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* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2014 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Copyright (c) 2013,
* Tobias Blaschke <code@tobiasblaschke.de>
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior written
* permission.
package com.ibm.wala.util.ssa;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IClass;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IClassLoader;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod;
import com.ibm.wala.ipa.cha.IClassHierarchy;
import com.ibm.wala.types.MethodReference;
import com.ibm.wala.types.Selector;
import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeName;
import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeReference;
import com.ibm.wala.util.PrimitiveAssignability;
import com.ibm.wala.util.ssa.SSAValue.WeaklyNamedKey;
* Access parameters without confusion on their numbers.
* Depending on the representation of a method (IMethod, MethodReference) parameters are placed at a
* different position. Functions furthermore may have an implicit this-pointer which alters the
* positions again.
* Accessing parameters of these functions by their numbers only is error prone and leads to confusion.
* This class tries to leverage parameter-access.
* You can use this class using now numbers at all. However if you choose to use numbers this class has yet
* another numbering convention (jupeee): 1 is the first parameter appearing in the Selector, no matter if
* the Method has an implicit this. It is not zero as Java initializes new integer-arrays with zero.
* If you want to alter the values of the incoming parameters you may also want to use the ParameterManager
* which tracks the changes.
* @author Tobias Blaschke <code@tobiasblaschke.de>
* @since 2013-10-19
public class ParameterAccessor {
private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
* The Constructor used to create ParameterAccessor influences the parameter-offset.
* If this enum is extended many functions will throw if not also extended.
public enum BasedOn {
/** ParameterAccessor was constructed using an IMethod */
/** ParameterAccessor was constructed using a MethodReference */
* The kind of parameter.
* Extending this enum should not introduce any problems in ParameterAccessor.
public enum ParamerterDisposition {
/** Parameter is an implicit this-pointer */
/** Parameter is a regular parameter occurring in the Descriptor */
/** The return-value of a method (has to be crafted manually) */
* This key is identified by type and parameter number.
public static class ParameterKey extends WeaklyNamedKey {
final int paramNo;
public ParameterKey(final TypeName type, final int no, final String name) {
super(type, ((name==null)?"param_" + no:name));
this.paramNo = no;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return super.equals(o);
public int hashCode() {
return this.type.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return "<ParameterKey no=" + this.paramNo + " type=" + this.type + " name=\"" + this.name + "\" />";
* The representation of a Parameter handled using a ParameterAccessor.
* It basically consists of a SSA-Value and an associated TypeReference.
* Use .getNumber() to access the associated SSA-Value.
* @author Tobias Blaschke <code@tobiasblaschke.de>
* @since 2013-10-19
public static class Parameter extends SSAValue {
/** Implicit this or regular parameter? */
private final ParamerterDisposition disp;
/** Add to number to get position in descriptor */
private final int descriptorOffset;
* Create Parameters using ParameterAccessor.
* @param number SSA-Value to access this parameter
* @param name Optional variable-name - may be null
* @param type Variable Type to this parameter
* @param disp Implicit this, regular parameter or return value?
* @param basedOn Is Accessor constructed with IMethod or MethodReference
* @param mRef Method this parameter belongs to
* @param descriptorOffset add to number to get position in descriptor
protected Parameter(final int number, final String name, final TypeReference type, final ParamerterDisposition disp,
final BasedOn basedOn, final MethodReference mRef, final int descriptorOffset) {
super(number, type, mRef, new ParameterKey(type.getName(), number + descriptorOffset, name));
if (mRef == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MethodReference (mRef) of a Parameter may not be null");
if (basedOn == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument basedOn of a Parameter may not be null");
if (disp == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ParamerterDisposition (disp) of a Parameter may not be null");
// If type was null the call to super failed
if ((number < 1) && (basedOn == BasedOn.METHOD_REFERENCE)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first accessible SSA-Value of a MethodReference is 1 but the " +
"Value-Number given is " + number);
if ((number < 0) && (basedOn == BasedOn.IMETHOD)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first accessible SSA-Value of an IMethod is 0 but the " +
"Value-Number given is " + number);
if ((disp == ParamerterDisposition.PARAM) && (number + descriptorOffset > mRef.getNumberOfParameters())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The SSA-Value " + number + " (with added offset " + descriptorOffset +
") is beyond the number of Arguments (" + mRef.getNumberOfParameters() + ") of the Method " +
mRef.getName() + "\n" + mRef.getSignature());
if ((disp == ParamerterDisposition.THIS) && (basedOn == BasedOn.METHOD_REFERENCE) && (number != 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The implicit this-pointer of a MethodReference is located at SSA-Value 1. " +
"The SSA-Value given is " + number);
if ((disp == ParamerterDisposition.THIS) && (basedOn == BasedOn.IMETHOD) && (number != 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The implicit this-pointer of an IMethod is located at SSA-Value 0. " +
"The SSA-Value given is " + number);
if ((descriptorOffset < -2) || (descriptorOffset > 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The descriptor-offset given is not within its expected bounds: " +
"-1 (for a method without implicit this-pointer) to 1. The given offset is " + descriptorOffset);
this.disp = disp;
this.descriptorOffset = descriptorOffset;
* The position of the parameter in the methods Desciptor starting with 1.
public int getNumberInDescriptor() { // TODO: Verify all descriptorOffset stuff!
//if (this.descriptorOffset < 0) {
// return this.number;
//} else {
return this.number + this.descriptorOffset;
public ParamerterDisposition getDisposition() {
return this.disp;
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you compare this to an object totally different.
