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* SAP UI development toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5/OpenUI5)
* (c) Copyright 2009-2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
// Provides control sap.m.Column.
sap.ui.define(['jquery.sap.global', './library', 'sap/ui/core/Element', 'sap/ui/core/Renderer'],
function(jQuery, library, Element, Renderer) {
"use strict";
* Constructor for a new Column.
* @param {string} [sId] id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given
* @param {object} [mSettings] initial settings for the new control
* @class
* The column allows to define column specific properties that will be applied when rendering the List.
* @extends sap.ui.core.Element
* @author SAP SE
* @version 1.28.5
* @constructor
* @public
* @since 1.12
* @alias sap.m.Column
* @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel
var Column = Element.extend("sap.m.Column", /** @lends sap.m.Column.prototype */ { metadata : {
library : "sap.m",
properties : {
* Defines the width of the column. If you leave it empty then this column covers the remaining space.
width : {type : "sap.ui.core.CSSSize", group : "Dimension", defaultValue : null},
* Horizontal alignment of the column content. Available alignment settings are "Begin", "Center", "End", "Left", and "Right".
* NOTE: Control with a "textAlign" property inherits the horizontal alignment.
hAlign : {type : "sap.ui.core.TextAlign", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Begin},
* Vertical alignment of the cells in a column. Possible values are "Inherit", "Top", "Middle", "Bottom"
* This property does not affect the vertical alignment of header and footer.
vAlign : {type : "sap.ui.core.VerticalAlign", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : sap.ui.core.VerticalAlign.Inherit},
* CSS class name for column contents(header, cells and footer of column). This property can be used for different column styling. If column is shown as pop-in then this class name is applied to related pop-in row.
styleClass : {type : "string", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : null},
* Specifies whether or not the column is visible. Invisible columns are not rendered.
visible : {type : "boolean", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : true},
* By default column is always shown. If you set this property, control checks the minimum width of the screen to show or hide this column.
* As you can give specific CSS sizes(e.g: "480px" or "40em"), you can also use sap.m.ScreenSize enumeration(e.g: "Phone", "Tablet", "Desktop", "Small", "Medium", "Large", ....).
* sap.m.Column.MediaQuery1->Range1 = 199
* This property can be used for responsive design. e.g: "40em"(or "640px" or "Tablet") setting shows this column in iPad(and Desktop) but hides in iPhone.
* Please also see "demandPopin" property
minScreenWidth : {type : "string", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : null},
* According to your minScreenWidth settings, the column can be hidden in different screen sizes.
* Setting this property to true, shows this column as pop-in instead of hiding it.
demandPopin : {type : "boolean", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : false},
* Horizontal alignment of the pop-in content. Available alignment settings are "Begin", "Center", "End", "Left", and "Right".
* NOTE: Controls with a text align do not inherit the horizontal alignment.
* @deprecated Since version 1.14.
* Use popinDisplay property instead.
popinHAlign : {type : "sap.ui.core.TextAlign", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Begin, deprecated: true},
* Defines the display options of pop-in.
* Possible values are
* 1 - "Block"(Header is displayed in first line and value field in next line.)
* 2 - "Inline" (Value field is displayed next to the header in same line.)
* @since 1.13.2
popinDisplay : {type : "sap.m.PopinDisplay", group : "Appearance", defaultValue : sap.m.PopinDisplay.Block},
* Set "true" to merge repeating cells(duplicates) into one.
* Also see "mergeFunctionName" property to customize.
* Note: this property gets disabled if any column is in pop-in!
* @since 1.16
mergeDuplicates : {type : "boolean", group : "Behavior", defaultValue : false},
* Defines the value getter(serialization) function if "mergeDuplicates" property is set "true"
* Control itself uses this function to compare values of two repeating cells.
* Default value "getText" is suitable for Label and Text control.
* e.g. For "Icon" control "getSrc" can be used.
