/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Martin Hecker, KIT - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package com.ibm.wala.shrikeCT; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Pair; import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.Assertions; /** * This class reads TypeAnnotations attributes, i.e.: RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations and RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations * * @author Martin Hecker martin.hecker@kit.edu */ public class TypeAnnotationsReader extends AnnotationsReader { /** * required for {@link TypeAnnotationLocation#method_info} readers */ private final ExceptionsReader exceptionReader; /** * required for {@link TypeAnnotationLocation#Code} readers */ private final CodeReader codeReader; /** * required for {@link TypeAnnotationLocation#method_info} * and for {@link TypeAnnotationLocation#ClassFile} readers */ private final SignatureReader signatureReader; private final TypeAnnotationLocation location; protected TypeAnnotationsReader( ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, String label, ExceptionsReader exceptionReader, CodeReader codeReader, SignatureReader signatureReader, TypeAnnotationLocation location ) throws InvalidClassFileException { super(iter, label); this.exceptionReader = exceptionReader; this.codeReader = codeReader; this.signatureReader = signatureReader; this.location = location; } /** * @return a TypeAnnotationReader for reading type annotations in the attributes table of a ClassFile structure */ public static TypeAnnotationsReader getTypeAnnotationReaderAtClassfile( ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, String label, SignatureReader signatureReader ) throws InvalidClassFileException { return new TypeAnnotationsReader(iter, label, null, null, signatureReader, TypeAnnotationLocation.ClassFile); } /** * @return a TypeAnnotationReader for reading type annotations in the attributes table of a method_info structure */ public static TypeAnnotationsReader getTypeAnnotationReaderAtMethodInfo( ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, String label, ExceptionsReader exceptionReader, SignatureReader signatureReader ) throws InvalidClassFileException { return new TypeAnnotationsReader(iter, label, exceptionReader, null, signatureReader, TypeAnnotationLocation.method_info); } /** * @return a TypeAnnotationReader for reading type annotations in the attributes table of a field_info structure */ public static TypeAnnotationsReader getTypeAnnotationReaderAtFieldInfo( ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, String label ) throws InvalidClassFileException { return new TypeAnnotationsReader(iter, label, null, null, null, TypeAnnotationLocation.field_info); } /** * @return a TypeAnnotationReader for reading type annotations in the attributes table of a Code attribute */ public static TypeAnnotationsReader getTypeAnnotationReaderAtCode( ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, String label, CodeReader codeReader ) throws InvalidClassFileException { return new TypeAnnotationsReader(iter, label, null, codeReader, null, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code); } /** * @return an array TypeAnnotationAttribute[] corresponding to the annotations[num_annotations] table * specified as: *
   * {@code
   * RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute {
   *   u2              attribute_name_index;
   *   u4              attribute_length;
   *   u2              num_annotations;
   *   type_annotation annotations[num_annotations];
   * }
   * }
* @see JLS (SE8), 4.7.20 */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public TypeAnnotationAttribute[] getAllTypeAnnotations() throws InvalidClassFileException { TypeAnnotationAttribute[] result = new TypeAnnotationAttribute[getAnnotationCount()]; int offset = beginOffset + 8; // skip attribute_name_index, // attribute_length, and num_annotations for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { Pair attributeAndSize = getTypeAttributeAndSize(offset); result[i] = attributeAndSize.fst; offset += attributeAndSize.snd; } return result; } /** * @param begin the offset from which to read a type annotation * @return a Pair (a,i) such that "i" is the number of bytes read in order to construct "a", which is * the {@link TypeAnnotationAttribute} that corresponds to the type_annotation structure at offset begin specified as: *
   * {@code
   * type_annotation {
   *   u1 target_type;
   *   union {
   *     type_parameter_target;
   *     supertype_target;
   *     type_parameter_bound_target;
   *     empty_target;
   *     method_formal_parameter_target;
   *     throws_target;
   *     localvar_target;
   *     catch_target;
   *     offset_target;
   *     type_argument_target;
   *   } target_info;
