
1372 lines
40 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.mozilla.javascript;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.mozilla.javascript.tools.ToolErrorReporter;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.html.MappedSourceModule;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.loader.JavaScriptLoader;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.js.types.JavaScriptTypes;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAst;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstControlFlowMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstEntity;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNodeTypeMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstQualifier;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap.Position;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstType;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstControlFlowRecorder;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstOperator;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstSourcePositionRecorder;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstSymbolImpl;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.LineNumberPosition;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.SourceModule;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.EmptyIterator;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashSetFactory;
import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.Assertions;
public class RhinoToAstTranslator {
private final boolean DEBUG = true;
private interface WalkContext {
String script();
ScriptOrFnNode top();
void addScopedEntity(CAstNode construct, CAstEntity e);
Map<CAstNode, HashSet<CAstEntity>> getScopedEntities();
boolean expressionContext();
CAstControlFlowRecorder cfg();
CAstSourcePositionRecorder pos();
CAstNode getCatchTarget();
CAstNode setBase(Node node);
boolean foundBase(Node node);
void copyBase(Node from, Node to);
String getCatchVar();
void setCatchVar(String name);
String getForInVar(Node initExpr);
String getForInInitVar();
void addInitializer(CAstNode n);
private static class RootContext implements WalkContext {
public String script() {
return null;
public ScriptOrFnNode top() {
return null;
public void addScopedEntity(CAstNode construct, CAstEntity e) {
public Map<CAstNode, HashSet<CAstEntity>> getScopedEntities() {
return null;
public boolean expressionContext() {
return false;
public CAstControlFlowRecorder cfg() {
return null;
public CAstSourcePositionRecorder pos() {
return null;
public CAstNode getCatchTarget() {
return null;
public CAstNode setBase(Node node) {
return null;
public boolean foundBase(Node node) {
return false;
public void copyBase(Node from, Node to) {
public String getCatchVar() {
return null;
public void setCatchVar(String name) {
public String getForInVar(Node initExpr) {
return null;
public String getForInInitVar() {
return null;
public void addInitializer(CAstNode n) {
private static abstract class DelegatingContext implements WalkContext {
private final WalkContext parent;
DelegatingContext(WalkContext parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public String script() {
return parent.script();
public ScriptOrFnNode top() {
return parent.top();
public void addScopedEntity(CAstNode construct, CAstEntity e) {
parent.addScopedEntity(construct, e);
public Map<CAstNode, HashSet<CAstEntity>> getScopedEntities() {
return parent.getScopedEntities();
public boolean expressionContext() {
return parent.expressionContext();
public CAstControlFlowRecorder cfg() {
return parent.cfg();
public CAstSourcePositionRecorder pos() {
return parent.pos();
public CAstNode getCatchTarget() {
return parent.getCatchTarget();
public CAstNode setBase(Node node) {
return parent.setBase(node);
public boolean foundBase(Node node) {
return parent.foundBase(node);
public void copyBase(Node from, Node to) {
parent.copyBase(from, to);
public String getCatchVar() {
return parent.getCatchVar();
public void setCatchVar(String name) {
public String getForInVar(Node initExpr) {
return parent.getForInVar(initExpr);
public String getForInInitVar() {
return parent.getForInInitVar();
public void addInitializer(CAstNode n) {
private static class FunctionContext extends DelegatingContext {
private final ScriptOrFnNode topNode;
private final Map<CAstNode, HashSet<CAstEntity>> scopedEntities = HashMapFactory.make();
private final List<CAstNode> initializers = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
private final CAstSourcePositionRecorder pos = new CAstSourcePositionRecorder();
private final CAstControlFlowRecorder cfg = new CAstControlFlowRecorder(pos);
FunctionContext(WalkContext parent, ScriptOrFnNode s) {
this.topNode = s;
public ScriptOrFnNode top() {
return topNode;
public void addScopedEntity(CAstNode construct, CAstEntity e) {
if (!scopedEntities.containsKey(construct)) {
HashSet<CAstEntity> s = HashSetFactory.make();
scopedEntities.put(construct, s);
public Map<CAstNode, HashSet<CAstEntity>> getScopedEntities() {
return scopedEntities;
public boolean expressionContext() {
return false;
public CAstControlFlowRecorder cfg() {
return cfg;
public CAstSourcePositionRecorder pos() {
return pos;
public String getForInVar(Node initExpr) {
return null;
public String getForInInitVar() {
return null;
public void addInitializer(CAstNode n) {
public CAstNode getCatchTarget() {
return CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT;
private static class ScriptContext extends FunctionContext {
private final String script;
ScriptContext(WalkContext parent, ScriptOrFnNode s, String script) {
super(parent, s);
this.script = script;
public String script() {
return script;
private static class ExpressionContext extends DelegatingContext {
ExpressionContext(WalkContext parent) {
public boolean expressionContext() {
return true;
private static class CatchBlockContext extends DelegatingContext {
private String catchVarName;
CatchBlockContext(WalkContext parent) {
public String getCatchVar() {
return catchVarName;
public void setCatchVar(String name) {
catchVarName = name;
private static class TryBlockContext extends DelegatingContext {
private final CAstNode catchNode;
TryBlockContext(WalkContext parent, CAstNode catchNode) {
this.catchNode = catchNode;
public CAstNode getCatchTarget() {
return catchNode;
private static class BaseCollectingContext extends DelegatingContext {
private final Set<Node> baseFor = HashSetFactory.make();
private final CAstNode baseVar;
private boolean foundBase = false;
BaseCollectingContext(WalkContext parent, Node initialBaseFor, CAstNode baseVar) {
this.baseVar = baseVar;
public CAstNode setBase(Node node) {
if (baseFor.contains(node)) {
foundBase = true;
return baseVar;
} else {
return null;
public boolean foundBase(Node node) {
return foundBase;
public void copyBase(Node from, Node to) {
if (baseFor.contains(from))
private static class LoopContext extends DelegatingContext {
private static int counter = 0;
private String forInVar = null;
private Node forInInitExpr = null;
private LoopContext(WalkContext parent) {
public String getForInVar(Node initExpr) {
this.forInVar = "_forin_tmp" + counter++;
this.forInInitExpr = initExpr;
return forInVar;
public String getForInInitVar() {
assert forInVar != null;
return forInVar;
private CAstNode translateOpcode(int nodeType) {
switch (nodeType) {
case Token.ADD:
return CAstOperator.OP_ADD;
case Token.DIV:
return CAstOperator.OP_DIV;
case Token.LSH:
return CAstOperator.OP_LSH;
case Token.MOD:
return CAstOperator.OP_MOD;
case Token.MUL:
return CAstOperator.OP_MUL;
case Token.RSH:
return CAstOperator.OP_RSH;
case Token.SUB:
return CAstOperator.OP_SUB;
case Token.URSH:
return CAstOperator.OP_URSH;
case Token.BITAND:
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_AND;
case Token.BITOR:
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_OR;
case Token.BITXOR:
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_XOR;
case Token.EQ:
return CAstOperator.OP_EQ;
case Token.SHEQ:
return CAstOperator.OP_STRICT_EQ;
case Token.IFEQ:
return CAstOperator.OP_EQ;
case Token.GE:
return CAstOperator.OP_GE;
case Token.GT:
return CAstOperator.OP_GT;
case Token.LE:
return CAstOperator.OP_LE;
case Token.LT:
return CAstOperator.OP_LT;
case Token.NE:
return CAstOperator.OP_NE;
case Token.SHNE:
return CAstOperator.OP_STRICT_NE;
case Token.IFNE:
return CAstOperator.OP_NE;
case Token.BITNOT:
return CAstOperator.OP_BITNOT;
case Token.NOT:
return CAstOperator.OP_NOT;
return null;
private CAstNode makeBuiltinNew(WalkContext context, String typeName) {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.NEW, Ast.makeConstant(typeName));
private CAstNode handleNew(WalkContext context, String globalName, Node arguments) {
return handleNew(context, readName(context, globalName), arguments);
private CAstNode handleNew(WalkContext context, CAstNode value, Node arguments) {
return makeCtorCall(value, arguments, context);
private boolean isPrologueScript(WalkContext context) {
return JavaScriptLoader.bootstrapFileNames.contains(context.script());
private boolean isPrimitiveCall(WalkContext context, Node n) {
return isPrologueScript(context) && n.getType() == Token.CALL && n.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.NAME
&& n.getFirstChild().getString().equals("primitive");
private boolean isPrimitiveCreation(WalkContext context, Node n) {
return isPrologueScript(context) && n.getType() == Token.NEW && n.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.NAME
&& n.getFirstChild().getString().equals("Primitives");
private CAstNode makeCall(CAstNode fun, CAstNode thisptr, Node firstChild, WalkContext context) {
return makeCall(fun, thisptr, firstChild, context, "do");
private CAstNode makeCtorCall(CAstNode thisptr, Node firstChild, WalkContext context) {
return makeCall(thisptr, null, firstChild, context, "ctor");
private CAstNode makeCall(CAstNode fun, CAstNode thisptr, Node firstChild, WalkContext context, String callee) {
int children = 0;
for (Node c = firstChild; c != null; c = c.getNext(), children++)
int nargs = (thisptr == null) ? children + 2 : children + 3;
int i = 0;
CAstNode arguments[] = new CAstNode[nargs];
arguments[i++] = fun;
arguments[i++] = Ast.makeConstant(callee);
if (thisptr != null)
arguments[i++] = thisptr;
for (Node arg = firstChild; arg != null; arg = arg.getNext())
arguments[i++] = walkNodes(arg, context);
CAstNode call = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.CALL, arguments);
context.cfg().map(call, call);
if (context.getCatchTarget() != null) {
context.cfg().add(call, context.getCatchTarget(), null);
return call;
// TODO: SJF ... i put unchecked to make the generics compile; but this
// code is fishy. This should be cleaned up and the unchecked suppressWarnings
// should be removed.