* Note: You can pass one string parameter to given function after "#" sign. e.g. "data#myparameter"
* @since 1.16
mergeFunctionName : {type : "string", group : "Misc", defaultValue : 'getText'}
defaultAggregation : "header",
aggregations : {
* Control to be displayed in the column header.
header : {type : "sap.ui.core.Control", multiple : false},
* Control to be displayed in the column footer.
footer : {type : "sap.ui.core.Control", multiple : false}
// default index
Column.prototype._index = -1;
// predefined screen size
Column.prototype._screen = "";
// default media value
Column.prototype._media = null;
Column.prototype._clearMedia = function() {
if (this._media && this._minWidth) {
this._media = null;
Column.prototype._addMedia = function() {
if (this._minWidth) {
sap.ui.Device.media.initRangeSet(this.getId(), [parseFloat(this._minWidth)]);
sap.ui.Device.media.attachHandler(this._notifyResize, this, this.getId());
this._media = sap.ui.Device.media.getCurrentRange(this.getId());
if (this._media) {
this._media.triggered = false;
this._media.matches = !!this._media.from;
* Notify parent to re-render
* Also fire media event for listeners
* @private
Column.prototype._notifyResize = function(oMedia) {
// ignore the first call
if (!this._media.triggered) {
this._media.triggered = true;
// keep media info
this._media = oMedia;
this._media.triggered = true;
this._media.matches = !!oMedia.from;
// wait all events to come
jQuery.sap.delayedCall(0, this, function() {
var parent = this.getParent();
this.fireEvent("media", this);
if (parent && parent.onColumnResize) {
Column.prototype._validateMinWidth = function(sWidth) {
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(sWidth) != "[object String]") {
throw new Error('expected string for property "minScreenWidth" of ' + this);
if (Object.keys(sap.m.ScreenSizes).indexOf(sWidth.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
if (!/^\d+(\.\d+)?(px|em|rem)$/i.test(sWidth)) {
throw new Error('invalid CSS size("px", "em", "rem" required) or sap.m.ScreenSize enumeration for property "minScreenWidth" of ' + this);
// Checks the given width(px or em), if it is a predefined screen value
Column.prototype._isWidthPredefined = function(sWidth) {
var that = this,
unit = sWidth.replace(/[^a-z]/g, ""),
baseFontSize = parseFloat(sap.m.BaseFontSize) || 16;
jQuery.each(sap.m.ScreenSizes, function(screen, size) {
if (unit != "px") {
size /= baseFontSize;
if (size + unit == sWidth) {
that._minWidth = this + "px";
that._screen = screen;
return false;
* Apply text alignment of the Column to Text/Label/Link...
* TODO: This is so ugly to check content functions
* instead we should document how to use our controls
* to inherit text-alignment and we should add a new
* sap.ui.core.TextAlign type called "Inherit"
* @param {sap.ui.core.Control} oControl List control
* @param {String} [sAlign] TextAlign enumeration
* @return {sap.ui.core.Control} oControl
* @protected
Column.prototype.applyAlignTo = function(oControl, sAlign) {
sAlign = sAlign || this.getHAlign();
if (sAlign === sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Initial ||
!oControl.getMetadata().getProperties().textAlign ||
oControl.getTextAlign() === sAlign) {
return oControl;
oControl.setProperty("textAlign", sAlign, true);
var oDomRef = oControl.getDomRef();
sAlign = this.getCssAlign(sAlign);
if (oDomRef && sAlign) {
oDomRef.style.textAlign = sAlign;
return oControl;
* Returns CSS alignment according to column hAlign setting or given parameter
* for Begin/End values checks the locale settings
* @param {String} [sAlign] TextAlign enumeration
* @return {String} left|center|right
* @protected
Column.prototype.getCssAlign = function(sAlign) {
sAlign = sAlign || this.getHAlign();
var mTextAlign = sap.ui.core.TextAlign;
if (sAlign === mTextAlign.Begin || sAlign === mTextAlign.End || sAlign === mTextAlign.Initial) {
sAlign = Renderer.getTextAlign(sAlign);
return sAlign.toLowerCase();
// Returns styleClass property with extra responsive class if second parameter is set true
Column.prototype.getStyleClass = function(bResponsive) {
var cls = this.getProperty("styleClass");
if (!bResponsive) {
return cls;