   *   type_path target_path;
   *   u2        type_index;
   *   u2        num_element_value_pairs;
   *   {   u2            element_name_index;
   *       element_value value;
   *   } element_value_pairs[num_element_value_pairs];
   * }
   * }
* */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") private Pair getTypeAttributeAndSize(int begin) throws InvalidClassFileException { TargetType target_type = TargetType.fromValue(cr.getUnsignedByte(begin)); if (target_type == null) { throw new InvalidClassFileException(begin, "Unknown target_type: " + cr.getUnsignedByte(begin)); } if (target_type.location != this.location) { throw new InvalidClassFileException( begin, target_type + " annotation found while reading " + this.location + " annotations." + " Only valid at " + target_type.location ); } final Pair pAnnotationTargetAndSize = getTypeAnnotationTargetAndSize(begin+1, target_type.target_info); final int type_path_offset = begin + 1 + pAnnotationTargetAndSize.snd; checkSize(type_path_offset, 1); final int path_length = cr.getUnsignedByte(type_path_offset); checkSize(type_path_offset + 1, 2 * path_length); ArrayList> type_path = new ArrayList<>(path_length); int current_path_element = type_path_offset + 1; for (int i = 0; i < path_length; i++) { TypePathKind type_path_kind = TypePathKind.fromValue(cr.getUnsignedByte(current_path_element)); int type_argument_index = cr.getUnsignedByte(current_path_element + 1); type_path.add(i, Pair.make(type_path_kind, type_argument_index)); current_path_element += 2; } final int annotation_begin = type_path_offset + 1 + 2*path_length; Pair pAttributeAndSize = getAttributeAndSize(annotation_begin); return Pair.make( new TypeAnnotationAttribute( pAnnotationTargetAndSize.fst, pAttributeAndSize.fst, type_path, target_type ), 1 + pAnnotationTargetAndSize.snd + 1 + 2*path_length + pAttributeAndSize.snd ); } private Pair getTypeAnnotationTargetAndSize(int begin, TargetInfo target_info) throws InvalidClassFileException { switch (target_info) { case type_parameter_target: { checkSize(begin, 1); return Pair.make(new TypeParameterTarget(cr.getUnsignedByte(begin)), 1); } case supertype_target: { checkSize(begin, 2); final int interfaceIndex = cr.getUShort(begin); final String superType; if (interfaceIndex == 65535) { superType = cr.getSuperName(); } else { superType = cr.getInterfaceName(interfaceIndex); } return Pair.make(new SuperTypeTarget(superType), 2); } case type_parameter_bound_target: { checkSize(begin, 2); return Pair.make(new TypeParameterBoundTarget( cr.getUnsignedByte(begin), cr.getUnsignedByte(begin+1), signatureReader.getSignature() ), 2); } case empty_target: { return Pair.make(new EmptyTarget(), 0); } case formal_parameter_target: { checkSize(begin, 1); return Pair.make(new FormalParameterTarget(cr.getUnsignedByte(begin)), 1); } case throws_target: { assert exceptionReader != null; checkSize(begin, 2); final int throwsIndex = cr.getUShort(begin); return Pair.make(new ThrowsTarget(exceptionReader.getClasses()[throwsIndex]), 2); } /* * localvar_target { * u2 table_length; * { u2 start_pc; u2 length; u2 index; * } table[table_length]; * } */ case localvar_target: { checkSize(begin, 2); final int table_length = cr.getUShort(begin); final int offset = begin+2; checkSize(offset, (2+2+2)*table_length); int[] start_pc = new int[table_length]; int[] length = new int[table_length]; int[] index = new int[table_length]; for (int i = 0; i < table_length; i++) { start_pc[i] = cr.getUShort(offset + (2+2+2)*i); length[i] = cr.getUShort(offset + 2 + (2+2+2)*i); index[i] = cr.getUShort(offset + 4 + (2+2+2)*i); } return Pair.make(new LocalVarTarget(start_pc, length, index), 2 + (2+2+2)*table_length); } case catch_target: { assert codeReader != null; checkSize(begin, 2); int exception_table_index = cr.getUShort(begin); int[] rawHandler = new int[4]; System.arraycopy(codeReader.getRawHandlers(), exception_table_index*4, rawHandler, 0, 4); final String catchType = rawHandler[3] == 0 ? CatchTarget.ALL_EXCEPTIONS : cr.getCP().getCPClass(rawHandler[3]); return Pair.make(new CatchTarget(rawHandler, catchType), 2); } case offset_target: { checkSize(begin, 2); int offset = cr.getUShort(begin); return Pair.make(new OffsetTarget(offset), 2); } case type_argument_target: { checkSize(begin, 3); int offset = cr.getUShort(begin); int type_argument_index = cr.getUnsignedByte(begin); return Pair.make(new TypeArgumentTarget(offset, type_argument_index), 3); } default: Assertions.UNREACHABLE(); return null; } } /** * Enumeration of those Bytecode locations where type annotation may appear (in the corresponding attribute table). * * @see JLS (SE8), 4.7.20 */ public static enum TypeAnnotationLocation { ClassFile, method_info, field_info, Code; } /** * Possible target_type items. * * @see JLS (SE8), 4.7.20 */ public static enum TargetInfo { type_parameter_target, supertype_target, type_parameter_bound_target, empty_target, formal_parameter_target, throws_target, localvar_target, catch_target, offset_target, type_argument_target } /** * Known target_types for JSR 308 Type-Annotation. * * Constant names taken from http://types.cs.washington.edu/jsr308/ * * @see JLS (SE8), 4.7.20 */ // TODO: This somewhat mirrors com.sun.tools.javac.code.TargetType, maybe just use that instead? public static enum TargetType { CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER( 0x00, TargetInfo.type_parameter_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.ClassFile), METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER( 0x01, TargetInfo.type_parameter_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.method_info), CLASS_EXTENDS( 0x10, TargetInfo.supertype_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.ClassFile), CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND( 0x11, TargetInfo.type_parameter_bound_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.ClassFile), METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND( 0x12, TargetInfo.type_parameter_bound_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.method_info), FIELD( 0x13, TargetInfo.empty_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.field_info), METHOD_RETURN( 0x14, TargetInfo.empty_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.method_info), METHOD_RECEIVER( 0x15, TargetInfo.empty_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.method_info), METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER( 0x16, TargetInfo.formal_parameter_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.method_info), THROWS( 0x17, TargetInfo.throws_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.method_info), LOCAL_VARIABLE( 0x40, TargetInfo.localvar_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), RESOURCE_VARIABLE( 0x41, TargetInfo.localvar_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), EXCEPTION_PARAMETER( 0x42, TargetInfo.catch_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), INSTANCEOF( 0x43, TargetInfo.offset_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), NEW( 0x44, TargetInfo.offset_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE( 0x45, TargetInfo.offset_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), METHOD_REFERENCE( 0x46, TargetInfo.offset_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), CAST( 0x47, TargetInfo.type_argument_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT(0x48, TargetInfo.type_argument_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT( 0x49, TargetInfo.type_argument_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT( 0x4A, TargetInfo.type_argument_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code), METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT( 0x4B, TargetInfo.type_argument_target, TypeAnnotationLocation.Code); private static final Map fromValue; static { final TargetType[] targetTypes = TargetType.values(); fromValue = HashMapFactory.make(targetTypes.length); for (int i = 0; i < targetTypes.length; i++) { fromValue.put(targetTypes[i].target_type, targetTypes[i]); } } public static TargetType fromValue(int value) { return fromValue.get(value); } public final int target_type; public final TargetInfo target_info; public final TypeAnnotationLocation location; TargetType(int target_type, TargetInfo target_info, TypeAnnotationLocation location) { if (!(0 <= target_type && target_type <= Byte.MAX_VALUE)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Code may break for target_type that does not fit in a Java (signed!) byte" ); } this.target_type = target_type; this.target_info = target_info; this.location = location; } } /** * A {@link TypeAnnotationTarget} represents one of the possible target_info structure *
   * {@code
   * union {
   *     type_parameter_target;
   *     supertype_target;
   *     type_parameter_bound_target;
   *     empty_target;
   *     method_formal_parameter_target;
   *     throws_target;
   *     localvar_target;
   *     catch_target;
   *     offset_target;
   *     type_argument_target;
   * } target_info;
   * }
