/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 IBM Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package com.ibm.wala.util.intset; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.CompoundIntIterator; import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.EmptyIntIterator; public class SemiSparseMutableIntSet implements MutableIntSet { private static final boolean DEBUG = true; private static final double FIX_SPARSE_MOD = 12; private static final double FIX_SPARSE_RATIO = .05; private MutableSparseIntSet sparsePart; private OffsetBitVector densePart = null; public SemiSparseMutableIntSet() { this(MutableSparseIntSet.makeEmpty()); } private SemiSparseMutableIntSet(MutableSparseIntSet sparsePart) { this.sparsePart = sparsePart; } private SemiSparseMutableIntSet(MutableSparseIntSet sparsePart, OffsetBitVector densePart) { this.sparsePart = sparsePart; this.densePart = densePart; } public SemiSparseMutableIntSet(SemiSparseMutableIntSet set) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (set == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("set == null"); } copySet(set); } private final boolean assertDisjoint() { if (DEBUG) { if (densePart != null) { for (IntIterator sparseBits = sparsePart.intIterator(); sparseBits.hasNext();) { int bit = sparseBits.next(); if (densePart.contains(bit)) { return false; } if (inDenseRange(bit)) { return false; } } } } return true; } private void fixAfterSparseInsert() { if (sparsePart.size() % FIX_SPARSE_MOD == FIX_SPARSE_MOD - 1 && (densePart == null || (densePart != null && sparsePart.size() > FIX_SPARSE_RATIO * densePart.getSize()))) { assert assertDisjoint() : this.toString(); if (densePart == null) { IntIterator sparseBits = sparsePart.intIterator(); int maxOffset = -1; int maxCount = -1; int maxMax = -1; int offset = 0; int bits = 0; int count = 0; int oldBit = 0; while (sparseBits.hasNext()) { int nextBit = sparseBits.next(); int newBits = bits + (nextBit - oldBit); int newCount = count + 1; if (newBits < (32 * newCount)) { count = newCount; bits = newBits; if (count > maxCount) { maxOffset = offset; maxMax = nextBit; maxCount = count; } } else { offset = nextBit; count = 1; bits = 32; } oldBit = nextBit; } if (maxOffset != -1) { densePart = new OffsetBitVector(maxOffset, maxMax - maxOffset); sparseBits = sparsePart.intIterator(); int bit; while ((bit = sparseBits.next()) < maxOffset) { // do nothing } densePart.set(bit); for (int i = 1; i < maxCount; i++) { densePart.set(sparseBits.next()); } sparsePart.removeAll(densePart); } assert assertDisjoint() : this.toString() + ", maxOffset=" + maxOffset + ", maxMax=" + maxMax + ", maxCount=" + maxCount; } else { IntIterator sparseBits = sparsePart.intIterator(); int thisBit = sparseBits.next(); int moveCount = 0; int newOffset = -1; int newCount = -1; int newLength = -1; // push stuff just below dense part into it, if it saves space if (thisBit < densePart.getOffset()) { newOffset = thisBit; int bits = 32; int count = 1; while (sparseBits.hasNext()) { int nextBit = sparseBits.next(); if (nextBit >= densePart.getOffset() || !sparseBits.hasNext()) { if (nextBit < densePart.getOffset() && !sparseBits.hasNext()) { count++; } if (densePart.getOffset() - newOffset < (32 * count)) { moveCount += count; } else { newOffset = -1; } thisBit = nextBit; break; } else { bits += (nextBit - thisBit); count++; if (bits > (32 * count)) { newOffset = nextBit; count = 1; bits = 32; } thisBit = nextBit; } } } while (thisBit < densePart.length() && sparseBits.hasNext()) { thisBit = sparseBits.next(); } // push stuff just above dense part into it, if it saves space if (thisBit >= densePart.length()) { int count = 1; int bits = (thisBit + 1 - densePart.length()); if (32 * count > bits) { newLength = thisBit; newCount = 1; } while (sparseBits.hasNext()) { thisBit = sparseBits.next(); count++; bits = (thisBit + 1 - densePart.length()); if ((32 * count) > bits) { newLength = thisBit; newCount = count; } } if (newLength > -1) { moveCount += newCount; } } // actually move bits from sparse to dense if (moveCount > 0) { int index = 0; int[] bits = new int[moveCount]; for (sparseBits = sparsePart.intIterator(); sparseBits.hasNext();) { int