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (o instanceof Parameter) {
final Parameter other = (Parameter) o;
return ((this.type.equals(other.type)) && (this.number == other.number) && (this.mRef.equals(other.mRef)));
if (o instanceof SSAValue) {
return super.equals(o);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't compare Parameter to " + o.getClass());
* Clashes deliberately with SSAValue as it's basically the same thing.
public final int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
public String toString() {
switch (this.disp) {
case THIS:
return "Implicit this-parameter of " + this.mRef.getName() + " as " + this.type + " accessible using " +
"SSA-Value " + this.number;
case PARAM:
if (this.key instanceof NamedKey) {
return "Parameter " + getNumberInDescriptor() + " \"" + getVariableName() + "\" of " + this.mRef.getName() +
" is " + this.type + " accessible using SSA-Value " + this.number;
} else {
return "Parameter " + getNumberInDescriptor() + " of " + this.mRef.getName() + " is " + this.type +
" accessible using SSA-Value " + this.number;
case RETURN:
return "Return Value of " + this.mRef.getName() + " as " + this.type + " accessible using SSA-Value " +
case NEW:
return "New instance of " + this.type + " accessible in " + this.mRef.getName() + " using number " + this.number;
return "Parameter " + getNumberInDescriptor() + " - " + this.disp + " of " + this.mRef.getName() + " as " +
this.type + " accessible using SSA-Value " + this.number;
/** The Constructor used to create this ParameterAceesor */
private final BasedOn base;
/** The Method associated to this ParameterAceesor if constructed using a mRef */
private final MethodReference mRef;
/** The Method associated to this ParameterAceesor if constructed using an IMethod */
private final IMethod method;
/** The Value-Number for the implicit this-pointer or -1 if there is none */
private final int implicitThis;
/** SSA-Number + descriptorOffset yield the parameters position in the Descriptor starting with 1 */
private final int descriptorOffset;
/** Number of parameters _excluding_ implicit this */
private final int numberOfParameters;
* Reads the parameters of a MethodReference CAUTION:.
* Do _not_ use ParameterAceesor(IMethod.getReference()), but ParameterAceesor(IMehod)!
* Using this Constructor influences the SSA-Values returned later. The cha is needed to
* determine whether mRef is static. If this is already known one should prefer the faster
* {@link #ParameterAccessor(MethodReference, boolean)}.
* @param mRef The method to read the parameters from.
public ParameterAccessor(final MethodReference mRef, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (mRef == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't read the arguments from null.");
this.mRef = mRef;
this.method = null;
this.base = BasedOn.METHOD_REFERENCE;
this.numberOfParameters = mRef.getNumberOfParameters();
final boolean hasImplicitThis;
Set<IMethod> targets = cha.getPossibleTargets(mRef);
if (targets.size() < 1) {
warn("Unable to look up the method {} starting extensive search...", mRef);
targets = new HashSet<IMethod>();
final TypeReference mClass = mRef.getDeclaringClass();
final Selector mSel = mRef.getSelector();
final Set<IClass> testClasses = new HashSet<IClass>();
// Look up all classes matching exactly
for (IClassLoader loader : cha.getLoaders()) {
final IClass cand = loader.lookupClass(mClass.getName());
if (cand != null) {
// Try lookupClass..
final IClass lookedUp;
lookedUp = cha.lookupClass(mClass);
if (lookedUp != null) {
debug("Found using cha.lookupClass()");
info("Searching the classes {} for the method", testClasses);
for (IClass testClass : testClasses) {
final IMethod cand = testClass.getMethod(mSel);
if (cand != null) {
if (targets.size() < 1) {
warn("Still no candidates for the method - continuing with super-classes (TODO)");
{ // DEBUG
for (IClass testClass : testClasses) {
info("Known Methods in " + testClass);
for (IMethod contained : testClass.getAllMethods()) {
info("\t" + contained);
} // */
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to look up the method " + mRef);
{ // Iterate all candidates
final Iterator<IMethod> it = targets.iterator();
final boolean testStatic = it.next().isStatic();
while (it.hasNext()) {
final boolean tmpStatic = it.next().isStatic();
if (testStatic != tmpStatic) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The ClassHierarchy knows multiple (" + targets.size() + ") targets for " + mRef +
". The targets contradict themselves if they have an implicit this!");
hasImplicitThis = (! testStatic);
if (hasImplicitThis) {
info("The method {} has an implicit this pointer", mRef);
this.implicitThis = 1;
this.descriptorOffset = -1;
} else {
info("The method {} has no implicit this pointer", mRef);
this.implicitThis = -1;
this.descriptorOffset = 0;
* Reads the parameters of a MethodReference CAUTION:.
* Do _not_ use ParameterAceesor(IMethod.getReference()), but ParameterAceesor(IMehod)!
* This constructor is faster than {@link #ParameterAccessor(MethodReference, IClassHierarchy)}.
* @param mRef The method to read the parameters from.
public ParameterAccessor(final MethodReference mRef, final boolean hasImplicitThis) {
if (mRef == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't read the arguments from null.");
this.mRef = mRef;
this.method = null;
this.base = BasedOn.METHOD_REFERENCE;
this.numberOfParameters = mRef.getNumberOfParameters();
if (hasImplicitThis) {
info("The method {} has an implicit this pointer", mRef);
this.implicitThis = 1;
this.descriptorOffset = -1;
} else {
info("The method {} has no implicit this pointer", mRef);
this.implicitThis = -1;
this.descriptorOffset = 0;
* Read the parameters from an IMethod.
* Using this Constructor influences the SSA-Values returned later.
