/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 IBM Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *****************************************************************************/ package com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.translator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AssignInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstAssertInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstEchoInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstGlobalRead; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstGlobalWrite; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstIsDefinedInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstLexicalAccess.Access; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstLexicalRead; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstLexicalWrite; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.AstYieldInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.CAstBinaryOp; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.CAstUnaryOp; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.EachElementGetInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.EachElementHasNextInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.ssa.SSAConversion; import com.ibm.wala.cast.loader.AstMethod; import com.ibm.wala.cast.loader.AstMethod.DebuggingInformation; import com.ibm.wala.cast.loader.AstMethod.LexicalInformation; import com.ibm.wala.cast.loader.CAstAbstractLoader; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstControlFlowMap; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstEntity; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap.Position; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSymbol; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstType; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstImpl; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstOperator; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstSymbolImpl; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstSymbolImplBase; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.rewrite.CAstCloner; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.rewrite.CAstRewriter; import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.visit.CAstVisitor; import com.ibm.wala.cast.types.AstTypeReference; import com.ibm.wala.cast.util.CAstPrinter; import com.ibm.wala.cfg.AbstractCFG; import com.ibm.wala.cfg.IBasicBlock; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.CallSiteReference; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IClassLoader; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.ModuleEntry; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CGNode; import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.BinaryOpInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.ConditionalBranchInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.IBinaryOpInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.IConditionalBranchInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.IUnaryOpInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.ShiftInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAAbstractInvokeInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAConditionalBranchInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAGetCaughtExceptionInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAGotoInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAInstructionFactory; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAMonitorInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SymbolTable; import com.ibm.wala.types.FieldReference; import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeName; import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeReference; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashSetFactory; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Iterator2Iterable; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.MapUtil; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Pair; import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.Assertions; import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.UnimplementedError; import com.ibm.wala.util.graph.impl.SparseNumberedGraph; import com.ibm.wala.util.graph.traverse.DFS; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.IntSet; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.IntSetUtil; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.MutableIntSet; import com.ibm.wala.util.strings.Atom; import com.ibm.wala.util.warnings.Warning; /** * Common code to translate CAst to IR. Must be specialized by each language to * handle semantics appropriately. */ public abstract class AstTranslator extends CAstVisitor implements ArrayOpHandler, TranslatorToIR { /** * does the language care about using type-appropriate default values? For * Java, the answer is yes (ints should get a default value of 0, null for * pointers, etc.). For JavaScript, the answer is no, as any variable can hold * the value 'undefined'. */ protected abstract boolean useDefaultInitValues(); /** * can lexical reads / writes access globals? */ protected abstract boolean treatGlobalsAsLexicallyScoped(); protected boolean topLevelFunctionsInGlobalScope() { return true; } /** * for a block that catches all exceptions, what is the root exception type * that it can catch? E.g., for Java, java.lang.Throwable */ protected abstract TypeReference defaultCatchType(); protected abstract TypeReference makeType(CAstType type); /** * define a new (presumably nested) type. return true if type was successfully * defined, false otherwise */ protected abstract boolean defineType(CAstEntity type, WalkContext wc); /** * declare a new function, represented by N */ protected abstract void declareFunction(CAstEntity N, WalkContext context); /** * fully define a function. invoked after all the code of the function has * been processed */ protected abstract void defineFunction(CAstEntity N, WalkContext definingContext, AbstractCFG> cfg, SymbolTable symtab, boolean hasCatchBlock, Map, TypeReference[]> catchTypes, boolean hasMonitorOp, AstLexicalInformation lexicalInfo, DebuggingInformation debugInfo); /** * define a new field fieldEntity within topEntity */ protected abstract void defineField(CAstEntity topEntity, WalkContext context, CAstEntity fieldEntity); /** * create the language-appropriate name for f */ protected abstract String composeEntityName(WalkContext parent, CAstEntity f); /** * generate IR for a CAst throw expression, updating context.cfg() */ protected abstract void doThrow(WalkContext context, int exception); /** * generate IR for a CAst array read, updating context.cfg() */ @Override public abstract void doArrayRead(WalkContext context, int result, int arrayValue, CAstNode arrayRef, int[] dimValues); /** * generate IR for a CAst array write, updating context.cfg() */ @Override public abstract void doArrayWrite(WalkContext context, int arrayValue, CAstNode arrayRef, int[] dimValues, int rval); /** * generate IR for a CAst field read, updating context.cfg() */ protected abstract void doFieldRead(WalkContext context, int result, int receiver, CAstNode elt, CAstNode parent); /** * generate IR for a CAst field write, updating context.cfg() */ protected abstract void doFieldWrite(WalkContext context, int receiver, CAstNode elt, CAstNode parent, int rval); /** * generate IR for a CAst function expression, updating context.cfg() */ protected abstract void doMaterializeFunction(CAstNode node, WalkContext context, int result, int exception, CAstEntity fn); /** * generate IR for a CAst new expression, updating context.cfg() */ protected abstract void doNewObject(WalkContext context, CAstNode newNode, int result, Object type, int[] arguments); /** * generate IR for a CAst method call expression, updating context.cfg() */ protected abstract void doCall(WalkContext context, CAstNode call, int result, int exception, CAstNode name, int receiver, int[] arguments); /** * the most-general type for the language being translated */ protected abstract CAstType topType(); /** * the most-general exception type for the language being translated */ protected abstract CAstType exceptionType(); /** * lift variable declarations for lexical scoping purposes? */ protected boolean liftDeclarationsForLexicalScoping() { return false; } /** * used to generate instructions for array operations; defaults to this */ private ArrayOpHandler arrayOpHandler; protected boolean isExceptionLabel(Object label) { if (label == null) return false; if (label instanceof Boolean) return false; if (label instanceof Number) return false; if (label == CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT) return false; return true; } /** * If this returns true, new global declarations get created for any attempt * to access a non-existent variable (believe it or not, JavaScript actually * does this!) */ protected boolean hasImplicitGlobals() { return false; } /** * If this returns true, then attempts to lookup non-existent names return * `null' rather than tripping an assertion. This can be used when special * handling is needed for built-in names. (PHP does this) */ protected boolean hasSpecialUndeclaredVariables() { return false; } /** * some languages let you omit initialization of certain fields when writing * an object literal (e.g., PHP). This method should be overridden to handle * such cases. */ protected void handleUnspecifiedLiteralKey() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE(); } /** * generate prologue code for each function body */ protected void doPrologue(WalkContext context) { // perform a lexical write to copy the value stored in the local // associated with each parameter to the lexical name final CAstEntity entity = context.top(); Set exposedNames = entity2ExposedNames.get(entity); if (exposedNames != null) { int i = 0; for (String arg : entity.getArgumentNames()) { if (exposedNames.contains(arg)) { final Scope currentScope = context.currentScope(); Symbol symbol = currentScope.lookup(arg); assert symbol.getDefiningScope() == currentScope; int argVN = symbol.valueNumber(); CAstType type = (entity.getType() instanceof CAstType.Method)? (CAstType)((CAstType.Method)entity.getType()).getArgumentTypes().get(i): topType(); Access A = new Access(arg, context.getEntityName(entity), makeType(type), argVN); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AstLexicalWrite(context.cfg().currentInstruction, A)); } } } } /** * generate IR for call modeling creation of primitive value, updating * context.cfg() */ protected abstract void doPrimitive(int resultVal, WalkContext context, CAstNode primitiveCall); /** * get the value number for a name defined locally (i.e., within the current * method) by looking up the name in context.currentScope(). Note that the * caller is responsible for ensuring that name is defined in the local scope. */ protected int doLocalRead(WalkContext context, String name, TypeReference type) { CAstEntity entity = context.top(); Set exposed = entity2ExposedNames.get(entity); if (exposed != null && exposed.contains(name)) { return doLexReadHelper(context, name, type); } return context.currentScope().lookup(name).valueNumber(); } /** * add an {@link AssignInstruction} to context.cfg() that copies rval to the * value number of local nm. Note that the caller is responsible for ensuring * that nm is defined in the local scope. */ protected void doLocalWrite(WalkContext context, String nm, TypeReference type, int rval) { CAstEntity entity = context.top(); Set exposed = entity2ExposedNames.get(entity); if (exposed != null && exposed.contains(nm)) { // use a lexical write doLexicallyScopedWrite(context, nm, type, rval); return; } int lval = context.currentScope().lookup(nm).valueNumber(); if (lval != rval) { context.cfg().addInstruction(new AssignInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, lval, rval)); } } /** * Note that the caller is responsible for ensuring that name is defined in a * lexical scope. * * @param node * the AST node representing the read * @param context * @param name */ protected int doLexicallyScopedRead(CAstNode node, WalkContext context, final String name, TypeReference type) { return doLexReadHelper(context, name, type); } /** * @param name A variable name * @return is this name safe to overwrite, i.e. it's synthetic from the translator? */ protected boolean ignoreName(String name) { return false; } /** * we only have this method to avoid having to pass a node parameter at other * call sites, as would be required for * {@link #doLexicallyScopedRead(CAstNode, WalkContext, String)} */ private static int doLexReadHelper(WalkContext context, final String name, TypeReference type) { Symbol S = context.currentScope().lookup(name); Scope definingScope = S.getDefiningScope(); CAstEntity E = definingScope.getEntity(); // record in declaring scope that the name is exposed to a nested scope addExposedName(E, E, name, definingScope.lookup(name).valueNumber(), false, context); final String entityName = context.getEntityName(E); int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); Access A = new Access(name, entityName, type, result); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AstLexicalRead(context.cfg().currentInstruction, A)); markExposedInEnclosingEntities(context, name, definingScope, type, E, entityName, false); return result; } /** * record name as exposed for the current entity and for all enclosing * entities up to that of the defining scope, since if the name is updated via * a call to a nested function, SSA for these entities may need to be updated * with the new definition * * @param context * @param name * @param definingScope * @param E * @param entityName * @param isWrite */ private static void markExposedInEnclosingEntities(WalkContext context, final String name, Scope definingScope, TypeReference type, CAstEntity E, final String entityName, boolean isWrite) { Scope curScope = context.currentScope(); while (!curScope.equals(definingScope)) { final Symbol curSymbol = curScope.lookup(name); final int vn = curSymbol.valueNumber(); final Access A = new Access(name, entityName, type, vn); final CAstEntity entity = curScope.getEntity(); if (entity != definingScope.getEntity()) { addExposedName(entity, E, name, vn, isWrite, context); // record the access; later, the Accesses in the instruction // defining vn will be adjusted based on this information; see // patchLexicalAccesses() addAccess(context, entity, A); } curScope = curScope.getParent(); } } /** * Note that the caller is responsible for ensuring that name is defined in a * lexical scope. * */ protected void doLexicallyScopedWrite(WalkContext context, String name, TypeReference type, int rval) { Symbol S = context.currentScope().lookup(name); Scope definingScope = S.getDefiningScope(); CAstEntity E = definingScope.getEntity(); // record in declaring scope that the name is exposed to a nested scope addExposedName(E, E, name, definingScope.lookup(name).valueNumber(), true, context); // lexically-scoped variables must be written in their scope each time Access A = new Access(name, context.getEntityName(E), type, rval); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AstLexicalWrite(context.cfg().currentInstruction, A)); markExposedInEnclosingEntities(context, name, definingScope, type, E, context.getEntityName(E), true); } /** * generate instructions for a read of a global */ protected int doGlobalRead(@SuppressWarnings("unused") CAstNode node, WalkContext context, String name, TypeReference type) { // Global variables can be treated as lexicals defined in the CG root, or if (treatGlobalsAsLexicallyScoped()) { int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); Access A = new Access(name, null, type, result); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AstLexicalRead(context.cfg().currentInstruction, A)); addAccess(context, context.top(), A); return result; // globals can be treated as a single static location } else { int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); FieldReference global = makeGlobalRef(name); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AstGlobalRead(context.cfg().currentInstruction, result, global)); return result; } } /** * generate instructions for a write of a global */ protected void doGlobalWrite(WalkContext context, String name, TypeReference type, int rval) { // Global variables can be treated as lexicals defined in the CG root, or if (treatGlobalsAsLexicallyScoped()) { Access A = new Access(name, null, type, rval); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AstLexicalWrite(context.cfg().currentInstruction, A)); addAccess(context, context.top(), A); // globals can be treated as a single static location } else { FieldReference global = makeGlobalRef(name); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AstGlobalWrite(context.cfg().currentInstruction, global, rval)); } } /** * generate instructions to check if ref has field, storing answer in result */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void doIsFieldDefined(WalkContext context, int result, int ref, CAstNode field) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE(); } /** * creates a reference to a global named globalName. the declaring type and * type of the global are both the root type. */ protected FieldReference makeGlobalRef(String globalName) { TypeReference rootTypeRef = TypeReference.findOrCreate(loader.getReference(), AstTypeReference.rootTypeName); return FieldReference.findOrCreate(rootTypeRef, Atom.findOrCreateUnicodeAtom("global " + globalName), rootTypeRef); } protected final IClassLoader loader; /** * for handling languages that let you include other source files named * statically (e.g., ABAP) */ protected final Map namedEntityResolver; protected final SSAInstructionFactory insts; protected AstTranslator(IClassLoader loader, Map namedEntityResolver, ArrayOpHandler arrayOpHandler) { this.loader = loader; this.namedEntityResolver = namedEntityResolver; this.arrayOpHandler = arrayOpHandler!