
489 lines
13 KiB

// The following stuff has to be statically analyzed
// 1. readonly attributes
// 2. using setAttribute to register an event handler (this should be disallowed since it can be used like 'eval')
// 3. All methods properties assigned here are implicitly readonly
// 4. inheritance in this file is implemented by creating a new object for the prototype. Instead, the prototype object could be shared
// A combination of interfaces NodeList, NamedNodeMap, HTMLCollection
// implement a list of Nodes, accessible through names as well
dynamic_node = 0;
dom_nodes = new Array();
note_url = function noteURL(url) {
// hook for analysis of Web pages
note_post_parameters = function notePostParameters(url) {
// hook for analysis of Web pages
NamedNodeList = function NamedNodeList() {
var maxLength = 10;
var local = new Array(10);
var counter = -1;
var checkAndIncrease = function checkAndIncrease() {
if(counter >= maxLength - 1) {
maxLength += 10;
var temp = new Array(maxLength);
for(traverse = 0; traverse <= counter; traverse++) {
temp[traverse] = local[traverse];
local = temp;
this.get = function _get(index) {
return local[ index ];
this.add = function add(elem) {
local[counter++] = elem;
this.getIndex = function getIndex(elem) {
for(var traverse = 0; traverse <= counter; traverse++) {
if(local[traverse] == elem) {
return traverse;
return -1;
this.remove = function remove(elem) {
var found = getIndex(elem);
if(found > -1) {
for(traverse = found; traverse < counter; traverse++) {
local[traverse] = local[traverse+1];
this.replace = function replace(newElem, oldElem) {
var found = getIndex(oldElem);
if(found > -1) {
local[found] = newElem;
this.insertBefore = function insertBefore(newElem, oldElem) {
var found = getIndex(oldElem);
if(found > -1) {
var prev = newElem;
for(var traverse = counter + 1; traverse > found; traverse--) {
local[traverse] = local[traverse-1];
local[found] = newElem;
this.collect = function collect(predicate, result) {
for(var traverse = 0; traverse <= counter; traverse++) {
local[traverse].collect(predicate, result);
DOMNode = function DOMNode() { // An impostor for the Node class
this.childNodes = new NamedNodeList();
this.insertBefore = function Node_prototype_insertBefore(newChild, refChild) {
this.childNodes.insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
this.replaceChild = function Node_prototype_replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) {
this.childNodes.replace(newChild, oldChild);
this.removeChild = function Node_prototype_removeChild(oldChild) {
this.appendChild = function Node_prototype_appendChild(newChild) {
newChild.parentNode = this;
this.hasChildNodes = function Node_prototype_hasChildNodes() {
return this.childNodes.hasElements();
this.ownerDocument = document;
this.ownerWindow = window;
this.ownerWindow.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
this.collect = function collect(predicate, result) {
if (predicate(this)) {
this.childNodes.collect(predicate, result);
DOMNode.prototype.addEventListener = function Node_prototype_addEventListener(name, fn) { fn(); };
DOMNode.prototype.removeEventListener = function Node_prototype_removeEventListener(name) {};
DOMNode.prototype.cloneNode = function Node_prototype_cloneNode() {
// TODO: model me
DOMNode.prototype.compareDocumentPosition = function Node_prototype_compareDocumentPosition() {
// TODO: model me
DOMNode.prototype.contains = function Node_prototype_contains() {
return true || false;
DOMDocument = function DOMDocument() {
this.DOMNode = DOMNode;
delete this.DOMNode;
this.createElement = function Document_prototype_createElement(name) {
// TODO : to be implemented accurately
return new DOMHTMLGenericElement(name);
this.getElementById = function Document_prototype_getElementById(id) {
var result = new Array();
this.collect(function check_id(x) { return x.id == id; }, result);
return result[0];
this.getElementsByTagName = function Document_prototype_getElementsByTagName(name) {
// TODO: implement
this.createTextNode = function Document_prototype_createTextNode(txt) {
// TODO: not very precise
return new DOMHTMLGenericElement("text");
this.write = function Document_prototype_write (stuff) {
DOMDocument.prototype.createDocumentFragment = function Document_prototype_createDocumentFragment() {
// TODO: model me
DOMDocument.prototype.createComment = function Document_prototype_createComment() {
// TODO: model me
DOMDocument.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function Document_prototype_getElementsByClassName() {
// TODO: model me
DOMDocument.prototype.querySelectorAll = function Document_prototype_querySelectorAll() {
// TODO: model me
HTMLBody = function HTMLBody(){
this.innerHTML = new String();
DOMHTMLDocument = function DOMHTMLDocument() {
this.DOMDocument = DOMDocument;
delete this.DOMDocument;
this.URL = new String();
this.body = new HTMLBody();
this.forms = new Array();
Location = function Location(){
this.host = new String();
this.hostname = new String();
this.href = new String();
this.search = new String();
this.protocol = new String();
this.pathname = new String();
this.toString = function Location_to_string(){
return new String();
Image = function Image() {
this.name = new String();
this.src = new String();
this.align = new String();
this.alt = new String();
this.border = new String();
this.height = 1/2;
this.hspace = 1/2;
this.isMap = true || false;
this.longDesc = new String();
this.useMap = new String();
this.vspace = 1/2;
this.width = 1/2;
DOMWindow = function DOMWindow(){
this.name = new String();
this.open = function window_open(url, stuff) {
this.addEventListener = function Window_prototype_addEventListener(name, fn) {
this.alert = function Window_prototype_alert(msg) {
// as everyone knows, alert is pure
this.setInterval = function Window_prototype_setInterval(fn, interval) {
this.setTimeout = function Window_prototype_setTimeout(fn, timeout) {
this.clearInterval = function Window_prototype_clearInterval(interval) {};
this.clearTimeout = function Window_prototype_clearTimeout(timeout) {};
DOMWindow.prototype.getComputedStyle = function Window_prototype_getComputedStyle(elt, pseudoElt) {
return new CSS2Properties();
DOMWindow.prototype.focus = function Window_prototype_focus() {
// TODO: model me
DOMWindow.prototype.prompt = function Window_prototype_prompt() {
CSS2Properties = function CSS2Properties() {
this.cssText = new String();
DOJOObj = function DOJOObj(){
this.moduleUrl = function module_url(str1, str2){
return str1 + str2;
// Creating the root Location object
var location = new Location();
// Creating the root document object
document = new DOMHTMLDocument();
// Creating the root window object
window = new DOMWindow();
document.location = location;
window.location = location;
window.document = document;
document.defaultView = window;
window.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
setInterval = window.setInterval;
setTimeout = window.setTimeout;
clearInterval = window.clearInterval;
var dojo = new DOJOObj();
DOMElement = function DOMElement() { // An impostor for the Element class
// inherits from Node
this.DOMNode = DOMNode;
delete this.DOMNode;
// The get/set/remove attribute methods cannot be run using 'onclick','onmouseover', 'on...' kind of arguments for name.
