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* SAP UI development toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5/OpenUI5)
* (c) Copyright 2009-2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
// Provides control sap.m.DateRangeSelection.
sap.ui.define(['jquery.sap.global', './DatePicker', './library'],
function(jQuery, DatePicker, library) {
"use strict";
* Constructor for a new DateRangeSelection.
* @param {string} [sId] id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given
* @param {object} [mSettings] initial settings for the new control
* @class
* This is a date range selection control. It internal uses the sap.ui.unified.Calendar. So the sap.ui.unified library should be loaded from applications using this control.
* @extends sap.m.DatePicker
* @version 1.28.5
* @constructor
* @public
* @alias sap.m.DateRangeSelection
* @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel
var DateRangeSelection = DatePicker.extend("sap.m.DateRangeSelection", /** @lends sap.m.DateRangeSelection.prototype */ { metadata : {
library : "sap.m",
properties : {
* Delimiter of starting and ending date. Default value is "-".
* If no delimiter is given the one defined for the used locale is used.
delimiter : {type : "string", group : "Misc", defaultValue : '-'},
* Ending date of the range.
secondDateValue : {type : "object", group : "Data", defaultValue : null},
* Starting date of the range.
* @deprecated Since version 1.22.
* Former property for starting date - since next release will be not supported. Use dateValue instead.
from : {type : "object", group : "Misc", defaultValue : null, deprecated: true},
* Ending date of the range.
* @deprecated Since version 1.22.
* Former property for ending date - since next release will be not supported. Use secondDateValue instead.
to : {type : "object", group : "Misc", defaultValue : null, deprecated: true}
events : {
* Event thrown in case of change of date range.
change : {
parameters : {
* Current starting date after change.
from : {type : "object"},
* Current ending date after change.
to : {type : "object"}
* This file defines behavior for the control
* @public
(function() {
DateRangeSelection.prototype.init = function(){
DatePicker.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
this._bIntervalSelection = true;
DateRangeSelection.prototype.onkeypress = function(oEvent){
if (oEvent.charCode) {
var that = this;
var oFormatter = _getFormatter(that);
var sDelimiter = _getDelimiter(that);
var sAllowedCharacters = oFormatter.sAllowedCharacters + sDelimiter + " ";
var sChar = String.fromCharCode(oEvent.charCode);
if (sChar && oFormatter.sAllowedCharacters && sAllowedCharacters.indexOf(sChar) < 0) {
DateRangeSelection.prototype._getPlaceholder = function() {
var sPlaceholder = this.getPlaceholder();
if (!sPlaceholder) {
sPlaceholder = this.getDisplayFormat();
if (!sPlaceholder) {
sPlaceholder = "medium";
if (sPlaceholder === "short" || sPlaceholder === "medium" || sPlaceholder === "long") {
var oLocale = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getFormatSettings().getFormatLocale();
var oLocaleData = sap.ui.core.LocaleData.getInstance(oLocale);
sPlaceholder = oLocaleData.getDatePattern(sPlaceholder);
var that = this;
var sDelimiter = _getDelimiter(that);
if (sDelimiter && sDelimiter !== "") {
sPlaceholder = sPlaceholder + " " + sDelimiter + " " + sPlaceholder;
return sPlaceholder;
// Overwrite DatePicker's setValue to support two date range processing
DateRangeSelection.prototype.setValue = function(sValue) {
if (sValue !== this.getValue()) {
this._lastValue = sValue;
} else {
return this;
// Set the property in any case but check validity on output
this.setProperty("value", sValue, true);
this._bValid = true;
// Convert to date object(s)
var aDates = [undefined, undefined];
if (sValue) {
aDates = this._parseValue(sValue);
aDates = _dateRangeValidityCheck(this, aDates[0], aDates[1]);
if (!aDates[0]) {
this._bValid = false;
jQuery.sap.log.warning("Value can not be converted to a valid dates", this);
if (this._bValid) {
this.setProperty("dateValue", aDates[0], true);
this.setProperty("secondDateValue", aDates[1], true);
// Do not call InputBase.setValue because the displayed value and the output value might have different pattern
if (this.getDomRef()) {
// Convert to output
var sOutputValue = this._formatValue(aDates[0], aDates[1]);
if (this._$input.val() !== sOutputValue) {
this._curpos = this._$input.cursorPos();
return this;
//Following setters/getters are due to backward compatibility with original primary version of composite sap.m.DateRangeSelection,
//that consisted of original primary sap.m.DateRangeSelection
DateRangeSelection.prototype.setFrom = function(oFrom) {
DateRangeSelection.prototype.getFrom = function() {
return this.getDateValue();
DateRangeSelection.prototype.setTo = function(oTo) {
DateRangeSelection.prototype.getTo = function() {
return this.getSecondDateValue();
// Overwrite DatePicker's setDateValue to support two date range processing
* Setter for property <code>dateValue</code>.