private CAstEntity walkEntity(final ScriptOrFnNode n, WalkContext context) {
final FunctionContext child = (n instanceof FunctionNode) ? new FunctionContext(context, n) : new ScriptContext(
context, n, n.getSourceName());
CAstNode[] stmts = gatherChildren(n, child);
// add initializers, if any
if (!child.initializers.isEmpty()) {
CAstNode[] newStmts = new CAstNode[stmts.length + 1];
newStmts[0] = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, child.initializers.toArray(new CAstNode[child.initializers.size()]));
for (int i = 0; i < stmts.length; i++)
newStmts[i + 1] = stmts[i];
stmts = newStmts;
final CAstNode ast = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, stmts);
final CAstControlFlowMap map = child.cfg();
final CAstSourcePositionMap pos = child.pos();
final Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> subs = HashMapFactory.make();
for (Iterator<CAstNode> keys = child.getScopedEntities().keySet().iterator(); keys.hasNext();) {
CAstNode k = keys.next();
Object v = child.getScopedEntities().get(k);
if (v instanceof Collection)
subs.put(k, (Set<CAstEntity>) v);
else {
Set<CAstEntity> s = Collections.singleton((CAstEntity)v);
subs.put(k, s);
return new CAstEntity() {
private final String[] arguments;
private final String name;
// constructor of inner class
if (n instanceof FunctionNode) {
String x = ((FunctionNode) n).getFunctionName();
if (x == null || "".equals(x)) {
name = scriptName + "_anonymous_" + anonymousCounter++;
} else {
name = x;
} else {
name = n.getSourceName();
if (n instanceof FunctionNode) {
FunctionNode f = (FunctionNode) n;
int i = 0;
arguments = new String[f.getParamCount() + 2];
arguments[i++] = name;
arguments[i++] = "this";
for (int j = 0; j < f.getParamCount(); j++) {
arguments[i++] = f.getParamOrVarName(j);
} else {
arguments = new String[0];
public String toString() {
return "<JS function " + getName() + ">";
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getSignature() {
return null;
public int getKind() {
if (n instanceof FunctionNode)
return CAstEntity.FUNCTION_ENTITY;
return CAstEntity.SCRIPT_ENTITY;
public String[] getArgumentNames() {
return arguments;
public CAstNode[] getArgumentDefaults() {
return new CAstNode[0];
public int getArgumentCount() {
return arguments.length;
public Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> getAllScopedEntities() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(subs);
public Iterator<CAstEntity> getScopedEntities(CAstNode construct) {
if (subs.containsKey(construct))
return subs.get(construct).iterator();
return EmptyIterator.instance();
public CAstNode getAST() {
return ast;
public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() {
return map;
public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() {
return pos;
public CAstSourcePositionMap.Position getPosition() {
return null;
public CAstNodeTypeMap getNodeTypeMap() {
return null;
public Collection<CAstQualifier> getQualifiers() {
return null;
public CAstType getType() {
return null;
private CAstNode[] gatherSiblings(Node n, WalkContext context) {
int cnt = 0;
for (Node c = n; c != null; cnt++, c = c.getNext())
CAstNode[] result = new CAstNode[cnt];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++, n = n.getNext()) {
result[i] = walkNodes(n, context);
return result;
private CAstNode[] gatherChildren(Node n, WalkContext context, int skip) {
Node c = n.getFirstChild();
while (skip-- > 0)
c = c.getNext();
return gatherSiblings(c, context);
private CAstNode[] gatherChildren(Node n, WalkContext context) {
return gatherSiblings(n.getFirstChild(), context);
private CAstNode walkNodes(final Node n, WalkContext context) {
return noteSourcePosition(context, walkNodesInternal(n, context), n);
private Position makePosition(Node n) {
URL url = sourceModule.getURL();
int line = n.getLineno();
if (sourceModule instanceof MappedSourceModule) {
Position loc = ((MappedSourceModule)sourceModule).getMapping().getAssociatedFileAndLine(line);
if (loc != null) {
return loc;