* @author Martin Hecker martin.hecker@kit.edu */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public static abstract class TypeAnnotationTarget { private final TargetInfo targetInfo; protected TypeAnnotationTarget(TargetInfo targetInfo) { this.targetInfo = targetInfo; } public TargetInfo getTargetInfo() { return targetInfo; } public abstract R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor); } public static interface TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor { R visitTypeParameterTarget(TypeParameterTarget target); R visitSuperTypeTarget(SuperTypeTarget target ); R visitTypeParameterBoundTarget(TypeParameterBoundTarget target); R visitEmptyTarget(EmptyTarget target); R visitFormalParameterTarget(FormalParameterTarget target); R visitThrowsTarget(ThrowsTarget target); R visitLocalVarTarget(LocalVarTarget target); R visitCatchTarget(CatchTarget target); R visitOffsetTarget(OffsetTarget target); R visitTypeArgumentTarget(TypeArgumentTarget target); } /** * @see JLS (SE8), A */ public static class TypeParameterTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final int type_parameter_index; public TypeParameterTarget(int type_parameter_index) { super(TargetInfo.type_parameter_target); this.type_parameter_index = type_parameter_index; } public int getIndex() { return type_parameter_index; } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitTypeParameterTarget(this); } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), B */ public static class SuperTypeTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final String superType; public SuperTypeTarget(String superType) { super(TargetInfo.supertype_target); this.superType = superType; } public String getSuperType() { return superType; } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitSuperTypeTarget(this); } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), C */ public static class TypeParameterBoundTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final int type_parameter_index; private final int bound_index; private final String boundSignature; public TypeParameterBoundTarget(int type_parameter_index, int bound_index, String boundSignature) { super(TargetInfo.type_parameter_bound_target); this.type_parameter_index = type_parameter_index; this.bound_index = bound_index; this.boundSignature = boundSignature; } public int getParameterIndex() { return type_parameter_index; } public int getBoundIndex() { return bound_index; } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitTypeParameterBoundTarget(this); } public String getBoundSignature() { return boundSignature; } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), D */ public static class EmptyTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { public EmptyTarget() { super(TargetInfo.empty_target); } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitEmptyTarget(this); } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), E */ public static class FormalParameterTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final int formal_parameter_index; public FormalParameterTarget(int index) { super(TargetInfo.formal_parameter_target); this.formal_parameter_index = index; } public int getIndex() { return formal_parameter_index; } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitFormalParameterTarget(this); } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), F */ public static class ThrowsTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final String throwType; public ThrowsTarget(String throwType) { super(TargetInfo.supertype_target); this.throwType = throwType; } public String getThrowType() { return throwType; } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitThrowsTarget(this); } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), G */ public static class LocalVarTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final int[] start_pc; private final int[] length; private final int[] index; public LocalVarTarget(int[] start_pc, int[] length, int[] index) { super(TargetInfo.localvar_target); if (!(start_pc.length == length.length && length.length == index.length)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // TODO: do we really need to copy here? Can't we trust callees not to change arrays after the fact? this.start_pc = Arrays.copyOf(start_pc, start_pc.length); this.length = Arrays.copyOf(length, length.length); this.index = Arrays.copyOf(index, index.length); } public int getNrOfRanges() { return start_pc.length; } public int getStartPc(int range) { return start_pc[range]; } public int getLength(int range) { return length[range]; } public int getIndex(int range) { return index[range]; } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitLocalVarTarget(this); } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), H */ public static class CatchTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final int[] rawHandler; private final String catchType; public static final String ALL_EXCEPTIONS = null; public CatchTarget(int[] rawHandler, String catchType) { super(TargetInfo.catch_target); this.rawHandler = rawHandler; this.catchType = catchType; } /** * @return The type-annotations targets raw handler, i.e.: a 4 tuple (startPC, endPC, catchPC, catchClassIndex) * @see CodeReader */ public int[] getRawHandler() { // TODO: do we really need to copy here? Can't we trust callees not to change arrays after the fact? return Arrays.copyOf(rawHandler, rawHandler.length); } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitCatchTarget(this); } public