# ExtensionCrawler A collection of utilities for downloading and analyzing browser extension from the Chrome Web store. * `crawler`: A crawler for extensions from the Chrome Web Store. * `crx-tool`: A tool for analyzing and extracting `*.crx` files (i.e., Chrome extensions). Calling `crx-tool.py .crx` will check the integrity of the extension. * `create-db`: A tool for creating/initializing the database files from already existing extension archives. The utilities store the extensions in the following directory hierarchy: ``` archive    ├── conf    │   └── forums.conf    ├── data    │   └── ...    └── log    └── ... ``` The crawler downloads the most recent extension (i.e., the `*.crx` file as well as the overview page. In addition, the `conf` directory may contain one file, called `forums.conf` that lists the ids of extensions for which the forums and support pages should be downloaded as well. The `data` directory will contain the downloaded extensions as well as sqlite files containing the extracted meta data. The sqlite files can easily be re-generated using the `create-db` tool. All utilities are written in Python 3.x. The required modules are listed in the file `requirements.txt`. ## Team * [Achim D. Brucker](http://www.brucker.ch/) * [Michael Herzberg](http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/cgi-bin/makeperson?M.Herzberg) ## License This project is licensed under the GPL 3.0 (or any later version).