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* Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package com.ibm.wala.cast.js.ipa.callgraph.correlations.extraction;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.ASSIGN;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.BINARY_EXPR;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.BREAK;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.CALL;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.CONSTANT;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.CONTINUE;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.EMPTY;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.FUNCTION_EXPR;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.FUNCTION_STMT;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.GOTO;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.IFGOTO;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.LABEL_STMT;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.LOOP;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.OBJECT_LITERAL;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.OBJECT_REF;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.OPERATOR;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.RETURN;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.SWITCH;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.THROW;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.TRY;
import static com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode.VAR;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.types.JavaScriptTypes;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAst;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstControlFlowMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstEntity;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNodeTypeMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstBasicRewriter.NoKey;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstOperator;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashSetFactory;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Pair;
import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.UnimplementedError;
* A CAst rewriter for extracting bits of code into one-shot closures. What to extract is determined
* by an {@link ExtractionPolicy}.
* <p>For instance, a {@link ForInBodyExtractionPolicy} extracts the body of every for-in loop in
* the program, whereas a {@link CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy} extracts pieces of code containing
* correlated property reads and writes of the same property.</p>
* <p>As an example, consider the following function:</p>
* <pre>
* function extend(dest, src) {
* for(var p in src)
* dest[p] = src[p];
* }
* </pre>
* <p>Under both {@link ForInBodyExtractionPolicy} and {@link CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy}, this
* should be transformed into</p>
* <pre>
* function extend(dest, src) {
* for(var p in src)
* (function _forin_body_0(p) {
* dest[p] = src[p];
* })(p);
* }
* </pre>
* <p>There are four issues to be considered here.</p>
* <ul>
* <li><b>References to <code>this</code></b>:
* <p>If the code to extract contains references to <code>this</code>, these references have to be
* rewritten; otherwise they would refer to the global object in the transformed code.</p>
* <p>We do this by giving the extracted function an extra parameter <code>thi$</code>, and rewriting
* <code>this</code> to <code>thi$</code> within the extracted code.</p>
* <p>For instance,</p>
* <pre>
* Object.prototype.extend = function(src) {
* for(var p in src)
* this[p] = src[p];
* }
* </pre>
* <p>becomes</p>
* <pre>
* Object.prototype.extend = function(src) {
* for(var p in src)
* (function _forin_body_0(p, thi$) {
* thi$[p] = src[p];
* })(p, this);
* }
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li><b>Local variable declarations</b>:
* <p>Local variable declarations inside the extracted code have to be hoisted to the enclosing function;
* otherwise they would become local variables of the extracted function instead.</p>
* <p>This is already taken care of by the translation from Rhino's AST to CAst.</p>
* </li>
* <li><b><code>break</code>,<code>continue</code>,<code>return</code></b>:
* <p>A <code>break</code> or <code>continue</code> statement within the extracted loop body that refers
* to the loop itself or an enclosing loop would become invalid in the transformed code. A <code>return</code>
* statement would no longer return from the enclosing function, but instead from the extracted function.</p>
* <p>We transform all three statements into <code>return</code> statements returning an object literal with a
* property <code>type</code> indicating whether this is a 'goto' (i.e., <code>break</code> or <code>return</code>)
* or a 'return'. In the former case, the 'target' property contains an integer identifying the jump target; in
* the latter case, the 'value' property contains the value to return.</p>
* <p>The return value of the extracted function is then examined to determine whether it completed normally