* @param method The method to read the parameters from.
public ParameterAccessor(final IMethod method) {
if (method == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't read the arguments from null.");
// Don't make a mRef but keep the IMethod!
this.mRef = null;
this.method = method;
this.base = BasedOn.IMETHOD;
this.numberOfParameters = method.getReference().getNumberOfParameters();
if (method.isStatic() && (! method.isInit())) {
assert(method.getNumberOfParameters() == method.getReference().getNumberOfParameters()) : "WTF!" + method;
this.implicitThis = -1;
this.descriptorOffset = 0;
} else {
assert(method.getNumberOfParameters() == 1 + method.getReference().getNumberOfParameters()) : "WTF!" + method;
this.implicitThis = 1;
this.descriptorOffset = -1;
* Make an Parameter Object using a Descriptor-based numbering (starting with 1).
* Number 1 is the first parameter in the methods Selector. No matter if the function has an
* implicit this pointer.
* If the Function has an implicit this-pointer you can access it using getThis().
* @param no the number in the Selector
* @return new Parameter-Object for no
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is zero
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no is not within bounds [1 to numberOfParameters]
public Parameter getParameter(final int no) {
// no is checked by getParameterNo(int)
final int newNo = getParameterNo(no);
switch (this.base) {
case IMETHOD: // TODO: Try reading parameter name
return new Parameter(newNo, null, this.method.getParameterType(no), ParamerterDisposition.PARAM,
this.base, this.method.getReference(), this.descriptorOffset);
return new Parameter(newNo, null, this.mRef.getParameterType(no - 1), ParamerterDisposition.PARAM,
this.base, this.mRef, this.descriptorOffset);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of getParameter() for base " + this.base);
* Return the SSA-Value to access a parameter using a Descriptor-based numbering (starting with 1).
* Number 1 is the first parameter in the methods Selector. No matter if the function has an
* implicit this pointer.
* If the Function has an implicit this-pointer you can acess it using getThisNo().
* @param no the number in the Selector
* @return the offseted number for accessing the parameter
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is zero
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no is not within bounds [1 to numberOfParameters]
public int getParameterNo(final int no) {
if (no == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter numbers start with 1. Use getThis() to access a potential implicit this.");
if ((no < 0) || (no > this.numberOfParameters)) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("The given number (" + no + ") was not within bounds (1 to " + this.numberOfParameters +
") when acessing a parameter of " + this);
switch (this.base) {
return no + this.implicitThis; // + this.implicitThis; // TODO: Verify
if (this.implicitThis > 0) {
return no + this.implicitThis; //
} else {
return no;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of getParameter() for base " + this.base);
* Same as Parameter.getNumber().
* @return SSA-Value to access the parameters contents.
public int getParameterNo(final Parameter param) {
if (param == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter may not be null");
return param.getNumber();
* This list _excludes_ the implicit this-pointer (if any).
* If you want the implicit this-pointer use getThis().
* @return All parameters appearing in the Selector.
public List<Parameter> all() {
// TODO: Cache!
List<Parameter> all = new ArrayList<Parameter>(this.getNumberOfParameters());
if (this.getNumberOfParameters() == 0) {
return all;
} else {
switch (this.base) {
final int firstInSelector = firstInSelector();
for (int i = ((hasImplicitThis())?1:0); i < this.method.getNumberOfParameters(); ++i) {
debug("all() adding: Parameter({}, {}, {}, {}, {})", (i + 1), this.method.getParameterType(i),
this.base, this.method, this.descriptorOffset);
all.add(new Parameter(i + 1, null, this.method.getParameterType(i), ParamerterDisposition.PARAM,
this.base, this.method.getReference(), this.descriptorOffset));
final int firstInSelector = firstInSelector();
for (int i = 0 /*firstInSelector()*/; i < this.numberOfParameters; ++i) { // TODO:
all.add(new Parameter(i + firstInSelector, null, this.mRef.getParameterType(i), ParamerterDisposition.PARAM,
this.base, this.mRef, this.descriptorOffset));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of all() for base " + this.base);
return all;
* Return the implicit this-pointer (or throw).
* This obviously only works on non-static methods. You probably want to check if the method has
* such an implicit this using hasImplicitThis() as this method will throw if there is none.
* If you only want the number use the more lightweight getThisNo().
* @return Object containing all Information on the parameter.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the function has no implicit this
public Parameter getThis() {
final int self = getThisNo();
final TypeReference selfType;
switch (this.base) {
selfType = this.method.getParameterType(self);
selfType = this.mRef.getDeclaringClass();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of getThis() for base " + this.base);
return getThisAs(selfType);
* Return the implicit this-pointer as a supertype.
* @param asType A type of a super-class of this
public Parameter getThisAs(final TypeReference asType) {
final int self = getThisNo();
switch (this.base) {
final IClassHierarchy cha = this.method.getClassHierarchy();
try {
if (! isSubclassOf(this.method.getParameterType(self), asType, cha) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + asType + " is not a super-class of " +
} catch (ClassLookupException e) {
// Cant't test assume all fitts
return new Parameter(self, "self", asType, ParamerterDisposition.THIS,
this.base, this.method.getReference(), this.descriptorOffset);
// TODO assert asType is a subtype of self.type - we need cha to do that :(
return new Parameter(self, "self", asType, ParamerterDisposition.THIS,
this.base, this.mRef, this.descriptorOffset);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of getThis() for base " + this.base);
* Return the SSA-Value of the implicit this-pointer (or throw).
* This obviously only works on non-static methods. You probably want to check if the method has
* such an implicit this using hasImplicitThis() as this method will throw if there is none.