return new LineNumberPosition(url, url, line);
private CAstNode noteSourcePosition(WalkContext context, CAstNode n, Node p) {
if (p.getLineno() != -1 && context.pos().getPosition(n) == null) {
context.pos().setPosition(n, makePosition(p));
return n;
private CAstNode readName(WalkContext context, String name) {
CAstNode cn = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.VAR, Ast.makeConstant(name));
context.cfg().map(cn, cn);
CAstNode target = context.getCatchTarget();
if (target != null) {
context.cfg().add(cn, target, JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError);
} else {
context.cfg().add(cn, CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT, JavaScriptTypes.ReferenceError);
return cn;
private CAstNode walkNodesInternal(final Node n, WalkContext context) {
int NT = n.getType();
switch (NT) {
case Token.FUNCTION: {
int fnIndex = n.getExistingIntProp(Node.FUNCTION_PROP);
FunctionNode fn = context.top().getFunctionNode(fnIndex);
CAstEntity fne = walkEntity(fn, context);
if (context.expressionContext()) {
CAstNode fun = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.FUNCTION_EXPR, Ast.makeConstant(fne));
context.addScopedEntity(fun, fne);
return fun;
} else {
context.addInitializer(Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.FUNCTION_STMT, Ast.makeConstant(fne)));
context.addScopedEntity(null, fne);
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY);
case Token.CATCH_SCOPE: {
Node catchVarNode = n.getFirstChild();
String catchVarName = catchVarNode.getString();
assert catchVarName != null;
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY);
case Token.LOCAL_BLOCK: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, gatherChildren(n, context));
case Token.TRY: {
Node catchNode = ((Node.Jump) n).target;
Node finallyNode = ((Node.Jump) n).getFinally();
ArrayList<Node> tryList = new ArrayList<Node>();
ArrayList<Node> catchList = new ArrayList<Node>();
ArrayList<Node> finallyList = new ArrayList<Node>();
ArrayList<Node> current = tryList;
Node c;
for (c = n.getFirstChild(); c.getNext() != null; c = c.getNext()) {
if (c == catchNode) {
current = catchList;
} else if (c == finallyNode) {
current = finallyList;
if (c.getType() == Token.GOTO &&
// ((Node.Jump)c).target == lastChildNode &&
(c.getNext() == catchNode || c.getNext() == finallyNode)) {
CAstNode finallyBlock = null;
if (finallyNode != null) {
int i = 0;
CAstNode[] finallyAsts = new CAstNode[finallyList.size()];
for (Iterator<Node> fns = finallyList.iterator(); fns.hasNext();) {
finallyAsts[i++] = walkNodes(fns.next(), context);
finallyBlock = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, finallyAsts);
if (catchNode != null) {
int i = 0;
WalkContext catchChild = new CatchBlockContext(context);
CAstNode[] catchAsts = new CAstNode[catchList.size()];
for (Iterator<Node> cns = catchList.iterator(); cns.hasNext();) {
catchAsts[i++] = walkNodes(cns.next(), catchChild);
CAstNode catchBlock = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.CATCH, Ast.makeConstant(catchChild.getCatchVar()), Ast.makeNode(
CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, catchAsts));
context.cfg().map(catchBlock, catchBlock);
i = 0;
WalkContext tryChild = new TryBlockContext(context, catchBlock);
CAstNode[] tryAsts = new CAstNode[tryList.size()];
for (Iterator<Node> tns = tryList.iterator(); tns.hasNext();) {
tryAsts[i++] = walkNodes(tns.next(), tryChild);
CAstNode tryBlock = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, tryAsts);
if (finallyBlock != null) {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.UNWIND, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.TRY, tryBlock, catchBlock),
finallyBlock), walkNodes(c, context));
} else {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.TRY, tryBlock, catchBlock), walkNodes(c, context));
} else {
int i = 0;
CAstNode[] tryAsts = new CAstNode[tryList.size()];
for (Iterator<Node> tns = tryList.iterator(); tns.hasNext();) {
tryAsts[i++] = walkNodes(tns.next(), context);