if (this._screen && (!this.getDemandPopin() || !window.matchMedia)) {
cls += " sapMSize-" + this._screen;
} else if (this._media && !this._media.matches) {
cls += " sapMListTblNone";
return cls;
* Returns visible probability of the column
* @param {boolean} [bReturnCache] Whether return cache or new result
* @return {boolean}
* @protected
Column.prototype.isNeverVisible = function(bReturnCache) {
if (bReturnCache) {
return this._isNeverVisible;
if (!this._minWidth) {
this._isNeverVisible = false;
return this._isNeverVisible;
var width = parseFloat(this._minWidth),
unit = this._minWidth.replace(/[^a-z]/g, ""),
baseFontSize = parseFloat(sap.m.BaseFontSize) || 16;
if (unit != "px") {
width *= baseFontSize;
this._isNeverVisible = (width > Math.max(window.screen.width, window.screen.height));
return this._isNeverVisible;
* Sets the visible column index
* Negative index values can be used to clear
* @param {int} nIndex index of the visible column
* @protected
Column.prototype.setIndex = function(nIndex) {
this._index = +nIndex;
* Sets the order of the column
* Does not do the visual effect
* Table should be invalidate to re-render
* @param {int} nOrder order of the column
* @protected
Column.prototype.setOrder = function(nOrder) {
this._order = +nOrder;
* Gets the order of the column
* @returns {int} nOrder order of the column
* @protected
Column.prototype.getOrder = function() {
return this.hasOwnProperty("_order") ? this._order : this.getInitialOrder();
* Sets the initial order of the column
* @param {int} nOrder initial order of the column
* @protected
Column.prototype.setInitialOrder = function(nOrder) {
this._initialOrder = +nOrder;
* Gets the initial order of the column
* @returns {int} initial order of the column
* @protected
Column.prototype.getInitialOrder = function() {
if (this.hasOwnProperty("_initialOrder")) {
return this._initialOrder;
var oParent = this.getParent();
if (oParent && oParent.indexOfColumn) {
return oParent.indexOfColumn(this);
return -1;
* Display or hide the column from given table
* This does not set the visibility property of the column
* @param {Object} oTableDomRef Table DOM reference
* @param {boolean} [bDisplay] whether visible or not
* @protected
Column.prototype.setDisplay = function(oTableDomRef, bDisplay) {
if (!oTableDomRef || this._index < 0) {
// go with native we need speed
var i = this._index + 1,
parent = this.getParent(),
display = bDisplay ? "table-cell" : "none",
header = oTableDomRef.querySelector("tr > th:nth-child(" + i + ")"),
cells = oTableDomRef.querySelectorAll("tr > td:nth-child(" + i + ")"),
length = cells.length;
// set display and aria
header.style.display = display;
header.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !bDisplay);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
cells[i].style.display = display;
cells[i].setAttribute("aria-hidden", !bDisplay);
// let the parent know the visibility change
if (parent && parent.setTableHeaderVisibility) {
// make it sure rendering phase is done with timeout
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
* Display or hide the column from given table via checking media query changes
* @param {Object} oTableDomRef Table DOM reference
* @protected
Column.prototype.setDisplayViaMedia = function(oTableDomRef) {
var oParent = this.getParent(),
bDisplay = this._media && this._media.matches;
if (!this.getDemandPopin() && this._screen && oParent && oParent.setTableHeaderVisibility) {
// this means CSS media queries already change the column visibility
// let the parent know the visibility change
// make it sure rendering phase is done with timeout
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
} else {
this.setDisplay(oTableDomRef, bDisplay);
Column.prototype.setVisible = function(bVisible) {
var oParent = this.getParent(),
oTableDomRef = oParent && oParent.getTableDomRef && oParent.getTableDomRef(),
bSupressInvalidate = oTableDomRef && this._index >= 0;
this.setProperty("visible", bVisible, bSupressInvalidate);
if (bSupressInvalidate) {
this.setDisplay(oTableDomRef, bVisible);
return this;
* Decides if we need media query or not according to given settings
* Checks the given width is known screen size
