Unpack Android SDK and install extra components as a single task

Previously we unpacked in one task, then installed two extra
components in two dependent tasks.  However, installing extra
components modifies some files in place, effectively making those
files both inputs and outputs.  That creates race conditions, and
probably interferes with task output caching.  Better, then, to treat
the unpack and extra installations all as a single task whose output
is the complete Android SDK tree with all required components
This commit is contained in:
Ben Liblit 2018-04-01 19:09:01 -05:00
parent b13e5d72b1
commit 93c8d126b8
1 changed files with 30 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -48,49 +48,44 @@ task downloadAndroidSdk(type: VerifiedDownload) {
algorithm 'SHA-256'
task unpackAndroidSdk(type: Sync, dependsOn: downloadAndroidSdk) {
task installAndroidSdk(type: Sync, dependsOn: downloadAndroidSdk) {
from zipTree(files(downloadAndroidSdk).singleFile)
into temporaryDir
class InstallAndroidSdkComponent extends DefaultTask {
@Input def component
@Input def version
@Internal def sdkRoot = project.files(project.tasks.unpackAndroidSdk).singleFile
@Internal getSdkFile(subpath) {
return new File(sdkRoot, subpath)
def buildToolsVersion = '26.0.2'
ext {
components = [
'build-tools': buildToolsVersion,
'platforms': "android-${buildToolsVersion.tokenize('.')[0]}"
@InputDirectory getTools() {
return getSdkFile('tools')
doLast {
exec {
def shell, shellFlags, yes, semicolon, discard
if (project.isWindows) {
shell = 'PowerShell'
shellFlags = '-Command'
yes = 'echo y'
semicolon = '`;'
discard = '$null'
} else {
shell = 'sh'
shellFlags = '-ceu'
yes = 'yes 2>/dev/null'
semicolon = /\;/
discard = '/dev/null'
@OutputDirectory getInstallationDirectory() {
return getSdkFile(component)
install() {
def manager = new File(tools, 'bin/sdkmanager')
project.exec {
if (project.isWindows)
commandLine 'PowerShell', '-Command', "echo y | $manager $component`;$version >\$null"
commandLine 'sh', '-ceu', "yes 2>/dev/null | $manager $component\\;$version >/dev/null"
def componentArgs = components.collect { "$it.key$semicolon$it.value" }.join ' '
commandLine shell, shellFlags, "$yes | $temporaryDir/tools/bin/sdkmanager $componentArgs >$discard"
outputs.cacheIf { true }
task installAndroidBuildTools(type: InstallAndroidSdkComponent, dependsOn: unpackAndroidSdk) {
component 'build-tools'
version '26.0.2'
task copyDxJar(type: Sync, dependsOn: installAndroidBuildTools) {
from "${files(installAndroidBuildTools).singleFile}/${installAndroidBuildTools.version}/lib/dx.jar"
task copyDxJar(type: Sync, dependsOn: installAndroidSdk) {
from "${files(installAndroidSdk).singleFile}/build-tools/${installAndroidSdk.components['build-tools']}/lib/dx.jar"
into 'lib'
@ -99,13 +94,8 @@ clean.dependsOn cleanCopyDxJar
compileTestJava.dependsOn copyDxJar
afterEclipseBuildshipImport.dependsOn copyDxJar
task installAndroidPlatforms(type: InstallAndroidSdkComponent, dependsOn: unpackAndroidSdk) {
component 'platforms'
version "android-${installAndroidBuildTools.version.tokenize('.')[0]}"
task copyAndroidJar(type: Sync, dependsOn: installAndroidPlatforms) {
from "${files(installAndroidPlatforms).singleFile}/${installAndroidPlatforms.version}/android.jar"
task copyAndroidJar(type: Sync, dependsOn: installAndroidSdk) {
from "${files(installAndroidSdk).singleFile}/platforms/${installAndroidSdk.components['platforms']}/android.jar"
into temporaryDir