* Starting date of the range.
* Default value is empty/undefined
* @param {object} oDateValue new value for property dateValue
* @returns {sap.m.DateRangeSelection} <code>this</code> to allow method chaining.
* @protected
DateRangeSelection.prototype.setDateValue = function(oDateValue) {
if (jQuery.sap.equal(this.getDateValue(), oDateValue)) {
return this;
if (oDateValue && (oDateValue.getTime() < this._oMinDate.getTime() || oDateValue.getTime() > this._oMaxDate.getTime())) {
this._bValid = false;
jQuery.sap.assert(this._bValid, "Date must be in valid range");
}else {
this._bValid = true;
this.setProperty("dateValue", oDateValue, true); // no rerendering
var oSecondDateValue = this.getSecondDateValue();
// Convert date object(s) to value
var sValue = this._formatValue(oDateValue, oSecondDateValue);
if (sValue !== this.getValue()) {
this._lastValue = sValue;
// Set the property in any case but check validity on output
this.setProperty("value", sValue, true);
if (this.getDomRef()) {
// convert to output
var sOutputValue = this._formatValue(oDateValue, oSecondDateValue);
if (this._$input.val() !== sOutputValue) {
this._curpos = this._$input.cursorPos();
return this;
DateRangeSelection.prototype.setSecondDateValue = function(oSecondDateValue) {
if (jQuery.sap.equal(this.getSecondDateValue(), oSecondDateValue)) {
return this;
if (oSecondDateValue && (oSecondDateValue.getTime() < this._oMinDate.getTime() || oSecondDateValue.getTime() > this._oMaxDate.getTime())) {
this._bValid = false;
jQuery.sap.assert(this._bValid, "Date must be in valid range");
}else {
this._bValid = true;
this.setProperty("secondDateValue", oSecondDateValue, true); // no rerendering
var oDateValue = this.getDateValue();
// Convert date object(s) to value
var sValue = this._formatValue(oDateValue, oSecondDateValue);
if (sValue !== this.getValue()) {
this._lastValue = sValue;
// Set the property in any case but check validity on output
this.setProperty("value", sValue, true);
if (this.getDomRef()) {
// convert to output
var sOutputValue = this._formatValue(oDateValue, oSecondDateValue);
if (this._$input.val() !== sOutputValue) {
this._curpos = this._$input.cursorPos();
return this;
//Support of two date range version added into original DatePicker's version
DateRangeSelection.prototype._parseValue = function(sValue) {
var oFormat;
var aDates = [];
var oDate1, oDate2;
//If we have version of control with delimiter, then sValue should consist of two dates delimited with delimiter,
//hence we have to split the value to these dates
var that = this;
var sDelimiter = _getDelimiter(that);
if ((sDelimiter && sDelimiter !== "") && sValue) {
aDates = sValue.split(sDelimiter);
if (aDates.length === 2) {
// if delimiter only appears once in value (not part of date pattern) remove " " to be more flexible for input
if (aDates[0].slice(aDates[0].length - 1,aDates[0].length) == " ") {
aDates[0] = aDates[0].slice(0, aDates[0].length - 1);
if (aDates[1].slice(0,1) == " ") {
aDates[1] = aDates[1].slice(1);
} else {
aDates = sValue.split(" " + sDelimiter + " ");// Delimiter appears more than once -> try with separators
if (aDates.length < 2) {
// no delimiter found -> maybe only " " is used
var aDates2 = sValue.split(" ");
if (aDates2.length === 2) {
aDates = aDates2;
if (sValue && aDates.length <= 2) {