* @return Number of the this.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the function has no implicit this.
public int getThisNo() {
if (this.implicitThis >= 0) {
return this.implicitThis;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("getThisNo called for a method that has no implicit this");
* If the method has an implicit this parameter.
public boolean hasImplicitThis() {
return (this.implicitThis >= 0);
* Create a "Parameter" containing the Return-Type w/o Type-checking.
* This should be of rather theoretical use.
* @throws IllegalStateException if used on a void-Function
public Parameter makeReturn(final int ssa) {
if (! hasReturn()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't generate a return-value for a void-function.");
switch (this.base) {
return new Parameter(ssa, "retVal", getReturnType(), ParamerterDisposition.RETURN, this.base,
this.method.getReference(), this.descriptorOffset);
return new Parameter(ssa, "retVal", getReturnType(), ParamerterDisposition.RETURN, this.base,
this.mRef, this.descriptorOffset);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of getReturn() for base " + this.base);
* Create a "Parameter" containing the Return-Type with Type-checking.
* @param ssa The value to return
* @param type The type of ssa
* @param cha The ClassHierarchy to use for the assignability test
* @throws IllegalStateException if used on a void-Function
public Parameter makeReturn(final int ssa, final TypeReference type, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (! hasReturn()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't generate a return-value for a void-function.");
final TypeReference returnType = getReturnType();
if (returnType.equals(type)) {
return makeReturn(ssa);
} else if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Needed to test assignability but no cha given."); // TODO: Throw always or never
} else if (isAssignable(type, returnType, cha)) {
return makeReturn(ssa);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Return type " + returnType + " is not assignable from " + type);
* The SSA-Value to acces the parameter appearing first in the Descriptor with.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the method has no parameters in its Descriptor.
public int firstInSelector() {
if (this.numberOfParameters == 0) {
if (this.method != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The method " + this.method.toString() + " has no explicit parameters.");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The method " + this.mRef.toString() + " has no explicit parameters.");
if (this.implicitThis > 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("An internal error in ParameterAccessor locating the implicit this pointer occurred! Invalid: " + this.implicitThis);
switch (this.base) {
if (this.hasImplicitThis()) { // XXX TODO BUG!
debug("This IMethod {} has an implicit this pointer at {}, so firstInSelector is accessible using SSA-Value {}", this.method, this.implicitThis, (this.implicitThis + 1));
return this.implicitThis + 1;
} else {
debug("This IMethod {} has no implicit this pointer, so firstInSelector is accessible using SSA-Value 1" , this.method);
return 1;
if (this.hasImplicitThis()) {
debug("This IMethod {} has an implicit this pointer at {}, so firstInSelector is accessible using SSA-Value {}", this.mRef, this.implicitThis, (this.implicitThis + 1));
return this.implicitThis + 1;
} else {
debug("This mRef {} has no implicit this pointer, so firstInSelector is accessible using SSA-Value 1", this.mRef);
return 1;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of firstInSelector() for base " + this.base);
* Prefer: getParameter(int no) or all().
* Get the type of the parameter (not this) using a fixed numbering.
* Number 1 is the first parameter in the methods Selector. No matter if the function has an
* implicit this pointer.
* Use all() if you want to get all parameter-types.
* @param no the number in the Selector
* @return the type of the parameter
public TypeReference getParameterType(final int no) { // XXX Remove?
switch (this.base) {
return this.method.getParameterType(getParameterNo(no));
return this.method.getParameterType(getParameterNo(no));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of getParameterType() for base " + this.base);
* First parameter in the selector that matches _exactly_.
* @return first parameter found or null if there is none
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if searching for void or null
public Parameter firstOf(final TypeName tName) {
if (tName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search-name may not be null");
if (tName.equals(TypeReference.VoidName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You are searching for 'void' as a parameter.");
final List<Parameter> all = all();
// ****
// Implementation starts here
for (final Parameter cand : all) {
if (cand.getType().getName().equals(tName)) {
return cand;
return null;
* First parameter in the selector that matches _exactly_.
* @return first parameter found or null if there is none
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if searching for void or null
public Parameter firstOf(final TypeReference tRef) {
if (tRef == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search-name may not be null");
if (tRef.equals(TypeReference.Void)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You are searching for 'void' as a parameter.");
final List<Parameter> all = all();
// ****
// Implementation starts here
for (final Parameter cand : all) {
if (cand.getType().equals(tRef)) {
return cand;
return null;
* All parameters in the selector that are a subclass of tName (slow).
