/* * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. * * This file is a derivative of code released by the University of * California under the terms listed below. * * WALA JDT Frontend is Copyright (c) 2008 The Regents of the * University of California (Regents). Provided that this notice and * the following two paragraphs are included in any distribution of * Refinement Analysis Tools or its derivative work, Regents agrees * not to assert any of Regents' copyright rights in Refinement * Analysis Tools against recipient for recipient's reproduction, * preparation of derivative works, public display, public * performance, distribution or sublicensing of Refinement Analysis * Tools and derivative works, in source code and object code form. * This agreement not to assert does not confer, by implication, * estoppel, or otherwise any license or rights in any intellectual * property of Regents, including, but not limited to, any patents * of Regents or Regents' employees. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL REGENTS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, * INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, * INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE * AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF REGENTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * REGENTS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY STATUTORY * WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING * DOCUMENTATION, IF ANY, PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS * IS". REGENTS HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, * UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ package com.ibm.wala.cast.java.translator.jdt; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IAnnotationBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IMethodBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IPackageBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ITypeBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IVariableBinding; import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.Assertions; /** * This is a hack to get around the fact that AST.resolveWellKnownTypes() doesn't know about some implicitly declared exceptions, * such as ArithmeticException (implicitly thrown in a division operation) and NullPointerException (implicitly thrown in a field * access). We need to know the lineage of these types to determine possible catch targets. * * @author evan * */ public class FakeExceptionTypeBinding implements ITypeBinding { static public final FakeExceptionTypeBinding arithmetic = new FakeExceptionTypeBinding("Ljava/lang/ArithmeticException;"); static public final FakeExceptionTypeBinding nullPointer = new FakeExceptionTypeBinding("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;"); static public final FakeExceptionTypeBinding classCast = new FakeExceptionTypeBinding("Ljava/lang/ClassCastException;"); static public final FakeExceptionTypeBinding noClassDef = new FakeExceptionTypeBinding("Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;"); static public final FakeExceptionTypeBinding initException = new FakeExceptionTypeBinding( "Ljava/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError;"); static public final FakeExceptionTypeBinding outOfMemory = new FakeExceptionTypeBinding("Ljava/lang/OutOfMemoryError;"); private final String exceptionBinaryName; private FakeExceptionTypeBinding(String exceptionBinaryName) { this.exceptionBinaryName = exceptionBinaryName; } public boolean isAssignmentCompatible(ITypeBinding variableType) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof FakeExceptionTypeBinding) return this == o; if (o instanceof ITypeBinding) return ((ITypeBinding) o).getBinaryName().equals(exceptionBinaryName); return false; } // --- rest not needed public ITypeBinding createArrayType(int dimension) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding createArrayType"); return null; } public String getBinaryName() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding getBound() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding getComponentType() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public IVariableBinding[] getDeclaredFields() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public IMethodBinding[] getDeclaredMethods() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public int getDeclaredModifiers() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return 0; } public ITypeBinding[] getDeclaredTypes() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding getDeclaringClass() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public IMethodBinding getDeclaringMethod() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public int getDimensions() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return 0; } public ITypeBinding getElementType() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding getErasure() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding[] getInterfaces() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public int getModifiers() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return 0; } public String getName() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public IPackageBinding getPackage() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public String getQualifiedName() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding getSuperclass() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding[] getTypeArguments() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding[] getTypeBounds() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding getTypeDeclaration() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding[] getTypeParameters() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public ITypeBinding getWildcard() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public boolean isAnnotation() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isAnonymous() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isArray() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isCapture() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isCastCompatible(ITypeBinding type) { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isClass() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isEnum() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isFromSource() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isGenericType() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isInterface() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isLocal() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isMember() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isNested() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isNullType() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isParameterizedType() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isPrimitive() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isRawType() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isSubTypeCompatible(ITypeBinding type) { String name = type.getBinaryName(); if (exceptionBinaryName.endsWith("Error;")) { if (name.equals("Ljava/lang/Throwable;") || name.equals("Ljava/lang/Error;") || name.equals(exceptionBinaryName)) { return true; } } else { if (name.equals("Ljava/lang/Throwable;") || name.equals("Ljava/lang/Exception;") || name.equals("Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;") || name.equals(exceptionBinaryName)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isTopLevel() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isTypeVariable() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isUpperbound() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isWildcardType() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public IAnnotationBinding[] getAnnotations() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public IJavaElement getJavaElement() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public String getKey() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public int getKind() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return 0; } public boolean isDeprecated() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isEqualTo(IBinding binding) { return this.equals(binding); } public boolean isRecovered() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public boolean isSynthetic() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return false; } public ITypeBinding getGenericTypeOfWildcardType() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return null; } public int getRank() { Assertions.UNREACHABLE("FakeExceptionTypeBinding "); return 0; } }