optimized substitution routines to not allocate unnecessarily

git-svn-id: https://wala.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wala/trunk@2684 f5eafffb-2e1d-0410-98e4-8ec43c5233c4
This commit is contained in:
msridhar1 2008-03-05 22:19:27 +00:00
parent cd23bac3bc
commit a2c6cad49e
1 changed files with 204 additions and 171 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -33,8 +32,7 @@ public class Simplifier {
private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
* Eliminate quantifiers, by substituting every possible constant value for a
* quantified variable
* Eliminate quantifiers, by substituting every possible constant value for a quantified variable
public static ITheory eliminateQuantifiers(ITheory t, Collection<? extends IFormula> constraints) {
if (t == null) {
@ -48,32 +46,30 @@ public class Simplifier {
* Eliminate quantifiers, by substituting every possible constant value for a
* quantified variable
* Eliminate quantifiers, by substituting every possible constant value for a quantified variable
private static Collection<? extends IFormula> eliminateQuantifiers(IFormula s) {
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("implement me");
return null;
// if (s.getKind().equals(IFormula.Kind.QUANTIFIED)) {
// Collection<IFormula> result = HashSetFactory.make();
// QuantifiedFormula f = (QuantifiedFormula) s;
// assert f.getBoundVar() instanceof ConstrainedIntVariable;
// ConstrainedIntVariable v = (ConstrainedIntVariable) f.getBoundVar();
// IntPair range = v.getRange();
// assert range.getX() >= 0;
// assert range.getY() >= range.getX();
// for (int i = range.getX(); i <= range.getY(); i++) {
// result.add(substitute(f.getFormula(), v, IntConstant.make(i)));
// }
// return result;
// } else {
// return Collections.singleton(s);
// }
// if (s.getKind().equals(IFormula.Kind.QUANTIFIED)) {
// Collection<IFormula> result = HashSetFactory.make();
// QuantifiedFormula f = (QuantifiedFormula) s;
// assert f.getBoundVar() instanceof ConstrainedIntVariable;
// ConstrainedIntVariable v = (ConstrainedIntVariable) f.getBoundVar();
// IntPair range = v.getRange();
// assert range.getX() >= 0;
// assert range.getY() >= range.getX();
// for (int i = range.getX(); i <= range.getY(); i++) {
// result.add(substitute(f.getFormula(), v, IntConstant.make(i)));
// }
// return result;
// } else {
// return Collections.singleton(s);
// }
* Eliminate quantifiers, by substituting every possible constant value for a
* quantified variable
* Eliminate quantifiers, by substituting every possible constant value for a quantified variable
public static Collection<? extends IFormula> eliminateQuantifiers(Collection<? extends IFormula> s) {
if (s == null) {
@ -87,36 +83,35 @@ public class Simplifier {
* this is uglified a little to avoid tail recursion, which leads to stack
* overflow.
* this is uglified a little to avoid tail recursion, which leads to stack overflow.
* This is inefficient.
public static Collection<IFormula> simplify(Collection<IFormula> s, Collection<? extends IFormula> theory,
ISemiDecisionProcedure dec) {
// the following is ad hoc and bogus.
// boolean changed = true;
// while (changed) {
// changed = false;
// Collection<IFormula> alreadyUsed = HashSetFactory.make();
// Pair<ITerm, ITerm> substitution = getNextEqualitySubstitution(s, theory, alreadyUsed);
// while (substitution != null) {
// Collection<IFormula> temp = HashSetFactory.make();
// for (IFormula f : s) {
// if (!defines(f, substitution.fst)) {
// IFormula f2 = substitute(f, substitution.fst, substitution.snd);
// temp.add(f2);
// if (!f.equals(f2)) {
// changed = true;
// }
// } else {
// temp.add(f);
// }
// }
// s = temp;
// substitution = getNextEqualitySubstitution(s, theory, alreadyUsed);
// }
// }
// boolean changed = true;
// while (changed) {
// changed = false;
// Collection<IFormula> alreadyUsed = HashSetFactory.make();
// Pair<ITerm, ITerm> substitution = getNextEqualitySubstitution(s, theory, alreadyUsed);
// while (substitution != null) {
// Collection<IFormula> temp = HashSetFactory.make();
// for (IFormula f : s) {
// if (!defines(f, substitution.fst)) {
// IFormula f2 = substitute(f, substitution.fst, substitution.snd);
// temp.add(f2);
// if (!f.equals(f2)) {
// changed = true;
// }
// } else {
// temp.add(f);
// }
// }
// s = temp;
// substitution = getNextEqualitySubstitution(s, theory, alreadyUsed);
// }
// }
return propositionalSimplify(s, theory, dec);
@ -145,11 +140,11 @@ public class Simplifier {
return result;
* Simplify the set s based on simple propositional logic.