* TypeNames have to be looked up first, do prefer the variant with the TypeReference if
* one is available.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if searching for void or null
public List<Parameter> allExtend(final TypeName tName, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (tName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search-name may not be null");
if (tName.equals(TypeReference.VoidName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You are searching for 'void' as a parameter.");
if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't search ClassHierarchy without having a ClassHierarchy (is null)");
final List<Parameter> all = all();
final List<Parameter> allExctends = new ArrayList<>();
IClass searchType = null;
final IClassLoader[] allLoaders = cha.getLoaders();
// ****
// Implementation starts here
{ // Retrieve a reference of the type
for (final IClassLoader loader : allLoaders) {
searchType = loader.lookupClass(tName);
if (searchType != null) {
if (searchType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find " + tName + " in any loader!");
} else {
debug("Retrieved {} as {}", tName, searchType);
for (final Parameter cand : all) {
final IClass candClass = cha.lookupClass(cand.getType());
if (candClass != null) { // TODO: Extra function
if (cha.isSubclassOf(candClass, searchType)) {
} else {
for (final IClassLoader loader: cha.getLoaders()) {
final IClass c = loader.lookupClass(cand.getType().getName());
if (c != null) {
info("Using alternative for from: {}", cand);
if (cha.isSubclassOf(c, searchType)) {
// TODO: That's true for base-type too
warn("Unable to look up IClass of {}", cand);
return allExctends;
* All parameters in the selector that are a subclass of tRef (slow).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if searching for void or null
public List<Parameter> allExtend(final TypeReference tRef, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (tRef == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search TypeReference may not be null");
if (tRef.equals(TypeReference.Void)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You are searching for 'void' as a parameter.");
if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't search ClassHierarchy without having a ClassHierarchy (is null)");
// ****
// Implementation starts here
final IClass searchType = cha.lookupClass(tRef);
final List<Parameter> all = all();
final List<Parameter> allExctends = new ArrayList<>();
if (searchType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find the IClass of " + tRef);
} else {
debug("Reteived {} as {}", tRef, searchType);
for (final Parameter cand : all) {
final IClass candClass = cha.lookupClass(cand.getType());
if (candClass != null) {
if (cha.isSubclassOf(candClass, searchType)) {
} else {
// TODO: That's true for base-type too
warn("Unable to look up IClass of {}", cand);
return allExctends;
* First parameter in the selector that is a subclass of tName (slow).
* TypeNames have to be lloked up first, do prefer the variant with the TypeReference if
* one is available.
* @return first parameter found or null if there is none
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if searching for void or null
public Parameter firstExtends(final TypeName tName, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (tName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search-name may not be null");
if (tName.equals(TypeReference.VoidName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You are searching for 'void' as a parameter.");
if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't search ClassHierarchy without having a ClassHierarchy (is null)");
final List<Parameter> all = all();
IClass searchType = null;
final IClassLoader[] allLoaders = cha.getLoaders();
// ****
// Implementation starts here
{ // Reteive a reference of the type
for (final IClassLoader loader : allLoaders) {
searchType = loader.lookupClass(tName);
if (searchType != null) {
if (searchType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find " + tName + " in any loader!");
} else {
debug("Reteived {} as {}", tName, searchType);
for (final Parameter cand : all) {
final IClass candClass = cha.lookupClass(cand.getType());
if (candClass != null) {
if (cha.isSubclassOf(candClass, searchType)) {
return cand;
} else {
for (final IClassLoader loader: cha.getLoaders()) {
final IClass c = loader.lookupClass(cand.getType().getName());
if (c != null) {
info("Using alternative for from: {}", cand);
if (cha.isSubclassOf(c, searchType)) {
return cand;
// TODO: That's true for primitive-type too
warn("Unable to look up IClass of {}", cand);
return null;
* First parameter in the selector that is a subclass of tRef (slow).
* @return first parameter found or null if there is none
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if searching for void or null
public Parameter firstExtends(final TypeReference tRef, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (tRef == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search TypeReference may not be null");
if (tRef.equals(TypeReference.Void)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You are searching for 'void' as a parameter.");
if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't search ClassHierarchy without having a ClassHierarchy (is null)");
// ****
// Implementation starts here
final IClass searchType = cha.lookupClass(tRef);
final List<Parameter> all = all();
if (searchType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find the IClass of " + tRef);
} else {
debug("Reteived {} as {}", tRef, searchType);
for (final Parameter cand : all) {
final IClass candClass = cha.lookupClass(cand.getType());
if (candClass != null) {
if (cha.isSubclassOf(candClass, searchType)) {
return cand;
} else {
// TODO: That's true for base-type too
warn("Unable to look up IClass of {}", cand);
return null;
* The first SSA-Number after the parameters.
* This is useful for making synthetic methods.
public int getFirstAfter() {
return this.numberOfParameters + 2; // Should be +1 ?
* Generate the params-param for an InvokeIstruction w/o type checking.
* @param args list to build the arguments from - without implicit this
public int[] forInvokeStatic(final List<? extends SSAValue> args) {
if (args == null) { // XXX Allow?
throw new IllegalArgumentException("args is null");
int[] params = new int[args.size()];
if (params.length == 0) {
return params;
if ((args.get(1) instanceof Parameter) && (((Parameter)args.get(1)).getDisposition() == ParamerterDisposition.THIS)) {
warn("The first argument is an implicit this: {} this may be ok however.", args.get(1));
// ****
// Implementation starts here
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
params[i] = args.get(i).getNumber();
return params;
* Generate the params-param for an InvokeIstruction with type checking.
* @param args list to build the arguments from - without implicit this
* @param target the method to be called - for type checking only
* @param cha if types don't match exactly needed for the assignability check (may be null if that check is not wanted)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you call this method on a target that needs an implicit this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if args length does not match the targets param-length
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a parameter is unassignable
public int[] forInvokeStatic(final List<? extends SSAValue> args, final ParameterAccessor target, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (args == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("args is null");
if (target == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ParameterAccessor for the target is null");
if (target.hasImplicitThis()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You used forInvokeStatic on a method that has an implicit this pointer");
if (target.getNumberOfParameters() != args.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of arguments mismatch: " + args.size() + " given on a method that " +
"needs " + target.getNumberOfParameters() + " arguments. Arguments given were " + args + " for a static " +
"call to " + target);
int[] params = new int[args.size()];
if (params.length == 0) {
return params;
if ((args.get(1) instanceof Parameter) && (((Parameter)args.get(1)).getDisposition() == ParamerterDisposition.THIS)) {
warn("The first argument is an implicit this: {} this may be ok however.", args.get(1));
// ****
// Implementation starts here
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
final SSAValue param = args.get(i);
if (param.getType().equals(target.getParameter(i).getType())) {
params[i] = param.getNumber();
} else {
if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + i + " (" + param + ") of the Arguments list " +
"is not equal to param " + i + " ( " + target.getParameter(i) + ") of " + target +
"and no ClassHierarchy was given to test assignability");
} else if (isAssignable(param, target.getParameter(i), cha)) {
params[i] = param.getNumber();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + i + " (" + param + ") of the Arguments list " +
"is not assignable to param " + i + " ( " + target.getParameter(i) + ") of " +
return params;
* Generate the params-param for an InvokeIstruction w/o type checking.