String getCatchType() { return catchType; } public int getStartPC() { return rawHandler[0]; } public int getEndPC() { return rawHandler[1]; } public int getCatchPC() { return rawHandler[2]; } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), I */ public static class OffsetTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final int offset; public OffsetTarget(int offset) { super(TargetInfo.offset_target); this.offset = offset; } public int getOffset() { return offset; } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitOffsetTarget(this); } } /** * @see JLS (SE8), J */ public static class TypeArgumentTarget extends TypeAnnotationTarget { private final int offset; private final int type_argument_index; public TypeArgumentTarget(int offset, int type_argument_index) { super(TargetInfo.type_argument_target); this.offset = offset; this.type_argument_index = type_argument_index; } public int getOffset() { return offset; } public int getTypeArgumentIndex() { return type_argument_index; } @Override public R acceptVisitor(TypeAnnotationTargetVisitor visitor) { return visitor.visitTypeArgumentTarget(this); } } public static enum AnnotationType { RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations, RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations } public static enum TypePathKind { DEEPER_IN_ARRAY(0), DEEPER_IN_NESTED(1), WILDCARD_BOUND(2), TYPE_ARGUMENT(3); private final int type_path_kind; private TypePathKind(int type_path_kind) { this.type_path_kind = type_path_kind; } private static final Map fromValue; static { final TypePathKind[] typePathKinds = TypePathKind.values(); fromValue = HashMapFactory.make(typePathKinds.length); for (int i = 0; i < typePathKinds.length; i++) { fromValue.put(typePathKinds[i].type_path_kind, typePathKinds[i]); } } public static TypePathKind fromValue(int value) { return fromValue.get(value); } } public static final List> TYPEPATH_EMPTY = Collections.emptyList(); public static class TypeAnnotationAttribute { public final TypeAnnotationTarget annotationTarget; public final AnnotationAttribute annotationAttribute; public final List> typePath; public final TargetType targetType; public TypeAnnotationAttribute( TypeAnnotationTarget annotationTarget, AnnotationAttribute annotationAttribute, List> typePath, TargetType targetType ) { this.annotationTarget = annotationTarget; this.annotationAttribute = annotationAttribute; this.typePath = Collections.unmodifiableList(typePath); this.targetType = targetType; } } public static boolean isKnownAnnotation(String name) { for (AnnotationType t : AnnotationType.values()) { if (t.name().equals(name)) { return true; } } return false; } private static interface Action { TypeAnnotationsReader apply() throws InvalidClassFileException; } public static TypeAnnotationsReader getReaderForAnnotationAtClassfile(final AnnotationType type, final ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, final SignatureReader signatureReader) { return advanceIter(type, iter, new Action() { @Override public TypeAnnotationsReader apply() throws InvalidClassFileException { return getTypeAnnotationReaderAtClassfile(iter, type.toString(), signatureReader); } }); } public static TypeAnnotationsReader getReaderForAnnotationAtMethodInfo(final AnnotationType type, final ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, final ExceptionsReader exceptionReader, final SignatureReader signatureReader) { return advanceIter(type, iter, new Action() { @Override public TypeAnnotationsReader apply() throws InvalidClassFileException { return getTypeAnnotationReaderAtMethodInfo(iter, type.toString(), exceptionReader, signatureReader); } }); } public static TypeAnnotationsReader getReaderForAnnotationAtFieldInfo(final AnnotationType type, final ClassReader.AttrIterator iter) { return advanceIter(type, iter, new Action() { @Override public TypeAnnotationsReader apply() throws InvalidClassFileException { return getTypeAnnotationReaderAtFieldInfo(iter, type.toString()); } }); } public static TypeAnnotationsReader getReaderForAnnotationAtCode(final AnnotationType type, final ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, final CodeReader codereader) { return advanceIter(type, iter, new Action() { @Override public TypeAnnotationsReader apply() throws InvalidClassFileException { return getTypeAnnotationReaderAtCode(iter, type.toString(), codereader); } }); } private static TypeAnnotationsReader advanceIter(AnnotationType type, ClassReader.AttrIterator iter, Action newReader){ // search for the desired attribute final String attrName = type.toString(); try { for (; iter.isValid(); iter.advance()) { if (iter.getName().equals(attrName)) return newReader.apply(); } } catch (InvalidClassFileException e) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE(); } return null; } }