/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 IBM Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *****************************************************************************/ /* * Created on Oct 21, 2005 */ package com.ibm.wala.cast.java.test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import com.ibm.wala.cast.java.ipa.callgraph.JavaSourceAnalysisScope; import com.ibm.wala.cast.java.ipa.slicer.AstJavaSlicer; import com.ibm.wala.cast.java.loader.JavaSourceLoaderImpl; import com.ibm.wala.cast.java.ssa.EnclosingObjectReference; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IClass; import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.Language; import com.ibm.wala.core.tests.slicer.SlicerTest; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CGNode; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.CallGraph; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.InstanceKey; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.LocalPointerKey; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.callgraph.propagation.PointerAnalysis; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.slicer.SDG; import com.ibm.wala.ipa.slicer.Statement; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAArrayLengthInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAArrayReferenceInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAArrayStoreInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAGetInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSAInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SSANewInstruction; import com.ibm.wala.ssa.SymbolTable; import com.ibm.wala.types.Descriptor; import com.ibm.wala.types.FieldReference; import com.ibm.wala.types.MethodReference; import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeName; import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeReference; import com.ibm.wala.util.CancelException; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Pair; import com.ibm.wala.util.strings.Atom; public abstract class JavaIRTests extends IRTests { public JavaIRTests(String projectName) { super(projectName); } public JavaIRTests() { this(null); } @Test public void testSimple1() { List assertions = Arrays.asList( new SourceMapAssertion("Source#Simple1#doStuff#(I)V", "prod", 24), new SourceMapAssertion("Source#Simple1#doStuff#(I)V", "j", 23), new SourceMapAssertion("Source#Simple1#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", "s", 32), new SourceMapAssertion("Source#Simple1#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", "i", 28), new SourceMapAssertion("Source#Simple1#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", "sum", 29), EdgeAssertions.make("Source#Simple1#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", "Source#Simple1#doStuff#(I)V"), EdgeAssertions.make("Source#Simple1#instanceMethod1#()V", "Source#Simple1#instanceMethod2#()V")); // this needs soure positions to work too runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), assertions, true); } @Test public void testTwoClasses() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { final String typeStr = singleInputForTest(); final TypeReference type = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr, cg.getClassHierarchy()); final IClass iClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(type); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + typeStr, iClass); Assert.assertEquals("Expected two classes.", iClass.getClassLoader().getNumberOfClasses(), 2); for (Iterator it = iClass.getClassLoader().iterateAllClasses(); it.hasNext();) { IClass cls = it.next(); Assert.assertTrue("Expected class to be either " + typeStr + " or " + "Bar", cls.getName().getClassName().toString() .equals(typeStr) || cls.getName().getClassName().toString().equals("Bar")); } } }), true); } @Test public void testInterfaceTest1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( /** * IFoo is an interface */ new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { final String typeStr = "IFoo"; final TypeReference type = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr, cg.getClassHierarchy()); final IClass iClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(type); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + typeStr, iClass); Assert.assertTrue("Expected IFoo to be an interface.", iClass.isInterface()); } }, /** * Foo implements IFoo */ new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { final String typeStr = "FooIT1"; final TypeReference type = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr, cg.getClassHierarchy()); final IClass iClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(type); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + typeStr, iClass); final Collection interfaces = iClass.getDirectInterfaces(); Assert.assertEquals("Expected one single interface.", interfaces.size(), 1); Assert.assertTrue("Expected Foo to implement