public static IFormula propositionalSimplify(IFormula f, Collection<? extends IFormula> t,
ISemiDecisionProcedure dec) {
public static IFormula propositionalSimplify(IFormula f, Collection<? extends IFormula> t, ISemiDecisionProcedure dec) {
Collection<IFormula> result = propositionalSimplify(Collections.singleton(f), t, dec);
return result.iterator().next();
@ -210,7 +205,7 @@ public class Simplifier {
if (result.size() == 1) {
IFormula f = result.iterator().next();
assert f instanceof IMaxTerm;
return (IMaxTerm)f;
return (IMaxTerm) f;
} else {
return Disjunction.make(result);
@ -287,112 +282,112 @@ public class Simplifier {
// static AbstractNumberedVariable makeFreshIntVariable(IFormula f, IFormula g) {
// int max = 0;
// for (AbstractVariable v : f.getFreeVariables()) {
// max = Math.max(max, v.getNumber());
// }
// for (AbstractVariable v : g.getFreeVariables()) {
// max = Math.max(max, v.getNumber());
// }
// return IntVariable.make(max + 1);
// }
// static AbstractNumberedVariable makeFreshIntVariable(IFormula f, IFormula g) {
// int max = 0;
// for (AbstractVariable v : f.getFreeVariables()) {
// max = Math.max(max, v.getNumber());
// }
// for (AbstractVariable v : g.getFreeVariables()) {
// max = Math.max(max, v.getNumber());
// }
// return IntVariable.make(max + 1);
// }
// /**
// * Is f of the form t = rhs?
// */
// private static boolean defines(IFormula f, ITerm t) {
// if (f.getKind().equals(IFormula.Kind.RELATION)) {
// RelationFormula r = (RelationFormula) f;
// if (r.getRelation().equals(BinaryRelation.EQUALS)) {
// return r.getTerms().get(0).equals(t);
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * does the structure of some formula f suggest an immediate substitution to
// * simplify the system, based on theory of equality?
// *
// * @return a pair (p1, p2) meaning "substitute p2 for p1"
// */
// private static Pair<ITerm, ITerm> getNextEqualitySubstitution(Collection<IFormula> s, Collection<? extends IFormula> theory,
// Collection<IFormula> alreadyUsed) {
// Collection<IFormula> candidates = HashSetFactory.make();
// candidates.addAll(s);
// candidates.addAll(theory);
// for (IFormula f : candidates) {
// if (!alreadyUsed.contains(f)) {
// Pair<ITerm, ITerm> substitution = equalitySuggestsSubstitution(f);
// if (substitution != null) {
// alreadyUsed.add(f);
// return substitution;
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// /**
// * Is f of the form t = rhs?
// */
// private static boolean defines(IFormula f, ITerm t) {
// if (f.getKind().equals(IFormula.Kind.RELATION)) {
// RelationFormula r = (RelationFormula) f;
// if (r.getRelation().equals(BinaryRelation.EQUALS)) {
// return r.getTerms().get(0).equals(t);
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * does the structure of some formula f suggest an immediate substitution to
// * simplify the system, based on theory of equality?
// *
// * @return a pair (p1, p2) meaning "substitute p2 for p1"
// */
// private static Pair<ITerm, ITerm> getNextEqualitySubstitution(Collection<IFormula> s, Collection<? extends
// IFormula> theory,
// Collection<IFormula> alreadyUsed) {
// Collection<IFormula> candidates = HashSetFactory.make();
// candidates.addAll(s);
// candidates.addAll(theory);
// for (IFormula f : candidates) {
// if (!alreadyUsed.contains(f)) {
// Pair<ITerm, ITerm> substitution = equalitySuggestsSubstitution(f);
// if (substitution != null) {
// alreadyUsed.add(f);
// return substitution;
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// /**
// * does the structure of formula f suggest an immediate substitution to
// * simplify the system, based on theory of equality?
// *
// * @return a pair (p1, p2) meaning "substitute p2 for p1"
// */
// private static Pair<ITerm, ITerm> equalitySuggestsSubstitution(IFormula f) {
// switch (f.getKind()) {
// case RELATION:
// // it's not clear at this level that a constant or variable is "simpler" than
// // e.g. a function term. so, don't do anything.