// since that would be used as a workaround for eval
this.getAttribute = function Element_prototype_getAttribute(name) {
return this[name];
this.setAttribute = function Element_prototype_setAttribute(name, value) {
this[name] = value;
this.removeAttribute = function Element_prototype_removeAttribute(name) {
delete this[name];
this.getElementsByTagName = function Element_prototype_getElementsByTagName(tagName) {
var result = new Array();
this.collect(function check_tag(x) { return x.name == tagName; }, result);
return result;
this.focus = function Element_prototype_focus() {};
DOMElement.prototype.querySelectorAll = function Element_prototype_querySelectorAll() {
// TODO: model me
DOMElement.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function Element_prototype_getElementsByClassName() {
// TODO: model me
DOMElement.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function Element_prototype_getBoundingClientRect() {
// TODO: model me
DOMElement.prototype.focus = function Element_prototype_focus() {
Event = function Event() {
// TODO: model me
Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function Event_prototype_stopPropagation() {
// TODO: model me
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function Event_prototype_preventDefault() {
// TODO: model me
DOMHTMLElement = function DOMHTMLElement() { // An impostor for the HTMLElement class
// inherits from Element
this.DOMElement = DOMElement;
delete this.DOMElement;
// Set HTML Attribute Defaults
this.id = null;
this.title = null;
this.lang = null;
this.dir = null;
this.className = null;
// record new node in dom_nodes
dom_nodes[dynamic_node++] = this;
this.forms = new Array();
this.formCount = 0;
// Just a hack until all HTML elements have corresponding constructors
DOMHTMLGenericElement = function DOMHTMLGenericElement(tagName) {
// inherits from Element
this.DOMHTMLElement = DOMHTMLElement;
delete this.DOMHTMLElement;
// Set just the tag name
this.nodeName = tagName;
this.nodeValue = null;
// load 'src' if appropriate
this.src.loadFile = String.prototype.loadFile;
// this property only exists on iframes; putting it here for now
this.documentWindow = window;
this.getContext = function() { return new CanvasRenderingContext2D(); };
CanvasRenderingContext2D = function CanvasRenderingContext2D() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype = {
beginPath: function CanvasRenderingContext2D_prototype_beginPath() {},
moveTo: function CanvasRenderingContext2D_prototype_moveTo() {},
lineTo: function CanvasRenderingContext2D_prototype_lineTo() {},
closePath: function CanvasRenderingContext2D_prototype_closePath() {},
fill: function CanvasRenderingContext2D_prototype_fill() {},
stroke: function CanvasRenderingContext2D_prototype_stroke() {},
clearRect: function CanvasRenderingContext2D_prototype_clearRect() {},
fillRect: function CanvasRenderingContext2D_prototype_fillRect() {}
var formCount = 0;
DOMHTMLFormElement = function DOMHTMLFormElement() {
// inherits from HTMLElement
this.DOMHTMLElement = DOMHTMLElement;
delete this.DOMHTMLElement;
// add to 'forms' property
document.forms[formCount++] = this;
// Set Javascript properties
this.nodeName = "FORM";
this.elements = new NamedNodeList();
this.length = function form_elt_length() {
return this.elements.length;
this.submit = function form_elt_submit() {
this.reset = function form_elt_reset () {
// Set HTML Attribute Defaults
this.name = null;
this.acceptCharset = "UNKNOWN";
this.action = null;
this.enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
this.method = "get";
this.target = null;
DOMHTMLTableElement = function DOMHTMLTableElement () {
// inherits from HTMLElement
this.DOMHTMLElement = DOMHTMLElement;
delete this.DOMHTMLElement;
this.rows = function table_elt_rows() {
XMLHttpRequest = function XMLHttpRequest() {
this.UNSENT = 0;
this.OPENED = 1;
this.LOADING = 3;
this.DONE = 4;
this.orsc_handler = function xhr_orsc_handler() {
this.open = function xhr_open(method, url, async, user, password) {
this.sUrl = url;
this.setRequestHeader = function xhr_setRequestHeader(header, value) {
this.send = function xhr_send(data) {
this.abort = function xhr_abort() {
this.getResponseHeader = function xhr_getResponseHeader(header) {
this.getAllResponseHeaders = function xhr_getAllResponseHeaders() {
XMLSerializer = function XMLSerializer() {};
XMLSerializer.prototype.serializeToString = function XMLSerializer_prototype_serializeToString() {
// TODO: model me
for(var n = 0; n < dom_nodes.length; n++) {