/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 IBM Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.ArrayClass; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IClass; import com.ibm.wala.fixedpoint.impl.DefaultFixedPointSolver; import com.ibm.wala.fixedpoint.impl.Worklist; import com.ibm.wala.fixpoint.AbstractOperator; import com.ibm.wala.fixpoint.AbstractStatement; import com.ibm.wala.fixpoint.IFixedPointSystem; import com.ibm.wala.fixpoint.IVariable; import com.ibm.wala.fixpoint.UnaryOperator; import com.ibm.wala.fixpoint.UnaryStatement; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CallGraph; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.PropagationCallGraphBuilder.FilterOperator; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.cha.ClassHierarchyException; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.cha.ClassHierarchyWarning; import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeReference; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashSetFactory; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Iterator2Collection; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.MapUtil; import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.Assertions; import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.VerboseAction; import com.ibm.wala.util.graph.Graph; import com.ibm.wala.util.graph.NumberedGraph; import com.ibm.wala.util.heapTrace.HeapTracer; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.IntIterator; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.IntSet; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.IntSetAction; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.IntSetUtil; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.MutableIntSet; import com.ibm.wala.util.intset.MutableMapping; import com.ibm.wala.util.ref.ReferenceCleanser; import com.ibm.wala.util.warnings.Warnings; /** * System of constraints that define propagation for call graph construction */ public class PropagationSystem extends DefaultFixedPointSolver { private final static boolean DEBUG = false; private final static boolean DEBUG_MEMORY = false; private static int DEBUG_MEM_COUNTER = 0; private final static int DEBUG_MEM_INTERVAL = 5; /** * object that tracks points-to sets */ protected final PointsToMap pointsToMap = new PointsToMap(); /** * Implementation of the underlying dataflow graph */ private final PropagationGraph flowGraph = new PropagationGraph(); /** * bijection from InstanceKey <=> Integer */ protected final MutableMapping instanceKeys = MutableMapping.make(); /** * A mapping from IClass -> MutableSharedBitVectorIntSet The range represents the instance keys that correspond to a given class. * This mapping is used to filter sets based on declared types; e.g., in cast constraints */ final private Map class2InstanceKey = HashMapFactory.make(); /** * An abstraction of the pointer analysis result */ private PointerAnalysis pointerAnalysis; /** * Meta-data regarding how pointers are modelled. */ private final PointerKeyFactory pointerKeyFactory; /** * Meta-data regarding how instances are modelled. */ private final InstanceKeyFactory instanceKeyFactory; /** * When doing unification, we must also updated the fixed sets in unary side effects. * * This maintains a map from PointsToSetVariable -> Set */ final private Map> fixedSetMap = HashMapFactory.make(); /** * Governing call graph; */ protected final CallGraph cg; private int verboseInterval = DEFAULT_VERBOSE_INTERVAL; private int periodicMaintainInterval = DEFAULT_PERIODIC_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL; public PropagationSystem(CallGraph cg, PointerKeyFactory pointerKeyFactory, InstanceKeyFactory instanceKeyFactory) { if (cg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null cg"); } this.cg = cg; this.pointerKeyFactory = pointerKeyFactory; this.instanceKeyFactory = instanceKeyFactory; // when doing paranoid checking of points-to sets, code in PointsToSetVariable needs to know about the instance key // mapping if (PointsToSetVariable.PARANOID) { PointsToSetVariable.instanceKeys = instanceKeys; } } /** * @return an object which encapsulates the pointer analysis result */ public PointerAnalysis makePointerAnalysis(PropagationCallGraphBuilder builder) { return new PointerAnalysisImpl(builder, cg, pointsToMap, instanceKeys, pointerKeyFactory, instanceKeyFactory); } protected void registerFixedSet(PointsToSetVariable p, UnarySideEffect s) { Set set = MapUtil.findOrCreateSet(fixedSetMap, p); set.add(s); } protected void updateSideEffects(PointsToSetVariable p, PointsToSetVariable rep) { Set set = fixedSetMap.get(p); if (set != null) { for (Iterator it = set.