// return null;
//// RelationFormula r = (RelationFormula) f;
//// if (r.getRelation().equals(BinaryRelation.EQUALS)) {
//// ITerm lhs = r.getTerms().get(0);
//// ITerm rhs = r.getTerms().get(1);
//// if (rhs.getKind().equals(ITerm.Kind.CONSTANT) || rhs.getKind().equals(ITerm.Kind.VARIABLE)) {
//// return Pair.make(lhs, rhs);
//// } else {
//// return null;
//// }
//// } else {
//// return null;
//// }
// QuantifiedFormula q = (QuantifiedFormula) f;
// if (q.getQuantifier().equals(Quantifier.FORALL)) {
// AbstractVariable bound = q.getBoundVar();
// Wildcard w = freshWildcard(q);
// IFormula g = substitute(q.getFormula(), bound, w);
// return equalitySuggestsSubstitution(g);
// } else {
// return null;
// }
// case BINARY:
// case CONSTANT:
// case NEGATION:
// default:
// // TODO
// return null;
// }
// }
// /**
// * does the structure of formula f suggest an immediate substitution to
// * simplify the system, based on theory of equality?
// *
// * @return a pair (p1, p2) meaning "substitute p2 for p1"
// */
// private static Pair<ITerm, ITerm> equalitySuggestsSubstitution(IFormula f) {
// switch (f.getKind()) {
// case RELATION:
// // it's not clear at this level that a constant or variable is "simpler" than
// // e.g. a function term. so, don't do anything.
// return null;
// // RelationFormula r = (RelationFormula) f;
// // if (r.getRelation().equals(BinaryRelation.EQUALS)) {
// // ITerm lhs = r.getTerms().get(0);
// // ITerm rhs = r.getTerms().get(1);
// // if (rhs.getKind().equals(ITerm.Kind.CONSTANT) || rhs.getKind().equals(ITerm.Kind.VARIABLE)) {
// // return Pair.make(lhs, rhs);
// // } else {
// // return null;
// // }
// // } else {
// // return null;
// // }
// QuantifiedFormula q = (QuantifiedFormula) f;
// if (q.getQuantifier().equals(Quantifier.FORALL)) {
// AbstractVariable bound = q.getBoundVar();
// Wildcard w = freshWildcard(q);
// IFormula g = substitute(q.getFormula(), bound, w);
// return equalitySuggestsSubstitution(g);
// } else {
// return null;
// }
// case BINARY:
// case CONSTANT:
// case NEGATION:
// default:
// // TODO
// return null;
// }
// }
// private static Wildcard freshWildcard(QuantifiedFormula q) {
// int max = 0;
// for (ITerm t : q.getAllTerms()) {
// if (t instanceof Wildcard) {
// Wildcard w = (Wildcard) t;
// max = Math.max(max, w.getNumber());
// }
// }
// return Wildcard.make(max + 1);
// }
// private static Wildcard freshWildcard(QuantifiedFormula q) {
// int max = 0;
// for (ITerm t : q.getAllTerms()) {
// if (t instanceof Wildcard) {
// Wildcard w = (Wildcard) t;
// max = Math.max(max, w.getNumber());
// }
// }
// return Wildcard.make(max + 1);
// }
* in formula f, substitute the term t2 for all free occurrences of t1
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if formula is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if formula is null
public static IFormula substitute(IFormula formula, ITerm t1, ITerm t2) {
if (formula == null) {
@ -401,25 +396,50 @@ public class Simplifier {
switch (formula.getKind()) {
case BINARY:
AbstractBinaryFormula b = (AbstractBinaryFormula) formula;
return BinaryFormula.make(b.getConnective(), substitute(b.getF1(), t1, t2), substitute(b.getF2(), t1, t2));
// TODO separate out cases for CNFFormula and Disjunction?