oFormat = _getFormatter(that);
//Convert to date object(s)
if ((!sDelimiter || sDelimiter === "") || aDates.length === 1) {
oDate1 = oFormat.parse(sValue);
} else if (aDates.length === 2) {
oDate1 = oFormat.parse(aDates[0]);
oDate2 = oFormat.parse(aDates[1]);
if (!oDate1 || !oDate2) {
// at least one date can not be parsed -> whole value is incorrect
oDate1 = undefined;
oDate2 = undefined;
return [oDate1, oDate2];
//Support of two date range version added into original DatePicker's version
DateRangeSelection.prototype._formatValue = function(oDateValue, oSecondDateValue) {
var sValue = "";
var that = this;
var sDelimiter = _getDelimiter(that);
if (oDateValue) {
var oFormat;
oFormat = _getFormatter(that);
if (sDelimiter && sDelimiter !== "" && oSecondDateValue) {
sValue = oFormat.format(oDateValue) + " " + sDelimiter + " " + oFormat.format(oSecondDateValue);
} else {
sValue = oFormat.format(oDateValue);
return sValue;
DateRangeSelection.prototype.onChange = function() {
// check the control is editable or not
if (!this.getEditable() || !this.getEnabled()) {
var sValue = this._$input.val();
var aDates = [undefined, undefined];
this._bValid = true;
if (sValue != "") {
aDates = this._parseValue(sValue);
aDates = _dateRangeValidityCheck(this, aDates[0], aDates[1]);
if (aDates[0]) {
sValue = this._formatValue( aDates[0], aDates[1] ); // to have the right output format if entered different
} else {
this._bValid = false;
if (sValue !== this._lastValue) {
if (this.getDomRef() && (this._$input.val() !== sValue)) {
this._curpos = this._$input.cursorPos();
this.setProperty("value", sValue, true);
if (this._bValid) {
this.setProperty("dateValue", aDates[0], true);
this.setProperty("secondDateValue", aDates[1], true);
this._lastValue = sValue;
if (this._oPopup && this._oPopup.isOpen()) {
var oStartDate = this.getDateValue();
if (oStartDate) {
if (!this._oDateRange.getStartDate() || this._oDateRange.getStartDate().getTime() !== oStartDate.getTime()) {
this._oDateRange.setStartDate(new Date(oStartDate.getTime()));
} else {
if (this._oDateRange.getStartDate()) {
var oEndDate = this.getSecondDateValue();
if (oEndDate) {
if (!this._oDateRange.getEndDate() || this._oDateRange.getEndDate().getTime() !== oEndDate.getTime()) {
this._oDateRange.setEndDate(new Date(oEndDate.getTime()));
} else {
if (this._oDateRange.getEndDate()) {
var that = this;
_fireChange(that, this._bValid);
// Overwrite DatePicker's _getInputValue to support two date range processing
DateRangeSelection.prototype._getInputValue = function(sValue) {
sValue = (typeof sValue == "undefined") ? this._$input.val() : sValue.toString();
var aDates = this._parseValue(sValue);
sValue = this._formatValue( aDates[0], aDates[1]);
return sValue;
// overwrite _getInputValue to do the output conversion
DateRangeSelection.prototype.updateDomValue = function(sValue) {
// dom value updated other than value property
this._bCheckDomValue = true;
sValue = (typeof sValue == "undefined") ? this._$input.val() : sValue.toString();
this._curpos = this._$input.cursorPos();
var aDates = this._parseValue(sValue);
sValue = this._formatValue( aDates[0], aDates[1]);
// update the DOM value when necessary
// otherwise cursor can goto end of text unnecessarily
if (this.isActive() && (this._$input.val() !== sValue)) {