* (i.e., returned <code>undefined</code>), or whether it returned an object indicating special control flow.</p>
* <p>For example, consider this code from MooTools:</p>
* <pre>
* for(var style in Element.ShortStyles) {
* if(property != style)
* continue;
* for(var s in Element.ShortStyles[style])
* result.push(this.getStyle(s));
* return result.join(' ');
* }
* </pre>
* <p>Under {@link ForInBodyExtractionPolicy}, this is transformed into</p>
* <pre>
* for(var style in Element.ShortStyles) {
* var s;
* re$ = (function _forin_body_0(style, thi$) {
* if(property != style)
* return { type: 'goto', target: 1 };
* for(s in Element.ShortStyles[style]) {
* (function _forin_body_2(s) {
* result.push(thi$.getStyle(s));
* })(s);
* }
* return { type: 'return', value: result.join(' ') };
* })(style, this);
* if(re$) {
* if(re$.type == 'return')
* return re$.value;
* if(re$.type == 'goto') {
* if(re$.target == 1)
* continue;
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <p>Note that at the CAst level, <code>break</code> and <code>continue</code> are represented as <code>goto</code>
* statements, which simplifies the translation somewhat. The numerical encoding of jump targets does not matter
* as long as the extracted function and the fixup code agree on which number represents which label.</p>
* </li>
* <li><b>Assignment to loop variable</b>:
* <p>The loop body may assign to the loop variable. If the variable is referenced after the loop, this assignment
* needs to be propagated back to the enclosing function in the extracted code.</p>
* <p><b>TODO:</b> This is not handled at the moment.</p>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>Finally, note that exceptions do not need to be handled specially.</p>
* @author mschaefer
public class ClosureExtractor extends CAstRewriterExt {
private LinkedList<ExtractionPolicy> policies = new LinkedList<ExtractionPolicy>();
private final ExtractionPolicyFactory policyFactory;
// names for extracted functions are built from this string with a number appended
private static final String EXTRACTED_FUN_BASENAME = "_forin_body_";
private NodeLabeller labeller = new NodeLabeller();
public ClosureExtractor(CAst Ast, ExtractionPolicyFactory policyFactory) {
super(Ast, true, new RootPos());
this.policyFactory = policyFactory;
protected void enterEntity(CAstEntity entity) {
protected void leaveEntity(CAstEntity entity) {
protected CAstNode copyNodes(CAstNode root, CAstControlFlowMap cfg, NodePos context, Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodeMap) {
switch(root.getKind()) {
return root;
return copyConstant(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
return copyBlock(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
case RETURN:
return copyReturn(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
case VAR:
return copyVar(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
case GOTO:
return copyGoto(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
return copyNode(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
/* Constants are not affected by the rewriting, they are just copied. */
private CAstNode copyConstant(CAstNode root, CAstControlFlowMap cfg, NodePos context, Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodeMap) {
CAstNode newNode = Ast.makeConstant(root.getValue());
nodeMap.put(Pair.make(root, context.key()), newNode);
return newNode;
/* Ask the policy whether it wants anything extracted from this block; otherwise the node is simply copied. */
private CAstNode copyBlock(CAstNode root, CAstControlFlowMap cfg, NodePos context, Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodeMap) {
List<ExtractionRegion> regions = policies.getFirst().extract(root);
if(regions == null) {
return copyNode(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
} else {
ArrayList<CAstNode> copied_children = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
int next_child = 0;
// code in between regions is handled by invoking copyNodes, the regions themselves by extractRegion
for(ExtractionRegion region : regions) {
copied_children.add(copyNodes(root.getChild(next_child), cfg, new ChildPos(root, next_child, context), nodeMap));
for(CAstNode stmt : extractRegion(root, cfg, new ExtractionPos(root, region, context), nodeMap))
next_child = region.getEnd();
copied_children.add(copyNodes(root.getChild(next_child), cfg, new ChildPos(root, next_child, context), nodeMap));
CAstNode newNode = Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, copied_children.toArray(new CAstNode[0]));
nodeMap.put(Pair.make(root, context.key()), newNode);
return newNode;
* Normal variables are just copied, but 'this' references need to be rewritten if we are inside an extracted
* function body.
private CAstNode copyVar(CAstNode root, CAstControlFlowMap cfg, NodePos context, Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodeMap) {
* If this node is a "this" reference, the outermost enclosing extracted function needs to pass in
* the value of "this" as a parameter.
