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* Copyright (c) 2008 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package com.ibm.wala.analysis.reflection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import com.ibm.wala.cfg.ControlFlowGraph;
import com.ibm.wala.cfg.InducedCFG;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.CallSiteReference;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IClass;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.NewSiteReference;
import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CGNode;
import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.ConstantKey;
import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.ReceiverInstanceContext;
import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.SSAContextInterpreter;
import com.ibm.wala.ipa.summaries.SyntheticIR;
import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.IInvokeInstruction;
import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch;
import com.ibm.wala.ssa.ConstantValue;
import com.ibm.wala.ssa.DefUse;
import com.ibm.wala.ssa.IR;
import com.ibm.wala.ssa.ISSABasicBlock;
import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSACheckCastInstruction;
import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAInstruction;
import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAInstructionFactory;
import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAOptions;
import com.ibm.wala.types.FieldReference;
import com.ibm.wala.types.MethodReference;
import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeReference;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.EmptyIterator;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory;
* An {@link SSAContextInterpreter} specialized to interpret reflective invocations such as Constructor.newInstance and
* Method.invoke on an {@link IMethod} constant.
public class ReflectiveInvocationInterpreter extends AbstractReflectionInterpreter {
public final static MethodReference CTOR_NEW_INSTANCE = MethodReference.findOrCreate(TypeReference.JavaLangReflectConstructor,
"newInstance", "([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
public final static MethodReference METHOD_INVOKE = MethodReference.findOrCreate(TypeReference.JavaLangReflectMethod, "invoke",
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/** BEGIN Custom change: caching */
private final Map<String, IR> cache = HashMapFactory.make();
/** END Custom change: caching */
* @see com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.SSAContextInterpreter#getIR(com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CGNode)
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public IR getIR(CGNode node) {
if (node == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("node is null");
assert understands(node);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("generating IR for " + node);
ReceiverInstanceContext recv = (ReceiverInstanceContext) node.getContext();
ConstantKey c = (ConstantKey) recv.getReceiver();
IMethod m = (IMethod) c.getValue();
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/** BEGIN Custom change: caching */
final IMethod method = node.getMethod();
final String hashKey = method.toString() + "@" + recv.toString();
IR result = cache.get(hashKey);
if (result == null) {
result = makeIR(method, m, recv);
cache.put(hashKey, result);
/** END Custom change: caching */
return result;
* @see com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.SSAContextInterpreter#getNumberOfStatements(com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CGNode)
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public int getNumberOfStatements(CGNode node) {
assert understands(node);
return getIR(node).getInstructions().length;
* @see com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.rta.RTAContextInterpreter#understands(com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CGNode)
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public boolean understands(CGNode node) {
if (node == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("node is null");
if (!(node.getContext() instanceof ReceiverInstanceContext)) {
return false;
ReceiverInstanceContext r = (ReceiverInstanceContext) node.getContext();
if (!(r.getReceiver() instanceof ConstantKey)) {
return false;
return node.getMethod().getReference().equals(METHOD_INVOKE) || node.getMethod().getReference().equals(CTOR_NEW_INSTANCE);
* @see com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.rta.RTAContextInterpreter#iterateNewSites(com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CGNode)
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public Iterator<NewSiteReference> iterateNewSites(CGNode node) {
if (node == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("node is null");
assert understands(node);
return getIR(node).iterateNewSites();
* @see com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.rta.RTAContextInterpreter#iterateCallSites(com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CGNode)
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public Iterator<CallSiteReference> iterateCallSites(CGNode node) {
assert understands(node);
return getIR(node).iterateCallSites();
* TODO: clean this up. Create the IR for the synthetic method (e.g. Method.invoke)
* @param method is something like Method.invoke or Construction.newInstance
* @param target is the method being called reflectively
private IR makeIR(IMethod method, IMethod target, ReceiverInstanceContext context) {
SSAInstructionFactory insts = method.getDeclaringClass().getClassLoader().getInstructionFactory();
SpecializedMethod m = new SpecializedMethod(method, method.getDeclaringClass(), method.isStatic(), false);
Map<Integer, ConstantValue> constants = HashMapFactory.make();
int nextLocal = method.getNumberOfParameters() + 1; // nextLocal = first free value number
int nargs = target.getNumberOfParameters(); // nargs := number of parameters to target, including "this" pointer
int args[] = new int[nargs];
int pc = 0;
int parametersVn = -1; // parametersVn will hold the value number of parameters array
if (method.getReference().equals(CTOR_NEW_INSTANCE)) {
// allocate the new object constructed
TypeReference allocatedType = target.getDeclaringClass().getReference();
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.addInstruction(allocatedType, insts.NewInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), args[0] = nextLocal++, NewSiteReference.make(pc++, allocatedType)),
parametersVn = 2;
} else {
// for Method.invoke, v3 is the parameter to the method being called
parametersVn = 3;
if (target.isStatic()) {
// do nothing
} else {
// set up args[0] == the receiver for method.invoke, held in v2.
