############################################################################### # WALA Examples property file # This file defines the default settings for the WALA examples ############################################################################### ################# Mandatory settings without default value #################### ################### Mandatory settings with default value ###################### ############################ Optional settings ################################ ### These are needed to run various individual examples ##### PDF viewer executable # Path to the PDF viewer executable # For instance, on a windows OS it's typically something like c:/Progra~1/Adobe/Reader 8.0/Reader/AcroRd32.exe # On Mac OSX typically /Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/Preview # Default value: none # Info: Must be absolute path ##### pdfview_exe = /Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/Preview ##### DOT executable # Path to the AT&T Graphview DOT executable # For instance, on a windows OS it's typically something like c:/Progra~1/Graphviz2.22/bin/dot.exe # On Mac OSX /usr/local/bin/dot if you install Graphviz from http://www.graphviz.org/Download_macos.php # Default value: none # Info: Must be absolute path ##### dot_exe = /usr/local/bin/dot