* NB: This has to be done by the _outermost_ function. If it were done by an inner function instead,
* the outermost one may not pass in the value of "this" at all, so the inner one would
* get the wrong value.
if(root.getChild(0).getValue().equals("this")) {
ExtractionPos epos = ExtractionPos.getOutermostEnclosingExtractionPos(context);
if(epos != null) {
CAstNode newNode = makeVarRef(epos.getThisParmName());
addExnFlow(newNode, JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, getCurrentEntity(), context);
nodeMap.put(Pair.make(root, context.key()), newNode);
return newNode;
} else {
return copyNode(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
} else {
return copyNode(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
* 'break' and 'continue' statements are both encoded as GOTO. If they refer to a target outside the innermost
* enclosing extracted function body, they are rewritten into a 'return' statement.
private CAstNode copyGoto(CAstNode root, CAstControlFlowMap cfg, NodePos context, Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodeMap) {
CAstNode target = getCurrentEntity().getControlFlow().getTarget(root, null);
ExtractionPos epos = ExtractionPos.getEnclosingExtractionPos(context);
if(epos != null && !NodePos.inSubtree(target, epos.getParent())) {
int label = labeller.addNode(target);
// return { type: 'goto', target: <label> }
CAstNode newNode =
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("Object"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, getCurrentEntity(), context),
Ast.makeConstant("ctor")), null, getCurrentEntity(), context),
// remove outgoing cfg edges of the old node
deleteFlow(root, getCurrentEntity());
nodeMap.put(Pair.make(root, context.key()), newNode);
return newNode;
} else {
return copyNode(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
/* 'return' statements inside an extracted function body need to be encoded in a similar fashion. */
private CAstNode copyReturn(CAstNode root, CAstControlFlowMap cfg, NodePos context, Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodeMap) {
ExtractionPos epos = ExtractionPos.getEnclosingExtractionPos(context);
// if an extracted function body may terminate normally, we need to append a default RETURN node
// which should not be rewritten; this node is marked as 'synthetic'
if(epos == null || isSynthetic(root))
return copyNode(root, cfg, context, nodeMap);
// add a return to every enclosing extracted function body
do {
epos = ExtractionPos.getEnclosingExtractionPos(epos.getParentPos());
} while(epos != null);
// emit appropriate 'return' statement
if(root.getChildCount() > 0) {
// return { type: 'return', value: <retval> }
CAstNode retval = copyNodes(root.getChild(0), cfg, new ChildPos(root, 0, context), nodeMap);
CAstNode newNode =
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("Object"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, getCurrentEntity(), context),
Ast.makeConstant("ctor")), null, getCurrentEntity(), context),
nodeMap.put(Pair.make(root, context.key()), newNode);
return newNode;
} else {
// return { type: 'return' }
CAstNode newNode =
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("Object"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, getCurrentEntity(), context),
Ast.makeConstant("ctor")), null, getCurrentEntity(), context),
nodeMap.put(Pair.make(root, context.key()), newNode);
return newNode;
/* Recursively copy child nodes. */
private CAstNode copyNode(CAstNode node, CAstControlFlowMap cfg, NodePos context, Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodeMap) {
CAstNode children[] = new CAstNode[node.getChildCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
children[i] = copyNodes(node.getChild(i), cfg, new ChildPos(node, i, context), nodeMap);
CAstNode newNode = Ast.makeNode(node.getKind(), children);
nodeMap.put(Pair.make(node, context.key()), newNode);
// if this node has a control flow successor beyond the innermost enclosing extracted function loop, we need to reroute
ExtractionPos epos = ExtractionPos.getEnclosingExtractionPos(context);
if(!isFlowDeleted(newNode, getCurrentEntity()) && epos != null) {
// CAstControlFlowMap cfg = getCurrentEntity().getControlFlow();
Collection<Object> labels = cfg.getTargetLabels(node);
boolean invalidateCFlow = false;
for(Object label : labels) {
CAstNode target = cfg.getTarget(node, label);
if(target != CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT && !epos.contains(target)) {
invalidateCFlow = true;
if(invalidateCFlow) {
deleteFlow(node, getCurrentEntity());
for(Object label : labels) {
CAstNode target = cfg.getTarget(node, label);
addFlow(node, label, target, cfg);
addFlow(node, label, CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT, cfg);
return newNode;
private int anonymous_counter = 0;
private List<CAstNode> extractRegion(CAstNode root, CAstControlFlowMap cfg, ExtractionPos context, Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodeMap) {
CAstEntity entity = getCurrentEntity();
// whether we are extracting a single statement that is itself a block
boolean extractingBlock = context.getStart() + 1 == context.getEnd() && root.getChild(context.getStart()).getKind() == BLOCK_STMT;
String name = EXTRACTED_FUN_BASENAME + (anonymous_counter++);
// Create a new entity for the extracted function.