// insert a cast for v2 to filter out bogus types
args[0] = nextLocal++;
TypeReference type = target.getParameterType(0);
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SSACheckCastInstruction cast = insts.CheckCastInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), args[0], 2, type, true);
m.addInstruction(null, cast, false);
int nextArg = target.isStatic() ? 0 : 1; // nextArg := next index in args[] array that needs to be initialized
int nextParameter = 0; // nextParameter := next index in the parameters[] array that needs to be copied into the args[] array.
// load each of the parameters into a local variable, args[something]
for (int j = nextArg; j < nargs; j++) {
// load the next parameter into v_temp.
int indexConst = nextLocal++;
constants.put(new Integer(indexConst), new ConstantValue(nextParameter++));
int temp = nextLocal++;
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m.addInstruction(null, insts.ArrayLoadInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), temp, parametersVn, indexConst, TypeReference.JavaLangObject), false);
// cast v_temp to the appropriate type and store it in args[j]
args[j] = nextLocal++;
TypeReference type = target.getParameterType(j);
// we insert a cast to filter out bogus types
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SSACheckCastInstruction cast = insts.CheckCastInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), args[j], temp, type, true);
m.addInstruction(null, cast, false);
int exceptions = nextLocal++;
int result = -1;
// emit the dispatch and return instructions
if (method.getReference().equals(CTOR_NEW_INSTANCE)) {
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m.addInstruction(null, insts.InvokeInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), args, exceptions, CallSiteReference.make(pc++, target.getReference(),
IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.SPECIAL), null), false);
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m.addInstruction(null, insts.ReturnInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), args[0], false), false);
} else {
Dispatch d = target.isStatic() ? Dispatch.STATIC : Dispatch.VIRTUAL;
if (target.getReturnType().equals(TypeReference.Void)) {
m.addInstruction(null, insts.InvokeInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), args, exceptions, CallSiteReference.make(pc++, target.getReference(), d), null),
} else {
result = nextLocal++;
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m.addInstruction(null, insts.InvokeInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), result, args, exceptions, CallSiteReference.make(pc++,
target.getReference(), d), null), false);
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m.addInstruction(null, insts.ReturnInstruction(m.allInstructions.size(), result, false), false);
SSAInstruction[] instrs = new SSAInstruction[m.allInstructions.size()];
m.allInstructions.<SSAInstruction> toArray(instrs);
return new SyntheticIR(method, context, new InducedCFG(instrs, method, context), instrs, SSAOptions.defaultOptions(), constants);
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public boolean recordFactoryType(CGNode node, IClass klass) {
return false;
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public Iterator<FieldReference> iterateFieldsRead(CGNode node) {
return EmptyIterator.instance();
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public Iterator<FieldReference> iterateFieldsWritten(CGNode node) {
return EmptyIterator.instance();
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public ControlFlowGraph<SSAInstruction, ISSABasicBlock> getCFG(CGNode N) {
return getIR(N).getControlFlowGraph();
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public DefUse getDU(CGNode node) {
return new DefUse(getIR(node));