
281 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package com.ibm.wala.cast.js.ipa.callgraph.correlations.extraction;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.ipa.callgraph.correlations.Correlation;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.ipa.callgraph.correlations.CorrelationSummary;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.ipa.callgraph.correlations.EscapeCorrelation;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.ipa.callgraph.correlations.ReadWriteCorrelation;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.loader.AstMethod;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstControlFlowMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstEntity;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap.Position;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashSetFactory;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Pair;
* An {@link ExtractionPolicy} that specifies that correlated pairs should be extracted.
* In principle, extracting an arbitrary correlated pair can be very difficult. We restrict
* our attention to the case where both read and write occur within the same block of
* statements, with the read preceding the write. In practice, most correlations are of
* this form.
* TODO: The code for finding the correlated instructions is broken since Rhino only gives
* us line number positions. Consequently, it fails to find the relevant instructions every
* once in a while.
* @author mschaefer
public class CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy extends ExtractionPolicy {
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private final Map<CAstNode, List<ExtractionRegion>> region_map = HashMapFactory.make();
private CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy() {}
private static void findNodesAtPos(int kind, Position pos, CAstSourcePositionMap spmap, ChildPos nodep, Set<ChildPos> res) {
CAstNode node = nodep.getChild();
if(node == null)
Position ndpos = spmap.getPosition(node);
if(ndpos != null) {
// if we are in the wrong file or past the position pos, abort search
if(pos.getLastLine() >= 0 && ndpos.getFirstLine() > pos.getLastLine())
if(node.getKind() == kind && ndpos.getFirstLine() == pos.getFirstLine() && ndpos.getLastLine() == pos.getLastLine())
for(int i=0;i<node.getChildCount();++i)
findNodesAtPos(kind, pos, spmap, nodep.getChildPos(i), res);
private static Set<ChildPos> findNodesAtPos(int kind, Position pos, CAstEntity entity) {
Set<ChildPos> res = HashSetFactory.make();
CAstSourcePositionMap spmap = entity.getSourceMap();
CAstNode ast = entity.getAST();
for(int i=0;i<ast.getChildCount();++i)
findNodesAtPos(kind, pos, spmap, new ChildPos(ast, i, new RootPos()), res);
return res;
// create an ExtractRegion for the given correlation
private boolean addCorrelation(CAstEntity entity, Correlation corr, CorrelationSummary correlations) {
Position startPos = corr.getStartPosition(correlations.getPositions()),
endPos = corr.getEndPosition(correlations.getPositions());
// TODO: enable these assertions; currently we're getting getLastLine() == -1 a lot
/*assert startPos.getFirstLine() != -1;
assert startPos.getLastLine() != -1;
assert endPos.getFirstLine() != -1;
assert endPos.getLastLine() != -1;*/
Set<ChildPos> startNodes = null,
endNodes = null;
return true;
startNodes = findNodesAtPos(CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, startPos, entity);
if(corr instanceof ReadWriteCorrelation) {
endNodes = findNodesAtPos(CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, endPos, entity);
} else if(corr instanceof EscapeCorrelation) {
int arity = ((EscapeCorrelation)corr).getNumberOfArguments();
endNodes = findNodesAtPos(CAstNode.CALL, endPos, entity);
for(Iterator<ChildPos> iter=endNodes.iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
CAstNode candidate = iter.next().getChild();
// need to deduct three here: one for the function expression, one for "do"/"ctor", and one for the receiver expression
if(candidate.getChildCount() - 3 != arity)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown correlation type.");
if(startNodes.isEmpty() || endNodes.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("Couldn't find any start/end nodes for correlation " + corr.pp(correlations.getPositions()));
return true;
ChildPos startNode, endNode;
filterNames(startNodes, corr.getIndexName());
filterNames(endNodes, corr.getIndexName());
Iterator<ChildPos> iter = startNodes.iterator();
if(startNodes.size() == 2 && endNodes.equals(startNodes)) {
startNode = iter.next();
endNode = iter.next();
} else if(startNodes.size() > 1 || startNodes.size() == 0) {
System.err.println("Couldn't find unique start node for correlation " + corr.pp(correlations.getPositions()));
return false;
} else if(endNodes.size() > 1 || endNodes.size() == 0) {
System.err.println("Couldn't find unique end node for correlation " + corr.pp(correlations.getPositions()));
return false;
} else {
startNode = startNodes.iterator().next();
endNode = endNodes.iterator().next();
List<String> locals = corr.getFlownThroughLocals().size() == 1 ? Collections.singletonList(corr.getFlownThroughLocals().iterator().next())
: Collections.<String>emptyList();
