Stop using deprecated "javah" to generate JNI headers

"javah" was deprecated in Java 9, and has been removed entirely in
Java 10.  The right way to generate headers now is by using the "-h"
flag to "javac".  When "javac" is run in this way, it still generates
bytecode too.  So ideally, we'd run "javac" just once to generate
bytecode and headers simultaneously.  Fortunately, the Gradle JNI
plugin at <> help us do this
cleanly.  Nice!
This commit is contained in:
Ben Liblit 2018-05-28 11:07:54 -07:00
parent 85651608e9
commit 5cf8b7efe3
1 changed files with 9 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ plugins {
id 'com.github.hauner.jarTest'
id 'cpp'
id 'eclipse'
id 'edu.wpi.first.GradleJni' version '0.2.1'
eclipse.project.natures 'org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature'
@ -20,30 +21,6 @@ dependencies {
def currentJvm = org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm.current()
task generateJniHeaders(type: Exec, dependsOn: [testClasses, '']) {
// classes for which we need headers
def nativePackage = ''
def nativeClasses = ['TestNativeTranslator']
def qualifiedClasses = nativeClasses.collect { "$nativePackage.$it" }
// inputs and outputs, suitable for use with rule-based model configuration
ext {
sourceDir = null
headerDir = "$buildDir/include"
inputs.files files(qualifiedClasses.collect { "$buildDir/${it.replace('.', '/')}.class" })
outputs.dir headerDir
outputs.cacheIf { true }
// javah command to generate headers
def sourceSets = [sourceSets.test, project('').sourceSets.main]
def classesDirs = sourceSets.inject(files()) { acc, val -> }
def classpath = classesDirs.asPath
def javah = currentJvm.getExecutable('javah')
commandLine(javah, '-d', "$headerDir", '-classpath', classpath)
def addCastRpath(currentJvm, targetPlatform, linker) {
switch ( {
case 'linux':
@ -59,19 +36,22 @@ def addCastRpath(currentJvm, targetPlatform, linker) {
def addCastEnvironment(task, xlatorLibrary) {
def castLibrary = xlatorLibrary.libs[0].linkFiles.singleFile
def castLibrary = xlatorLibrary.libs[2].linkFiles.singleFile
def castLibraryDirectory = castLibrary.parent
assert castLibraryDirectory.endsWith('/')
task.environment 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', castLibrary.parent
model {
components {
xlator_test(NativeLibrarySpec) {
xlator_test(JniNativeLibrarySpec) {
javaCompileTasks << compileTestJava
sources.cpp {
source {
srcDirs = ['harness-src/c']
include 'smoke.cpp'
generatedBy generateJniHeaders
['cast', 'jdk'].each {
lib project: '', library: it
@ -117,10 +97,12 @@ model {
// main executable to run for test
def executableBinary = $.binaries.smoke_mainExecutable
executable executableBinary.executableFile
dependsOn executableBinary
def pathElements = [$.binaries.test.getClassesDir()]
// implementations of native methods
def library = $.binaries.xlator_testSharedLibrary
dependsOn library
pathElements << library.sharedLibraryFile.parent
// "primorial.txt" resource loaded during test