ExtractedFunction new_entity = new ExtractedFunction(name, context);
// rewrite the code to be extracted
* First, we need to massage the code a little bit, prepending an assignment of the form '<name> = <name>'
* and appending a RETURN statement if it may complete normally (i.e., if execution may 'fall off'
* the end). Additionally, if the extraction starts inside a nested BLOCK_EXPR, we flatten it out into a list
* of statements.
* The whole thing is then wrapped into a block.
ArrayList<CAstNode> prologue = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
ArrayList<CAstNode> fun_body_stmts = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
CAstNode self_ref = makeVarRef(name);
CAstNode self_assign = Ast.makeNode(ASSIGN, self_ref, makeVarRef(name));
addFlow(self_ref, JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT, entity.getControlFlow());
// if we are extracting a block, unwrap it
if(extractingBlock) {
CAstNode block = root.getChild(context.getStart());
for(int i=0;i<block.getChildCount();++i)
} else {
if(context.getRegion() instanceof TwoLevelExtractionRegion) {
CAstNode start = root.getChild(context.getStart());
TwoLevelExtractionRegion tler = (TwoLevelExtractionRegion)context.getRegion();
if(start.getKind() != CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid two-level extraction region.");
if(tler.getEndInner() != -1)
throw new UnimplementedError("Two-level extraction not fully implemented.");
int i;
prologue.add(copyNodes(start.getChild(i), cfg, context, nodeMap));
} else {
if(context.getEnd() > context.getStart()+1) {
CAstNode[] stmts = new CAstNode[context.getEnd()-context.getStart()];
for(int i=context.getStart();i<context.getEnd();++i)
stmts[i-context.getStart()] = root.getChild(i);
fun_body_stmts.add(Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, stmts));
} else {
CAstNode inner_block = Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, fun_body_stmts.toArray(new CAstNode[0]));
CAstNode fun_body = Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, inner_block);
* Now we rewrite the body and construct a Rewrite object.
final Map<Pair<CAstNode, NoKey>, CAstNode> nodes = HashMapFactory.make();
final CAstNode newRoot = copyNodes(fun_body, cfg, context, nodes);
final CAstSourcePositionMap theSource = copySource(nodes, entity.getSourceMap());
final CAstControlFlowMap theCfg = copyFlow(nodes, entity.getControlFlow(), theSource);
final CAstNodeTypeMap theTypes = copyTypes(nodes, entity.getNodeTypeMap());
final Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> theChildren = HashMapFactory.make();
for(int i=context.getStart();i<context.getEnd();++i)
theChildren.putAll(copyChildren(root.getChild(i), nodes, entity.getAllScopedEntities()));
Rewrite rw = new Rewrite() {
public CAstNode newRoot() { return newRoot; }
public CAstControlFlowMap newCfg() { return theCfg; }
public CAstSourcePositionMap newPos() { return theSource; }
public CAstNodeTypeMap newTypes() { return theTypes; }
public Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> newChildren() { return theChildren; }
/* Now we construct a call to the extracted function.
* If the body never referenced 'this', the function call will be of the form
* <extracted_fun_expr>("do", <global_object>, <parm1>, ... , <parmn>)
* The "do" argument is a dummy argument required by the CAst encoding for JavaScript.