IFormula F1 = b.getF1();
IFormula subF1 = substitute(F1, t1, t2);
IFormula F2 = b.getF2();
IFormula subF2 = substitute(F2, t1, t2);
if (F1 != subF1 || F2 != subF2) {
return BinaryFormula.make(b.getConnective(), subF1, subF2);
} else {
return formula;
NotFormula n = (NotFormula) formula;
return NotFormula.make(substitute(n.getFormula(), t1, t2));
IFormula F = n.getFormula();
IFormula subF = substitute(F, t1, t2);
return F != subF ? NotFormula.make(subF) : formula;
QuantifiedFormula q = (QuantifiedFormula) formula;
if (q.getBoundVar().equals(t1)) {
return q;
} else {
return QuantifiedFormula.make(q.getQuantifier(), q.getBoundVar(), substitute(q.getFormula(), t1, t2));
IFormula body = q.getFormula();
IFormula subBody = substitute(body, t1, t2);
if (body != subBody) {
return QuantifiedFormula.make(q.getQuantifier(), q.getBoundVar(), subBody);
} else {
return formula;
RelationFormula r = (RelationFormula) formula;
List<ITerm> terms = new LinkedList<ITerm>();
for (ITerm t : r.getTerms()) {
List<ITerm> rTerms = r.getTerms();
List<ITerm> terms = new ArrayList<ITerm>(rTerms.size());
boolean someChange = false;
for (ITerm t : rTerms) {
Map<Wildcard, ITerm> binding = HashMapFactory.make();
terms.add(substitute(t, t1, t2, binding));
ITerm subTerm = substituteInTerm(t, t1, t2, binding);
someChange = someChange || t != subTerm;
if (someChange) {
return RelationFormula.make(r.getRelation(), terms);
} else {
return formula;
return RelationFormula.make(r.getRelation(), terms);
return formula;
@ -431,7 +451,7 @@ public class Simplifier {
* in term t, substitute t2 for free occurrences of t1
public static ITerm substitute(ITerm t, ITerm t1, ITerm t2, Map<Wildcard, ITerm> binding) {
public static ITerm substituteInTerm(ITerm t, ITerm t1, ITerm t2, Map<Wildcard, ITerm> binding) {
assert t != null;
assert t1 != null;
assert t2 != null;
@ -445,11 +465,19 @@ public class Simplifier {
return t;
FunctionTerm f = (FunctionTerm) t;
List<ITerm> terms = new LinkedList<ITerm>();
for (ITerm p : f.getParameters()) {
terms.add(substitute(p, t1, t2, binding));
List<ITerm> parameters = f.getParameters();
List<ITerm> terms = new ArrayList<ITerm>(parameters.size());
boolean someChange = false;
for (ITerm p : parameters) {
ITerm subTerm = substituteInTerm(p, t1, t2, binding);
someChange = someChange || p != subTerm;
if (someChange) {
return FunctionTerm.make(f.getFunction(), terms);
} else {
return t;
return FunctionTerm.make(f.getFunction(), terms);
if (t1.equals(t)) {
return t2;
@ -481,10 +509,17 @@ public class Simplifier {
FunctionTerm ft = (FunctionTerm) t;
List<ITerm> terms = new ArrayList<ITerm>();
boolean someChange = false;
for (ITerm p : ft.getParameters()) {
terms.add(bindingOf(p, binding));
ITerm bindingOfP = bindingOf(p, binding);
someChange = someChange || p != bindingOfP;
if (someChange) {
return FunctionTerm.make(ft.getFunction(), terms);
} else {
return t;
return FunctionTerm.make(ft.getFunction(), terms);
return null;
@ -492,9 +527,8 @@ public class Simplifier {
* Does the term t1 match the pattern t2? Note that this deals with wildcards.
* Records bindings from Wildcards to Terms in the binding map ... modified as
* a side effect.
* Does the term t1 match the pattern t2? Note that this deals with wildcards. Records bindings from Wildcards to
* Terms in the binding map ... modified as a side effect.
private static boolean termsMatch(ITerm t1, ITerm t2, Map<Wildcard, ITerm> binding) {
if (t1.equals(t2)) {
@ -552,8 +586,7 @@ public class Simplifier {
* Attempt to distribute the NOT from a NotFormula
* @return the original formula if the distribution is unsuccessful
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if f == null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if f == null
public static IFormula distributeNot(NotFormula f) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (f == null) {
@ -569,7 +602,7 @@ public class Simplifier {
return RelationFormula.make(negate, r.getTerms());
} else if (f1 instanceof AbstractBinaryFormula) {
AbstractBinaryFormula bf = (AbstractBinaryFormula)f1;
AbstractBinaryFormula bf = (AbstractBinaryFormula) f1;
if (bf.getConnective().equals(BinaryConnective.AND)) {
// DeMorgan: not(a and b) = not(a) or not(b)
IFormula notA = NotFormula.make(bf.getF1());