// update synthetic placeholder visibility
return this;
// overwrite InputBase function because this calls _getInputValue what calls _parseValue what updates the properties
// This should be redesigned at all, because parsing should not update the properties in every case
DateRangeSelection.prototype._setLabelVisibility = function() {
if (!this._bShowLabelAsPlaceholder || !this._$label || !this.isActive()) {
var sValue = this._$input.val();
this._$label.css("display", sValue ? "none" : "inline");
//Do nothing in case of PageUp
DateRangeSelection.prototype.onsappageup = function(){}; //EXC_JSLINT_021
DateRangeSelection.prototype.onsappageupmodifiers = function(){}; //EXC_JSLINT_021
//Do nothing in case of PageDown
DateRangeSelection.prototype.onsappagedown = function(){}; //EXC_JSLINT_021
DateRangeSelection.prototype.onsappagedownmodifiers = function(){}; //EXC_JSLINT_021
//Support of two date range version of Calendar added into original DatePicker's version
DateRangeSelection.prototype._fillDateRange = function(){
DatePicker.prototype._fillDateRange.apply(this, arguments);
var oEndDate = this.getSecondDateValue();
if (oEndDate) {
if (!this._oDateRange.getEndDate() || this._oDateRange.getEndDate().getTime() !== oEndDate.getTime()) {
this._oDateRange.setEndDate(new Date(oEndDate.getTime()));
} else {
if (this._oDateRange.getEndDate()) {
DateRangeSelection.prototype._selectDate = function(oEvent){
var aSelectedDates = this._oCalendar.getSelectedDates();
if (aSelectedDates.length > 0) {
var oDate1 = aSelectedDates[0].getStartDate();
var oDate2 = aSelectedDates[0].getEndDate();
if (oDate1 && oDate2) {
var oDate1Old = this.getDateValue();
var oDate2Old = this.getSecondDateValue();
this._bFocusNoPopup = true;
var sValue;
var that = this;
if (!jQuery.sap.equal(oDate1, oDate1Old) || !jQuery.sap.equal(oDate2, oDate2Old)) {
// compare Dates because value can be the same if only 2 digits for year
if (jQuery.sap.equal(oDate2, oDate2Old)) {
} else {
this.setProperty("dateValue", oDate1, true); // no rerendering
sValue = this.getValue();
_fireChange(that, true);
this._curpos = sValue.length;
}else if (!this._bValid){
// wrong input before open calendar
sValue = this._formatValue( oDate1, oDate2 );
if (sValue != this._$input.val()) {
this._bValid = true;
if (this.getDomRef()) { // as control could be destroyed during update binding
_fireChange(that, true);
//To prevent opening keyboard on mobile device after dates are selected
if (sap.ui.Device.browser.mobile) {
function _fireChange(oThis, bValid) {
oThis.fireChangeEvent(oThis.getValue(), {
from: oThis.getDateValue(),
to: oThis.getSecondDateValue(),
valid: bValid
function _dateRangeValidityCheck(oThis, oDate, oSecondDate) {
if (oDate && oSecondDate && oDate.getTime() > oSecondDate.getTime()) {
// dates are in wrong oder -> just switch
var oTmpDate = oDate;
oDate = oSecondDate;
oSecondDate = oTmpDate;
if ((oDate && ( oDate.getTime() < oThis._oMinDate.getTime() || oDate.getTime() > oThis._oMaxDate.getTime())) ||
(oSecondDate && ( oSecondDate.getTime() < oThis._oMinDate.getTime() || oSecondDate.getTime() > oThis._oMaxDate.getTime()))) {
return [undefined, undefined];
}else {
return [oDate, oSecondDate];
function _getDelimiter(oThis) {
var sDelimiter = oThis.getDelimiter();