bit = sparseBits.next(); if (newOffset != -1 && bit >= newOffset && bit < densePart.getOffset()) { bits[index++] = bit; } if (newLength != -1 && bit >= densePart.length() && bit <= newLength) { bits[index++] = bit; } } if (index != moveCount) { assert index == moveCount : "index is " + index + ", but moveCount is " + moveCount + " for " + this; } if (newLength != -1 && bits[index - 1] == sparsePart.max()) { int base = densePart.getOffset(); int currentSize = densePart.length() - base; float newSize = 1.1f * (bits[index - 1] - base); float fraction = newSize / currentSize; assert fraction > 1; densePart.growCapacity(fraction); } for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sparsePart.remove(bits[i]); densePart.set(bits[i]); } } assert assertDisjoint() : this.toString() + ", densePart.length()=" + densePart.length() + ", newOffset=" + newOffset + ", newLength=" + newLength + ", newCount=" + newCount + ", moveCount=" + moveCount; } } } /* * @see com.ibm.wala.util.intset.MutableIntSet#clear() */ public void clear() { sparsePart.clear(); densePart = null; } /** * @param i * @return true iff this set contains integer i */ public boolean contains(int i) { if (densePart != null && inDenseRange(i)) { return densePart.contains(i); } else { return sparsePart.contains(i); } } /** * @return true iff this set contains integer i */ public boolean containsAny(IntSet set) { if (set == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null set"); } if (!sparsePart.isEmpty() && sparsePart.containsAny(set)) { return true; } else if (densePart != null) { int lower = densePart.getOffset(); for (IntIterator is = set.intIterator(); is.hasNext();) { int i = is.next(); if (i < lower) continue; if (densePart.get(i)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * This implementation must not despoil the original value of "this" * * @return a new IntSet which is the intersection of this and that */ public IntSet intersection(IntSet that) { if (that == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null that"); } SemiSparseMutableIntSet newThis = new SemiSparseMutableIntSet(); for (IntIterator bits = intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { int bit = bits.next(); if (that.contains(bit)) { newThis.add(bit); } } return newThis; } /* * @see com.ibm.wala.util.intset.IntSet#union(com.ibm.wala.util.intset.IntSet) */ public IntSet union(IntSet that) { SemiSparseMutableIntSet temp = new SemiSparseMutableIntSet(); temp.addAll(this); temp.addAll(that); return temp; } /** * @return true iff this set is empty */ public boolean isEmpty() { return sparsePart.isEmpty() && (densePart == null || densePart.isZero()); } /** * @return the number of elements in this set */ public int size() { return sparsePart.size() + (densePart == null ? 0 : densePart.populationCount()); } /** * @return a perhaps more efficient iterator */ public IntIterator intIterator() { class DensePartIterator implements IntIterator { private int i = -1; public boolean hasNext() { return densePart.nextSetBit(i + 1) != -1; } public int next() { int next = densePart.nextSetBit(i + 1); i = next; return next; } } ; if (sparsePart.isEmpty()) { if (densePart == null || densePart.isZero()) { return EmptyIntIterator.instance(); } else { return new DensePartIterator(); } } else { if (densePart == null || densePart.isZero()) { return sparsePart.intIterator(); } else { return new CompoundIntIterator(sparsePart.intIterator(), new DensePartIterator()); } } } /** * Invoke an action on each element of the Set */ public void foreach(IntSetAction action) { if (action == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null action"); } sparsePart.foreach(action); if (densePart != null) { for (int b = densePart.nextSetBit(0); b != -1; b = densePart.nextSetBit(b + 1)) { action.act(b); } } } /** * Invoke an action on each element of the Set, excluding elements of Set X * * @param action */ public void foreachExcluding(IntSet X, IntSetAction action) { sparsePart.foreachExcluding(X, action); if (densePart != null) { for (int b = densePart.nextSetBit(0); b != -1; b = densePart.nextSetBit(b + 1)) { if (!X.contains(b)) { action.act(b); } } } } /** * @return maximum integer in this set. */ public int max() throws IllegalStateException { if (densePart == null) { return sparsePart.max(); } else { return Math.max(sparsePart.max(), densePart.max()); } } /** * @return true iff this has the same value as that. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if that is null */ public boolean sameValue(IntSet that) { if (that == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("that is null"); } if (size() != that.size()) { return false; } if (densePart != null) { for (int bit = densePart.nextSetBit(0); bit != -1; bit = densePart.nextSetBit(bit + 1)) { if (!that.contains(bit)) { return false; } } } for (IntIterator bits = sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { if (!that.contains(bits.next())) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @return true iff this is a subset of that. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if that is null */ public boolean isSubset(IntSet that) { if (that == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("that is null"); } if (size() > that.size()) { return false; } for (IntIterator bits = sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { if (!that.contains(bits.next())) { return false; } } if (densePart != null) { for (int b = densePart.nextSetBit(0); b != -1; b = densePart.nextSetBit(b + 1)) { if (!that.contains(b)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Set the value of this to be the same as the value of set * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if set == null */ public void copySet(IntSet set) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (set == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("set == null"); } if (set instanceof SemiSparseMutableIntSet) { SemiSparseMutableIntSet that = (SemiSparseMutableIntSet) set; sparsePart = MutableSparseIntSet.make(that.sparsePart); if (that.densePart == null) { densePart = null; } else { densePart = new OffsetBitVector(that.densePart); } } else { densePart = null; sparsePart = MutableSparseIntSet.makeEmpty(); for (IntIterator bits = set.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { add(bits.next()); } } } private boolean inDenseRange(int i) { return densePart.getOffset() <= i && densePart.length() > i; } /** * Add all members of set to this. * * @return true iff the value of this changes. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if set == null */ public boolean addAll(IntSet set) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (set == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("set == null"); } boolean change = false; if (set instanceof SemiSparseMutableIntSet) { SemiSparseMutableIntSet that = (SemiSparseMutableIntSet) set; if (densePart == null) { // that dense part only if (that.densePart != null) { int oldSize = size(); densePart = new OffsetBitVector(that.densePart); for (IntIterator bits = sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { int bit = bits.next(); if (inDenseRange(bit)) { densePart.set(bit); } } sparsePart.removeAll(densePart); sparsePart.addAll(that.sparsePart); change = size() != oldSize; // no dense part } else { change = sparsePart.addAll(that.sparsePart); fixAfterSparseInsert(); } } else { // both dense parts if (that.densePart != null) { int oldSize = size(); densePart.or(that.densePart); sparsePart.addAll(that.sparsePart); for (IntIterator bits = sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { int bit = bits.next(); if (inDenseRange(bit)) { densePart.set(bit); } } sparsePart.removeAll(densePart); change = size() != oldSize; // this dense part only } else { for (IntIterator bs = that.sparsePart.intIterator(); bs.hasNext();) { change |= add(bs.next()); } } } } else { for (IntIterator bs = set.intIterator(); bs.hasNext();) { change |= add(bs.next()); } } assert assertDisjoint() : this.toString(); return change; } /** * Add an integer value to this set. * * @param i integer to add * @return true iff the value of this changes. */ public boolean add(int i) { if (densePart != null && inDenseRange(i)) { if (!densePart.get(i)) { densePart.set(i); assert assertDisjoint() : this.toString(); return true; } } else if (!sparsePart.contains(i)) { sparsePart.add(i); assert