IFoo", interfaces.contains(cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass( findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", "IFoo", cg.getClassHierarchy())))); } }), true); } @Test public void testInheritance1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( /** * 'Derived' extends 'Base' */ new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { final String typeStr = "Derived"; final TypeReference type = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr, cg.getClassHierarchy()); final IClass derivedClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(type); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + typeStr, derivedClass); final TypeReference baseType = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", "Base", cg.getClassHierarchy()); final IClass baseClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(baseType); Assert.assertTrue("Expected 'Base' to be the superclass of 'Derived'", derivedClass.getSuperclass().equals(baseClass)); Collection subclasses = cg.getClassHierarchy().computeSubClasses(baseType); Assert.assertTrue("Expected subclasses of 'Base' to be 'Base' and 'Derived'.", subclasses.contains(derivedClass) && subclasses.contains(baseClass)); } }), true); } @Test public void testArray1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( /** * 'foo' has four array instructions: - 2 SSAArrayLengthInstruction - 1 * SSAArrayLoadInstruction - 1 SSAArrayStoreInstruction */ new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { MethodReference mref = descriptorToMethodRef("Source#Array1#foo#()V", cg.getClassHierarchy()); int count = 0; CGNode node = cg.getNodes(mref).iterator().next(); for (SSAInstruction s : node.getIR().getInstructions()) { if (isArrayInstruction(s)) { count++; } } Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of array instructions in 'foo'.", count, 4); } private boolean isArrayInstruction(SSAInstruction s) { return s instanceof SSAArrayReferenceInstruction || s instanceof SSAArrayLengthInstruction; } }), true); } @Test public void testArrayLiteral1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( /** * 'foo' has four array instructions: - 2 SSAArrayLengthInstruction - 1 * SSAArrayLoadInstruction - 1 SSAArrayStoreInstruction */ new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { MethodReference mref = descriptorToMethodRef("Source#ArrayLiteral1#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", cg.getClassHierarchy()); CGNode node = cg.getNodes(mref).iterator().next(); SSAInstruction s = node.getIR().getInstructions()[3]; Assert.assertTrue("Did not find new array instruction.", s instanceof SSANewInstruction); Assert.assertTrue("", ((SSANewInstruction) s).getNewSite().getDeclaredType().isArrayType()); } }), true); } @Test public void testArrayLiteral2() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( /** * int[] y= { 1, 2, 3, 4 } is represented in the IR as four array store * instructions */ new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { MethodReference mref = descriptorToMethodRef("Source#ArrayLiteral2#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", cg.getClassHierarchy()); CGNode node = cg.getNodes(mref).iterator().next(); final SSAInstruction[] instructions = node.getIR().getInstructions(); // test 1 { SSAInstruction s1 = instructions[3]; if (s1 instanceof SSANewInstruction) { Assert.assertTrue("", ((SSANewInstruction) s1).getNewSite().getDeclaredType().isArrayType()); } else { Assert.assertTrue("Expected 3rd to be a new array instruction.", false); } } // test 2 { SSAInstruction s2 = instructions[4]; if (s2 instanceof SSANewInstruction) { Assert.assertTrue("", ((SSANewInstruction) s2).getNewSite().getDeclaredType().isArrayType()); } else { Assert.assertTrue("Expected 4th to be a new array instruction.", false); } } // test 3: the last 4 instructions are of the form y[i] = i+1; { final SymbolTable symbolTable = node.getIR().getSymbolTable(); for (int i = 5; i <= 8; i++) { Assert.assertTrue("Expected only array stores.", instructions[i] instanceof SSAArrayStoreInstruction); SSAArrayStoreInstruction as = (SSAArrayStoreInstruction) instructions[i]; Assert.assertEquals("Expected an array store to 'y'.", node.getIR().getLocalNames(i, as.getArrayRef())[0], "y"); final Integer valueOfArrayIndex = ((Integer) symbolTable.getConstantValue(as.getIndex())); final Integer valueAssigned = (Integer) symbolTable.getConstantValue(as.getValue()); Assert.assertEquals("Expected an array store to 'y' with value " + (valueOfArrayIndex + 1), valueAssigned.intValue(), valueOfArrayIndex + 1); } } } }), true); } @Test public void testInheritedField() { List edgeAssertionses = Arrays.asList(EdgeAssertions.make("Source#InheritedField#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", "Source#B#foo#()V"), EdgeAssertions.make("Source#InheritedField#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", "Source#B#bar#()V")); runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), edgeAssertionses, true); } @Test