* @param self the this-pointer to use
* @param args the rest of the arguments. Be shure it does not start with a
* this pointer. This is _not_ checked so you can use a this-pointer as
* an argument. However a warning is issued.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value of self is to small in the current
* method
public int[] forInvokeVirtual(final int self, final List<? extends SSAValue> args) {
if (args == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("args is null");
if ((this.base == BasedOn.METHOD_REFERENCE) && (self < 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first SSA-Value of a MethodReference is 1. The given this (self) is " +
} else if (self < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("self = " + self + " < 0");
int[] params = new int[args.size() + 1];
if ((params.length > 1) && (args.get(1) instanceof Parameter) && (((Parameter)args.get(1)).getDisposition() ==
ParamerterDisposition.THIS)) {
warn("The first argument is an implicit this: {} this may be ok however.", args.get(1));
// ****
// Implementation starts here
params[0] = self;
for (int i = 1; i < params.length; ++i) {
params[i] = args.get(i - 1).getNumber();
return params;
* Generate the params-param for an InvokeIstruction with type checking.
* @param self the this-pointer to use
* @param args list to build the arguments from - without implicit this
* @param target the method to be called - for type checking only
* @param cha if types don't match exactly needed for the assignability check (may be null if that check is not wanted)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if you call this method on a target that needs an implicit this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if args length does not match the targets param-length
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a parameter is unassignable
public int[] forInvokeVirtual(final int self, final List<? extends SSAValue> args, final ParameterAccessor target, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (args == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("args is null");
if ((this.base == BasedOn.METHOD_REFERENCE) && (self < 1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first SSA-Value of a MethodReference is 1. The given this (self) is " +
} else if (self < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("self = " + self + " < 0");
if (target == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ParameterAccessor for the target is null");
if (! target.hasImplicitThis()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You used forInvokeVirtual on a method that has no implicit this pointer");
if (target.getNumberOfParameters() != args.size() + 1) { // TODO: Verify
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of arguments mismatch: " + args.size() + " given on a method that " +
"needs " + target.getNumberOfParameters() + " arguments. Arguments given were " + args + " for a static " +
"call to " + target);
int[] params = new int[args.size() + 1];
if ((params.length > 1) && (args.get(1) instanceof Parameter) && (((Parameter)args.get(1)).getDisposition() ==
ParamerterDisposition.THIS)) {
warn("The first argument is an implicit this: {} this may be ok however.", args.get(1));
// ****
// Implementation starts here
params[0] = self; // TODO: Can't typecheck this!
for (int i = 1; i < params.length; ++i) {
final SSAValue param = args.get(i - 1);
if (param.getType().equals(target.getParameter(i).getType())) {
params[i] = param.getNumber();
} else {
if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + i + " (" + param + ") of the Arguments list " +
"is not equal to param " + i + " ( " + target.getParameter(i) + ") of " + target +
"and no ClassHierarchy was given to test assignability");
} else if (isAssignable(param, target.getParameter(i), cha)) {
params[i] = param.getNumber();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter " + i + " (" + param + ") of the Arguments list " +
"is not assignable to param " + i + " ( " + target.getParameter(i) + ") of " +
return params;
* Connects though parameters from the calling function (overridable) - CAUTION:.
* This functions makes is decisions based on Type-Referes only so if a TypeReference occurs multiple
* times in the caller or callee it may make surprising connections.
* The List of Parameters is generated based on the overrides, than parameters in 'this' are searched, finally we'll
* fall back to defaults. A "perfect match" is searched.
* If a parameter was not assigned yet these three sources are considdered again but cha.isAssignableFrom is used.
* If the parameter was still not found a value of 'null' is used.
* This funktion is useful when generating wrapper-functions.
* @param callee The function to generate the parameter-list for
* @param overrides If a parameter occurs here, it is preferred over the ones present in this
* @param defaults If a parameter is not present in this or the overrides, defaults are searched. If the parameter is not present there null is assigned.
* @param cha Optional class hierarchy for testing assignability
* @return the parameter-list for the call of toMethod
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // TODO: Can we do this for overrides and defaults only?
public List<SSAValue> connectThrough(final ParameterAccessor callee, Set<? extends SSAValue> overrides, Set<? extends SSAValue> defaults, final IClassHierarchy cha, IInstantiator instantiator, Object... instantiatorArgs) {
if (callee == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot connect through to null-callee");
if (overrides == null) {
overrides = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
if (defaults == null) {
defaults = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
if (callee.getNumberOfParameters() == 0) {
return new ArrayList<SSAValue>(0);
final List<SSAValue> assigned = new ArrayList<SSAValue>(); // TODO: Set initial size
final List<Parameter> calleeParams = callee.all();
final List<Parameter> thisParams = all();
// ****
// Implementation starts here
debug("Collecting parameters for callee {}", ((callee.mRef!=null)?callee.mRef:callee.method));
debug("\tThe calling function is {}", ((this.mRef!=null)?this.mRef:this.method));
for (final Parameter param : calleeParams) {
debug("\tSearching candidate for {}", param);
final TypeReference paramType = param.getType();
{ // Exact match in overrides
for (final SSAValue cand : overrides) {
if (cand.getType().getName().equals(paramType.getName())) { // XXX: What about the loader?