=null? arrayOpHandler: this; this.insts = loader.getInstructionFactory(); } protected AstTranslator(IClassLoader loader, Map namedEntityResolver) { this(loader, namedEntityResolver, null); } protected AstTranslator(IClassLoader loader) { this(loader, null); } /** * for keeping position information for the generated SSAInstructions and SSA * locals */ private static class AstDebuggingInformation implements DebuggingInformation { private Position codeBodyPosition; private Position codeBodyNamePosition; private String[][] valueNumberNames; private Position[] instructionPositions; private Position[][] operandPositions; private Position[] parameterPositions; AstDebuggingInformation(Position codeBodyNamePosition, Position codeBodyPosition, Position[] instructionPositions, Position[][] operandPositions, Position[] parameterPositions, String[] names) { this.codeBodyNamePosition = codeBodyNamePosition; this.codeBodyPosition = codeBodyPosition; this.instructionPositions = instructionPositions; this.operandPositions = operandPositions; this.parameterPositions = parameterPositions; valueNumberNames = new String[names.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (names[i] != null) { valueNumberNames[i] = new String[] { names[i] }; } else { valueNumberNames[i] = new String[0]; } } } @Override public Position getCodeBodyPosition() { return codeBodyPosition; } @Override public Position getCodeNamePosition() { return codeBodyNamePosition; } @Override public Position getInstructionPosition(int instructionOffset) { return instructionPositions[instructionOffset]; } @Override public Position getOperandPosition(int instructionOffset, int operand) { if (operandPositions[instructionOffset] != null && operandPositions[instructionOffset].length > operand) { return operandPositions[instructionOffset][operand]; } else { return null; } } @Override public String[][] getSourceNamesForValues() { return valueNumberNames; } @Override public Position getParameterPosition(int param) { return parameterPositions[param]; } } public static final boolean DEBUG_ALL = false; public static final boolean DEBUG_TOP = DEBUG_ALL || false; public static final boolean DEBUG_CFG = DEBUG_ALL || false; public static final boolean DEBUG_NAMES = DEBUG_ALL || false; public static final boolean DEBUG_LEXICAL = DEBUG_ALL || false; /** * basic block implementation used in the CFGs constructed during the * IR-generating AST traversal */ protected final static class PreBasicBlock implements IBasicBlock { private static final int NORMAL = 0; private static final int HANDLER = 1; private static final int ENTRY = 2; private static final int EXIT = 3; private int kind = NORMAL; private int number = -1; private int firstIndex = -1; private int lastIndex = -2; private final List instructions = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public int getNumber() { return getGraphNodeId(); } @Override public int getGraphNodeId() { return number; } @Override public void setGraphNodeId(int number) { this.number = number; } @Override public int getFirstInstructionIndex() { return firstIndex; } void setFirstIndex(int firstIndex) { this.firstIndex = firstIndex; } @Override public int getLastInstructionIndex() { return lastIndex; } void setLastIndex(int lastIndex) { this.lastIndex = lastIndex; } void makeExitBlock() { kind = EXIT; } void makeEntryBlock() { kind = ENTRY; } void makeHandlerBlock() { kind = HANDLER; } @Override public boolean isEntryBlock() { return kind == ENTRY; } @Override public boolean isExitBlock() { return kind == EXIT; } public boolean isHandlerBlock() { return kind == HANDLER; } @Override public String toString() { return "PreBB" + number + ":" + firstIndex + ".." + lastIndex; } private List instructions() { return instructions; } @Override public boolean isCatchBlock() { return (lastIndex > -1) && (instructions.get(0) instanceof SSAGetCaughtExceptionInstruction); } @Override public IMethod getMethod() { return null; } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return instructions.iterator(); } } protected final class UnwindState { final CAstNode unwindAst; final WalkContext astContext; final CAstVisitor astVisitor; UnwindState(CAstNode unwindAst, WalkContext astContext, CAstVisitor astVisitor) { this.unwindAst = unwindAst; this.astContext = astContext; this.astVisitor = astVisitor; } public UnwindState getParent() { return astContext.getUnwindState(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return astContext.hashCode() * unwindAst.hashCode() * astVisitor.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof UnwindState) { if (((UnwindState) o).unwindAst != unwindAst) return false; if (((UnwindState) o).astVisitor != astVisitor) return false; if (getParent() == null) { return ((UnwindState) o).getParent() == null; } else { return getParent().equals(((UnwindState) o).getParent()); } } return false; } boolean covers(UnwindState other) { if (equals(other)) return true; if (getParent() != null) return getParent().covers(other); return false; } } /** * holds the control-flow graph as it is being constructed. When construction * is complete, information is stored in an {@link AstCFG} */ public final class IncipientCFG extends SparseNumberedGraph { protected class Unwind { private final Map unwindData = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** * a cache of generated blocks */ private final Map>, PreBasicBlock> code = new LinkedHashMap<>(); void setUnwindState(PreBasicBlock block, UnwindState context) { unwindData.put(block, context); } void setUnwindState(CAstNode node, UnwindState context) { unwindData.put(nodeToBlock.get(node), context); } /** * When adding an edge from source to target, it is possible that certain * exception-handling code needs to be executed before the control is * actually transfered to target. This method determines if this is the * case, and if so, it generates the exception handler blocks and adds an * appropriate edge to the target. It returns the basic block that should * be the target of the edge from source (target itself if there is no * exception-handling code, the initial catch block otherwise) */ public PreBasicBlock findOrCreateCode(PreBasicBlock source, PreBasicBlock target, final boolean exception) { UnwindState sourceContext = unwindData.get(source); final CAstNode dummy = exception ? (new CAstImpl()).makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY) : null; // no unwinding is needed, so jump to target block directly if (sourceContext == null) return target; WalkContext astContext = sourceContext.astContext; UnwindState targetContext = null; if (target != null) targetContext = unwindData.get(target); // in unwind context, but catch in same (or inner) unwind context if (targetContext != null && targetContext.covers(sourceContext)) return target; Pair> key = Pair.make(sourceContext, Pair.make(target, exception)); if (code.containsKey(key)) { return code.get(key); } else { int e = -1; PreBasicBlock currentBlock = getCurrentBlock(); if (!isDeadBlock(currentBlock)) { addInstruction(insts.GotoInstruction(currentInstruction, -1)); newBlock(false); } PreBasicBlock startBlock = getCurrentBlock(); if (exception) { setCurrentBlockAsHandler(); e = sourceContext.astContext.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); addInstruction(insts.GetCaughtExceptionInstruction(currentInstruction, startBlock.getNumber(), e)); sourceContext.astContext.setCatchType(startBlock, defaultCatchType()); } while (sourceContext != null && (targetContext == null || !targetContext.covers(sourceContext))) { final CAstRewriter.Rewrite ast = (new CAstCloner(new CAstImpl()) { @Override protected CAstNode flowOutTo(Map, CAstNode> nodeMap, CAstNode oldSource, Object label, CAstNode oldTarget, CAstControlFlowMap orig, CAstSourcePositionMap src) { if (exception && !isExceptionLabel(label)) { return dummy; } else { return oldTarget; } } }).copy(sourceContext.unwindAst, sourceContext.astContext.getControlFlow(), sourceContext.astContext.getSourceMap(), sourceContext.astContext.top().getNodeTypeMap(), sourceContext.astContext.top().getAllScopedEntities(), sourceContext.astContext.top().getArgumentDefaults()); sourceContext.astVisitor.visit(ast.newRoot(), new DelegatingContext(sourceContext.astContext) { @Override public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() { return ast.newPos(); } @Override public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() { return ast.newCfg(); } }, sourceContext.astVisitor); sourceContext = sourceContext.getParent(); } PreBasicBlock endBlock = getCurrentBlock(); if (exception) { addPreNode(dummy); doThrow(astContext, e); } else { addInstruction(insts.GotoInstruction(currentInstruction, -1)); } newBlock(false); if (target != null) { addEdge(currentBlock, getCurrentBlock()); addEdge(endBlock, target); // `null' target is idiom for branch/throw to exit } else { if (exception) addEdge(currentBlock, getCurrentBlock()); addDelayedEdge(endBlock, exitMarker, exception); } code.put(key, startBlock); return startBlock; } } } private Unwind unwind = null; private final List blocks = new ArrayList<>(); private PreBasicBlock entryBlock; private final Map nodeToBlock = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map>> delayedEdges = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Object exitMarker = new Object(); private final Set deadBlocks = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set normalToExit = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set exceptionalToExit = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private Position[] linePositions = new Position[10]; private Position[][] operandPositions = new Position[10][]; private boolean hasCatchBlock = false; /** * does the method have any monitor operations? */ private boolean hasMonitorOp = false; private int currentInstruction = 0; private PreBasicBlock currentBlock; public int getCurrentInstruction() { return currentInstruction; } public PreBasicBlock getCurrentBlock() { return currentBlock; } boolean hasCatchBlock() { return hasCatchBlock; } boolean hasMonitorOp() { return hasMonitorOp; } void noteCatchBlock() { hasCatchBlock = true; } Position[] getLinePositionMap() { return linePositions; } /** * create a new basic block, and set it as the current block. * * @param fallThruFromPrior * should a fall-through edge be added from the previous block * (value of currentBlock at entry)? if false, the newly created * block is marked as a dead block, as it has no incoming edges. * @return the new block */ public PreBasicBlock newBlock(boolean fallThruFromPrior) { // optimization: if we have a fall-through from an empty block, just // return the empty block if (fallThruFromPrior && !currentBlock.isEntryBlock() && currentBlock.instructions().size() == 0) { return currentBlock; } PreBasicBlock previous = currentBlock; currentBlock = new PreBasicBlock(); addNode(currentBlock); blocks.add(currentBlock); if (DEBUG_CFG) System.err.println(("adding new block (node) " + currentBlock)); if (fallThruFromPrior) { if (DEBUG_CFG) System.err.println(("adding fall-thru edge " + previous + " --> " + currentBlock)); addEdge(previous, currentBlock); } else { deadBlocks.add(currentBlock); } return currentBlock; } /** * record a delayed edge addition from src to dst. Edge will be added when * appropriate; see {@link #checkForRealizedEdges(CAstNode)} and * {@link #checkForRealizedExitEdges(PreBasicBlock)} */ private void addDelayedEdge(PreBasicBlock src, Object dst, boolean exception) { MapUtil.findOrCreateSet(delayedEdges, dst).add(Pair.make(src, exception)); } void makeEntryBlock(PreBasicBlock bb) { entryBlock = bb; bb.makeEntryBlock(); } void makeExitBlock(PreBasicBlock bb) { bb.makeExitBlock(); for (PreBasicBlock p : Iterator2Iterable.make(getPredNodes(bb))) normalToExit.add(p); // now that we have created the exit block, add the delayed edges to the // exit checkForRealizedExitEdges(bb); } public void setCurrentBlockAsHandler() { currentBlock.makeHandlerBlock(); } boolean hasDelayedEdges(CAstNode n) { return delayedEdges.containsKey(n); } /** * given some n which is now mapped by nodeToBlock, add any delayed edges to * n's block */ private void checkForRealizedEdges(CAstNode n) { if (delayedEdges.containsKey(n)) { for (Pair s : delayedEdges.get(n)) { PreBasicBlock src = s.fst; boolean exception = s.snd; if (unwind == null) { addEdge(src, nodeToBlock.get(n)); } else { PreBasicBlock target = nodeToBlock.get(n); addEdge(src, unwind.findOrCreateCode(src, target, exception)); } } delayedEdges.remove(n); } } /** * add any delayed edges to the exit block */ private void checkForRealizedExitEdges(PreBasicBlock exitBlock) { if (delayedEdges.containsKey(exitMarker)) { for (Pair s : delayedEdges.get(exitMarker)) { PreBasicBlock src = s.fst; boolean exception = s.snd; addEdge(src, exitBlock); if (exception) exceptionalToExit.add(src); else normalToExit.add(src); } delayedEdges.remove(exitMarker); } } private void setUnwindState(CAstNode node, UnwindState context) { if (unwind == null) unwind = new Unwind(); unwind.setUnwindState(node, context); } public void addPreNode(CAstNode n) { addPreNode(n, null); } /** * associate n with the current block, and update the current unwind state */ public void addPreNode(CAstNode n, UnwindState context) { if (DEBUG_CFG) System.err.println(("adding pre-node " + n)); nodeToBlock.put(n, currentBlock); deadBlocks.remove(currentBlock); if (context != null) setUnwindState(n, context); // now that we've associated n with a block, add associated delayed edges checkForRealizedEdges(n); } public void addPreEdge(CAstNode src, CAstNode dst, boolean exception) { assert nodeToBlock.containsKey(src); addPreEdge(nodeToBlock.get(src), dst, exception); } /** * if dst is associated with a basic block b, add an edge from src to b. * otherwise, record the edge addition as delayed. */ public void addPreEdge(PreBasicBlock src, CAstNode dst, boolean exception) { if (dst == CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT) { assert exception; addPreEdgeToExit(src, exception); } else if (nodeToBlock.containsKey(dst)) { PreBasicBlock target = nodeToBlock.get(dst); if (DEBUG_CFG) System.err.println(("adding pre-edge " + src + " --> " + dst)); if (unwind == null) { addEdge(src, target); } else { addEdge(src, unwind.findOrCreateCode(src, target, exception)); } } else { if (DEBUG_CFG) System.err.println(("adding delayed pre-edge " + src + " --> " + dst)); addDelayedEdge(src, dst, exception); } } public void addPreEdgeToExit(CAstNode src, boolean exception) { assert nodeToBlock.containsKey(src); addPreEdgeToExit(nodeToBlock.get(src), exception); } public void addPreEdgeToExit(PreBasicBlock src, boolean exception) { if (unwind != null) { PreBasicBlock handlers = unwind.findOrCreateCode(src, null, exception); if (handlers != null) { addEdge(src, handlers); return; } } addDelayedEdge(src, exitMarker, exception); } @Override public void addEdge(PreBasicBlock src, PreBasicBlock dst) { super.addEdge(src, dst); deadBlocks.remove(dst); } public boolean isDeadBlock(PreBasicBlock block) { return deadBlocks.contains(block); } public PreBasicBlock getBlock(CAstNode n) { return nodeToBlock.get(n); } /** * mark the current position as the position for the instruction */ private void noteLinePosition(int instruction) { ensurePositionSpace(instruction); linePositions[instruction] = getCurrentPosition(); } private void ensurePositionSpace(int instruction) { if (linePositions.length < (instruction + 1)) { Position[] newData = new Position[instruction * 2 + 1]; Position[][] newOperands = new Position[instruction * 2 + 1][]; System.arraycopy(linePositions, 0, newData, 0, linePositions.length); linePositions = newData; System.arraycopy(operandPositions, 0, newOperands, 0, operandPositions.length); operandPositions = newOperands; } } public void noteOperands(int instruction, Position... operands) { ensurePositionSpace(instruction); operandPositions[instruction] = operands; } public void addInstruction(SSAInstruction n) { deadBlocks.remove(currentBlock); int inst = currentInstruction++; noteLinePosition(inst); if (currentBlock.instructions().size() == 0) { currentBlock.setFirstIndex(inst); } else { for(SSAInstruction priorInst : currentBlock.instructions()) { assert !