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ExtensionDsLab is a data science and machine learning framework for analyzing security and privacy related properties of the browser extensions (and Chrome Apps) offered in the Chrome Web Store.


First Time

Ensure that both

  • mono (tested with version 5.14) and
  • dotnet SDK (tested with version 2.1)

are installed. Moreover, [FAKE] needs to be installed

    dotnet tool install fake-cli -g

and added to the PATH so that you can call fake on the command line. This might require

    export PATH=$HOME/.dotnet/tools/fake:$PATH

After cloning the repository, call


to initialize the paket configuration.

Database Configuration

Both the application itself and the tests require that the database connection is configured properly. For this,

  • copy src/LogicalHacking.ExtensionDsLab/app.config.in to `src/LogicalHacking.ExtensionDsLab/app.config
  • edit src/LogicalHacking.ExtensionDsLab/app.config and replace in the connection string the correct values for <SERVER>, <LOGIN>, and <PWD>.
  • repeat the previous steps for src/LogicalHacking.ExtensionDsLab.Tests/app.config.in .

(Re-) Compiling

After that, the project can be build using


Note for Windows Users

On Windows (untested), configure.sh can be replaced by configuring paket manually

    .paket/paket.exe install

After that, the project can be build using




This project is licensed under the GPL 3.0 (or any later version).

SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

Master Repository

The master git repository for this project is hosted by the Software Assurance & Security Research Team at https://git.logicalhacking.com/BrowserSecurity/ExtensionDsLab.