debug("\t\tAsigning: {} from the overrides (eq)", cand);
continue forEachParameter;
} else {
debug("\t\tSkipping: {} of the overrides (eq)", cand);
{ // Exact match in this params
for (final Parameter cand : thisParams) {
if (cand.getType().getName().equals(paramType.getName())) {
debug("\t\tAsigning: {} from callers params (eq)", cand);
continue forEachParameter;
} else {
debug("\t\tSkipping: {} of the callers params (eq)", cand);
{ // Exact match in defaults
for (final SSAValue cand : defaults) {
if (cand.getType().getName().equals(paramType.getName())) {
debug("\t\tAsigning: {} from the defaults (eq)", cand);
continue forEachParameter;
debug("\tThe parameter is still not found - try again using an assignability check...");
// If we got here we need cha
if (cha != null) {
{ // Assignable from overrides
try {
for (final SSAValue cand : overrides) {
if (isAssignable(cand, param, cha)) {
debug("\t\tAsigning: {} from the overrides (ass)", cand);
continue forEachParameter;
} catch (ClassLookupException e) {
{ // Assignable from this params
for (final Parameter cand : thisParams) {
try {
if (isAssignable(cand, param, cha)) {
debug("\t\tAsigning: {} from the callrs params (ass)", cand);
continue forEachParameter;
} catch (ClassLookupException e) {
{ // Assignable from defaults
for (final SSAValue cand : defaults) {
if (isAssignable(cand, param, cha)) {
debug("\t\tAsigning: {} from the defaults (ass)", cand);
continue forEachParameter;
if (instantiator != null) {
info("Creating new instance of: {} in call to {}", param, callee);
/*{ // DEBUG
System.out.println("Creating new instance of: " + param);
System.out.println("in connectThrough");
System.out.println("\tCaller:\t\t" + this.forMethod());
System.out.println("\tCallee:\t\t" + callee.forMethod());
System.out.println("\tOverrides:\t" + overrides);
System.out.println("\tDefaults:\t" + defaults);
} // */
final int inst = instantiator.createInstance(param.getType(), instantiatorArgs);
if (inst < 0) {
warn("No type was assignable and the instantiator returned an invalidone! Using null for {}", param);
continue forEachParameter;
} else {
final Parameter newParam;
if (this.base == BasedOn.IMETHOD) {
newParam = new Parameter(inst, "craftedForCall", param.getType(), ParamerterDisposition.NEW,
this.base, this.method.getReference(), this.descriptorOffset);
} else if (this.base == BasedOn.METHOD_REFERENCE) {
newParam = new Parameter(inst, "craftedForCall", param.getType(), ParamerterDisposition.NEW,
this.base, this.mRef, this.descriptorOffset);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't handle base " + this.base);
continue forEachParameter;
} else {
warn("No IInstantiator given and no known parameter assignable - using null");
continue forEachParameter;
} else {
// TODO: CreateInstance Call-Back
warn("No type was equal. We can't ask isAssignable since we have no cha!");
continue forEachParameter;
} // of (cha != null)
//Assertions.UNREACHABLE(); // Well it's unreachable
} // of final Parameter param : calleeParams
if(assigned.size() != calleeParams.size()) {
System.err.println("Assigned " + assigned.size() + " params to a method taking " + calleeParams.size() + " params!");
System.err.println("The call takes the parameters");
for (Parameter param : calleeParams) {
System.err.println("\t" + param);
System.err.println("The following were assigned:");
for (int i = 0; i < assigned.size(); ++i) {
System.err.println("\tAssigned parameter " + (i + 1) + " is " + assigned.get(i));
throw new IllegalStateException("Parameter mismatch!");
return assigned;
// *****************************************************************************
// Private helper functions follow...
* Does "to x := from" hold?.
public static boolean isAssignable(final TypeReference from, final TypeReference to, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ClassHierarchy may not be null");
if (from.getName().equals(to.getName())) return true;
if (from.isPrimitiveType() && to.isPrimitiveType()) {
//return PrimitiveAssignability.isAssignableFrom(from.getName(), to.getName());
return PrimitiveAssignability.isAssignableFrom(to.getName(), from.getName()); // TODO: Which way
if (from.isPrimitiveType() || to.isPrimitiveType()) {
return false;
IClass fromClass = cha.lookupClass(from);
IClass toClass = cha.lookupClass(to);
if (fromClass == null) {
debug("Unable to look up the type of from=" + from + " in the ClassHierarchy - tying other loaders...");
for (final IClassLoader loader: cha.getLoaders()) {
final IClass cand = loader.lookupClass(from.getName());
if (cand != null) {
debug("Using alternative for from: {}", cand);
fromClass = cand;
if (fromClass == null) {
throw new ClassLookupException("Unable to look up the type of from=" + from +
" in the ClassHierarchy");
//return false; // TODO
if (toClass == null) {
debug("Unable to look up the type of to=" + to + " in the ClassHierarchy - tying other loaders...");
for (final IClassLoader loader: cha.getLoaders()) {
final IClass cand = loader.lookupClass(to.getName());
if (cand != null) {
debug("Using alternative for to: {}", cand);
toClass = cand;
if (toClass == null) {
error("Unable to look up the type of to={} in the ClassHierarchy", to);
return false;
//throw new ClassLookupException("Unable to look up the type of to=" + to +
// " in the ClassHierarchy");
// cha.isAssignableFrom (IClass c1, IClass c2)
// Does an expression c1 x := c2 y typecheck?