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { UnarySideEffect s = (UnarySideEffect) it.next(); s.replaceFixedSet(rep); } Set s2 = MapUtil.findOrCreateSet(fixedSetMap, rep); s2.addAll(set); fixedSetMap.remove(p); } } /** * Keep this method private .. this returns the actual backing set for the class, which we do not want to expose to clients. */ private MutableIntSet findOrCreateSparseSetForClass(IClass klass) { assert klass.getReference() != TypeReference.JavaLangObject; MutableIntSet result = class2InstanceKey.get(klass); if (result == null) { result = IntSetUtil.getDefaultIntSetFactory().make(); class2InstanceKey.put(klass, result); } return result; } /** * @return a set of integers representing the instance keys that correspond to a given class. This method creates a new set, which * the caller may bash at will. */ MutableIntSet cloneInstanceKeysForClass(IClass klass) { assert klass.getReference() != TypeReference.JavaLangObject; MutableIntSet set = class2InstanceKey.get(klass); if (set == null) { return IntSetUtil.getDefaultIntSetFactory().make(); } else { // return a copy. return IntSetUtil.getDefaultIntSetFactory().makeCopy(set); } } /** * @return a set of integers representing the instance keys that correspond to a given class, or null if there are none. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if klass is null */ public IntSet getInstanceKeysForClass(IClass klass) { if (klass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("klass is null"); } assert klass != klass.getClassHierarchy().getRootClass(); return class2InstanceKey.get(klass); } /** * @return the instance key numbered with index i */ public InstanceKey getInstanceKey(int i) { return instanceKeys.getMappedObject(i); } public int getInstanceIndex(InstanceKey ik) { return instanceKeys.getMappedIndex(ik); } /** * TODO: optimize; this may be inefficient; * * @return an List of instance keys corresponding to the integers in a set */ List getInstances(IntSet set) { LinkedList result = new LinkedList(); for (IntIterator it = set.intIterator(); it.hasNext();) { int j = it.next(); result.add(getInstanceKey(j)); } return result; } @Override protected void initializeVariables() { // don't have to do anything; all variables initialized // by default to TOP (the empty set); } /** * record that a particular points-to-set is represented implicitly. */ public void recordImplicitPointsToSet(PointerKey key) { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null key"); } if (key instanceof LocalPointerKey) { LocalPointerKey lpk = (LocalPointerKey) key; if (lpk.isParameter()) { System.err.println("------------------ ERROR:"); System.err.println("LocalPointerKey: " + lpk); System.err.println("Constant? " + lpk.getNode().getIR().getSymbolTable().isConstant(lpk.getValueNumber())); System.err.println(" -- IR:"); System.err.println(lpk.getNode().getIR()); Assertions.UNREACHABLE("How can parameter be implicit?"); } } pointsToMap.recordImplicit(key); } /** * If key is unified, returns the representative * * @param key * @return the dataflow variable that tracks the points-to set for key */ public PointsToSetVariable findOrCreatePointsToSet(PointerKey key) { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null key"); } if (pointsToMap.isImplicit(key)) { System.err.println("Did not expect to findOrCreatePointsToSet for implicitly represented PointerKey"); System.err.println(key); Assertions.UNREACHABLE(); } PointsToSetVariable result = pointsToMap.getPointsToSet(key); if (result == null) { result = new PointsToSetVariable(key); pointsToMap.put(key, result); } else { // check that the filter for this variable remains unique if (!pointsToMap.isUnified(key) && key instanceof FilteredPointerKey) { PointerKey pk = result.getPointerKey(); if (!(pk instanceof FilteredPointerKey)) { // add a filter for all future evaluations. // this is tricky, but the logic is OK .. any constraints that need // the filter will see it ... // CALLERS MUST BE EXTRA CAREFUL WHEN DEALING WITH UNIFICATION! result.setPointerKey(key); pk = key; } FilteredPointerKey fpk = (FilteredPointerKey) pk; assert fpk != null; assert key != null; if (fpk.getTypeFilter() == null) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("fpk.getTypeFilter() is null"); } if (!fpk.getTypeFilter().equals(((FilteredPointerKey) key).getTypeFilter())) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("Cannot use filter " + ((FilteredPointerKey) key).getTypeFilter() + " for " + key + ": previously created different filter " + fpk.getTypeFilter()); } } } return result; } public int findOrCreateIndexForInstanceKey(InstanceKey key) { int result = instanceKeys.getMappedIndex(key); if (result == -1) { result = instanceKeys.add(key); } if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("getIndexForInstanceKey " + key + " " + result); } return result; } /** * NB: this is idempotent ... if the given constraint exists, it will not be added to the system; however, this will be more * expensive since it must check if the constraint pre-exits. * * @return true iff the system changes */ public boolean newConstraint(PointerKey lhs, UnaryOperator op, PointerKey rhs) { if (lhs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null lhs"); } if (op == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("op null"); } if (rhs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rhs null"); } if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("Add constraint A: " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs); } PointsToSetVariable L = findOrCreatePointsToSet(lhs); PointsToSetVariable R = findOrCreatePointsToSet(rhs); if (op instanceof FilterOperator) { // we do not want to revert the lhs to pre-transitive form; // we instead want to check in the outer loop of the pre-transitive // solver if the value of L changes. pointsToMap.recordTransitiveRoot(L.getPointerKey()); if (!(L.getPointerKey() instanceof FilteredPointerKey)) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("expected filtered lhs " + L.getPointerKey() + " " + L.getPointerKey().getClass() + " " + lhs + " " + lhs.getClass()); } } return newStatement(L, op, R, true, true); } public boolean newConstraint(PointerKey lhs, AbstractOperator op, PointerKey rhs) { if (lhs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("lhs null"); } if (op == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("op null"); } if (rhs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rhs null"); } if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("Add constraint A: " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs); } assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(lhs); assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(rhs); PointsToSetVariable L = findOrCreatePointsToSet(lhs); PointsToSetVariable R = findOrCreatePointsToSet(rhs); return newStatement(L, op, new PointsToSetVariable[] { R }, true, true); } public boolean newConstraint(PointerKey lhs, AbstractOperator op, PointerKey rhs1, PointerKey rhs2) { if (lhs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null lhs"); } if (op == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null op"); } if (rhs1 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null rhs1"); } if (rhs2 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null rhs2"); } if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("Add constraint A: " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs1 + ", " + rhs2); } assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(lhs); assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(rhs1); assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(rhs2); PointsToSetVariable L = findOrCreatePointsToSet(lhs); PointsToSetVariable R1 = findOrCreatePointsToSet(rhs1); PointsToSetVariable R2 = findOrCreatePointsToSet(rhs2); return newStatement(L, op, R1, R2, true, true); } /** * @return true iff the system changes */ public boolean newFieldWrite(PointerKey lhs, UnaryOperator op, PointerKey rhs, PointerKey container) { return newConstraint(lhs, op, rhs); } /** * @return true iff the system changes */ public boolean newFieldRead(PointerKey lhs, UnaryOperator op, PointerKey rhs, PointerKey container) { return newConstraint(lhs, op, rhs); } /** * @return true iff the system changes */ public boolean newConstraint(PointerKey lhs, InstanceKey value) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("Add constraint B: " + lhs + " U= " + value); } pointsToMap.recordTransitiveRoot(lhs); // we don't actually add a constraint. // instead, we immediately add the value to the points-to set. // This works since the solver is monotonic with TOP = {} PointsToSetVariable L = findOrCreatePointsToSet(lhs); int index = findOrCreateIndexForInstanceKey(value); if (L.contains(index)) { // a no-op return false; } else { L.add(index); // also register that we have an instanceKey for the klass assert value.getConcreteType() != null; if (!value.getConcreteType().getReference().equals(TypeReference.JavaLangObject)) { registerInstanceOfClass(value.getConcreteType(), index); } // we'd