(priorInst instanceof SSAGotoInstruction); } assert !(n instanceof SSAGetCaughtExceptionInstruction); } if (DEBUG_CFG) { System.err.println(("adding " + n + " at " + inst + " to " + currentBlock)); } if (n instanceof SSAMonitorInstruction) { hasMonitorOp = true; } currentBlock.instructions().add(n); currentBlock.setLastIndex(inst); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(super.toString()); for(PreBasicBlock b : blocks) { if (b.firstIndex > 0) { sb.append("\n" + b); for(int i = 0; i < b.instructions.size(); i++) { sb.append("\n" + b.instructions.get(i)); } } } return sb.toString(); } public Position[][] getOperandPositionMap() { return operandPositions; } } /** * data structure for the final CFG for a method, based on the information in * an {@link IncipientCFG} */ protected final static class AstCFG extends AbstractCFG { private SSAInstruction[] instructions; private final int[] instructionToBlockMap; private final int[] pcMap; private final String functionName; private final SymbolTable symtab; private interface EdgeOperation { void act(PreBasicBlock src, PreBasicBlock dst); } private void transferEdges(Set blocks, IncipientCFG icfg, EdgeOperation normal, EdgeOperation except) { for (PreBasicBlock src : blocks) { for (PreBasicBlock dst : Iterator2Iterable.make(icfg.getSuccNodes(src))) { if (isCatchBlock(dst.getNumber()) || (dst.isExitBlock() && icfg.exceptionalToExit.contains(src))) { except.act(src, dst); } if (dst.isExitBlock() ? icfg.normalToExit.contains(src) : !isCatchBlock(dst.getNumber())) { normal.act(src, dst); } } } } private static boolean checkBlockBoundaries(IncipientCFG icfg) { MutableIntSet boundaries = IntSetUtil.make(); for(PreBasicBlock b : icfg) { if (b.getFirstInstructionIndex() >= 0) { if (boundaries.contains(b.getFirstInstructionIndex())) { return false; } boundaries.add(b.getFirstInstructionIndex()); } if (b.getLastInstructionIndex() >= 0 && b.getLastInstructionIndex() != b.getFirstInstructionIndex()) { if (boundaries.contains(b.getLastInstructionIndex())) { return false; } boundaries.add(b.getLastInstructionIndex()); } } return true; } AstCFG(CAstEntity n, IncipientCFG icfg, SymbolTable symtab, SSAInstructionFactory insts) { super(null); Set liveBlocks = DFS.getReachableNodes(icfg, Collections.singleton(icfg.entryBlock)); List blocks = icfg.blocks; boolean hasDeadBlocks = blocks.size() > liveBlocks.size(); assert checkBlockBoundaries(icfg); this.symtab = symtab; functionName = n.getName(); instructionToBlockMap = new int[liveBlocks.size()]; pcMap = hasDeadBlocks? new int[ icfg.currentInstruction ]: null; final Map> normalEdges = hasDeadBlocks? HashMapFactory.>make() : null; final Map> exceptionalEdges = hasDeadBlocks? HashMapFactory.>make() : null; if (hasDeadBlocks) { transferEdges(liveBlocks, icfg, (src, dst) -> { if (! normalEdges.containsKey(src)) { normalEdges.put(src, HashSetFactory.make()); } normalEdges.get(src).add(dst); }, (src, dst) -> { if (! exceptionalEdges.containsKey(src)) { exceptionalEdges.put(src, HashSetFactory.make()); } exceptionalEdges.get(src).add(dst); }); } int instruction = 0; for (int i = 0, blockNumber = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { PreBasicBlock block = blocks.get(i); block.setGraphNodeId(-1); if (liveBlocks.contains(block)) { if (hasDeadBlocks) { int offset = 0; for(int oldPC = block.getFirstInstructionIndex(); offset < block.instructions().size(); oldPC++, offset++) { pcMap[instruction + offset] = oldPC; } } if (block.getFirstInstructionIndex() >= 0) { block.setFirstIndex(instruction); block.setLastIndex((instruction += block.instructions().size()) - 1); } instructionToBlockMap[blockNumber] = block.getLastInstructionIndex(); this.addNode(block); if (block.isCatchBlock()) { setCatchBlock(blockNumber); } if (DEBUG_CFG) { System.err.println(("added " + blocks.get(i) + " to final CFG as " + getNumber(blocks.get(i)))); } blockNumber++; } } if (DEBUG_CFG) System.err.println((getMaxNumber() + " blocks total")); init(); if (hasDeadBlocks) { for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { PreBasicBlock src = blocks.get(i); if (liveBlocks.contains(src)) { if (normalEdges.containsKey(src)) { for(PreBasicBlock succ : normalEdges.get(src)) { addNormalEdge(src, succ); } } if (exceptionalEdges.containsKey(src)) { for(PreBasicBlock succ : exceptionalEdges.get(src)) { addExceptionalEdge(src, succ); } } } } } else { transferEdges(liveBlocks, icfg, this::addNormalEdge, this::addExceptionalEdge); } int x = 0; instructions = new SSAInstruction[icfg.currentInstruction]; for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { if (liveBlocks.contains(blocks.get(i))) { List bi = blocks.get(i).instructions(); for (int j = 0; j < bi.size(); j++) { SSAInstruction inst = bi.get(j); if (inst instanceof SSAGetCaughtExceptionInstruction) { SSAGetCaughtExceptionInstruction ci = (SSAGetCaughtExceptionInstruction) inst; if (ci.getBasicBlockNumber() != blocks.get(i).getNumber()) { inst = insts.GetCaughtExceptionInstruction(x, blocks.get(i).getNumber(), ci.getException()); } } else if (inst instanceof SSAGotoInstruction) { Iterator succs = this.getNormalSuccessors(blocks.get(i)).iterator(); if (succs.hasNext()) { PreBasicBlock target = succs.next(); assert !succs.hasNext() : "unexpected successors for block " + blocks.get(i) + ": " + target + " and " + succs.next(); inst = insts.GotoInstruction(x, target.firstIndex); } else { // goto to the end of the method, so the instruction is unnecessary inst = null; } } else if (inst instanceof SSAConditionalBranchInstruction) { Iterator succs = this.getNormalSuccessors(blocks.get(i)).iterator(); assert succs.hasNext(); int target; int t1 = succs.next().firstIndex; if (succs.hasNext()) { int t2 = succs.next().firstIndex; if (t1 == x+1) { target = t2; } else { target = t1; } } else { target = t1; } SSAConditionalBranchInstruction branch = (SSAConditionalBranchInstruction) inst; inst = insts.ConditionalBranchInstruction(x, branch.getOperator(), branch.getType(), branch.getUse(0), branch.getUse(1), target); } instructions[x++] = inst; } } } if (instructions.length > x) { SSAInstruction[] ni = new SSAInstruction[x]; System.arraycopy(instructions, 0, ni, 0, x); instructions = ni; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return functionName.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof AstCFG) && functionName.equals(((AstCFG) o).functionName); } @Override public PreBasicBlock getBlockForInstruction(int index) { for (int i = 1; i < getNumberOfNodes() - 1; i++) if (index <= instructionToBlockMap[i]) return getNode(i); return null; } @Override public SSAInstruction[] getInstructions() { return instructions; } @Override public int getProgramCounter(int index) { return pcMap == null? index: pcMap[index]; } @Override public String toString() { SSAInstruction[] insts = getInstructions(); StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("CAst CFG of " + functionName); int params[] = symtab.getParameterValueNumbers(); for (int param : params) s.append(" ").append(param); s.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfNodes(); i++) { PreBasicBlock bb = getNode(i); s.append(bb).append("\n"); for (PreBasicBlock pbb : Iterator2Iterable.make(getSuccNodes(bb))) s.append(" -->" + pbb + "\n"); for (int j = bb.getFirstInstructionIndex(); j <= bb.getLastInstructionIndex(); j++) if (insts[j] != null) s.append(" " + insts[j].toString(symtab) + "\n"); } s.append("-- END --"); return s.toString(); } } public static enum ScopeType { LOCAL, GLOBAL, SCRIPT, FUNCTION, TYPE } private static final boolean DEBUG = false; protected class FinalCAstSymbol implements CAstSymbol { private final String _name; private final CAstType type; public FinalCAstSymbol(String _name, CAstType type) { this._name = _name; this.type = type; assert _name != null; assert type != null; } @Override public CAstType type() { return type; } @Override public String name() { return _name; } @Override public boolean isFinal() { return true; } @Override public boolean isCaseInsensitive() { return false; } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return false; } @Override public Object defaultInitValue() { return null; } } public static class InternalCAstSymbol extends CAstSymbolImplBase { public InternalCAstSymbol(String _name, CAstType type) { super(_name, type, false, false, null); } public InternalCAstSymbol(String _name, CAstType type, boolean _isFinal) { super(_name, type, _isFinal, false, null); } public InternalCAstSymbol(String _name, CAstType type, boolean _isFinal, boolean _isCaseInsensitive) { super(_name, type, _isFinal, _isCaseInsensitive, null); } public InternalCAstSymbol(String _name, CAstType type, boolean _isFinal, boolean _isCaseInsensitive, Object _defaultInitValue) { super(_name, type, _isFinal, _isCaseInsensitive, _defaultInitValue); } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return true; } } /** * interface for name information stored in a symbol table. * * @see Scope */ protected interface Symbol { int valueNumber(); Scope getDefiningScope(); boolean isParameter(); Object constant(); void setConstant(Object s); boolean isFinal(); boolean isGlobal(); boolean isInternalName(); Object defaultInitValue(); CAstType type(); } /** * a scope in the symbol table built during AST traversal */ public interface Scope { ScopeType type(); int allocateTempValue(); int getConstantValue(Object c); boolean isConstant(int valueNumber); Object getConstantObject(int valueNumber); void declare(CAstSymbol s); void declare(CAstSymbol s, int valueNumber); boolean isCaseInsensitive(String name); boolean contains(String name); Symbol lookup(String name); Iterator getAllNames(); int size(); boolean isGlobal(Symbol s); boolean isLexicallyScoped(Symbol s); CAstEntity getEntity(); Scope getParent(); } public static abstract class AbstractSymbol implements Symbol { private Object constantValue; private boolean isFinalValue; private final Scope definingScope; private Object defaultValue; protected AbstractSymbol(Scope definingScope, boolean isFinalValue, Object defaultValue) { this.definingScope = definingScope; this.isFinalValue = isFinalValue; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } @Override public boolean isFinal() { return isFinalValue; } @Override public Object defaultInitValue() { return defaultValue; } @Override public Object constant() { return constantValue; } @Override public void setConstant(Object cv) { constantValue = cv; } @Override public Scope getDefiningScope() { return definingScope; } } public abstract class AbstractScope implements Scope { private final Scope parent; private final Map values = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map caseInsensitiveNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected abstract SymbolTable getUnderlyingSymtab(); @Override public Scope getParent() { return parent; } @Override public int size() { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getMaxValueNumber() + 1; } @Override public Iterator getAllNames() { return values.keySet().iterator(); } @Override public int allocateTempValue() { return getUnderlyingSymtab().newSymbol(); } @Override public int getConstantValue(Object o) { if (o instanceof Integer) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant(((Integer) o).intValue()); } else if (o instanceof Float) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant(((Float) o).floatValue()); } else if (o instanceof Double) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant(((Double) o).doubleValue()); } else if (o instanceof Long) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant(((Long) o).longValue()); } else if (o instanceof String) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant((String) o); } else if (o instanceof Boolean) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant((Boolean) o); } else if (o instanceof Character) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant(((Character) o).charValue()); } else if (o instanceof Byte) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant(((Byte) o).byteValue()); } else if (o instanceof Short) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant(((Short) o).shortValue()); } else if (o == null) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getNullConstant(); } else if (o == CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstant("__default label"); } else { System.err.println(("cannot handle constant " + o)); Assertions.UNREACHABLE(); return -1; } } @Override public boolean isConstant(int valueNumber) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().isConstant(valueNumber); } @Override public Object getConstantObject(int valueNumber) { return getUnderlyingSymtab().getConstantValue(valueNumber); } @Override public void declare(CAstSymbol s, int vn) { String nm = s.name(); if (!contains(nm)) { if (s.isCaseInsensitive()) caseInsensitiveNames.put(nm.toLowerCase(), nm); values.put(nm, makeSymbol(s, vn)); } else { assert hasImplicitGlobals(); assert isGlobal(lookup(nm)); } } @Override public void declare(CAstSymbol s) { String nm = s.name(); if (!contains(nm) || lookup(nm).getDefiningScope() != this) { if (s.isCaseInsensitive()) caseInsensitiveNames.put(nm.toLowerCase(), nm); values.put(nm, makeSymbol(s)); } else { assert !s.isFinal() : "trying to redeclare " + nm; } } protected AbstractScope(Scope parent) { this.parent = parent; } private final String mapName(String nm) { String mappedName = caseInsensitiveNames.get(nm.toLowerCase()); return (mappedName == null) ? nm : mappedName; } protected Symbol makeSymbol(CAstSymbol s) { return makeSymbol(s.name(), s.type(), s.isFinal(), s.isInternalName(), s.defaultInitValue(), -1, this); } protected Symbol makeSymbol(CAstSymbol s, int vn) { return makeSymbol(s.name(), s.type(), s.isFinal(), s.isInternalName(), s.defaultInitValue(), vn, this); } abstract protected Symbol makeSymbol(String nm, CAstType type, boolean isFinal, boolean isInternalName, Object defaultInitValue, int vn, Scope parent); @Override public boolean isCaseInsensitive(String nm) { return caseInsensitiveNames.containsKey(nm.toLowerCase()); } @Override public Symbol lookup(String nm) { if (contains(nm)) { return values.get(mapName(nm)); } else { Symbol scoped = parent.lookup(nm); if (scoped != null && getEntityScope() == this && (isGlobal(scoped) || isLexicallyScoped(scoped))) { values.put(nm, makeSymbol(nm, scoped.type(), scoped.isFinal(), scoped.isInternalName(), scoped.defaultInitValue(), -1, scoped.getDefiningScope())); if (scoped.getDefiningScope().isCaseInsensitive(nm)) { caseInsensitiveNames.put(nm.toLowerCase(), nm); } return values.get(nm); } else { return scoped; } } } @Override public boolean contains(String nm) { String mappedName = caseInsensitiveNames.get(nm.toLowerCase()); return values.containsKey(mappedName == null ? nm : mappedName); } @Override public boolean isGlobal(Symbol s) { return s.getDefiningScope().type() == ScopeType.GLOBAL; } @Override public abstract boolean isLexicallyScoped(Symbol s); protected abstract AbstractScope getEntityScope(); @Override public abstract CAstEntity getEntity(); } protected AbstractScope makeScriptScope(final CAstEntity s, Scope parent) { return new AbstractScope(parent) { SymbolTable scriptGlobalSymtab = new SymbolTable(s.getArgumentCount()); @Override public SymbolTable getUnderlyingSymtab() { return scriptGlobalSymtab; } @Override protected AbstractScope getEntityScope() { return this; } @Override public boolean isLexicallyScoped(Symbol s) { if (isGlobal(s)) return false; else return ((AbstractScope) s.getDefiningScope()).getEntity() != getEntity(); } @Override public CAstEntity getEntity() { return s; } @Override public ScopeType type() { return ScopeType.SCRIPT; } @Override protected Symbol makeSymbol(final String nm, final CAstType type, final boolean isFinal, final boolean isInternalName, final Object defaultInitValue, int vn, Scope definer) { assert nm != null; assert type != null; final int v = vn == -1 ? getUnderlyingSymtab().newSymbol() : vn; if (useDefaultInitValues() && defaultInitValue != null) { if (getUnderlyingSymtab().getValue(v) == null) { setDefaultValue(getUnderlyingSymtab(), v, defaultInitValue); } } return new AbstractSymbol(definer, isFinal, defaultInitValue) { @Override public String toString() { return nm + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this); } @Override public CAstType type() { return type; } @Override public int valueNumber() { return v; } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return isInternalName; } @Override public boolean isParameter() { return false; } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return false; } }; } }; } protected int getArgumentCount(CAstEntity f) { return f.getArgumentCount(); } protected String[] getArgumentNames(CAstEntity f) { return f.getArgumentNames(); } private AbstractScope makeFunctionScope(final CAstEntity f, Scope parent) { return new AbstractScope(parent) { private final String[] params = getArgumentNames(f); private final SymbolTable functionSymtab = new SymbolTable(getArgumentCount(f)); @Override public String toString() { return "scope for " + f.getName(); } // ctor for scope object { for (int i = 0; i < getArgumentCount(f); i++) { final int yuck = i; declare(new CAstSymbol() { @Override public String name() { return params[yuck]; } @Override public CAstType type() { if (f.getType() instanceof CAstType.Method) { if (yuck == 0) { return ((CAstType.Method)f.getType()).getDeclaringType(); } else { return ((CAstType.Method)f.getType()).getArgumentTypes().get(yuck-1); } } else if (f.getType() instanceof CAstType.Function) { return ((CAstType.Function)f.getType()).getArgumentTypes().get(yuck); } else { return topType(); } } @Override public boolean isFinal() { return false; } @Override public boolean isCaseInsensitive() { return false; } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return false; } @Override public Object defaultInitValue() { return null; } }); } } @Override public SymbolTable getUnderlyingSymtab() { return functionSymtab; } @Override protected AbstractScope getEntityScope() { return this; } @Override public boolean isLexicallyScoped(Symbol s) { if (isGlobal(s)) return false; else return ((AbstractScope) s.getDefiningScope()).getEntity() != getEntity(); } @Override public CAstEntity getEntity() { return f; } @Override public ScopeType type() { return ScopeType.FUNCTION; } private int find(String n) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (n.equals(params[i])) { return i + 1; } } return -1; } @Override protected Symbol makeSymbol(final String nm, final CAstType type, final boolean isFinal, final boolean isInternalName, final Object defaultInitValue, final int valueNumber, Scope definer) { assert nm != null; assert type != null; return new AbstractSymbol(definer, isFinal, defaultInitValue) { final int vn; { int x = find(nm); if (x != -1) { assert valueNumber == -1; vn = x; } else if (valueNumber != -1) { vn = valueNumber; } else { vn = getUnderlyingSymtab().newSymbol(); } if (useDefaultInitValues() && defaultInitValue != null) { if (getUnderlyingSymtab().getValue(vn) == null) { setDefaultValue(getUnderlyingSymtab(), vn, defaultInitValue); } } } @Override public CAstType type() { return type; } @Override public String toString() { return nm + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this); } @Override public int valueNumber() { return vn; } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return isInternalName; } @Override public boolean isParameter() { return vn <= params.length; } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return false; } }; } }; } private Scope makeLocalScope(final Scope parent) { return new AbstractScope(parent) { @Override public ScopeType type() { return ScopeType.LOCAL; } @Override public SymbolTable getUnderlyingSymtab() { return ((AbstractScope) parent).getUnderlyingSymtab(); } @Override protected AbstractScope getEntityScope() { return ((AbstractScope) parent).getEntityScope(); } @Override public boolean isLexicallyScoped(Symbol s) { return getEntityScope().isLexicallyScoped(s); } @Override public CAstEntity getEntity() { return getEntityScope().getEntity(); } @Override protected Symbol makeSymbol(final String nm, final CAstType type, boolean isFinal, final boolean isInternalName, final Object defaultInitValue, int vn, Scope definer) { final int v = vn == -1 ? getUnderlyingSymtab().newSymbol() : vn; if (useDefaultInitValues() && defaultInitValue != null) { if (getUnderlyingSymtab().getValue(v) == null) { setDefaultValue(getUnderlyingSymtab(), v, defaultInitValue); } } assert nm != null; assert type != null; return new AbstractSymbol(definer, isFinal, defaultInitValue) { @Override public String toString() { return nm + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this); } @Override public CAstType type() { return type; } @Override public int valueNumber() { return v; } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return isInternalName; } @Override public boolean isParameter() { return false; } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return false; } }; } }; } private Scope makeGlobalScope() { final Map globalSymbols = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map caseInsensitiveNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); return new Scope() { @Override public String toString() { return "global scope"; } private final String mapName(String nm) { String mappedName = caseInsensitiveNames.get(nm.toLowerCase()); return (mappedName == null) ? nm : mappedName; } @Override public Scope getParent() { return null; } @Override public boolean isGlobal(Symbol s) { return true; } @Override public boolean isLexicallyScoped(Symbol s) { return false; } @Override public CAstEntity getEntity() { return null; } @Override public int size() { return globalSymbols.size(); } @Override public Iterator getAllNames() { return globalSymbols.keySet().iterator(); } @Override public int allocateTempValue() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int getConstantValue(Object c) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isConstant(int valueNumber) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Object getConstantObject(int valueNumber) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public ScopeType type() { return ScopeType.GLOBAL; } @Override public boolean contains(String name) { return hasImplicitGlobals() || globalSymbols.containsKey(mapName(name)); } @Override public boolean isCaseInsensitive(String name) { return caseInsensitiveNames.containsKey(name.toLowerCase()); } @Override public Symbol lookup(final String name) { if (!globalSymbols.containsKey(mapName(name))) { if (hasImplicitGlobals()) { declare(new CAstSymbol() { @Override public String name() { return name; } @Override public boolean isFinal() { return false; } @Override public boolean isCaseInsensitive() { return false; } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return false; } @Override public Object defaultInitValue() { return null; } @Override public CAstType type() { return topType(); } }); } else if (hasSpecialUndeclaredVariables()) { return null; } else { throw new UnimplementedError("cannot find " + name); } } return globalSymbols.get(mapName(name)); } @Override public void declare(CAstSymbol s, int vn) { assert vn == -1; declare(s); } @Override public void declare(final CAstSymbol s) { final String name = s.name(); if (s.isCaseInsensitive()) { caseInsensitiveNames.put(name.toLowerCase(), name); } globalSymbols.put(name, new AbstractSymbol(this, s.isFinal(), s.defaultInitValue()) { @Override public String toString() { return name + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this); } @Override public CAstType type() { return s.type(); } @Override public boolean isParameter() { return false; } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return s.isInternalName(); } @Override public int valueNumber() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return true; } }); } }; } protected Scope makeTypeScope(final CAstEntity type, final Scope parent) { final Map typeSymbols = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map caseInsensitiveNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); return new Scope() { private final String mapName(String nm) { String mappedName = caseInsensitiveNames.get(nm.toLowerCase()); return (mappedName == null) ? nm : mappedName; } @Override public Scope getParent() { return parent; } @Override public boolean isGlobal(Symbol s) { return false; } @Override public boolean isLexicallyScoped(Symbol s) { return false; } @Override public CAstEntity getEntity() { return type; } @Override public int size() { return typeSymbols.size(); } @Override public Iterator getAllNames() { return typeSymbols.keySet().iterator(); } @Override public int allocateTempValue() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int getConstantValue(Object c) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isConstant(int valueNumber) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Object getConstantObject(int valueNumber) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public ScopeType type() { return ScopeType.TYPE; } @Override public boolean contains(String name) { return typeSymbols.containsKey(mapName(name)); } @Override public boolean isCaseInsensitive(String name) { return caseInsensitiveNames.containsKey(name.toLowerCase()); } @Override public Symbol lookup(String nm) { if (typeSymbols.containsKey(mapName(nm))) return typeSymbols.get(mapName(nm)); else { return parent.lookup(nm); } } @Override public void declare(CAstSymbol s, int vn) { assert vn == -1; declare(s); } @Override public void declare(final CAstSymbol s) { final String name = s.name(); assert !s.isFinal(); if (s.isCaseInsensitive()) caseInsensitiveNames.put(name.toLowerCase(), name); typeSymbols.put(name, new AbstractSymbol(this, s.isFinal(), s.defaultInitValue()) { @Override public String toString() { return name + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this); } @Override public CAstType type() { return s.type(); } @Override public boolean isParameter() { return false; } @Override public boolean isInternalName() { return s.isInternalName(); } @Override public int valueNumber() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isGlobal() { return false; } }); } }; } public interface WalkContext extends CAstVisitor.Context { ModuleEntry getModule(); String getName(); String file(); @Override CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap(); CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow(); Scope currentScope(); Set entityScopes(); IncipientCFG cfg(); UnwindState getUnwindState(); void setCatchType(IBasicBlock bb, TypeReference catchType); void setCatchType(CAstNode catchNode, TypeReference catchType); Map, TypeReference[]> getCatchTypes(); void addEntityName(CAstEntity e, String name); String getEntityName(CAstEntity e); boolean hasValue(CAstNode n); int setValue(CAstNode n, int v); int getValue(CAstNode n); Set, Integer>> exposeNameSet(CAstEntity entity, boolean writeSet); Set getAccesses(CAstEntity e); Scope getGlobalScope(); } private abstract class DelegatingContext implements WalkContext { private final WalkContext parent; DelegatingContext(WalkContext parent) { this.parent = parent; } @Override public Set getAccesses(CAstEntity e) { return parent.getAccesses(e); } @Override public ModuleEntry getModule() { return parent.getModule(); } @Override public String getName() { return parent.getName(); } @Override public String file() { return parent.file(); } @Override public CAstEntity top() { return parent.top(); } @Override public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() { return parent.getSourceMap(); } @Override public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() { return parent.getControlFlow(); } @Override public Scope currentScope() { return parent.currentScope(); } @Override public Set entityScopes() { return parent.entityScopes(); } @Override public IncipientCFG cfg() { return parent.cfg(); } @Override public UnwindState getUnwindState() { return parent.getUnwindState(); } @Override public void setCatchType(IBasicBlock bb, TypeReference catchType) { parent.setCatchType(bb, catchType); } @Override public void setCatchType(CAstNode catchNode, TypeReference catchType) { parent.setCatchType(catchNode, catchType); } @Override public Map, TypeReference[]> getCatchTypes() { return parent.getCatchTypes(); } @Override public void addEntityName(CAstEntity e, String name) { parent.addEntityName(e, name); } @Override public String getEntityName(CAstEntity e) { return parent.getEntityName(e); } @Override public boolean hasValue(CAstNode n) { return parent.hasValue(n); } @Override public int setValue(CAstNode n, int v) { return parent.setValue(n, v); } @Override public int getValue(CAstNode n) { return parent.getValue(n); } @Override public Set, Integer>> exposeNameSet(CAstEntity entity, boolean writeSet) { return parent.exposeNameSet(entity, writeSet); } @Override public Scope getGlobalScope() { return parent.getGlobalScope(); } } private class FileContext extends DelegatingContext { private final String fUnitName; public FileContext(WalkContext parent, String unitName) { super(parent); fUnitName = unitName; } @Override public String getName() { return fUnitName; } } private class UnwindContext extends DelegatingContext { private final UnwindState state; UnwindContext(CAstNode unwindNode, WalkContext parent, CAstVisitor visitor) { super(parent); this.state = new UnwindState(unwindNode, parent, visitor); } @Override public UnwindState getUnwindState() { return state; } } private abstract class EntityContext extends DelegatingContext { protected final CAstEntity topNode; protected final String name; EntityContext(WalkContext parent, CAstEntity s) { super(parent); this.topNode = s; this.name = composeEntityName(parent, s); addEntityName(s, this.name); } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public CAstEntity top() { return topNode; } @Override public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() { return top().getSourceMap(); } } public class CodeEntityContext extends EntityContext { private final Scope topEntityScope; private final Set allEntityScopes; private final IncipientCFG cfg; private final Map, TypeReference[]> catchTypes = HashMapFactory.make(); Set, Integer>> exposedReads; Set, Integer>> exposedWrites; Set accesses; /** * maps nodes in the current function to the value number holding their value * or, for constants, to their constant value. */ private final Map results = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public CodeEntityContext(WalkContext parent, Scope entityScope, CAstEntity s) { super(parent, s); this.topEntityScope = entityScope; this.allEntityScopes = HashSetFactory.make(); this.allEntityScopes.add(entityScope); cfg = new IncipientCFG(); } @Override public Set getAccesses(CAstEntity e) { if (e == topNode) { if (accesses == null) { accesses = HashSetFactory.make(); } return accesses; } else { return super.getAccesses(e); } } @Override public Set, Integer>> exposeNameSet(CAstEntity entity, boolean writeSet) { if (entity == topNode) { if (writeSet) { if (exposedWrites == null) { exposedWrites = HashSetFactory.make(); } return exposedWrites; } else { if (exposedReads == null) { exposedReads = HashSetFactory.make(); } return exposedReads; } } else { return super.exposeNameSet(entity, writeSet); } } @Override public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() { return top().getControlFlow(); } @Override public IncipientCFG cfg() { return cfg; } @Override public Scope currentScope() { return topEntityScope; } @Override public Set entityScopes() { return allEntityScopes; } @Override public UnwindState getUnwindState() { return null; } @Override public void setCatchType(CAstNode catchNode, TypeReference catchType) { setCatchType(cfg.getBlock(catchNode), catchType); } @Override public void setCatchType(IBasicBlock bb, TypeReference catchType) { if (! catchTypes.containsKey(bb)) { catchTypes.put(bb, new TypeReference[] { catchType }); } else { TypeReference[] data = catchTypes.get(bb); for (TypeReference element : data) { if (element == catchType) { return; } } TypeReference[] newData = new TypeReference[data.