* If, on the other hand, there are references to 'this', these will have been rewritten into references
* to an additional parameter 'thi$', so the call will be of the form
* <extracted_fun_expr>("do", <global_object>, <parm1>, ..., <parmn>, this)
* if we are in a function, and
* <extracted_fun_expr>("do", <global_object>, <parm1>, ..., <parmn>, <global_object>)
* at the top-level.
* In any case, we also add a CFG edge for a ReferenceError exception on the <parmi> arguments, and for
* a null pointer exception on the call; these are infeasible, but we add them anyway to get the same AST
* as with a manual extraction.
List<CAstNode> args = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
CAstNode funExpr = Ast.makeNode(FUNCTION_EXPR, Ast.makeConstant(new_entity));
ExtractionPos outer = ExtractionPos.getEnclosingExtractionPos(context.getParentPos());
if(outer == null) {
addEntity(funExpr, new_entity);
} else {
args.add(addNode(makeVarRef("__WALA__int3rnal__global"), entity.getControlFlow()));
for(String parmName : context.getParameters())
args.add(addExnFlow(makeVarRef(parmName), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, entity, context));
args.add(inFunction() ? Ast.makeNode(VAR, Ast.makeConstant("this")) : Ast.makeConstant(null));
CAstNode call = Ast.makeNode(CALL, args.toArray(new CAstNode[0]));
addExnFlow(call, null, entity, context);
// if the extracted code contains jumps, we need to insert some fix-up code
ArrayList<CAstNode> stmts = new ArrayList<CAstNode>(prologue);
if(context.containsJump()) {
// result of call is stored in variable 're$'
// TODO: this should not be an assignment to a global variable, but to a let-scoped one
CAstNode decl = Ast.makeNode(ASSIGN,
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("re$"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, entity, context),
CAstNode goto_fixup = null, return_fixup = null;
goto_fixup = createGotoFixup(context, entity);
if(context.containsReturn() && context.isOutermost())
return_fixup = createReturnFixup(context, entity);
// empty statement as else branch
CAstNode if_undef = Ast.makeNode(LABEL_STMT, Ast.makeConstant(-1), Ast.makeNode(EMPTY));
// if(re$ != 1) goto if_undef;
CAstNode undef_check = Ast.makeNode(IFGOTO,
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("re$"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, entity, context),
addFlow(undef_check, true, if_undef, entity.getControlFlow());
List<CAstNode> fixup_stmts = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
if(return_fixup != null)
if(goto_fixup != null)
// if this is a nested for-in loop, we need to pass on unhandled jumps
if(!context.isOutermost() && (context.containsReturn() || context.containsOuterGoto()))
fixup_stmts.add(Ast.makeNode(RETURN, addExnFlow(makeVarRef("re$"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, entity, context)));
stmts.add(Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, undef_check, Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, fixup_stmts.toArray(new CAstNode[0])), if_undef));
} else {
if(extractingBlock) {
// put the call and the fixup code together
CAstNode newNode = Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, stmts.toArray(new CAstNode[0]));
nodeMap.put(Pair.make(root, context.key()), newNode);
deleteFlow(root, getCurrentEntity());
return Collections.singletonList(newNode);
} else {
return stmts;
private CAstNode createReturnFixup(ExtractionPos context, CAstEntity entity) {
CAstNode return_fixup;
// if((re$.type == 'return') != 1) ...
