script to change version numbers consistently across files

This commit is contained in:
Manu Sridharan 2015-05-29 12:19:18 -07:00
parent 6e145e3f26
commit e17c4a0617
1 changed files with 37 additions and 0 deletions

37 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# specify versions as version number, optionally followed by
# '-SNAPSHOT' for a snapshot version
import sys
import subprocess
oldVersion = sys.argv[1]
newVersion = sys.argv[2]
print oldVersion + " --> " + newVersion
oldVersion = oldVersion.replace(".", "\.")
newVersion = newVersion.replace(".", "\.")
cleanCmd = "mvn clean -q"
print cleanCmd
subprocess.check_output(cleanCmd, shell=True)
xmlCmd = "find -E ./ -regex \".*(pom|mvncentral)\.xml\" | xargs -n 1 perl -pi -e \'s/" + oldVersion + "/" + newVersion + "/g\'"
print xmlCmd
subprocess.check_output(xmlCmd, shell=True)
oldIsSnapshot = oldVersion.endswith("SNAPSHOT")
newIsSnapShot = newVersion.endswith("SNAPSHOT")
bundleOld = oldVersion if not oldIsSnapshot else oldVersion.replace("-SNAPSHOT","\.qualifier")
bundleNew = newVersion if not newIsSnapShot else newVersion.replace("-SNAPSHOT","\.qualifier")
otherCmd = "find -E ./ -regex \".*(MANIFEST\.MF|feature\.xml)\" | xargs -n 1 perl -pi -e \'s/" + bundleOld + "/" + bundleNew + "/g\'"
print otherCmd
subprocess.check_output(otherCmd, shell=True)
print "done"