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(data, 0, newData, 0, data.length); newData[data.length] = catchType; catchTypes.put(bb, newData); } } @Override public Map, TypeReference[]> getCatchTypes() { return catchTypes; } @Override public boolean hasValue(CAstNode n) { return results.containsKey(n); } @Override public final int setValue(CAstNode n, int v) { results.put(n, Integer.valueOf(v)); return v; } @Override public final int getValue(CAstNode n) { if (results.containsKey(n)) return results.get(n).intValue(); else { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(("no value for " + n.getKind())); } return -1; } } } private final class TypeContext extends EntityContext { private TypeContext(WalkContext parent, CAstEntity n) { super(parent, n); } @Override public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("TypeContext.getControlFlow()"); return null; } @Override public IncipientCFG cfg() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("TypeContext.cfg()"); return null; } @Override public UnwindState getUnwindState() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("TypeContext.getUnwindState()"); return null; } } private class LocalContext extends DelegatingContext { private final Scope localScope; LocalContext(WalkContext parent, Scope localScope) { super(parent); this.localScope = localScope; parent.entityScopes().add(localScope); } @Override public Scope currentScope() { return localScope; } } /** * lexical access information for some entity scope. used during call graph * construction to handle lexical accesses. */ public static class AstLexicalInformation implements LexicalInformation { /** * the name of this function, as it appears in the definer portion of a * lexical name */ private final String functionLexicalName; /** * names possibly accessed in a nested lexical scope, represented as pairs * (name,nameOfDefiningEntity) */ private final Pair[] exposedNames; /** * map from instruction index and exposed name (via its index in * {@link #exposedNames}) to the value number for the name at that * instruction index. This can vary at different instructions due to SSA * (and this information is updated during {@link SSAConversion}). */ private final int[][] instructionLexicalUses; /** * maps each exposed name (via its index in {@link #exposedNames}) to its * value number at method exit. */ private final int[] exitLexicalUses; /** * the names of the enclosing methods declaring names that are lexically * accessed by the entity */ private final String[] scopingParents; /** * all value numbers appearing as entries in {@link #instructionLexicalUses} * and {@link #exitLexicalUses}, computed lazily */ private MutableIntSet allExposedUses = null; /** * names of exposed variables of this method that cannot be written outside */ private final Set readOnlyNames; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public AstLexicalInformation(AstLexicalInformation original) { this.functionLexicalName = original.functionLexicalName; if (original.exposedNames != null) { exposedNames = new Pair[original.exposedNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < exposedNames.length; i++) { exposedNames[i] = Pair.make(original.exposedNames[i].fst, original.exposedNames[i].snd); } } else { exposedNames = null; } instructionLexicalUses = new int[original.instructionLexicalUses.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < instructionLexicalUses.length; i++) { int[] x = original.instructionLexicalUses[i]; if (x != null) { instructionLexicalUses[i] = new int[x.length]; for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) { instructionLexicalUses[i][j] = x[j]; } } } if (original.exitLexicalUses != null) { exitLexicalUses = new int[original.exitLexicalUses.length]; for (int i = 0; i < exitLexicalUses.length; i++) { exitLexicalUses[i] = original.exitLexicalUses[i]; } } else { exitLexicalUses = null; } if (original.scopingParents != null) { scopingParents = new String[original.scopingParents.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scopingParents.length; i++) { scopingParents[i] = original.scopingParents[i]; } } else { scopingParents = null; } readOnlyNames = original.readOnlyNames; } private static int[] buildLexicalUseArray(Pair, Integer>[] exposedNames, String entityName) { if (exposedNames != null) { int[] lexicalUses = new int[exposedNames.length]; for (int j = 0; j < exposedNames.length; j++) { if (entityName == null || entityName.equals(exposedNames[j].fst.snd)) { lexicalUses[j] = exposedNames[j].snd; } else { lexicalUses[j] = -1; } } return lexicalUses; } else { return null; } } private static Pair[] buildLexicalNamesArray(Pair, Integer>[] exposedNames) { if (exposedNames != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Pair[] lexicalNames = new Pair[exposedNames.length]; for (int j = 0; j < exposedNames.length; j++) { lexicalNames[j] = exposedNames[j].fst; } return lexicalNames; } else { return null; } } AstLexicalInformation(String entityName, Scope scope, SSAInstruction[] instrs, Set, Integer>> exposedNamesForReadSet, Set, Integer>> exposedNamesForWriteSet, Set accesses) { this.functionLexicalName = entityName; Pair, Integer>[] EN = null; if (exposedNamesForReadSet != null || exposedNamesForWriteSet != null) { Set, Integer>> exposedNamesSet = new HashSet<>(); if (exposedNamesForReadSet != null) { exposedNamesSet.addAll(exposedNamesForReadSet); } if (exposedNamesForWriteSet != null) { exposedNamesSet.addAll(exposedNamesForWriteSet); } EN = exposedNamesSet.toArray(new Pair[exposedNamesSet.size()]); } if (exposedNamesForReadSet != null) { Set readOnlyNames = new HashSet<>(); for (Pair, Integer> v : exposedNamesForReadSet) { if (entityName != null && entityName.equals(v.fst.snd)) { readOnlyNames.add(v.fst.fst); } } if (exposedNamesForWriteSet != null) { for (Pair, Integer> v : exposedNamesForWriteSet) { if (entityName != null && entityName.equals(v.fst.snd)) { readOnlyNames.remove(v.fst.fst); } } } this.readOnlyNames = readOnlyNames; } else { this.readOnlyNames = null; } this.exposedNames = buildLexicalNamesArray(EN); // the value numbers stored in exitLexicalUses and instructionLexicalUses // are identical at first; they will be updated // as needed during the final SSA conversion this.exitLexicalUses = buildLexicalUseArray(EN, entityName); this.instructionLexicalUses = new int[instrs.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.length; i++) { if (instrs[i] instanceof SSAAbstractInvokeInstruction) { this.instructionLexicalUses[i] = buildLexicalUseArray(EN, null); } } if (accesses != null) { Set parents = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Access AC : accesses) { if (AC.variableDefiner != null) { parents.add(AC.variableDefiner); } } scopingParents = parents.toArray(new String[parents.size()]); if (DEBUG_LEXICAL) { System.err.println(("scoping parents of " + scope.getEntity())); System.err.println(parents.toString()); } } else { scopingParents = null; } if (DEBUG_NAMES) { System.err.println(("lexical uses of " + scope.getEntity())); for (int i = 0; i < instructionLexicalUses.length; i++) { if (instructionLexicalUses[i] != null) { System.err.println((" lexical uses of " + instrs[i])); for (int j = 0; j < instructionLexicalUses[i].length; j++) { System.err.println((" " + this.exposedNames[j].fst + ": " + instructionLexicalUses[i][j])); } } } } } @Override public int[] getExitExposedUses() { return exitLexicalUses; } private static final int[] NONE = new int[0]; @Override public int[] getExposedUses(int instructionOffset) { return instructionLexicalUses[instructionOffset] == null ? NONE : instructionLexicalUses[instructionOffset]; } @Override public IntSet getAllExposedUses() { if (allExposedUses == null) { allExposedUses = IntSetUtil.make(); if (exitLexicalUses != null) { for (int exitLexicalUse : exitLexicalUses) { if (exitLexicalUse > 0) { allExposedUses.add(exitLexicalUse); } } } if (instructionLexicalUses != null) { for (int[] instructionLexicalUse : instructionLexicalUses) { if (instructionLexicalUse != null) { for (int element : instructionLexicalUse) { if (element > 0) { allExposedUses.add(element); } } } } } } return allExposedUses; } @Override public Pair[] getExposedNames() { return exposedNames; } @Override public String[] getScopingParents() { return scopingParents; } @Override public boolean isReadOnly(String name) { return readOnlyNames != null && readOnlyNames.contains(name); } @Override public String getScopingName() { return functionLexicalName; } public static boolean hasExposedUses(CGNode caller, CallSiteReference site) { int uses[] = ((AstMethod) caller.getMethod()).lexicalInfo().getExposedUses(site.getProgramCounter()); if (uses != null && uses.length > 0) { for (int use : uses) { if (use > 0) { return true; } } } return false; } } /** * record that in entity e, the access is performed. * * If {@link #useLocalValuesForLexicalVars()} is true, the access is performed * using a local variable. in * {@link #patchLexicalAccesses(SSAInstruction[], Set)}, this information is * used to update an instruction that performs all the accesses at the * beginning of the method and defines the locals. */ private static void addAccess(WalkContext context, CAstEntity e, Access access) { context.getAccesses(e).add(access); } /** * Record that a name assigned a value number in the scope of entity may be * accessed by a lexically nested scope, i.e., the name may be * exposed to lexically nested scopes. This information is needed * during call graph construction to properly model the data flow due to the * access in the nested scope. * * @param entity * an entity in whose scope name is assigned a value number * @param declaration * the declaring entity for name (possibly an enclosing scope of * entity, in the case where entity * {@link #useLocalValuesForLexicalVars() accesses the name via a * local}) * @param name * the accessed name * @param valueNumber * the name's value number in the scope of entity */ private static void addExposedName(CAstEntity entity, CAstEntity declaration, String name, int valueNumber, boolean isWrite, WalkContext context) { Pair, Integer> newVal = Pair.make(Pair.make(name, context.getEntityName(declaration)), valueNumber); context.exposeNameSet(entity, isWrite).add(newVal); } public void setDefaultValue(SymbolTable symtab, int vn, Object value) { if (value == CAstSymbol.NULL_DEFAULT_VALUE) { symtab.setDefaultValue(vn, null); } else { symtab.setDefaultValue(vn, value); } } protected IUnaryOpInstruction.IOperator translateUnaryOpcode(CAstNode op) { if (op == CAstOperator.OP_BITNOT) return CAstUnaryOp.BITNOT; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_NOT) return IUnaryOpInstruction.Operator.NEG; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_SUB) return CAstUnaryOp.MINUS; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_ADD) return CAstUnaryOp.PLUS; else Assertions.UNREACHABLE("cannot translate " + CAstPrinter.print(op)); return null; } protected IBinaryOpInstruction.IOperator translateBinaryOpcode(CAstNode op) { if (op == CAstOperator.OP_ADD) return BinaryOpInstruction.Operator.ADD; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_DIV) return BinaryOpInstruction.Operator.DIV; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_LSH) return ShiftInstruction.Operator.SHL; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_MOD) return BinaryOpInstruction.Operator.REM; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_MUL) return BinaryOpInstruction.Operator.MUL; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_RSH) return ShiftInstruction.Operator.SHR; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_SUB) return BinaryOpInstruction.Operator.SUB; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_URSH) return ShiftInstruction.Operator.USHR; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_BIT_AND) return BinaryOpInstruction.Operator.AND; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_BIT_OR) return BinaryOpInstruction.Operator.OR; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_BIT_XOR) return BinaryOpInstruction.Operator.XOR; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_CONCAT) return CAstBinaryOp.CONCAT; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_EQ) return CAstBinaryOp.EQ; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_STRICT_EQ) return CAstBinaryOp.STRICT_EQ; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_GE) return CAstBinaryOp.GE; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_GT) return CAstBinaryOp.GT; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_LE) return CAstBinaryOp.LE; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_LT) return CAstBinaryOp.LT; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_NE) return CAstBinaryOp.NE; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_STRICT_NE) return CAstBinaryOp.STRICT_NE; else { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("cannot translate " + CAstPrinter.print(op)); return null; } } protected IConditionalBranchInstruction.IOperator translateConditionOpcode(CAstNode op) { if (op == CAstOperator.OP_EQ) return ConditionalBranchInstruction.Operator.EQ; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_GE) return ConditionalBranchInstruction.Operator.GE; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_GT) return ConditionalBranchInstruction.Operator.GT; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_LE) return ConditionalBranchInstruction.Operator.LE; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_LT) return ConditionalBranchInstruction.Operator.LT; else if (op == CAstOperator.OP_NE) return ConditionalBranchInstruction.Operator.NE; else { assert false : "cannot translate " + CAstPrinter.print(op); return null; } } protected String[] makeNameMap(CAstEntity n, Set scopes, @SuppressWarnings("unused") SSAInstruction[] insts) { // all scopes share the same underlying symtab, which is what // size really refers to. String[] map = new String[scopes.iterator().next().size() + 1]; if (DEBUG_NAMES) { System.err.println(("names array of size " + map.length)); } for (Scope scope : scopes) { for (String nm : Iterator2Iterable.make(scope.getAllNames())) { if (ignoreName(nm)) { continue; } Symbol v = scope.lookup(nm); if (v.isInternalName()) { continue; } // constants can flow to multiple variables if (scope.isConstant(v.valueNumber())) continue; assert map[v.valueNumber()] == null || map[v.valueNumber()].equals(nm) || ignoreName(map[v.valueNumber()]) : "value number " + v.valueNumber() + " mapped to multiple names in " + n.getName() + ": " + nm + " and " + map[v.valueNumber()]; map[v.valueNumber()] = nm; if (DEBUG_NAMES) { System.err.println(("mapping name " + nm + " to " + v.valueNumber())); } } } return map; } protected final static CAstType getTypeForNode(WalkContext context, CAstNode node) { if (context.top().getNodeTypeMap() != null) { return context.top().getNodeTypeMap().getNodeType(node); } else { return null; } } private Position getPosition(CAstSourcePositionMap map, CAstNode n) { if (map.getPosition(n) != null) { return map.getPosition(n); } else { for (int i = 0; i < n.getChildCount(); i++) { Position p = getPosition(map, n.getChild(i)); if (p != null) { return p; } } return null; } } @Override protected WalkContext makeFileContext(WalkContext c, CAstEntity n) { return new FileContext(c, n.getName()); } @Override protected WalkContext makeTypeContext(WalkContext c, CAstEntity n) { return new TypeContext(c, n); } @Override protected WalkContext makeCodeContext(WalkContext context, CAstEntity n) { AbstractScope scope; if (n.getKind() == CAstEntity.SCRIPT_ENTITY) scope = makeScriptScope(n, context.currentScope()); else scope = makeFunctionScope(n, context.currentScope()); return new CodeEntityContext(context, scope, n); } @Override protected boolean enterEntity(final CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { if (DEBUG_TOP) System.err.println(("translating " + n.getName())); return false; } @Override protected boolean visitFileEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext fileContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveFileEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext fileContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitFieldEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveFieldEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { // Define a new field in the enclosing type, if the language we're // processing allows such. CAstEntity topEntity = context.top(); // better be a type assert topEntity.getKind() == CAstEntity.TYPE_ENTITY : "Parent of field entity is not a type???"; defineField(topEntity, context, n); } @Override protected boolean visitGlobalEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveGlobalEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { // Define a new field in the enclosing type, if the language we're // processing allows such. context.getGlobalScope().declare(new CAstSymbolImpl(n.getName(), n.getType())); } @Override protected boolean visitTypeEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext typeContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { return !defineType(n, context); } @Override protected void leaveTypeEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext typeContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitFunctionEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext codeContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { if (n.getAST() == null) // presumably abstract declareFunction(n, context); else { declareFunction(n, context); initFunctionEntity(n, codeContext); } return false; } @Override protected void leaveFunctionEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext codeContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { if (n.getAST() != null) // non-abstract closeFunctionEntity(n, context, codeContext); } @Override protected boolean visitMacroEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext codeContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { return true; } @Override protected boolean visitScriptEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext codeContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { declareFunction(n, codeContext); initFunctionEntity(n, codeContext); return false; } @Override protected void leaveScriptEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext context, WalkContext codeContext, CAstVisitor visitor) { closeFunctionEntity(n, context, codeContext); } public void initFunctionEntity(CAstEntity n, WalkContext functionContext) { if (liftDeclarationsForLexicalScoping()) { Set names = entity2ExposedNames.get(n); if (names != null) { names.forEach((String nm) -> { functionContext.currentScope().declare(new CAstSymbolImpl(nm, CAstType.DYNAMIC)); }); } } // entry block functionContext.cfg().makeEntryBlock(functionContext.cfg().newBlock(false)); // first real block functionContext.cfg().newBlock(true); // prologue code, if any doPrologue(functionContext); } public void closeFunctionEntity(final CAstEntity n, WalkContext parentContext, WalkContext functionContext) { // exit block functionContext.cfg().makeExitBlock(functionContext.cfg().newBlock(true)); // create code entry stuff for this entity SymbolTable symtab = ((AbstractScope) functionContext.currentScope()).getUnderlyingSymtab(); Map,TypeReference[]> catchTypes = functionContext.getCatchTypes(); AstCFG cfg = new AstCFG(n, functionContext.cfg(), symtab, insts); Position[] line = functionContext.cfg().getLinePositionMap(); Position[][] operand = functionContext.cfg().getOperandPositionMap(); boolean katch = functionContext.cfg().hasCatchBlock(); boolean monitor = functionContext.cfg().hasMonitorOp(); String[] nms = makeNameMap(n, functionContext.entityScopes(), cfg.getInstructions()); /* * Set reachableBlocks = DFS.getReachableNodes(cfg, * Collections.singleton(cfg.entry())); * Assertions._assert(reachableBlocks.size() == cfg.getNumberOfNodes(), * cfg.toString()); */ // (put here to allow subclasses to handle stuff in scoped entities) // assemble lexical information AstLexicalInformation LI = new AstLexicalInformation(functionContext.getEntityName(n), functionContext.currentScope(), cfg.getInstructions(), functionContext.exposeNameSet(n, false), functionContext.exposeNameSet(n, true), functionContext.getAccesses(n)); Position[] parameterPositions = getParameterPositions(n); DebuggingInformation DBG = new AstDebuggingInformation(n.getNamePosition(), n.getPosition(), line, operand, parameterPositions, nms); // actually make code body defineFunction(n, parentContext, cfg, symtab, katch, catchTypes, monitor, LI, DBG); } protected abstract Position[] getParameterPositions(CAstEntity e); @Override protected WalkContext makeLocalContext(WalkContext context, CAstNode n) { return new LocalContext(context, makeLocalScope(context.currentScope())); } @Override protected WalkContext makeSpecialParentContext(final WalkContext context, CAstNode n) { final String specialName = (String) n.getChild(0).getValue(); return new LocalContext(context, new AbstractScope(context.currentScope()) { private Scope parent = null; private Scope parent() { if (parent == null) { parent = ((AbstractScope)context.currentScope()).getEntityScope().getParent(); } return parent; } @Override public ScopeType type() { return ScopeType.LOCAL; } private Scope scopeFor(String name) { if (name.equals(specialName)) { return parent(); } else { return context.currentScope(); } } @Override public boolean contains(String name) { return scopeFor(name).contains(name); } @Override public Symbol lookup(String name) { return scopeFor(name).lookup(name); } @Override protected SymbolTable getUnderlyingSymtab() { return ((AbstractScope)context.currentScope()).getUnderlyingSymtab(); } @Override protected Symbol makeSymbol(String nm, CAstType type, boolean isFinal, boolean isInternalName, Object defaultInitValue, int vn, Scope parent) { return ((AbstractScope)context.currentScope()).makeSymbol(nm, type, isFinal, isInternalName, defaultInitValue, vn, parent); } @Override protected AbstractScope getEntityScope() { return ((AbstractScope)context.currentScope()).getEntityScope(); } @Override public boolean isLexicallyScoped(Symbol s) { return context.currentScope().isLexicallyScoped(s); } @Override public CAstEntity getEntity() { return context.top(); } }); } @Override protected WalkContext makeUnwindContext(WalkContext context, CAstNode n, CAstVisitor visitor) { // here, n represents the "finally" block of the unwind return new UnwindContext(n, context, visitor); } protected Map> entity2ExposedNames; protected int processFunctionExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext context) { CAstEntity fn = (CAstEntity) n.getChild(0).getValue(); declareFunction(fn, context); int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); int ex = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); doMaterializeFunction(n, context, result, ex, fn); return result; } @Override protected boolean visitFunctionExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveFunctionExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { int result = processFunctionExpr(n, c); c.setValue(n, result); } @Override protected boolean visitFunctionStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveFunctionStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { int result = processFunctionExpr(n, context); CAstEntity fn = (CAstEntity) n.getChild(0).getValue(); // FIXME: handle redefinitions of functions Scope cs = context.currentScope(); if (cs.contains(fn.getName()) && !cs.isLexicallyScoped(cs.lookup(fn.getName())) && !cs.isGlobal(cs.lookup(fn.getName()))) { // if we already have a local with the function's name, write the function // value to that local assignValue(n, context, cs.lookup(fn.getName()), fn.getName(), result); } else if (topLevelFunctionsInGlobalScope() && context.top().getKind() == CAstEntity.SCRIPT_ENTITY) { context.getGlobalScope().declare(new FinalCAstSymbol(fn.getName(), fn.getType())); assignValue(n, context, cs.lookup(fn.getName()), fn.getName(), result); } else { context.currentScope().declare(new FinalCAstSymbol(fn.getName(), fn.getType()), result); } } @Override protected boolean visitLocalScope(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected boolean visitSpecialParentScope(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveLocalScope(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(0))); } @Override protected void leaveSpecialParentScope(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(1))); } @Override protected boolean visitBlockExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveBlockExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(n.getChildCount() - 1))); } @Override protected boolean visitBlockStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveBlockStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitLoop(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; // loop test block context.cfg().newBlock(true); PreBasicBlock headerB = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); visitor.visit(n.getChild(0), context, visitor); assert c.getValue(n.getChild(0)) != -1 : "error in loop test " + CAstPrinter.print(n.getChild(0), context.top().getSourceMap()) + " of loop " + CAstPrinter.print(n, context.top().getSourceMap()); context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.ConditionalBranchInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, translateConditionOpcode(CAstOperator.OP_EQ), null, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), context .currentScope().getConstantValue(Integer.valueOf(0)), -1)); PreBasicBlock branchB = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); // loop body context.cfg().newBlock(true); visitor.visit(n.getChild(1), context, visitor); if (!context.cfg().isDeadBlock(context.cfg().getCurrentBlock())) { context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.GotoInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, -1)); PreBasicBlock bodyB = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); context.cfg().addEdge(bodyB, headerB); // next block context.cfg().newBlock(false); } PreBasicBlock nextB = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); // control flow mapping; context.cfg().addEdge(branchB, nextB); return true; } // Make final to prevent overriding @Override protected final void leaveLoopHeader(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected final void leaveLoop(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitGetCaughtException(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveGetCaughtException(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; String nm = (String) n.getChild(0).getValue(); context.currentScope().declare(new FinalCAstSymbol(nm, exceptionType())); context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.GetCaughtExceptionInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, context.cfg().getCurrentBlock().getNumber(), context.currentScope().lookup(nm) .valueNumber())); } @Override protected boolean visitThis(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveThis(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, 1); } @Override protected boolean visitSuper(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveSuper(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, 1); } @Override protected boolean visitCall(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); return false; } @Override protected void leaveCall(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = c.getValue(n); int exp = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); int fun = c.getValue(n.getChild(0)); CAstNode functionName = n.getChild(1); int[] args = new int[n.getChildCount() - 2]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = c.getValue(n.getChild(i + 2)); } doCall(context, n, result, exp, functionName, fun, args); } @Override protected boolean visitVar(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveVar(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; String nm = (String) n.getChild(0).getValue(); assert nm != null : "cannot find var for " + CAstPrinter.print(n, context.getSourceMap()); Symbol s = context.currentScope().lookup(nm); assert s != null : "cannot find symbol for " + nm + " at " + CAstPrinter.print(n, context.getSourceMap()); assert s.type() != null : "no type for " + nm + " at " + CAstPrinter.print(n, context.getSourceMap()); TypeReference type = makeType(s.type()); if (context.currentScope().isGlobal(s)) { c.setValue(n, doGlobalRead(n, context, nm, type)); } else if (context.currentScope().isLexicallyScoped(s)) { c.setValue(n, doLexicallyScopedRead(n, context, nm, type)); } else { c.setValue(n, doLocalRead(context, nm, type)); } } @Override protected boolean visitConstant(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveConstant(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; c.setValue(n, context.currentScope().getConstantValue(n.getValue())); } @Override protected boolean visitBinaryExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); return false; } private static boolean handleBinaryOpThrow(CAstNode n, CAstNode op, WalkContext context) { boolean mayBeInteger = handlePossibleThrow(n, context); if (mayBeInteger) { // currently, only integer / and % throw exceptions assert op == CAstOperator.OP_DIV || op == CAstOperator.OP_MOD : CAstPrinter.print(n); } return mayBeInteger; } private static boolean handlePossibleThrow(CAstNode n, WalkContext context) { boolean mayThrow = false; Collection labels = context.getControlFlow().getTargetLabels(n); if (!labels.isEmpty()) { mayThrow = true; context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); for (Object label : labels) { CAstNode target = context.getControlFlow().getTarget(n, label); if (target == CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT) context.cfg().addPreEdgeToExit(n, true); else context.cfg().addPreEdge(n, target, true); } } return mayThrow; } @Override protected void leaveBinaryExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = c.getValue(n); CAstNode l = n.getChild(1); CAstNode r = n.getChild(2); assert c.getValue(r) != -1 : CAstPrinter.print(n); assert c.getValue(l) != -1 : CAstPrinter.print(n); boolean mayBeInteger = handleBinaryOpThrow(n, n.getChild(0), context); int currentInstruction = context.cfg().currentInstruction; context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.BinaryOpInstruction(currentInstruction, translateBinaryOpcode(n.getChild(0)), false, false, result, c.getValue(l), c.getValue(r), mayBeInteger)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(l), context.getSourceMap().getPosition(r)); if (mayBeInteger) { context.cfg().newBlock(true); } } @Override protected boolean visitUnaryExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); return false; } @Override protected void leaveUnaryExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = c.getValue(n); CAstNode v = n.getChild(1); int currentInstruction = context.cfg().currentInstruction; context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.UnaryOpInstruction(currentInstruction, translateUnaryOpcode(n.getChild(0)), result, c.getValue(v))); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(v)); } @Override protected boolean visitArrayLength(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); return false; } @Override protected void leaveArrayLength(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = c.getValue(n); CAstNode arrayExpr = n.getChild(0); int arrayValue = c.getValue(arrayExpr); int currentInstruction = context.cfg().currentInstruction; context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.ArrayLengthInstruction(currentInstruction, result, arrayValue)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(arrayExpr)); } @Override protected boolean visitArrayRef(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveArrayRef(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int arrayValue = c.getValue(n.getChild(0)); int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); arrayOpHandler.doArrayRead(context, result, arrayValue, n, gatherArrayDims(c, n)); } @Override protected boolean visitDeclStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } // TODO: should we handle exploded declaration nodes here instead? @Override protected void leaveDeclStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { CAstSymbol s = (CAstSymbol) n.getChild(0).getValue(); String nm = s.name(); CAstType t = s.type(); Scope scope = c.currentScope(); if (n.getChildCount() == 2) { CAstNode v = n.getChild(1); if (scope.contains(nm) && scope.lookup(nm).getDefiningScope() == scope) { assert !s.isFinal(); doLocalWrite(c, nm, makeType(t), c.getValue(v)); } else if (v.getKind() != CAstNode.CONSTANT && v.getKind() != CAstNode.VAR && v.getKind() != CAstNode.THIS) { scope.declare(s, c.getValue(v)); } else { scope.declare(s); doLocalWrite(c, nm, makeType(t), c.getValue(v)); } } else { c.currentScope().declare(s); } } @Override protected boolean