/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2012 IBM Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *****************************************************************************/ package com.ibm.wala.cast.js.rhino.callgraph.fieldbased.test; import org.junit.Test; import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.translator.TranslatorToCAst.Error; import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.test.FieldBasedCGUtil.BuilderType; import com.ibm.wala.util.CancelException; import com.ibm.wala.util.WalaException; public class TestFieldBasedCG extends AbstractFieldBasedTest { private static final Object[][] assertionsForSimpleJS = new Object[][] { new Object[] { ROOT, new String[] { "suffix:simple.js" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:simple.js", new String[] { "suffix:foo", "suffix:bar", "suffix:A" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:foo", new String[] { "suffix:bar" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:aluis", new String[] { "suffix:aluis" } } }; @Test public void testSimpleJSPessimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/simple.js", assertionsForSimpleJS, BuilderType.PESSIMISTIC); } @Test public void testSimpleJSOptimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/simple.js", assertionsForSimpleJS, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC); } @Test public void testSimpleJSWorklist() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/simple.js", assertionsForSimpleJS, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST); } private static final Object[][] assertionsForOneShot = new Object[][] { new Object[] { ROOT, new String[] { "suffix:oneshot.js" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:oneshot.js", new String[] { "suffix:f" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:f", new String[] { "suffix:g" } } }; @Test public void testOneshotPessimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/oneshot.js", assertionsForOneShot, BuilderType.PESSIMISTIC); } @Test public void testOneshotOptimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/oneshot.js", assertionsForOneShot, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC); } @Test public void testOneshotWorklist() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/oneshot.js", assertionsForOneShot, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST); } private static final Object[][] assertionsForCallbacks = new Object[][] { new Object[] { ROOT, new String[] { "suffix:callbacks.js" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:callbacks.js", new String[] { "suffix:f" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:f", new String[] { "suffix:k", "suffix:n" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:k", new String[] { "suffix:l", "suffix:p" } } }; @Test public void testCallbacksOptimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/callbacks.js", assertionsForCallbacks, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST); } @Test public void testCallbacksWorklist() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/callbacks.js", assertionsForCallbacks, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST); } private static final Object[][] assertionsForLexical = new Object[][] { new Object[] { "suffix:h", new String[] { "suffix:g" } } }; @Test public void testLexicalPessimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/lexical.js", assertionsForLexical, BuilderType.PESSIMISTIC); } @Test public void testLexicalOptimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/lexical.js", assertionsForLexical, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC); } @Test public void testLexicalWorklist() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/lexical.js", assertionsForLexical, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST); } private static final Object[][] assertionsForReflectiveCall = new Object[][] { new Object[] { "suffix:h", new String[] { "suffix:Function_prototype_call", "suffix:Function_prototype_apply" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:Function_prototype_call", new String[] { "suffix:f" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:Function_prototype_apply", new String[] { "suffix:x" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:f", new String[] { "suffix:k" } } }; @Test public void testReflectiveCallOptimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/reflective_calls.js", assertionsForReflectiveCall, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC); } @Test public void testReflectiveCallWorklist() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/reflective_calls.js", assertionsForReflectiveCall, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST); } private static final Object[][] assertionsForNew = new Object[][] { new Object[] { "suffix:new.js", new String[] { "suffix:g", "suffix:f" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:g", new String[] { "!suffix:k" } } }; @Test public void testNewOptimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/new.js", assertionsForNew, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC); } @Test public void testNewWorklist() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/new.js", assertionsForNew, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST); } private static final Object[][] assertionsForCallbacks2 = new Object[][] { new Object[] { "suffix:callbacks2.js", new String[] { "suffix:g" } }, new Object[] { "suffix:g", new String[] { "suffix:k", "!suffix:l" } } }; @Test public void testCallbacks2Optimistic() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/callbacks2.js", assertionsForCallbacks2, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC); } @Test public void testCallbacks2Worklist() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { runTest("tests/fieldbased/callbacks2.js", assertionsForCallbacks2, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST); } // @Test public void testBug2979() throws WalaException, Error, CancelException { System.err.println(runTest("pages/2979.html", new Object[][]{}, BuilderType.PESSIMISTIC, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC, BuilderType.OPTIMISTIC_WORKLIST)); } }