Pair<CAstNode, ? extends ExtractionRegion> region_info = findClosestContainingBlock(entity, startNode, endNode, corr.getIndexName(), locals);
if(region_info == null) {
System.err.println("Couldn't find enclosing block for correlation " + corr.pp(correlations.getPositions()));
return false;
List<ExtractionRegion> regions = region_map.get(region_info.fst);
if(regions == null)
region_map.put(region_info.fst, regions = new LinkedList<ExtractionRegion>());
for(int i=0;i<regions.size();++i) {
ExtractionRegion region2 = regions.get(i);
if(region2.getEnd() <= region_info.snd.getStart())
if(region2.getStart() < region_info.snd.getEnd()) {
if(region_info.snd.getParameters().equals(region2.getParameters())) {
region2.setStart(Math.min(region_info.snd.getStart(), region2.getStart()));
region2.setEnd(Math.max(region_info.snd.getEnd(), region2.getEnd()));
System.err.println("Successfully processed correlation " + corr.pp(correlations.getPositions()));
return true;
System.err.println("Overlapping regions.");
return false;
regions.add(i, region_info.snd);
System.out.println("Successfully processed correlation " + corr.pp(correlations.getPositions()));
return true;
System.out.println("Successfully processed correlation " + corr.pp(correlations.getPositions()));
return true;
private void filterNames(Set<ChildPos> nodes, String indexName) {
for(Iterator<ChildPos> iter=nodes.iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
CAstNode node = iter.next().getChild();
if(node.getKind() == CAstNode.OBJECT_REF) {
CAstNode index = node.getChild(1);
if(index.getKind() != CAstNode.VAR || !index.getChild(0).getValue().equals(indexName)) {
private Pair<CAstNode, ? extends ExtractionRegion> findClosestContainingBlock(CAstEntity entity, ChildPos startNode, ChildPos endNode, String parmName, List<String> locals) {
ChildPos pos = startNode;
CAstNode block = null;
int start = -1, end = 0;
int start_inner = -1, end_inner = -1;
do {
if(pos != startNode && pos.getParentPos() instanceof ChildPos)
pos = (ChildPos)pos.getParentPos();
// find the next closest block around the node at position "pos"
while(pos.getParent().getKind() != CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT) {
if(pos.getParentPos() instanceof ChildPos)
pos = (ChildPos)pos.getParentPos();
return null;
block = pos.getParent();
start = pos.getIndex();
end = getCoveringChildIndex(block, start, endNode.getChild()) + 1;
} while(end == 0);
// expand region to include forward goto targets
CAstControlFlowMap cfg = entity.getControlFlow();
for(int i=start;i<end;++i) {
CAstNode stmt = block.getChild(i);
for(Object targetLabel : cfg.getTargetLabels(stmt)) {
CAstNode target = cfg.getTarget(stmt, targetLabel);
int targetIndex = getCoveringChildIndex(block, start, target);
if(targetIndex >= end)
end = targetIndex + 1;
// special hack to handle "var p = ..., x = y[p];", where startNode = "y[p]"
if(block.getChild(0).getKind() == CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT && start == 0) {
if(NodePos.inSubtree(startNode.getChild(), block.getChild(0).getChild(start_inner)))
return Pair.make(block, new TwoLevelExtractionRegion(start, end, start_inner, end_inner, Collections.singletonList(parmName), locals));
// special hack to handle the case where we're extracting the body of a local scope
else if(block.getChild(start).getKind() == CAstNode.LOCAL_SCOPE && end == start+1) {
return Pair.make(block, new TwoLevelExtractionRegion(start, end, 0, -1, Collections.singletonList(parmName), locals));
return Pair.make(block, new ExtractionRegion(start, end, Collections.singletonList(parmName), locals));
private static int getCoveringChildIndex(CAstNode parent, int start, CAstNode child) {
for(int i=start;i<parent.getChildCount();++i)
if(NodePos.inSubtree(child, parent.getChild(i)))
return i;
return -1;
private static CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy addCorrelations(CAstEntity entity, Map<Position, CorrelationSummary> summaries, CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy policy) {
// add correlations for this entity
if(entity.getAST() != null && summaries.containsKey(entity.getPosition())) {
CorrelationSummary correlations = summaries.get(entity.getPosition());
for(Correlation corr : correlations.getCorrelations())
policy.addCorrelation(entity, corr, correlations);
// recursively add correlations for scoped entities
Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> allScopedEntities = entity.getAllScopedEntities();
for(Collection<CAstEntity> scopedEntities : allScopedEntities.values())
for(CAstEntity scopedEntity : scopedEntities)
if(addCorrelations(scopedEntity, summaries, policy) == null)
return null;
return policy;
public static CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy make(CAstEntity entity, Map<IMethod, CorrelationSummary> summaries) {
CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy policy = new CorrelatedPairExtractionPolicy();
Map<Position, CorrelationSummary> summary_map = HashMapFactory.make();
for(Map.Entry<IMethod, CorrelationSummary> e : summaries.entrySet()) {
if(e.getKey() instanceof AstMethod) {
Position pos = ((AstMethod)e.getKey()).getSourcePosition();
if(pos != null)
summary_map.put(pos, e.getValue());
return addCorrelations(entity, summary_map, policy);
public List<ExtractionRegion> extract(CAstNode node) {
return region_map.get(node);