visitReturn(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveReturn(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int currentInstruction = context.cfg().currentInstruction; if (n.getChildCount() > 0) { CAstNode returnExpr = n.getChild(0); context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.ReturnInstruction(currentInstruction, c.getValue(returnExpr), false)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(returnExpr)); } else { context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.ReturnInstruction(currentInstruction)); } context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); context.cfg().newBlock(false); context.cfg().addPreEdgeToExit(n, false); } @Override protected boolean visitIfgoto(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveIfgoto(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int currentInstruction = context.cfg().currentInstruction; if (n.getChildCount() == 1) { CAstNode arg = n.getChild(0); context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.ConditionalBranchInstruction(currentInstruction, translateConditionOpcode(CAstOperator.OP_NE), null, c.getValue(arg), context .currentScope().getConstantValue(Integer.valueOf(0)), -1)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(arg)); } else if (n.getChildCount() == 3) { CAstNode op = n.getChild(0); CAstNode leftExpr = n.getChild(1); CAstNode rightExpr = n.getChild(2); context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.ConditionalBranchInstruction(currentInstruction, translateConditionOpcode(op), null, c.getValue(leftExpr), c.getValue(rightExpr), -1)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(leftExpr), context.getSourceMap().getPosition(rightExpr)); } else { Assertions.UNREACHABLE(); } context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); context.cfg().addPreEdge(n, context.getControlFlow().getTarget(n, Boolean.TRUE), false); context.cfg().newBlock(true); } @Override protected boolean visitGoto(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveGoto(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; if (!context.cfg().isDeadBlock(context.cfg().getCurrentBlock())) { context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); CAstControlFlowMap controlFlowMap = context.getControlFlow(); context.cfg().addPreEdge(n, controlFlowMap.getTarget(n, null), false); context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.GotoInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, -1)); if (controlFlowMap.getTarget(n, null) == null) { assert controlFlowMap.getTarget(n, null) != null : controlFlowMap + " does not map " + n + " (" + context.getSourceMap().getPosition(n) + ")"; } context.cfg().newBlock(false); } } @Override protected boolean visitLabelStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; if (!context.getControlFlow().getSourceNodes(n).isEmpty()) { context.cfg().newBlock(true); context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); } return false; } @Override protected void leaveLabelStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } protected void processIf(CAstNode n, boolean isExpr, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; PreBasicBlock trueB = null, falseB = null; // conditional CAstNode l = n.getChild(0); visitor.visit(l, context, visitor); int currentInstruction = context.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.ConditionalBranchInstruction(currentInstruction, translateConditionOpcode(CAstOperator.OP_EQ), null, c.getValue(l), context.currentScope() .getConstantValue(Integer.valueOf(0)), -1)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(l)); PreBasicBlock srcB = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); // true clause context.cfg().newBlock(true); CAstNode r = n.getChild(1); visitor.visit(r, context, visitor); if (isExpr) { currentInstruction = context.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AssignInstruction(currentInstruction, c.getValue(n), c.getValue(r))); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(r)); } if (n.getChildCount() == 3) { if (!context.cfg().isDeadBlock(context.cfg().getCurrentBlock())) { context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.GotoInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, -1)); trueB = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); // false clause context.cfg().newBlock(false); } falseB = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); CAstNode f = n.getChild(2); context.cfg().deadBlocks.remove(falseB); visitor.visit(f, context, visitor); if (isExpr) { currentInstruction = context.cfg().currentInstruction; context.cfg().addInstruction(new AssignInstruction(currentInstruction, c.getValue(n), c.getValue(f))); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(f)); } } // end context.cfg().newBlock(true); if (n.getChildCount() == 3) { if (trueB != null) context.cfg().addEdge(trueB, context.cfg().getCurrentBlock()); context.cfg().addEdge(srcB, falseB); } else { context.cfg().addEdge(srcB, context.cfg().getCurrentBlock()); } } // Make final to prevent overriding @Override protected final void leaveIfStmtCondition(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected final void leaveIfStmtTrueClause(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected final void leaveIfStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected final void leaveIfExprCondition(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected final void leaveIfExprTrueClause(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected final void leaveIfExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitIfStmt(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { processIf(n, false, c, visitor); return true; } @Override protected boolean visitIfExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); processIf(n, true, c, visitor); return true; } @Override protected boolean visitNew(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveNew(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); int[] arguments; if (n.getChildCount() <= 1) { arguments = null; } else { arguments = new int[n.getChildCount() - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < n.getChildCount(); i++) { arguments[i - 1] = c.getValue(n.getChild(i)); } } doNewObject(context, n, result, n.getChild(0).getValue(), arguments); } @Override protected boolean visitObjectLiteral(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveObjectLiteralFieldInit(CAstNode n, int i, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; if (n.getChild(i).getKind() == CAstNode.EMPTY) { handleUnspecifiedLiteralKey(); } doFieldWrite(context, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), n.getChild(i), n, c.getValue(n.getChild(i + 1))); } @Override protected void leaveObjectLiteral(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(0))); } @Override protected boolean visitArrayLiteral(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveArrayLiteralObject(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(0))); } @Override protected void leaveArrayLiteralInitElement(CAstNode n, int i, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; arrayOpHandler.doArrayWrite(context, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), n, new int[] { context.currentScope().getConstantValue(Integer.valueOf(i - 1)) }, c.getValue(n.getChild(i))); } @Override protected void leaveArrayLiteral(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitObjectRef(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); return false; } @Override protected void leaveObjectRef(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = c.getValue(n); CAstNode elt = n.getChild(1); doFieldRead(context, result, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), elt, n); } @Override public boolean visitAssign(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override public void leaveAssign(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { if (n.getKind() == CAstNode.ASSIGN) { c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(1))); } else { c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(0))); } } private static int[] gatherArrayDims(WalkContext c, CAstNode n) { int numDims = n.getChildCount() - 2; int[] dims = new int[numDims]; for (int i = 0; i < numDims; i++) dims[i] = c.getValue(n.getChild(i + 2)); return dims; } /* Prereq: a.getKind() == ASSIGN_PRE_OP || a.getKind() == ASSIGN_POST_OP */ protected int processAssignOp(CAstNode v, CAstNode a, int temp, WalkContext c) { WalkContext context = c; int rval = c.getValue(v); CAstNode op = a.getChild(2); int temp2 = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); boolean mayBeInteger = handleBinaryOpThrow(a, op, context); int currentInstruction = context.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.BinaryOpInstruction(currentInstruction, translateBinaryOpcode(op), false, false, temp2, temp, rval, mayBeInteger)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(a.getChild(0)), context.getSourceMap().getPosition(v)); if (mayBeInteger) { context.cfg().newBlock(true); } return temp2; } @Override protected boolean visitArrayRefAssign(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveArrayRefAssign(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int rval = c.getValue(v); c.setValue(n, rval); arrayOpHandler.doArrayWrite(context, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), n, gatherArrayDims(c, n), rval); } @Override protected boolean visitArrayRefAssignOp(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, boolean pre, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveArrayRefAssignOp(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, boolean pre, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int temp = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); int[] dims = gatherArrayDims(c, n); arrayOpHandler.doArrayRead(context, temp, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), n, dims); int rval = processAssignOp(v, a, temp, c); c.setValue(n, pre ? rval : temp); arrayOpHandler.doArrayWrite(context, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), n, dims, rval); } @Override protected boolean visitObjectRefAssign(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveObjectRefAssign(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int rval = c.getValue(v); c.setValue(n, rval); doFieldWrite(context, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), n.getChild(1), n, rval); } @Override protected boolean visitObjectRefAssignOp(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, boolean pre, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveObjectRefAssignOp(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, boolean pre, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int temp = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); doFieldRead(context, temp, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), n.getChild(1), n); int rval = processAssignOp(v, a, temp, c); c.setValue(n, pre ? rval : temp); doFieldWrite(context, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), n.getChild(1), n, rval); } @Override protected boolean visitBlockExprAssign(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveBlockExprAssign(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(n.getChildCount() - 1))); } @Override protected boolean visitBlockExprAssignOp(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, boolean pre, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveBlockExprAssignOp(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, boolean pre, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ c.setValue(n, c.getValue(n.getChild(n.getChildCount() - 1))); } @Override protected boolean visitVarAssign(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } /** * assign rval to nm as appropriate, depending on the scope of ls */ protected void assignValue(CAstNode n, WalkContext context, Symbol ls, String nm, int rval) { if (context.currentScope().isGlobal(ls)) doGlobalWrite(context, nm, makeType(ls.type()), rval); else if (context.currentScope().isLexicallyScoped(ls)) { doLexicallyScopedWrite(context, nm, makeType(ls.type()), rval); } else { assert rval != -1 : CAstPrinter.print(n, context.top().getSourceMap()); doLocalWrite(context, nm, makeType(ls.type()), rval); } } @Override protected void leaveVarAssign(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int rval = c.getValue(v); String nm = (String) n.getChild(0).getValue(); Symbol ls = context.currentScope().lookup(nm); c.setValue(n, rval); assignValue(n, context, ls, nm, rval); } @Override protected boolean visitVarAssignOp(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, boolean pre, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveVarAssignOp(CAstNode n, CAstNode v, CAstNode a, boolean pre, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; String nm = (String) n.getChild(0).getValue(); Symbol ls = context.currentScope().lookup(nm); TypeReference type = makeType(ls.type()); int temp; if (context.currentScope().isGlobal(ls)) temp = doGlobalRead(n, context, nm, type); else if (context.currentScope().isLexicallyScoped(ls)) { temp = doLexicallyScopedRead(n, context, nm, type); } else { temp = doLocalRead(context, nm, type); } if (!pre) { int ret = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); int currentInstruction = context.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); context.cfg().addInstruction(new AssignInstruction(currentInstruction, ret, temp)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(n.getChild(0))); c.setValue(n, ret); } int rval = processAssignOp(v, a, temp, c); if (pre) { c.setValue(n, rval); } if (context.currentScope().isGlobal(ls)) { doGlobalWrite(context, nm, type, rval); } else if (context.currentScope().isLexicallyScoped(ls)) { doLexicallyScopedWrite(context, nm, type, rval); } else { doLocalWrite(context, nm, type, rval); } } private static boolean isSimpleSwitch(CAstNode n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { CAstControlFlowMap ctrl = context.getControlFlow(); Collection caseLabels = ctrl.getTargetLabels(n); for (Object x : caseLabels) { if (x == CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT) continue; CAstNode xn = (CAstNode) x; if (xn.getKind() == CAstNode.CONSTANT) { visitor.visit(xn, context, visitor); if (context.getValue(xn) != -1) { if (context.currentScope().isConstant(context.getValue(xn))) { Object val = context.currentScope().getConstantObject(context.getValue(xn)); if (val instanceof Number) { Number num = (Number) val; if (num.intValue() == num.doubleValue()) { continue; } } } } } return false; } return true; } private void doSimpleSwitch(CAstNode n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { PreBasicBlock defaultHackBlock = null; CAstControlFlowMap ctrl = context.getControlFlow(); CAstNode switchValue = n.getChild(0); visitor.visit(switchValue, context, visitor); int v = context.getValue(switchValue); boolean hasExplicitDefault = ctrl.getTarget(n, CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT) != null; Collection caseLabels = ctrl.getTargetLabels(n); int cases = caseLabels.size(); if (hasExplicitDefault) cases--; int[] casesAndLabels = new int[cases * 2]; int defaultBlock = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock().getGraphNodeId() + 1; int currentInstruction = context.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.SwitchInstruction(currentInstruction, v, defaultBlock, casesAndLabels)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(switchValue)); context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); // PreBasicBlock switchB = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); context.cfg().newBlock(true); context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.GotoInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, -1)); defaultHackBlock = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); context.cfg().newBlock(false); CAstNode switchBody = n.getChild(1); visitor.visit(switchBody, context, visitor); context.cfg().newBlock(true); if (!hasExplicitDefault) { context.cfg().addEdge(defaultHackBlock, context.cfg().getCurrentBlock()); } int cn = 0; for (Object x : caseLabels) { CAstNode target = ctrl.getTarget(n, x); if (x == CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT) { context.cfg().addEdge(defaultHackBlock, context.cfg().getBlock(target)); } else { Number caseLabel = (Number) context.currentScope().getConstantObject(context.getValue((CAstNode) x)); casesAndLabels[2 * cn] = caseLabel.intValue(); casesAndLabels[2 * cn + 1] = context.cfg().getBlock(target).getGraphNodeId(); cn++; context.cfg().addPreEdge(n, target, false); } } } private void doIfConvertSwitch(CAstNode n, WalkContext context, CAstVisitor visitor) { CAstControlFlowMap ctrl = context.getControlFlow(); context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); CAstNode switchValue = n.getChild(0); visitor.visit(switchValue, context, visitor); int v = context.getValue(switchValue); Collection caseLabels = ctrl.getTargetLabels(n); Map labelToBlock = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Object x : caseLabels) { if (x != CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT) { visitor.visit((CAstNode) x, context, visitor); int currentInstruction = context.