Rework Kawa download and build tasks to be more Gradle'y

All Kawa-related downloads now use our existing VerifiedDownload task
class.  This gives us Gradle-integrated progress reporting,
incremental build support, build caching, correct dependencies, etc.

Using Kawa to compile Scheme into bytecode now also has proper
dependency management, incremental build support, and build caching.
Same goes for bundling these compiled bytecode files into jar archives
for later use in regression tests.

Also, when downloading kawa-chess, grab a specific commit hash rather
than whatever is the most recent master commit.  If this project
changes in the future, we don't want our tests to break unexpectedly.
Perhaps we'd want to pick up any new kawa-chess commits; perhaps not.
Either way, that should be a conscious decision rather than something
that can happen behind our backs.
This commit is contained in:
Ben Liblit 2018-08-04 04:37:41 -05:00
parent 8324a9cb56
commit febf20145e
2 changed files with 61 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:3.4.1'
compile 'de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:3.4.3'

View File

@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
buildscript {
repositories { mavenCentral() }
dependencies { classpath 'org.ajoberstar:gradle-git:0.2.3' }
plugins {
id 'eclipse'
@ -11,94 +6,90 @@ eclipse.project.natures 'org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature' = ['src']
// download and extract kawa 3.0 "kawa.jar"
task downloadKawa(type: Exec) {
commandLine "wget", ""
workingDir "$temporaryDir"
def destination = file("$temporaryDir/")
enabled = !destination.exists() //to clone only once
task downloadKawa(type: VerifiedDownload) {
ext.version = '3.0'
final def archive = "kawa-${version}.zip"
src "$archive"
dest "$temporaryDir/$archive"
checksum '2713e6dfb939274ba3b1d36daea68436'
task extractKawa(type: Copy, dependsOn: downloadKawa) {
from(zipTree("${downloadKawa.temporaryDir}/")) {
include "kawa-3.0/lib/kawa.jar"
task extractKawa(type: Sync, dependsOn: downloadKawa) {
from(zipTree(downloadKawa.dest)) {
include "kawa-${downloadKawa.version}/lib/kawa.jar"
eachFile {
relativePath new RelativePath(!directory, relativePath.lastName)
into projectDir
into temporaryDir
includeEmptyDirs false
outputs.file 'kawa.jar'
def destination = file('kawa.jar')
enabled = !destination.exists() //to clone only once
outputs.file "$temporaryDir/kawa.jar"
task cleanExtractKawa(type: Delete) {
delete files(extractKawa)[0]
clean.dependsOn cleanExtractKawa
// build kawa chess
// specialized task for Kawa compilation into jar archive
import org.ajoberstar.gradle.git.tasks.*
task getKawaChess(type: GitClone) {
def destination = file("kawa-chess")
uri = ""
destinationPath = destination
bare = false
enabled = !destination.exists() //to clone only once
class CompileKawaJar extends Jar {
task compileChessFiles(type: JavaExec) {
def kawaImg = file('kawa-chess/img.scm')
def kawaPos = file('kawa-chess/pos.scm')
def kawaChess = file('kawa-chess/chess.scm')
def kawaGui = file('kawa-chess/gui.scm')
inputs.file kawaImg
inputs.file kawaPos
inputs.file kawaChess
inputs.file kawaGui
workingDir = file('kawa-chess')
def kawaJar = new File("kawa.jar")
inputs.file kawaJar
@Nested final def compile = project.task("compileKawaInto${name.capitalize()}", type: JavaExec) {
final def kawaJar = project.files(project.extractKawa)[0]
classpath kawaJar
main 'kawa.repl'
args '-C', 'img.scm', 'pos.scm', 'chess.scm', 'gui.scm'
args '-d', temporaryDir
outputs.dir temporaryDir
logging.captureStandardError LogLevel.INFO
args '--main', '-C'
compileChessFiles.dependsOn extractKawa
compileChessFiles.dependsOn getKawaChess
task compileChessMain(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: compileChessFiles) {
def kawaJar = new File("kawa.jar")
inputs.file kawaJar
classpath kawaJar
workingDir = file("kawa-chess")
def kawaMain = file('kawa-chess/main.scm')
inputs.file kawaMain
main 'kawa.repl'
args '--main', '-C', 'main.scm'
task buildChessJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: compileChessMain) {
from file('kawa-chess')
baseName 'kawachess'
CompileKawaJar() {
from compile
version null
destinationDir projectDir
void setArgs(Object... args) {
compile.args args
// download, unpack, and build kawa chess
task downloadKawaChess(type: VerifiedDownload) {
ext.commitHash = 'f1d2dcc707a1ef19dc159e2eaee5aecc8a41d7a8'
src "${commitHash}.zip"
dest "$temporaryDir/"
checksum 'cf29613d2be5f476a475ee28b4df9d9e'
task unpackKawaChess(type: Sync, dependsOn: downloadKawaChess) {
from zipTree(downloadKawaChess.dest)
into temporaryDir = "$destinationDir/kawa-chess-${downloadKawaChess.commitHash}"
task buildChessJar(type: CompileKawaJar, dependsOn: unpackKawaChess) {
final def schemePath = { "$${it}.scm" }
final def schemeFiles = files(['chess', 'gui', 'img', 'main', 'pos'].collect(schemePath))
args schemePath('main')
inputs.files schemeFiles
baseName 'kawachess'
@ -107,25 +98,11 @@ task buildChessJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: compileChessMain) {
// build the kawa test jar
task compileKawaTestMain(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: extractKawa) {
def kawaJar = new File("kawa.jar")
inputs.file kawaJar
classpath kawaJar
workingDir file('kawasrc')
def kawaMain = file('kawasrc/test.scm')
inputs.file kawaMain
main 'kawa.repl'
args '--main', '-C', 'test.scm'
task buildKawaTestJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: compileKawaTestMain) {
from file('kawasrc')
task buildKawaTestJar(type: CompileKawaJar) {
final def schemeFile = file('kawasrc/test.scm')
args schemeFile
inputs.files schemeFile
baseName 'kawatest'
version null
destinationDir projectDir