better update the worklist appropriately // if graphNodeId == -1, then there are no equations that use this // variable. if (L.getGraphNodeId() > -1) { changedVariable(L); } return true; } } /** * Record that we have a new instanceKey for a given declared type. */ private void registerInstanceOfClass(IClass klass, int index) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("registerInstanceOfClass " + klass + " " + index); } assert !klass.getReference().equals(TypeReference.JavaLangObject); try { IClass T = klass; registerInstanceWithAllSuperclasses(index, T); registerInstanceWithAllInterfaces(klass, index); if (klass.isArrayClass()) { ArrayClass aClass = (ArrayClass) klass; int dim = aClass.getDimensionality(); registerMultiDimArraysForArrayOfObjectTypes(dim, index, aClass); IClass elementClass = aClass.getInnermostElementClass(); if (elementClass != null) { registerArrayInstanceWithAllSuperclassesOfElement(index, elementClass, dim); registerArrayInstanceWithAllInterfacesOfElement(index, elementClass, dim); } } } catch (ClassHierarchyException e) { Warnings.add(ClassHierarchyWarning.create(e.getMessage())); } } private int registerMultiDimArraysForArrayOfObjectTypes(int dim, int index, ArrayClass aClass) { for (int i = 1; i < dim; i++) { TypeReference jlo = makeArray(TypeReference.JavaLangObject, i); IClass jloClass = null; jloClass = aClass.getClassLoader().lookupClass(jlo.getName()); MutableIntSet set = findOrCreateSparseSetForClass(jloClass); set.add(index); } return dim; } private void registerArrayInstanceWithAllInterfacesOfElement(int index, IClass elementClass, int dim) { Collection ifaces = null; ifaces = elementClass.getAllImplementedInterfaces(); for (Iterator it = ifaces.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { IClass I = (IClass) it.next(); TypeReference iArrayRef = makeArray(I.getReference(), dim); IClass iArrayClass = null; iArrayClass = I.getClassLoader().lookupClass(iArrayRef.getName()); MutableIntSet set = findOrCreateSparseSetForClass(iArrayClass); set.add(index); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("dense filter for interface " + iArrayClass + " " + set); } } } private static TypeReference makeArray(TypeReference element, int dim) { TypeReference iArrayRef = element; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { iArrayRef = TypeReference.findOrCreateArrayOf(iArrayRef); } return iArrayRef; } private void registerArrayInstanceWithAllSuperclassesOfElement(int index, IClass elementClass, int dim) throws ClassHierarchyException { IClass T; // register the array with each supertype of the element class T = elementClass.getSuperclass(); while (T != null) { TypeReference tArrayRef = makeArray(T.getReference(), dim); IClass tArrayClass = null; tArrayClass = T.getClassLoader().lookupClass(tArrayRef.getName()); MutableIntSet set = findOrCreateSparseSetForClass(tArrayClass); set.add(index); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("dense filter for class " + tArrayClass + " " + set); } T = T.getSuperclass(); } } /** * @param klass * @param index * @throws ClassHierarchyException */ private void registerInstanceWithAllInterfaces(IClass klass, int index) throws ClassHierarchyException { Collection ifaces = klass.getAllImplementedInterfaces(); for (Iterator it = ifaces.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { IClass I = (IClass) it.next(); MutableIntSet set = findOrCreateSparseSetForClass(I); set.add(index); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("dense filter for interface " + I + " " + set); } } } /** * @param index * @param T * @throws ClassHierarchyException */ private void registerInstanceWithAllSuperclasses(int index, IClass T) throws ClassHierarchyException { while (T != null && !T.getReference().equals(TypeReference.JavaLangObject)) { MutableIntSet set = findOrCreateSparseSetForClass(T); set.add(index); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("dense filter for class " + T + " " + set); } T = T.getSuperclass(); } } public void newSideEffect(UnaryOperator op, PointerKey arg0) { if (arg0 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null arg0"); } if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("add constraint D: " + op + " " + arg0); } assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(arg0); PointsToSetVariable v1 = findOrCreatePointsToSet(arg0); newStatement(null, op, v1, true, true); } public void newSideEffect(AbstractOperator op, PointerKey[] arg0) { if (arg0 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null