/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2011 IBM Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *****************************************************************************/ package com.ibm.wala.cast.js.html; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap.Position; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Pair; public class DefaultSourceExtractor extends DomLessSourceExtractor{ protected static class HtmlCallBack extends DomLessSourceExtractor.HtmlCallback{ private final HashMap constructors = HashMapFactory.make(); private final Stack stack = new Stack(); private final Stack forms = new Stack(); private final Set> sets = new HashSet>(); public HtmlCallBack(URL entrypointUrl, IUrlResolver urlResolver) { super(entrypointUrl, urlResolver); constructors.put("FORM", "DOMHTMLFormElement"); constructors.put("TABLE", "DOMHTMLTableElement"); } @Override public void handleEndTag(ITag tag) { super.handleEndTag(tag); endElement(stack.pop()); if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("FORM")) { forms.pop(); } for(Entry> e : tag.getAllAttributes().entrySet()) { String a = e.getKey(); String v = e.getValue().fst; if (v != null && v.startsWith("javascript:")) { try { entrypointRegion.println(" " + v.substring(11), e.getValue().snd, new URL(tag.getElementPosition().getURL().toString() + "#" + a), true); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { entrypointRegion.println(v.substring(11), e.getValue().snd, entrypointUrl, false); } } } } @Override protected void handleDOM(ITag tag, String funcName) { String cons = constructors.get(tag.getName().toUpperCase()); if(cons == null) cons = "DOMHTMLElement"; writeElement(tag, cons, funcName); newLine(); } private void printlnIndented(String line, ITag relatedTag){ printlnIndented(line, relatedTag==null? null: relatedTag.getElementPosition()); } private void printlnIndented(String line, Position pos){ StringBuilder indentedLine = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0 ; i < stack.size() ; i++){ indentedLine.append(" "); } indentedLine.append(line); if (pos == null){ domRegion.println(indentedLine.toString()); } else { domRegion.println(indentedLine.toString(), pos, entrypointUrl, false); } } private void newLine(){ domRegion.println(""); } private String makeRef(String object, String property) { assert object != null && property != null; return object + "[\"" + property + "\"]"; } protected void writeElement(ITag tag, String cons, String varName){ Map> attrs = tag.getAllAttributes(); printlnIndented("function make_" + varName + "(parent) {", tag); stack.push(varName); printlnIndented("this.temp = " + cons + ";", tag); printlnIndented("this.temp(\"" + tag.getName() + "\");", tag); for (Map.Entry> e : attrs.entrySet()){ String attr = e.getKey(); String value = e.getValue().fst; writeAttribute(tag, e.getValue().snd, attr, value, "this", varName); } if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("FORM")) { forms.push(tag); printlnIndented(" document.forms[document.formCount++] = this;", tag); printlnIndented(" var currentForm = this;", tag); } if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("INPUT")) { String prop = attrs.containsKey("name") ? attrs.get("name").fst : null; String type = attrs.containsKey("type") ? attrs.get("type").fst : null; if (type != null && prop != null) { //input tags do not need to be in a form if (!forms.isEmpty()) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("RADIO")) { if (! sets.contains(Pair.make(forms.peek(), prop))) { sets.add(Pair.make(forms.peek(), prop)); printlnIndented(" " + makeRef("currentForm", prop) + " = new Array();", tag); printlnIndented(" " + makeRef("currentForm", prop + "Counter") + " = 0;", tag); } printlnIndented(" " + makeRef(makeRef("currentForm", prop), prop + "Counter++") + " = this;", tag); } else { printlnIndented(" " + makeRef("currentForm", prop) + " = this;", tag); } } } } assert varName != null && !"".equals(varName); printlnIndented(varName + " = this;", tag); printlnIndented("document." + varName + " = this;", tag); printlnIndented("parent.appendChild(this);", tag); } protected void writeAttribute(ITag tag, Position pos, String attr, String value, String varName, String varName2) { writePortletAttribute(tag, attr, value, varName); writeEventAttribute(tag, pos, attr, value, varName, varName2); } protected void writeEventAttribute(ITag tag, Position pos, String attr, String value, String varName, String varName2){ //There should probably be more checking to see what the attributes are since we allow things like: ; to be used as attributes now. if(attr.length() >= 2 && attr.substring(0,2).equals("on")) { printlnIndented(varName + "." + attr + " = function " + tag.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + attr + "(event) {" + value + "};", tag); entrypointRegion.println(varName2 + "." + attr + "(null);", tag.getElementPosition(), entrypointUrl, false); } else if (value != null) { Pair x = quotify(value); value = x.fst; char quote = x.snd; if (attr.equals(attr.toUpperCase())) { attr = attr.toLowerCase(); } printlnIndented(varName + "['" + attr + "'] = " + quote + value + quote + ";", tag); } } protected void writePortletAttribute(ITag tag, String attr, String value, String varName){ if(attr.equals("portletid")) { if(value.substring(value.length()-4).equals("vice")) { newLine(); newLine(); printlnIndented("function cVice() { var contextVice = " + varName + "; }\ncVice();\n", tag); } else if(value.substring(value.length()-4).equals("root")) { newLine(); newLine(); printlnIndented("function cRoot() { var contextRoot = " + varName + "; }\ncRoot();\n", tag); } } } protected void endElement(String name) { printlnIndented("};", (Position)null); if (stack.isEmpty()) { printlnIndented("new make_" + name + "(document);\n\n", (Position)null); } else { printlnIndented("new make_" + name + "(this);\n", (Position)null); } } } @Override protected IGeneratorCallback createHtmlCallback(URL entrypointUrl, IUrlResolver urlResolver) { return new HtmlCallBack(entrypointUrl, urlResolver); } }