CAstNode return_check = Ast.makeNode(IFGOTO,
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("re$"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, entity, context),
Ast.makeConstant("type")), JavaScriptTypes.TypeError, entity, context),
// return re$.value;
CAstNode then_branch =
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("re$"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, entity, context),
Ast.makeConstant("value")), JavaScriptTypes.TypeError, entity, context));
// empty statement as else branch
CAstNode else_branch = Ast.makeNode(LABEL_STMT, Ast.makeConstant(-1), Ast.makeNode(EMPTY));
// effectively, this becomes
// if(re$.type == 'return') return re$.value;
addFlow(return_check, true, else_branch, entity.getControlFlow());
return_fixup = Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, return_check, then_branch, else_branch);
return return_fixup;
private CAstNode createGotoFixup(ExtractionPos context, CAstEntity entity) {
CAstNode goto_fixup;
ArrayList<CAstNode> target_checks = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
// add fixup code for every goto in the extracted code
for(CAstNode goto_target : context.getGotoTargets()) {
// if((re$.target == <goto_target>) != 1) goto dummy; goto <goto_target>; dummy: ;
CAstNode target_check = Ast.makeNode(IFGOTO,
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("re$"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, entity, context),
Ast.makeConstant("target")), JavaScriptTypes.TypeError, entity, context),
CAstNode then_branch = Ast.makeNode(GOTO, Ast.makeConstant(-1));
CAstNode else_branch = Ast.makeNode(LABEL_STMT, Ast.makeConstant(-1), Ast.makeNode(EMPTY));
addFlow(then_branch, null, goto_target, entity.getControlFlow());
addFlow(target_check, true, else_branch, entity.getControlFlow());
target_checks.add(Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, target_check, then_branch, else_branch));
// add check whether re$ is actually a goto
CAstNode goto_check = Ast.makeNode(IFGOTO,
addExnFlow(makeVarRef("re$"), JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError, entity, context),
Ast.makeConstant("type")), JavaScriptTypes.TypeError, entity, context),
CAstNode else_branch = Ast.makeNode(LABEL_STMT, Ast.makeConstant(-1), Ast.makeNode(EMPTY));
addFlow(goto_check, true, else_branch, entity.getControlFlow());
goto_fixup = Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, goto_check, Ast.makeNode(BLOCK_STMT, target_checks.toArray(new CAstNode[0])), else_branch);
return goto_fixup;
// false if execution of this node must result in a jump
private boolean mayCompleteNormally(CAstNode node) {
int kind= node.getKind();
switch(kind) {
return true;
return mayCompleteNormally(node.getChild(node.getChildCount()-1));
case GOTO:
case RETURN:
case BREAK:
case THROW:
return false;
case LOOP:
case SWITCH:
return mayCompleteNormally(node.getChild(1));
case TRY:
return mayCompleteNormally(node.getChild(0));
return true;
// helper functions for adding exceptional CFG edges
private CAstNode addExnFlow(CAstNode node, Object label, CAstEntity entity, NodePos pos) {
return addExnFlow(node, label, entity.getControlFlow(), pos);
private CAstNode addExnFlow(CAstNode node, Object label, CAstControlFlowMap flow, NodePos pos) {
CAstNode target = getThrowTarget(pos);
return addFlow(node, label, target, flow);
// determine the innermost enclosing throw target at position pos
private CAstNode getThrowTarget(NodePos pos) {
return pos.accept(new PosSwitch<CAstNode>() {
public CAstNode caseRootPos(RootPos pos) {
return CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT;
public CAstNode caseChildPos(ChildPos pos) {
int kind = pos.getParent().getKind();
if(kind == TRY && pos.getIndex() == 0)
return pos.getParent().getChild(1);
if(kind == FUNCTION_EXPR || kind == FUNCTION_STMT)
return CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT;
return getThrowTarget(pos.getParentPos());
public CAstNode caseForInLoopBodyPos(ExtractionPos pos) {
return getThrowTarget(pos.getParentPos());
// helper function for creating VAR nodes
private CAstNode makeVarRef(String name) {
return Ast.makeNode(VAR, Ast.makeConstant(name));
// determine whether we are inside a function
private boolean inFunction() {
for(CAstEntity e : getEnclosingEntities())
if(e.getKind() == CAstEntity.FUNCTION_ENTITY)
return true;
return false;
// keep track of synthetic nodes that are to be treated specially during rewriting
private Set<CAstNode> synthetic = HashSetFactory.make();
private boolean isSynthetic(CAstNode node) {
return synthetic.contains(node);
private CAstNode markSynthetic(CAstNode node) {
return node;