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.ConditionalBranchInstruction(currentInstruction, translateConditionOpcode(CAstOperator.OP_EQ), null, v, context.getValue((CAstNode) x), -1)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(switchValue), context.getSourceMap().getPosition((CAstNode)x)); labelToBlock.put(x, context.cfg().getCurrentBlock()); context.cfg().newBlock(true); } } PreBasicBlock defaultGotoBlock = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.GotoInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, -1)); context.cfg().newBlock(false); CAstNode switchBody = n.getChild(1); visitor.visit(switchBody, context, visitor); context.cfg().newBlock(true); for (Object x : caseLabels) { if (x != CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT) { CAstNode target = ctrl.getTarget(n, x); context.cfg().addEdge(labelToBlock.get(x), context.cfg().getBlock(target)); } } if (ctrl.getTarget(n, CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT) == null) { context.cfg().addEdge(defaultGotoBlock, context.cfg().getCurrentBlock()); } else { CAstNode target = ctrl.getTarget(n, CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT); context.cfg().addEdge(defaultGotoBlock, context.cfg().getBlock(target)); } } @Override protected boolean visitSwitch(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; if (isSimpleSwitch(n, context, visitor)) { doSimpleSwitch(n, context, visitor); } else { doIfConvertSwitch(n, context, visitor); } return true; } // Make final to prevent overriding @Override protected final void leaveSwitchValue(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected final void leaveSwitch(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitThrow(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveThrow(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; doThrow(context, c.getValue(n.getChild(0))); context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); context.cfg().newBlock(false); Collection labels = context.getControlFlow().getTargetLabels(n); for (Object label : labels) { CAstNode target = context.getControlFlow().getTarget(n, label); if (target == CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT) context.cfg().addPreEdgeToExit(n, true); else context.cfg().addPreEdge(n, target, true); } } @Override protected boolean visitCatch(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; // unreachable catch block if (context.getControlFlow().getSourceNodes(n).isEmpty()) { return true; } String id = (String) n.getChild(0).getValue(); context.cfg().setCurrentBlockAsHandler(); if (!context.currentScope().contains(id)) { context.currentScope().declare(new FinalCAstSymbol(id, exceptionType())); } context.cfg().addInstruction( insts.GetCaughtExceptionInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, context.cfg().getCurrentBlock().getNumber(), context.currentScope().lookup(id) .valueNumber())); context.cfg().addPreNode(n, context.getUnwindState()); CAstType caughtType = getTypeForNode(context, n); if (caughtType != null) { TypeReference caughtRef = makeType(caughtType); context.setCatchType(n, caughtRef); } else { context.setCatchType(n, defaultCatchType()); } return false; } @Override protected void leaveCatch(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitUnwind(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveUnwind(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } private boolean hasIncomingEdges(CAstNode n, WalkContext context) { if (context.cfg().hasDelayedEdges(n)) { return true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < n.getChildCount(); i++) { if (hasIncomingEdges(n.getChild(i), context)) { return true; } } return false; } } @Override protected boolean visitTry(final CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { final WalkContext context = c; boolean addSkipCatchGoto = false; visitor.visit(n.getChild(0), context, visitor); PreBasicBlock endOfTry = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); if (!hasIncomingEdges(n.getChild(1), context)) { if (loader instanceof CAstAbstractLoader) { ((CAstAbstractLoader) loader).addMessage(context.getModule(), new Warning(Warning.MILD) { @Override public String getMsg() { return "Dead catch block at " + getPosition(context.getSourceMap(), n.getChild(1)); } }); } return true; } if (!context.cfg().isDeadBlock(context.cfg().getCurrentBlock())) { addSkipCatchGoto = true; context.cfg().addInstruction(insts.GotoInstruction(context.cfg().currentInstruction, -1)); context.cfg().newBlock(false); } context.cfg().noteCatchBlock(); visitor.visit(n.getChild(1), context, visitor); if (!context.cfg().isDeadBlock(context.cfg().getCurrentBlock())) { context.cfg().newBlock(true); } if (addSkipCatchGoto) { PreBasicBlock afterBlock = context.cfg().getCurrentBlock(); context.cfg().addEdge(endOfTry, afterBlock); } return true; } // Make final to prevent overriding @Override protected final void leaveTryBlock(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected final void leaveTry(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ } @Override protected boolean visitEmpty(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveEmpty(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; c.setValue(n, context.currentScope().getConstantValue(null)); } @Override protected boolean visitPrimitive(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leavePrimitive(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; int result = context.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); doPrimitive(result, context, n); } @Override protected boolean visitVoid(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveVoid(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { c.setValue(n, -1); } @Override protected boolean visitAssert(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { /* empty */ return false; } @Override protected void leaveAssert(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext context = c; boolean fromSpec = true; CAstNode assertion = n.getChild(0); int result = c.getValue(assertion); if (n.getChildCount() == 2) { assert n.getChild(1).getKind() == CAstNode.CONSTANT; assert n.getChild(1).getValue() instanceof Boolean; fromSpec = n.getChild(1).getValue().equals(Boolean.TRUE); } int currentInstruction = context.cfg().currentInstruction; context.cfg().addInstruction(new AstAssertInstruction(currentInstruction, result, fromSpec)); context.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, context.getSourceMap().getPosition(assertion)); } @Override protected boolean visitEachElementGet(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { return false; } @Override protected void leaveEachElementGet(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { int result = c.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); int currentInstruction = c.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); c.cfg().addInstruction(new EachElementGetInstruction(currentInstruction, result, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), c.getValue(n.getChild(1)))); c.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, c.getSourceMap().getPosition(n.getChild(0)), c.getSourceMap().getPosition(n.getChild(1))); if (handlePossibleThrow(n, c)) { c.cfg().newBlock(true); } } @Override protected boolean visitEachElementHasNext(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { return false; } @Override protected void leaveEachElementHasNext(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { int result = c.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); int currentInstruction = c.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); c.cfg().addInstruction(new EachElementHasNextInstruction(currentInstruction, result, c.getValue(n.getChild(0)), c.getValue(n.getChild(1)))); c.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, c.getSourceMap().getPosition(n.getChild(0)), c.getSourceMap().getPosition(n.getChild(1))); } @Override protected boolean visitTypeLiteralExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { return false; } @Override protected void leaveTypeLiteralExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext wc = c; assert n.getChild(0).getKind() == CAstNode.CONSTANT; String typeNameStr = (String) n.getChild(0).getValue(); TypeName typeName = TypeName.string2TypeName(typeNameStr); TypeReference typeRef = TypeReference.findOrCreate(loader.getReference(), typeName); int result = wc.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); wc.cfg().addInstruction(insts.LoadMetadataInstruction(wc.cfg().currentInstruction, result, loader.getLanguage().getConstantType(typeRef), typeRef)); } @Override protected boolean visitIsDefinedExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { return false; } @Override protected void leaveIsDefinedExpr(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext wc = c; CAstNode refExpr = n.getChild(0); int ref = c.getValue(refExpr); int result = wc.currentScope().allocateTempValue(); c.setValue(n, result); if (n.getChildCount() == 1) { int currentInstruction = wc.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); wc.cfg().addInstruction(new AstIsDefinedInstruction(currentInstruction, result, ref)); wc.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, wc.getSourceMap().getPosition(refExpr)); } else { doIsFieldDefined(wc, result, ref, n.getChild(1)); } } @Override protected boolean visitEcho(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { return false; } @Override protected void leaveEcho(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext wc = c; int rvals[] = new int[n.getChildCount()]; Position rposs[] = new Position[n.getChildCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < n.getChildCount(); i++) { rvals[i] = c.getValue(n.getChild(i)); rposs[i] = c.getSourceMap().getPosition(n.getChild(i)); } int currentInstruction = wc.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); wc.cfg().addInstruction(new AstEchoInstruction(currentInstruction, rvals)); wc.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, rposs); } @Override protected boolean visitYield(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { return false; } @Override protected void leaveYield(CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext wc = c; int rvals[] = new int[n.getChildCount()]; Position rposs[] = new Position[n.getChildCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < n.getChildCount(); i++) { rvals[i] = c.getValue(n.getChild(i)); rposs[i] = c.getSourceMap().getPosition(n.getChild(i)); } int currentInstruction = wc.cfg().getCurrentInstruction(); wc.cfg().addInstruction(new AstYieldInstruction(currentInstruction, rvals)); wc.cfg().noteOperands(currentInstruction, rposs); } public CAstEntity getIncludedEntity(CAstNode n) { if (n.getChild(0).getKind() == CAstNode.NAMED_ENTITY_REF) { assert namedEntityResolver != null; return namedEntityResolver.get(n.getChild(0).getChild(0).getValue()); } else { return (CAstEntity) n.getChild(0).getValue(); } } @Override protected void leaveInclude(final CAstNode n, WalkContext c, CAstVisitor visitor) { WalkContext wc = c; CAstEntity included = getIncludedEntity(n); if (included == null) { System.err.println(("cannot find include for " + CAstPrinter.print(n))); System.err.println(("from:\n" + namedEntityResolver)); } else { final boolean isMacroExpansion = (included.getKind() == CAstEntity.MACRO_ENTITY); System.err.println("found " + included.getName() + " for " + CAstPrinter.print(n)); final CAstEntity copy = (new CAstCloner(new CAstImpl(), true) { private CAstNode copyIncludeExpr(CAstNode expr) { if (expr.getValue() != null) { return Ast.makeConstant(expr.getValue()); } else if (expr instanceof CAstOperator) { return expr; } else { CAstNode nc[] = new CAstNode[expr.getChildCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < expr.getChildCount(); i++) { nc[i] = copyIncludeExpr(expr.getChild(i)); } return Ast.makeNode(expr.getKind(), nc); } } @Override protected CAstNode copyNodes(CAstNode root, final CAstControlFlowMap cfg, NonCopyingContext c, Map, CAstNode> nodeMap) { if (isMacroExpansion && root.getKind() == CAstNode.MACRO_VAR) { int arg = ((Number) root.getChild(0).getValue()).intValue(); CAstNode expr = copyIncludeExpr(n.getChild(arg)); nodeMap.put(Pair.make(root, c.key()), expr); return expr; } else { return super.copyNodes(root, cfg, c, nodeMap); } } }).rewrite(included); if (copy.getAST() == null) { System.err.println((copy.getName() + " has no AST")); } else { visit(copy.getAST(), new DelegatingContext(wc) { @Override public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() { return copy.getSourceMap(); } @Override public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() { return copy.getControlFlow(); } }, visitor); visitor.visitScopedEntities(copy, copy.getAllScopedEntities(), wc, visitor); } } } protected final void walkEntities(CAstEntity N, WalkContext c) { visitEntities(N, c, this); } public final class RootContext implements WalkContext { private final Scope globalScope; private final CAstEntity N; private final ModuleEntry module; private final Map entityNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public RootContext(CAstEntity N, ModuleEntry module) { this.N = N; this.module = module; this.globalScope = makeGlobalScope(); } @Override public ModuleEntry getModule() { return module; } @Override public String file() { return module.getName(); } @Override public CAstEntity top() { return N; } @Override public Scope currentScope() { return globalScope; } @Override public Set entityScopes() { return Collections.singleton(globalScope); } @Override public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() { return N.getSourceMap(); } @Override public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() { return N.getControlFlow(); } @Override public IncipientCFG cfg() { return null; } @Override public UnwindState getUnwindState() { return null; } @Override public String getName() { return null; } @Override public void setCatchType(IBasicBlock bb, TypeReference catchType) { } @Override public void setCatchType(CAstNode castNode, TypeReference catchType) { } @Override public Map, TypeReference[]> getCatchTypes() { return null; } @Override public void addEntityName(CAstEntity e, String name) { entityNames.put(e, name); } @Override public String getEntityName(CAstEntity e) { if (e == null) { return null; } else { assert entityNames.containsKey(e); return "L" + entityNames.get(e); } } @Override public boolean hasValue(CAstNode n) { assert false; return false; } @Override public int setValue(CAstNode n, int v) { assert false; return 0; } @Override public int getValue(CAstNode n) { assert false; return -1; } @Override public Set, Integer>> exposeNameSet(CAstEntity entity, boolean writeSet) { assert false; return null; } @Override public Set getAccesses(CAstEntity e) { assert false; return null; } @Override public Scope getGlobalScope(){ return globalScope; } } /** * translate module, represented by {@link CAstEntity} N */ @Override public void translate(final CAstEntity N, final ModuleEntry module) { if (DEBUG_TOP) System.err.println(("translating " + module.getName())); // this.inlinedSourceMap = inlinedSourceMap; final ExposedNamesCollector exposedNamesCollector = new ExposedNamesCollector(); exposedNamesCollector.run(N); if (liftDeclarationsForLexicalScoping()) { exposedNamesCollector.run(N); } entity2ExposedNames = exposedNamesCollector.getEntity2ExposedNames(); // CAstEntity rewrite = (new ExposedParamRenamer(new CAstImpl(), // entity2ExposedNames)).rewrite(N); walkEntities(N, new RootContext(N, module)); } public void translate(final CAstEntity N, final WalkContext context) { final ExposedNamesCollector exposedNamesCollector = new ExposedNamesCollector(); exposedNamesCollector.run(N); if (liftDeclarationsForLexicalScoping()) { exposedNamesCollector.run(N); } entity2ExposedNames = exposedNamesCollector.getEntity2ExposedNames(); walkEntities(N, context); } }