assertDisjoint() : this.toString(); fixAfterSparseInsert(); return true; } return false; } /** * Remove an integer from this set. * * @param i integer to remove * @return true iff the value of this changes. */ public boolean remove(int i) { if (densePart != null && densePart.get(i)) { densePart.clear(i); if (densePart.nextSetBit(0) == -1) { densePart = null; } return true; } else if (sparsePart.contains(i)) { sparsePart.remove(i); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Interset this with another set. * * @param set */ public void intersectWith(IntSet set) { sparsePart.intersectWith(set); if (densePart != null) { for (int b = densePart.nextSetBit(0); b != -1; b = densePart.nextSetBit(b + 1)) { if (!set.contains(b)) { densePart.clear(b); } } } } /** * @throws IllegalArgumentException if other is null */ public boolean addAllInIntersection(IntSet other, IntSet filter) { if (other == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("other is null"); } if (filter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null filter"); } boolean change = false; for (IntIterator bits = other.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { int bit = bits.next(); if (filter.contains(bit)) { change |= add(bit); } } return change; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("["); if (densePart != null) { sb.append("densePart: ").append(densePart.toString()).append(" "); } sb.append("sparsePart: ").append(sparsePart.toString()).append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public SemiSparseMutableIntSet removeAll(SemiSparseMutableIntSet B) { if (B == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("B null"); } if (densePart == null) { if (B.densePart == null) { sparsePart = MutableSparseIntSet.diff(sparsePart, B.sparsePart); } else { MutableSparseIntSet C = MutableSparseIntSet.diff(sparsePart, B.sparsePart); for (IntIterator bits = sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { int bit = bits.next(); if (B.densePart.get(bit)) { C.remove(bit); } } sparsePart = C; } } else { if (B.densePart == null) { for (IntIterator bits = B.sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { densePart.clear(bits.next()); } sparsePart = MutableSparseIntSet.diff(sparsePart, B.sparsePart); } else { densePart.andNot(B.densePart); for (IntIterator bits = B.sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { densePart.clear(bits.next()); } MutableSparseIntSet C = MutableSparseIntSet.diff(sparsePart, B.sparsePart); for (IntIterator bits = sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { int bit = bits.next(); if (B.densePart.get(bit)) { C.remove(bit); } } sparsePart = C; } } return this; } public static SemiSparseMutableIntSet diff(SemiSparseMutableIntSet A, SemiSparseMutableIntSet B) { if (A == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A is null"); } if (B == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("B is null"); } if (A.densePart == null) { if (B.densePart == null) { return new SemiSparseMutableIntSet(MutableSparseIntSet.diff(A.sparsePart, B.sparsePart)); } else { MutableSparseIntSet C = MutableSparseIntSet.diff(A.sparsePart, B.sparsePart); for (IntIterator bits = A.sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { int bit = bits.next(); if (B.densePart.get(bit)) { C.remove(bit); } } return new SemiSparseMutableIntSet(C); } } else { if (B.densePart == null) { OffsetBitVector newDensePart = new OffsetBitVector(A.densePart); for (IntIterator bits = B.sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { newDensePart.clear(bits.next()); } return new SemiSparseMutableIntSet(MutableSparseIntSet.diff(A.sparsePart, B.sparsePart), newDensePart); } else { OffsetBitVector newDensePart = new OffsetBitVector(A.densePart); newDensePart.andNot(B.densePart); for (IntIterator bits = B.sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { newDensePart.clear(bits.next()); } MutableSparseIntSet C = MutableSparseIntSet.diff(A.sparsePart, B.sparsePart); for (IntIterator bits = A.sparsePart.intIterator(); bits.hasNext();) { int bit = bits.next(); if (B.densePart.get(bit)) { C.remove(bit); } } return new SemiSparseMutableIntSet(C, newDensePart); } } } }