
108 lines
3.0 KiB

if (!exists("monitordir")) monitordir='.'
set terminal pngcairo size 3000,800 enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
set output monitordir."/download-report-one-week.png"
# basic configuration
set datafile separator ";"
set autoscale x
# plot last 7 days
set xrange [time(0) - 7*24*60*60:]
set ytics
set yrange [0:250000]
set ylabel "Parallel Downloads"
set ytics 25000
set mytics 2
set y2range [0:4500]
set y2label "Sequential Downloads"
set y2tics 500
set grid
set xdata time
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
set format x "%Y-%m-%d\n%H:%M:%S"
set xtics 28800
set mxtics 8
set style data lines
set title sprintf("Extension Downloads (Last Seven Days)")
set key horiz
set key out bot center
# for plotting only one day, one can use:
data_for_day(day,file)=sprintf("<(grep %s %s)",day, file)
data=data_for_day(day, monitordir."/".filename)
# for plotting all data
# Trick for plotting first derivative of data:
# x0=NaN
# y0=NaN
# replot data using (dx=$1-x0,x0=$1,$1-dx/2):(dy=$6-y0,y0=$6,dy/dx) w l notitle
# TODO: support time on x scale
plot data using 1:4 with lines dashtype 2 lt rgb "#d07b95" axes x1y1 \
title "Parallel Downloads (Target)" ,\
data using 1:6 with lines lw 2 dashtype 1 lt rgb "#9c416e" axes x1y1 \
title "Parallel Downloads" ,\
data using (dx=timecolumn(1)-x0p,x0p=timecolumn(1),timecolumn(1)-dx/2):(dy=$6-y0p,y0p=$6,dy/dx < 0 ? 0 : (8*60*60)*dy/dx) \
with lines dashtype 2 lt rgb "#622a55" axes x1y1 \
title "Parallel Downloads per Eight Hours",\
data using 1:5 with lines dashtype 2 lt rgb "#76eec6" axes x1y2 \
title "Sequential Downloads (Target)",\
data using 1:7 with lines lw 2 dashtype 1 lt rgb "#5ebe9e" axes x1y2 \
title "Sequential Downloads",\
data using (dx=timecolumn(1)-x0s,x0s=timecolumn(1),timecolumn(1)-dx/2):(dy=$7-y0s,y0s=$7,dy/dx < 0 ? 0 : (8*60*60)*dy/dx) \
with lines dashtype 2 lt rgb "#468e76" axes x1y2 \
title "Sequential Downloads per Eight Hours"
set terminal pdfcairo size 30,8 enhanced font 'Verdana,15'
set output monitordir."/download-report-one-week.pdf"
# Plot number of extensions over time
set title sprintf("Size of Extensions Archive")
set terminal pngcairo size 3000,800 enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
set output monitordir."/size-of-archive.png"
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
set format x "%Y-%m-%d"
set xrange ["2018-05-01":*]
set yrange [150000:250000]
set ylabel "Parallel Downloads"
set y2range [2750:4500]
set xtics 604800
set mxtics 7
plot data using 1:4 with lines dashtype 1 lt rgb "#d07b95" axes x1y1 \
title "Parallel Downloads" ,\
data using 1:5 with lines dashtype 1 lt rgb "#76eec6" axes x1y2 \
title "Sequential Downloads",\
data using 1:($4+$5) with lines dashtype 1 lt rgb "#000000" axes x1y1 \
title "Total Downloads" ,\
set terminal pdfcairo size 30,8 enhanced font 'Verdana,15'
set output monitordir."/size-of-archive.pdf"