if (!sDelimiter) {
if (!oThis._sLocaleDelimiter) {
var oLocale = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getFormatSettings().getFormatLocale();
var oLocaleData = sap.ui.core.LocaleData.getInstance(oLocale);
var sPattern = oLocaleData.getIntervalPattern();
var iIndex1 = sPattern.indexOf("{0}") + 3;
var iIndex2 = sPattern.indexOf("{1}");
sDelimiter = sPattern.slice(iIndex1, iIndex2);
if (sDelimiter.length > 1) {
if (sDelimiter.slice(0,1) == " ") {
sDelimiter = sDelimiter.slice(1);
if (sDelimiter.slice(sDelimiter.length - 1,sDelimiter.length) == " ") {
sDelimiter = sDelimiter.slice(0, sDelimiter.length - 1);
oThis._sLocaleDelimiter = sDelimiter;
} else {
sDelimiter = oThis._sLocaleDelimiter;
return sDelimiter;
function _getFormatter(oThis) {
var sPattern = ( oThis.getDisplayFormat() || "medium" );
var oFormat;
if (sPattern == oThis._sUsedDisplayPattern) {
oFormat = oThis._sDisplayFormat;
} else {
if (sPattern === "short" || sPattern === "medium" || sPattern === "long") {
oFormat = sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat.getInstance({style: sPattern, strictParsing: true});
} else {
oFormat = sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat.getInstance({pattern: sPattern, strictParsing: true});
oThis._sUsedDisplayPattern = sPattern;
oThis._sDisplayFormat = oFormat;
return oFormat;
// to overwrite JS doc
* Getter for property <code>dateValue</code>.
* Starting date of the range.
* Default value is empty/undefined
* @returns {object} the value of property secondDateValue
* @protected
* @name sap.m.DateRangeSelection#getDateValue
* @function
* Setter for property <code>valueFormat</code>.
* Property <code>valueFormat</code> is not supported in <code>sap.m.DateRangeSelection</code> control.
* @protected
* @name sap.m.DateRangeSelection#setValueFormat
* @function
* Getter for property <code>valueFormat</code>.
* Property <code>valueFormat</code> is not supported in <code>sap.m.DateRangeSelection</code> control.
* @protected
* @name sap.m.DateRangeSelection#getValueFormat
* @function
* On change of date range event.
* @name sap.m.DateRangeSelection#change
* @event
* @param {sap.ui.base.Event} oControlEvent
* @param {sap.ui.base.EventProvider} oControlEvent.getSource
* @param {object} oControlEvent.getParameters
* @param {string} oControlEvent.getParameters.value The new value of the input.
* @param {boolean} oControlEvent.getParameters.valid Indicator for a valid date.
* @param {object} oControlEvent.getParameters.from Current starting date after change.
* @param {object} oControlEvent.getParameters.to Current ending date after change.
* @public
* Fire event change to attached listeners.
* Expects following event parameters:
* <ul>
* <li>'value' of type <code>string</code> The new value of the input.</li>
* <li>'valid' of type <code>boolean</code> Indicator for a valid date.</li>
* <li>'from' of type <code>object</code> Current starting date after change-</li>
* <li>'to' of type <code>object</code> Current ending date after change.</li>
* </ul>
* @param {Map} [mArguments] the arguments to pass along with the event.
* @return {sap.m.DateRangeSelection} <code>this</code> to allow method chaining
* @protected
* @name sap.m.DateRangeSelection#fireChange
* @function
return DateRangeSelection;
}, /* bExport= */ true);