
247 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# Copyright (C) 2016,2017 The University of Sheffield, UK
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
A crawler for extensions from the Chrome Web Store.
import sys
import datetime
import time
import getopt
import logging
import itertools
import multiprocessing
from functools import reduce
from ExtensionCrawler.discover import get_new_ids
from ExtensionCrawler.archive import get_forum_ext_ids, get_existing_ids, update_extensions
from ExtensionCrawler.config import *
from ExtensionCrawler.util import log_info, log_exception, setup_logger
def write_log(dirname, fname, text):
"""Write text into the file with name fname in directory dirname."""
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(dirname, fname), 'w') as logfile:
def log_failures_to_file(dirname, today, res):
"""Log failures during download/update in the log directory dirname."""
not_authorized = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.not_authorized()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-not-authorized.log", not_authorized)
updated = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.is_ok() and not x.not_modified()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-updated.log", updated)
has_exception = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.has_exception()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-raised-exception.log", has_exception)
raised_ddos = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.raised_google_ddos()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-raised-ddos.log", raised_ddos)
not_in_store = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.not_in_store()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-not-in-store.log", not_in_store)
new = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.is_new()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-new-in-store.log", new)
file_corruption = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.corrupt_tar()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-file-corruption.log", file_corruption)
sql_exception = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.sql_exception()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-sql-exception.log", sql_exception)
worker_exception = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if x.worker_exception]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-worker-exception.log", worker_exception)
sql_fail = "\n".join(sorted([x.ext_id for x in res if not x.sql_success()]))
write_log(dirname, today + "-sql-not-updated.log", sql_fail)
def log_summary(res, runtime=0):
"""Log brief result summary."""
corrupt_tar_archives = list(filter(lambda x: x.corrupt_tar(), res))
log_info(" Updated {} out of {} extensions successfully".format(str(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.is_ok(), res)))),
log_info(" Updated extensions: {:8d}".format(
len(list(filter(lambda x: x.is_ok() and not x.not_modified(), res)))))
log_info(" Updated SQL databases: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.sql_success(), res)))))
log_info(" New extensions: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.is_new(), res)))))
log_info(" Not authorized: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.not_authorized(), res)))))
log_info(" Raised Google DDOS: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.raised_google_ddos(), res)))))
log_info(" Not modified archives: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.not_modified(), res)))))
log_info(" Extensions not in store: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.not_in_store(), res)))))
log_info(" Unknown exception: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.has_exception(), res)))))
log_info(" Corrupt tar archives: {:8d}".format(len(corrupt_tar_archives)))
log_info(" SQL exception: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.sql_exception(), res)))))
" Worker exception: {:8d}".format(len(list(filter(lambda x: x.worker_exception is not None, res)))))
log_info(" Total runtime: {}".format(str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(runtime)))))
if corrupt_tar_archives:
log_info("List of extensions with corrupted files/archives:")
for x in corrupt_tar_archives:
log_info("{}: {}".format(x.ext_id, x.exception), 1)
def helpmsg():
"""Print help message."""
print("crawler [OPTION]")
print(" -h print this help text")
print(" -s silent (no log messages)")
print(" -d discover new extensions")
print(" -p <N> number of concurrent downloads")
print(" -a <DIR> archive directory")
" -t <N> timeout for an individual extension download")
print(" --max-discover <N> discover at most N new extensions")
print(" --pystuck start pystuck server for all processes")
def print_config(basedir, archive_dir, conf_dir, discover, parallel,
ext_timeout, start_pystuck):
"""Print current configuration."""
log_info(" Base dir: {}".format(basedir))
log_info(" Archive directory: {}".format(archive_dir))
log_info(" Configuration directory: {}".format(conf_dir))
log_info(" Discover new extensions: {}".format(discover))
log_info(" Max num. of concurrent downloads: {}".format(parallel))
log_info(" Download timeout: {}".format(ext_timeout))
log_info(" Start PyStuck: {}".format(start_pystuck))
def parse_args(argv):
"""Parse command line arguments. """
basedir = const_basedir()
parallel = const_parallel_downloads()
verbose = const_verbose()
discover = const_discover()
ext_timeout = const_ext_timeout()
max_discover = None
start_pystuck = False
opts, _ = getopt.getopt(
argv, "hsda:p:t:",
["timeout=", "archive=", 'parallel=', 'max-discover=', 'pystuck'])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
elif opt in ("-a", "--archive"):
basedir = arg
elif opt in ("-p", "--parallel"):
parallel = int(arg)
elif opt in ("-t", "--timeout"):
ext_timeout = int(arg)
elif opt == '-s':
verbose = False
elif opt == '-d':
discover = True
elif opt == '--max-discover':
discover = True
max_discover = int(arg)
elif opt == '--pystuck':
start_pystuck = True
return basedir, parallel, verbose, discover, max_discover, ext_timeout, start_pystuck
def main(argv):
"""Main function of the extension crawler."""
# Use a separate process which forks new worker processes. This should make sure
# that processes which got created after running for some time also require only
# little memory. Details:
# https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/multiprocessing.html#contexts-and-start-methods
today = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
basedir, parallel, verbose, discover, max_discover, ext_timeout, start_pystuck = parse_args(argv)
if start_pystuck:
import pystuck
# Surpressing these "Starting HTTPS connection ..." log messages
# Older versions of requests use loglevel INFO for that, newer ones DEBUG
archive_dir = os.path.join(basedir, "data")
os.makedirs(archive_dir, exist_ok=True)
conf_dir = os.path.join(basedir, "conf")
os.makedirs(conf_dir, exist_ok=True)
open(os.path.join(conf_dir, "forums.conf"), 'a').close()
log_dir = os.path.join(basedir, "log")
os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
start_time = time.time()
print_config(basedir, archive_dir, conf_dir, discover, parallel,
ext_timeout, start_pystuck)
forum_ext_ids = get_forum_ext_ids(conf_dir)
known_ids = list(set(get_existing_ids(archive_dir)) | set(forum_ext_ids))
discovered_ids = []
if discover:
log_info("Discovering new ids {}...".format(
"(at most {}) ".format(max_discover) if max_discover is not None else ""))
discovered_ids = list(get_new_ids(known_ids, max_discover))
except Exception:
log_exception("Exception when discovering new ids")
log_info("Discovered {} new extensions".format(len(discovered_ids)), 1)
ext_ids = list(set(discovered_ids) | set(known_ids))
discovered_ids = None
known_ids = None
res = update_extensions(archive_dir, parallel, forum_ext_ids, ext_ids, ext_timeout, verbose, start_pystuck)
# We re-try (once) the extensions with unknown exceptions, as
# they are often temporary
has_exception = list(filter(lambda x: x.has_exception(), res))
if has_exception:
log_info(" {} extensions with unknown exceptions, start another try ...".format(str(len(has_exception))))
has_exception_ids = [x.ext_id for x in has_exception]
forum_ext_ids_except = list(
ext_ids_except = sorted(
list(set(has_exception_ids) - set(forum_ext_ids_except)))
res_update = update_extensions(archive_dir, parallel,
forum_ext_ids_except, ext_ids_except, ext_timeout, verbose, start_pystuck)
res = list(set(res) - set(has_exception)) + res_update
end_time = time.time()
log_summary(res, int(end_time - start_time))
log_failures_to_file(log_dir, today, res)
if __name__ == "__main__":