arg0"); } if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("add constraint D: " + op + " " + Arrays.toString(arg0)); } PointsToSetVariable[] vs = new PointsToSetVariable[ arg0.length ]; for(int i = 0; i < arg0.length; i++) { assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(arg0[i]); vs[i] = findOrCreatePointsToSet(arg0[i]); } newStatement(null, op, vs, true, true); } public void newSideEffect(AbstractOperator op, PointerKey arg0, PointerKey arg1) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("add constraint D: " + op + " " + arg0); } assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(arg0); assert !pointsToMap.isUnified(arg1); PointsToSetVariable v1 = findOrCreatePointsToSet(arg0); PointsToSetVariable v2 = findOrCreatePointsToSet(arg1); newStatement(null, op, v1, v2, true, true); } @Override protected void initializeWorkList() { addAllStatementsToWorkList(); } /** * @return an object that encapsulates the pointer analysis results */ public PointerAnalysis extractPointerAnalysis(PropagationCallGraphBuilder builder) { if (pointerAnalysis == null) { pointerAnalysis = makePointerAnalysis(builder); } return pointerAnalysis; } @Override public void performVerboseAction() { super.performVerboseAction(); if (DEBUG_MEMORY) { DEBUG_MEM_COUNTER++; if (DEBUG_MEM_COUNTER % DEBUG_MEM_INTERVAL == 0) { DEBUG_MEM_COUNTER = 0; ReferenceCleanser.clearSoftCaches(); System.err.println(flowGraph.spaceReport()); System.err.println("Analyze leaks.."); HeapTracer.traceHeap(Collections.singleton(this), true); System.err.println("done analyzing leaks"); } } if (getFixedPointSystem() instanceof VerboseAction) { ((VerboseAction) getFixedPointSystem()).performVerboseAction(); } if (!workList.isEmpty()) { AbstractStatement s = workList.takeStatement(); System.err.println(printRHSInstances(s)); workList.insertStatement(s); System.err.println("CGNodes: " + cg.getNumberOfNodes()); } } private String printRHSInstances(AbstractStatement s) { if (s instanceof UnaryStatement) { UnaryStatement u = (UnaryStatement) s; PointsToSetVariable rhs = (PointsToSetVariable) u.getRightHandSide(); IntSet value = rhs.getValue(); final int[] topFive = new int[5]; value.foreach(new IntSetAction() { @Override public void act(int x) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { topFive[i] = topFive[i + 1]; } topFive[4] = x; } }); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int p = topFive[i]; if (p != 0) { InstanceKey ik = getInstanceKey(p); result.append(p).append(" ").append(ik).append("\n"); } } return result.toString(); } else { return s.getClass().toString(); } } @Override public IFixedPointSystem getFixedPointSystem() { return flowGraph; } /* * @see com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.HeapModel#iteratePointerKeys() */ public Iterator iteratePointerKeys() { return pointsToMap.iterateKeys(); } /** * warning: this is _real_ slow; don't use it anywhere performance critical */ public int getNumberOfPointerKeys() { return pointsToMap.getNumberOfPointerKeys(); } /** * Use with care. */ Worklist getWorklist() { return workList; } public Iterator getStatementsThatUse(PointsToSetVariable v) { return flowGraph.getStatementsThatUse(v); } public Iterator getStatementsThatDef(PointsToSetVariable v) { return flowGraph.getStatementsThatDef(v); } public NumberedGraph getAssignmentGraph() { return flowGraph.getAssignmentGraph(); } public Graph getFilterAsssignmentGraph() { return flowGraph.getFilterAssignmentGraph(); } /** * NOTE: do not use this method unless you really know what you are doing. Functionality is fragile and may not work in the * future. */ public Graph getFlowGraphIncludingImplicitConstraints() { return flowGraph.getFlowGraphIncludingImplicitConstraints(); } /** * */ public void revertToPreTransitive() { pointsToMap.revertToPreTransitive(); } public Iterator getTransitiveRoots() { return pointsToMap.getTransitiveRoots(); } public boolean isTransitiveRoot(PointerKey key) { return pointsToMap.isTransitiveRoot(key); } @Override protected void periodicMaintenance() { super.periodicMaintenance(); ReferenceCleanser.clearSoftCaches(); } @Override public int getVerboseInterval() { return verboseInterval; } /** * @param verboseInterval The verboseInterval to set. */ public void setVerboseInterval(int verboseInterval) { this.verboseInterval = verboseInterval; } @Override public int getPeriodicMaintainInterval() { return periodicMaintainInterval; } /** * @param periodicMaintainInteval */ public void setPeriodicMaintainInterval(int periodicMaintainInteval) { this.periodicMaintainInterval = periodicMaintainInteval; } /** * Unify the points-to-sets for the variables identified by the set s * * @param s numbers of points-to-set variables * @throws IllegalArgumentException if s is null */ public void unify(IntSet s) { if (s == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("s is null"); } // cache the variables represented HashSet cache = HashSetFactory.make(s.size()); for (IntIterator it = s.intIterator(); it.hasNext();) { int i = it.next(); cache.add(pointsToMap.getPointsToSet(i)); } // unify the variables pointsToMap.unify(s); int rep = pointsToMap.getRepresentative(s.intIterator().next()); // clean up the equations updateEquationsForUnification(cache, rep); // special logic to clean up side effects updateSideEffectsForUnification(cache, rep); } /** * Update side effect after unification * * @param s set of PointsToSetVariables that have been unified * @param rep number of the representative variable for the unified set. */ private void updateSideEffectsForUnification(HashSet s, int rep) { PointsToSetVariable pRef = pointsToMap.getPointsToSet(rep); for (Iterator it = s.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { PointsToSetVariable p = it.next(); updateSideEffects(p, pRef); } } /** * Update equation def/uses after unification * * @param s set of PointsToSetVariables that have been unified * @param rep number of the representative variable for the unified set. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void updateEquationsForUnification(HashSet s, int rep) { PointsToSetVariable pRef = pointsToMap.getPointsToSet(rep); for (Iterator it = s.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { PointsToSetVariable p = it.next(); if (p != pRef) { // pRef is the representative for p. // be careful: cache the defs before mucking with the underlying system for (Iterator d = Iterator2Collection.toSet(getStatementsThatDef(p)).iterator(); d.hasNext();) { AbstractStatement as = (AbstractStatement) d.next(); if (as instanceof AssignEquation) { AssignEquation assign = (AssignEquation) as; PointsToSetVariable rhs = assign.getRightHandSide(); int rhsRep = pointsToMap.getRepresentative(pointsToMap.getIndex(rhs.getPointerKey())); if (rhsRep == rep) { flowGraph.removeStatement(as); } else { replaceLHS(pRef, p, as); } } else { replaceLHS(pRef, p, as); } } // be careful: cache the defs before mucking with the underlying system for (Iterator u = Iterator2Collection.toSet(getStatementsThatUse(p)).iterator(); u.hasNext();) { AbstractStatement as = (AbstractStatement) u.next(); if (as instanceof AssignEquation) { AssignEquation assign = (AssignEquation) as; PointsToSetVariable lhs = assign.getLHS(); int lhsRep = pointsToMap.getRepresentative(pointsToMap.getIndex(lhs.getPointerKey())); if (lhsRep == rep) { flowGraph.removeStatement(as); } else { replaceRHS(pRef, p, as); } } else { replaceRHS(pRef, p, as); } } if (flowGraph.getNumberOfStatementsThatDef(p) == 0 && flowGraph.getNumberOfStatementsThatUse(p) == 0) { flowGraph.removeVariable(p); } } } } /** * replace all occurrences of p on the rhs of a statement with pRef * * @param as a statement that uses p in it's right-hand side */ private void replaceRHS(PointsToSetVariable pRef, PointsToSetVariable p, AbstractStatement> as) { if (as instanceof UnaryStatement) { assert ((UnaryStatement) as).getRightHandSide() == p; newStatement(as.getLHS(), (UnaryOperator) as.getOperator(), pRef, false, false); } else { IVariable[] rhs = as.getRHS(); PointsToSetVariable[] newRHS = new PointsToSetVariable[rhs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rhs.length; i++) { if (rhs[i].equals(p)) { newRHS[i] = pRef; } else { newRHS[i] = (PointsToSetVariable) rhs[i]; } } newStatement(as.getLHS(), as.getOperator(), newRHS, false, false); } flowGraph.removeStatement(as); } /** * replace all occurences of p on the lhs of a statement with pRef * * @param as a statement that defs p */ private void replaceLHS(PointsToSetVariable pRef, PointsToSetVariable p, AbstractStatement> as) { assert as.getLHS() == p; if (as instanceof UnaryStatement) { newStatement(pRef, (UnaryOperator) as.getOperator(), (PointsToSetVariable) ((UnaryStatement) as) .getRightHandSide(), false, false); } else { newStatement(pRef, as.getOperator(), as.getRHS(), false, false); } flowGraph.removeStatement(as); } public boolean isUnified(PointerKey result) { return pointsToMap.isUnified(result); } public int getNumber(PointerKey p) { return pointsToMap.getIndex(p); } @Override protected PointsToSetVariable[] makeStmtRHS(int size) { return new PointsToSetVariable[size]; } }