ARCHIVE:-$(ssh sharc.shef.ac.uk find /shared/brucker_research1/Shared/BrowserExtensions/archive/.snapshot -maxdepth 1 -name \"D*\" | sort -r | head -n1)} echo "Using archive: $ARCHIVE" TARGETDIR="${TARGETDIR:-/data/\$USER}/create-db-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)" echo "Using target dir: $TARGETDIR" SING_IMG_SRC="${SING_IMG_SRC:-/shared/brucker_research1/Shared/BrowserExtensions/excrawl.img}" SING_IMG="$TARGETDIR/excrawl.img" if ! ssh sharc.shef.ac.uk [ -f "$SING_IMG_SRC" ]; then echo -n "$SING_IMG_SRC does not exist! Generate new image and push? (yes/abort): " read confirm if [ "$confirm" != yes ]; then exit 0 fi echo "Creating new image ..." (cd "$BASEDIR/singularity"; ./build.sh) echo "Pushing new image ..." scp "$BASEDIR/singularity/ExtensionCrawler.img" sharc.shef.ac.uk:"$SING_IMG_SRC" rm "$BASEDIR/singularity/ExtensionCrawler.img" fi echo "Creating dirs ..." ssh sharc.shef.ac.uk mkdir -p $TARGETDIR/logs echo "Copying $SING_IMG_SRC to $SING_IMG" ssh sharc.shef.ac.uk cp "$SING_IMG_SRC" "$SING_IMG" echo "Pushing sge script ..." scp "$BASEDIR/sge/create-db.sge" sharc.shef.ac.uk:"$TARGETDIR/create-db.sge" if ! [ -z "${EXTIDLISTFILE:-}" ]; then echo "Pushing list with extension ids ..." scp "$EXTIDLISTFILE" sharc.shef.ac.uk:"$TARGETDIR/ids" fi echo "Starting job ..." ssh sharc.shef.ac.uk \ SING_IMG=\"$SING_IMG\" \ ARCHIVE=\"$ARCHIVE\" \ BASEDIR=\"$TARGETDIR\" \ MAX_SGE_TASK_ID=\"$NRJOBS\" \ qsub \ -V \ -m a \ -l rmem=8G \ -M "msherzberg1@sheffield.ac.uk" \ -t $JOBRANGE \ -j yes \ -o "$TARGETDIR/logs" \ "$TARGETDIR/create-db.sge" \ $*