Column.prototype.setMinScreenWidth = function(sWidth) {
// check if setting the old value
if (sWidth == this.getMinScreenWidth()) {
return this;
// first validate the value
// initialize
this._minWidth = 0;
this._screen = "";
if (sWidth) {
// check given width is known screen-size
sWidth = sWidth.toLowerCase();
var width = sap.m.ScreenSizes[sWidth];
if (width) {
width += "px";
this._screen = sWidth;
} else {
width = sWidth;
// keep the minimum width value
this._minWidth = width;
// OLD: if pop-in is requested or if unknown screen-size is given then go with JS media queries
// NEW: We always need JS media queries to detect table header visibility
if (this.getDemandPopin() || !this._screen) {
return this.setProperty("minScreenWidth", sWidth);
* Decides if we need media query or not according to given settings
* if pop-in is demanded then we always need JS media queries
* if not demanded but if screen size is known CSS media query can handle
Column.prototype.setDemandPopin = function(bValue) {
// check if setting the old value
if (bValue == this.getDemandPopin()) {
return this;
// minimum width should have been set
if (!this.getMinScreenWidth()) {
return this.setProperty("demandPopin", bValue, true);
return this.setProperty("demandPopin", bValue);
* Checks the column will be shown as pop-in
* @protected
Column.prototype.isPopin = function() {
if (!this.getDemandPopin()) {
return false;
if (this._media) {
return !this._media.matches;
return false;
* Checks the column will be hidden
* @protected
Column.prototype.isHidden = function() {
if (this._media) {
return !this._media.matches;
if (this._screen && this._minWidth) {
return parseFloat(this._minWidth) > window.innerWidth;
return false;
* Sets the last value of the column if mergeDuplicates property is true
* @param {any} value Any Value
* @returns {sap.m.Column}
* @since 1.16
* @protected
Column.prototype.setLastValue = function(value) {
if (this.getMergeDuplicates()) {
this._lastValue = value;
return this;
* Clears the last value of the column if mergeDuplicates property is true
* @returns {sap.m.Column}
* @since 1.20.4
* @protected
Column.prototype.clearLastValue = function() {
return this.setLastValue(NaN);
* Gets the last value of the column
* @since 1.16
* @protected
Column.prototype.getLastValue = function() {
return this._lastValue;
* Gets called from the Table when the all items are removed
* @since 1.16
* @protected
Column.prototype.onItemsRemoved = function() {
* Determines whether the given width is relative or not
* @private
* @returns {boolean}
Column.prototype.isRelativeWidth = function() {
return /^(|auto|[-+]?\d+\.?\d*%|inherit)$/i.test(this.getWidth());
* Determines whether box-sizing content-box works for columns or not
* Native android browsers does not honour content-box for fixed table layout
* https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18565
* @protected
* @readonly
* @static
Column.bContentBoxSupport = (function() {
var iWidth = 5,
sTable = "<table style='table-layout:fixed; width:" + iWidth + "px; position:absolute; left:-999px; top:-999px'>" +
"<tr><td style='width:" + iWidth + "px; padding:1px; border:1px solid transparent;'></td></tr>" +
$Table = jQuery(sTable);
var iContentWidth = $Table.find("td").width();
return (iContentWidth == iWidth);
* Gets called from the parent after all cells in column are rendered
* @param {jQuery} $Table Table jQuery reference
* @param {Boolean} [bAutoTableLayout] Table layout
* @see sap.m.Column#bContentBoxSupport
* @protected
Column.prototype.onColumnRendered = function($Table, bAutoTableLayout) {
// native android browsers does not honour box-sizing content-box for fixed table layout
// if there is no content-box support and column is visible and not in popin then run the workaround
if (bAutoTableLayout ||
Column.bContentBoxSupport ||
!this.getVisible() ||
this.isRelativeWidth() ||
this.isPopin() ||
this.isNeverVisible()) {
var $Header = $Table.find("th").eq(this._index),
iOuterWidth = $Header.outerWidth(),
iContentWidth = $Header.width(),
iWidth = 2 * iOuterWidth - iContentWidth;
// set the outer-width as column width
$Header.attr("data-sap-width", iWidth + "px");
return Column;
}, /* bExport= */ true);