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* SAP UI development toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5/OpenUI5)
* (c) Copyright 2009-2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
sap.ui.define(['jquery.sap.global', 'sap/ui/core/Renderer', './InputBaseRenderer'],
function(jQuery, Renderer, InputBaseRenderer) {
"use strict";
* DatePicker renderer.
* @namespace
var DatePickerRenderer = Renderer.extend(InputBaseRenderer);
* Adds control specific class
* @param {sap.ui.core.RenderManager} oRm the RenderManager that can be used for writing to the render output buffer
* @param {sap.m.DatePicker} oDP an object representation of the control that should be rendered
DatePickerRenderer.addOuterClasses = function(oRm, oDP) {
oRm.addClass("sapMInputVH"); // just reuse styling of value help icon
if (sap.ui.Device.browser.internet_explorer && sap.ui.Device.browser.version < 11) {
* add extra content to Input
* @param {sap.ui.core.RenderManager} oRm the RenderManager that can be used for writing to the render output buffer
* @param {sap.m.DatePicker} oDP an object representation of the control that should be rendered
DatePickerRenderer.writeInnerContent = function(oRm, oDP) {
if (oDP.getEnabled() && oDP.getEditable()) {
var aClasses = ["sapMInputValHelpInner"];
var mAttributes = {};
mAttributes["id"] = oDP.getId() + "-icon";
mAttributes["tabindex"] = "-1"; // to get focus events on it, needed for popup autoclose handling
oRm.write('<div class="sapMInputValHelp">');
oRm.writeIcon("sap-icon://appointment-2", aClasses, mAttributes);
// invisible span with description for keyboard navigation
var rb = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.ui.unified");
// ResourceBundle always returns the key if the text is not found
// ResourceBundle always returns the key if the text is not found
var sText = rb.getText("DATEPICKER_DATE_TYPE");
var sTooltip = sap.ui.core.ValueStateSupport.enrichTooltip(oDP, oDP.getTooltip_AsString());
if (sTooltip) {
// add tooltip to description because it is not read by JAWS from title-attribute if a label is assigned
sText = sText + ". " + sTooltip;
oRm.write('<SPAN id="' + oDP.getId() + '-Descr" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">');
* Write the value of the input.
* @param {sap.ui.core.RenderManager} oRm The RenderManager that can be used for writing to the render output buffer.
* @param {sap.m.DatePicker} oDP An object representation of the control that should be rendered.
DatePickerRenderer.writeInnerValue = function(oRm, oDP) {
oRm.writeAttributeEscaped("value", oDP._formatValue(oDP.getDateValue()));
* This method is reserved for derived classes to add extra attributes for the input element.
* @param {sap.ui.core.RenderManager} oRm The RenderManager that can be used for writing to the render output buffer.
* @param {sap.m.DatePicker} oDP An object representation of the control that should be rendered.
DatePickerRenderer.writeInnerAttributes = function(oRm, oDP) {
if (oDP._bMobile) {
// prevent keyboard in mobile devices
oRm.writeAttribute("readonly", "readonly");
DatePickerRenderer.writeAccessibilityState = function(oRm, oDP) {
var mProps = {
role: "combobox",
multiline: false,
autocomplete: "none",
haspopup: true,
owns: oDP.getId() + "-cal",
describedby: {value: oDP.getId() + "-Descr", append: true}};
if (oDP.getValueState() == sap.ui.core.ValueState.Error) {
mProps["invalid"] = true;
oRm.writeAccessibilityState(oDP, mProps);
return DatePickerRenderer;
}, /* bExport= */ true);