trace("isAssignableFrom({}, {}) = {}", toClass, fromClass, cha.isAssignableFrom(toClass, fromClass));
return cha.isAssignableFrom(toClass, fromClass);
* Is sub a subclass of superC (or the same).
public static boolean isSubclassOf(final TypeReference sub, final TypeReference superC, final IClassHierarchy cha)
throws ClassLookupException {
if (cha == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ClassHierarchy may not be null");
if (sub.getName().equals(superC.getName())) return true;
if (sub.isPrimitiveType() || superC.isPrimitiveType()) {
return false;
IClass subClass = cha.lookupClass(sub);
IClass superClass = cha.lookupClass(superC);
if (subClass == null) {
debug("Unable to look up the type of from=" + sub + " in the ClassHierarchy - tying other loaders...");
for (final IClassLoader loader: cha.getLoaders()) {
final IClass cand = loader.lookupClass(sub.getName());
if (cand != null) {
debug("Using alternative for from: {}", cand);
subClass = cand;
if (subClass == null) {
throw new ClassLookupException("Unable to look up the type of from=" + sub +
" in the ClassHierarchy");
if (superClass == null) {
debug("Unable to look up the type of to=" + superC + " in the ClassHierarchy - tying other loaders...");
for (final IClassLoader loader: cha.getLoaders()) {
final IClass cand = loader.lookupClass(superC.getName());
if (cand != null) {
debug("Using alternative for to: {}", cand);
superClass = cand;
if (superClass == null) {
error("Unable to look up the type of to={} in the ClassHierarchy", superC);
throw new ClassLookupException("Unable to look up the type of to=" + superC +
" in the ClassHierarchy");
return cha.isSubclassOf(subClass, superClass);
* The method this accessor reads the parameters from.
public MethodReference forMethod() {
if (this.mRef != null) {
return this.mRef;
} else {
return this.method.getReference();
// *****************************************************************************
// Shorthand functions follow...
* Does "to x := from" hold?.
protected boolean isAssignable(final SSAValue from, final SSAValue to, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
return isAssignable(from.getType(), to.getType(), cha);
* Shorthand for forInvokeStatic(final List<? extends Parameter> args, final ParameterAccessor target, final IClassHierarchy cha).
* Generates a new ParameterAccessor for target and hands the call through.
public int[] forInvokeStatic(final List<?extends Parameter> args, final MethodReference target, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
return forInvokeStatic(args, new ParameterAccessor(target, cha), cha);
* Shorthand for forInvokeVirtual(final int self, final List<? extends Parameter> args, final ParameterAccessor target, final IClassHierarchy cha).
* Generates a new ParameterAccessor for target and hands the call through.
public int[] forInvokeVirtual (final int self, final List<? extends Parameter> args, final MethodReference target, final IClassHierarchy cha) {
return forInvokeVirtual (self, args, new ParameterAccessor(target, cha), cha);
* If the method returns a value eg is non-void.
public boolean hasReturn() {
return (getReturnType() != TypeReference.Void);
* Assign parameters to a call based on their type.
* this variant of connectThrough cannot create new instances if needed.
* @param callee The function to generate the parameter-list for
* @param overrides If a parameter occurs here, it is preferred over the ones present in this
* @param defaults If a parameter is not present in this or the overrides, defaults are searched. If the parameter is not present there null is assigned.
* @param cha Optional class hierarchy for testing assignability
* @return the parameter-list for the call of toMethod
public List<SSAValue> connectThrough(final ParameterAccessor callee, Set<? extends SSAValue> overrides, Set<? extends SSAValue> defaults,
final IClassHierarchy cha) {
return connectThrough(callee, overrides, defaults, cha, null);
// *****************************************************************************
// Hand-through functions follow...
* Handed through to the IMethod / MethodReference
public TypeReference getReturnType() {
switch (this.base) {
return this.method.getReturnType();
return this.mRef.getReturnType();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No implementation of getReturnType() for base " + this.base);
* Number of parameters _excluding_ implicit this
public int getNumberOfParameters() {
return this.numberOfParameters;
* Extensive output for debugging purposes.
public String dump() {
String ret = "Parameter Accessor for " + ((this.mRef!=null)?"mRef:" + this.mRef.toString():"IMethod: " + this.method.toString()) +
"\nContains " + this.numberOfParameters + " Parameters " + this.base + "\n";
/*for (int i = 1; i <= this.numberOfParameters; ++i) {
try {
ret += "\t" + getParameter(i).toString() + "\n";
} catch (Exception e) {
ret += "\tNone at " + i + "\n";
ret += "\nAnd all is:\n";
for (Parameter p : all()) {
ret += "\t" + p + "\n";
if (hasImplicitThis ()) {
ret +="This: " + getThis();
} else {
ret +="Is static";
return ret;
public String toString() {
return "<ParamAccessor forMethod=" + this.forMethod() + " />";
private static void debug(String s, Object ... args) {
if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf(s, args); }
private static void info(String s, Object ... args) {
if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf(s, args); }
private static void warn(String s, Object ... args) {
if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf(s, args); }
private static void trace(String s, Object ... args) {
if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf(s, args); }
private static void error(String s, Object ... args) {
if (DEBUG) { System.err.printf(s, args); }