plugins { id 'com.github.hauner.jarTest' version '1.0.1' } apply plugin: 'cpp' 'harness-src/java' dependencies { testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11' testCompile project('') testCompile project('') testCompile project('') testCompile project(configuration: 'testArchives', path: '') } // TODO: build following targets for "test"-only, not "main" def currentJvm = org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm.current() task generateJniHeaders(type: Exec, dependsOn: [testClasses, '']) { // classes for which we need headers def nativePackage = '' def nativeClasses = ['TestNativeTranslator'] def qualifiedClasses = nativeClasses.collect { "$nativePackage.$it" } // inputs and outputs, suitable for use with rule-based model configuration ext { sourceDir = null headerDir = "$buildDir/include" } inputs.files files(qualifiedClasses.collect { "$buildDir/${it.replace('.', '/')}.class" }) outputs.files files(qualifiedClasses.collect { "$headerDir/${it.replace('.', '_')}.h" }) // javah command to generate headers def sourceSets = [sourceSets.test, project('').sourceSets.main] def classesDirs = sourceSets.inject(files()) { acc, val -> } def classpath = classesDirs.asPath def javah = currentJvm.getExecutable('javah') commandLine(javah, '-d', "$headerDir", '-classpath', classpath) args(qualifiedClasses) } model { components { xlator_test(NativeLibrarySpec) { sources.cpp { source { srcDir 'harness-src/c' include 'smoke.cpp' } generatedBy tasks.generateJniHeaders ['cast', 'jdk'].each { lib project: '', library: it } } binaries { withType(StaticLibraryBinarySpec) { buildable = false } all { // TODO: compute path on following line from 'cast' library properties somehow linker.args '-Wl,-rpath', "${project('').buildDir}/libs/cast/shared" // TODO: compute path on following line from 'jdk' library properties somehow linker.args '-Wl,-rpath', "${currentJvm.javaHome}/jre/lib/amd64/server" } } } smoke_main(NativeExecutableSpec) { sources.cpp { source { srcDir 'harness-src/c' include 'smoke_main.cpp' } ['cast', 'jdk'].each { lib project: '', library: it } } binaries.all { // TODO: compute path on following line from 'cast' library properties somehow linker.args '-Wl,-rpath', "${project('').buildDir}/libs/cast/shared" // TODO: compute path on following line from 'jdk' library properties somehow linker.args '-Wl,-rpath', "${currentJvm.javaHome}/jre/lib/amd64/server" } } } } // TODO: running the Java tests in this subproject requires the xlator_test library, since the Java test code loads the xlator_test library at run time