public void testQualifiedStatic() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( /** * */ new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { MethodReference mref = descriptorToMethodRef("Source#QualifiedStatic#main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V", cg.getClassHierarchy()); CGNode node = cg.getNodes(mref).iterator().next(); SSAInstruction s = node.getIR().getInstructions()[5]; Assert.assertTrue("Did not find a getstatic instruction.", s instanceof SSAGetInstruction && ((SSAGetInstruction) s).isStatic()); final FieldReference field = ((SSAGetInstruction) s).getDeclaredField(); Assert.assertEquals("Expected a getstatic for 'value'.", field.getName().toString(), "value"); Assert.assertEquals("Expected a getstatic for 'value'.", field.getDeclaringClass().getName().toString(), "LFooQ"); } }), true); } @Test public void testStaticNesting() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { final String typeStr = singleInputForTest() + "$WhatsIt"; final TypeReference type = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr, cg.getClassHierarchy()); final IClass iClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(type); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + typeStr, iClass); // todo: this fails: Assert.assertNotNull("Expected to be enclosed in // 'StaticNesting'.", // ((JavaSourceLoaderImpl.JavaClass)iClass).getEnclosingClass()); // todo: is there the concept of CompilationUnit? /** * {@link JavaCAst2IRTranslator#getEnclosingType} return null for static * inner classes..? */ } }), true); } @Test public void testCastFromNull() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), new ArrayList(), true); } @Test public void testInnerClass() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { final String typeStr = singleInputForTest(); final TypeReference type = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr + "$WhatsIt", cg.getClassHierarchy()); final IClass iClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(type); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + typeStr, iClass); Assert.assertEquals("Expected to be enclosed in 'InnerClass'.", ((JavaSourceLoaderImpl.JavaClass) iClass) .getEnclosingClass(), // todo is there another way? cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr, cg.getClassHierarchy()))); } }), true); } @Test public void testNullArrayInit() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), new ArrayList(), true); } @Test public void testInnerClassA() { Pair x = runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), new ArrayList(), true); // can't do an IRAssertion() -- we need the pointer analysis CallGraph cg = (CallGraph) x.fst; PointerAnalysis pa = (PointerAnalysis) x.snd; Iterator iter = cg.iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { CGNode n = iter.next(); // assume in the test we have one enclosing instruction for each of the methods here. String methodSigs[] = { "InnerClassA$AB.getA_X_from_AB()I", "InnerClassA$AB.getA_X_thru_AB()I", "InnerClassA$AB$ABSubA.getA_X()I", "InnerClassA$AB$ABA$ABAA.getABA_X()I", "InnerClassA$AB$ABA$ABAA.getA_X()I", "InnerClassA$AB$ABA$ABAB.getABA_X()I", "InnerClassA$AB$ABSubA$ABSubAA.getABA_X()I", "InnerClassA$AB$ABSubA$ABSubAA.getA_X()I", }; // each type suffixed by "," String ikConcreteTypeStrings[ ]= { "LInnerClassA,", "LInnerClassA,", "LInnerClassA,", "LInnerClassA$AB$ABSubA,LInnerClassA$AB$ABA,", "LInnerClassA,", "LInnerClassA$AB$ABA,", "LInnerClassA$AB$ABSubA,", "LInnerClassA,", }; Assert.assertTrue ( "Buggy test", methodSigs.length == ikConcreteTypeStrings.length ); for ( int i = 0; i < methodSigs.length; i++ ) { if ( n.getMethod().getSignature().equals(methodSigs[i]) ) { // find enclosing instruction for ( SSAInstruction instr: n.getIR().getInstructions() ) { if ( instr instanceof EnclosingObjectReference ) { String allIks = ""; for (InstanceKey ik: pa.getPointsToSet(new LocalPointerKey(n,instr.getDef()))) allIks += ik.getConcreteType().getName() +","; // System.out.printf("in method %s, got ik %s\n", methodSigs[i], allIks); Assert.assertTrue("assertion failed: expecting ik " + ikConcreteTypeStrings[i] + " in method " + methodSigs[i] + ", got " + allIks + "\n", allIks.equals(ikConcreteTypeStrings[i])); break; } } } } } } @Test public void testInnerClassSuper() { Pair x = runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), new ArrayList(), true); // can't do an IRAssertion() -- we need the pointer analysis CallGraph cg = (CallGraph) x.fst; PointerAnalysis pa = (PointerAnalysis) x.snd; Iterator iter = cg.iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { CGNode n = iter.next(); if ( n.getMethod().getSignature().equals("LInnerClassSuper$SuperOuter.test()V") ) { // find enclosing instruction for ( SSAInstruction instr: n.getIR().getInstructions() ) { if ( instr instanceof EnclosingObjectReference ) { String allIks = ""; for (InstanceKey ik: pa.getPointsToSet(new LocalPointerKey(n,instr.getDef()))) allIks += ik.getConcreteType().getName() +","; Assert.assertTrue("assertion failed: expecting ik \"LSub,\" in method, got \"" + allIks + "\"\n", allIks.equals("LSub,")); break; } } } } } @Test public void testLocalClass() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( new IRAssertion() { /** * Classes local to method are enclosed in the class the methods belong * to. */ public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { final String typeStr = singleInputForTest(); final String localClassStr = "Foo"; // Observe the descriptor for a class local to a method. final TypeReference mainFooType = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr + "/main([Ljava/lang/String;)V/" + localClassStr, cg.getClassHierarchy()); // Observe the descriptor for a class local to a method. final IClass mainFooClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(mainFooType); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + mainFooType, mainFooClass); final TypeReference methodFooType = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr + "/method()V/" + localClassStr, cg .getClassHierarchy()); final IClass methodFooClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(methodFooType); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + methodFooType, methodFooClass); final IClass localClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass( findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr, cg.getClassHierarchy())); Assert.assertSame("'Foo' is enclosed in 'Local'", ((JavaSourceLoaderImpl.JavaClass) methodFooClass).getEnclosingClass(), localClass); // todo: is this failing because 'main' is static? // Assert.assertSame("'Foo' is enclosed in 'Local'", // ((JavaSourceLoaderImpl.JavaClass)mainFooClass).getEnclosingClass(), // localClass); } }), true); } @Test public void testAnonymousClass() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), Arrays.asList( new IRAssertion() { public void check(CallGraph cg) throws Exception { final String typeStr = singleInputForTest(); final TypeReference type = findOrCreateTypeReference("Source", typeStr, cg.getClassHierarchy()); final IClass iClass = cg.getClassHierarchy().lookupClass(type); Assert.assertNotNull("Could not find class " + typeStr, iClass); // todo what to check?? could not find anything in the APIs for // anonymous } }), true); } @Test public void testWhileTest1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testSwitch1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testException1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testException2() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testFinally1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testScoping1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testScoping2() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testNonPrimaryTopLevel() { runTest(singlePkgTestSrc("p"), rtJar, simplePkgTestEntryPoint("p"), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testMiniaturList() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testMonitor() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testStaticInitializers() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testThread1() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testCasts() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } @Test public void testBreaks() { runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); } private MethodReference getSliceRootReference(String className, String methodName, String methodDescriptor) { TypeName clsName = TypeName.string2TypeName("L" + className.replace('.', '/')); TypeReference clsRef = TypeReference.findOrCreate(JavaSourceAnalysisScope.SOURCE, clsName); Atom nameAtom = Atom.findOrCreateUnicodeAtom(methodName); Descriptor descr = Descriptor.findOrCreateUTF8(Language.JAVA, methodDescriptor); return MethodReference.findOrCreate(clsRef, nameAtom, descr); } @Test public void testMiniaturSliceBug() throws IllegalArgumentException, CancelException { Pair x = runTest(singleTestSrc(), rtJar, simpleTestEntryPoint(), emptyList, true); PointerAnalysis pa = (PointerAnalysis) x.snd; CallGraph cg = (CallGraph) x.fst; // test partial slice MethodReference sliceRootRef = getSliceRootReference("MiniaturSliceBug", "validNonDispatchedCall", "(LIntWrapper;)V"); Set roots = cg.getNodes(sliceRootRef); Pair, SDG> y = AstJavaSlicer.computeAssertionSlice(cg, pa, roots, false); Collection slice = y.fst; SlicerTest.dumpSlice(slice); Assert.assertEquals(0, SlicerTest.countAllocations(slice)); Assert.assertEquals(1, SlicerTest.countPutfields(slice)); // test slice from main sliceRootRef = getSliceRootReference("MiniaturSliceBug", "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"); roots = cg.getNodes(sliceRootRef); y = AstJavaSlicer.computeAssertionSlice(cg, pa, roots, false); slice = y.fst; SlicerTest.dumpSlice(slice); Assert.assertEquals(2, SlicerTest.countAllocations(slice)); Assert.assertEquals(2, SlicerTest.countPutfields(slice)); } }