CAstNode tryBlock = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, tryAsts);
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.UNWIND, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, tryBlock), Ast
.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, finallyBlock)), walkNodes(c, context));
case Token.JSR: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY);
* Node jsrTarget = ((Node.Jump)n).target; Node finallyNode =
* jsrTarget.getNext(); return walkNodes(finallyNode, context);
case Token.COMMA: {
int count = 0;
for (Node c = n.getFirstChild(); c != null; count++, c = c.getNext())
CAstNode[] cs = new CAstNode[count];
int i = 0;
for (Node c = n.getFirstChild(); c != null; i++, c = c.getNext()) {
if (c.getNext() == null) {
context.copyBase(n, c);
cs[i] = walkNodes(c, context);
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, cs);
case Token.ENTERWITH: {
return Ast.makeNode(JavaScriptCAstNode.ENTER_WITH, walkNodes(n.getFirstChild(), context));
case Token.LEAVEWITH: {
return Ast.makeNode(JavaScriptCAstNode.EXIT_WITH, Ast.makeConstant(null));
case Token.ENTERWITH:
case Token.LEAVEWITH: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY);
case Token.LOOP: {
LoopContext child = new LoopContext(context);
CAstNode[] nodes = gatherChildren(n, child);
if (child.forInInitExpr != null) {
String nm = child.forInVar;
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.DECL_STMT, Ast.makeConstant(new CAstSymbolImpl(nm, true)),
walkNodes(child.forInInitExpr, context)), nodes);
} else {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, nodes);
case Token.WITH:
case Token.FINALLY:
case Token.BLOCK:
case Token.LABEL: {
Node c1 = n.getFirstChild();
if (c1 != null && c1.getType() == Token.SWITCH) {
Node switchValue = c1.getFirstChild();
CAstNode defaultLabel = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.LABEL_STMT, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY));
context.cfg().map(defaultLabel, defaultLabel);
List<CAstNode> labelCasts = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
for (Node kase = switchValue.getNext(); kase != null; kase = kase.getNext()) {
assert kase.getType() == Token.CASE;
Node caseLbl = kase.getFirstChild();
Node target = ((Node.Jump) kase).target;
CAstNode labelCast = walkNodes(caseLbl, context);
context.cfg().add(c1, target, labelCast);
CAstNode[] children = new CAstNode[labelCasts.size()+1];
int i = 0;
children[i++] = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, defaultLabel, gatherChildren(n, context, 1));
// Note that we are placing the labels as children in the AST
// even if they are not used, because we want them copied when AST is re-written.
for (CAstNode labelCast : labelCasts){
children[i++] = labelCast;
context.cfg().add(c1, defaultLabel, CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT);
CAstNode switchAst = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.SWITCH, walkNodes(switchValue, context), children);
noteSourcePosition(context, switchAst, c1);
context.cfg().map(c1, switchAst);
return switchAst;
else {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, gatherChildren(n, context));
case Token.EXPR_VOID:
case Token.EXPR_RESULT: {
WalkContext child = new ExpressionContext(context);
Node expr = n.getFirstChild();
if (NT == Token.EXPR_RESULT) {
child.copyBase(n, expr);
return walkNodes(expr, child);
case Token.POS: {
walkNodes(n.getFirstChild(), context));
case Token.CALL: {
if (!isPrimitiveCall(context, n)) {
CAstNode base = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.VAR, Ast.makeConstant("base"));
Node callee = n.getFirstChild();
WalkContext child = new BaseCollectingContext(context, callee, base);
CAstNode fun = walkNodes(callee, child);
if (child.foundBase(callee))
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.LOCAL_SCOPE, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.DECL_STMT, Ast
.makeConstant(new CAstSymbolImpl("base")), Ast.makeConstant(null)), makeCall(fun, base, callee.getNext(), context)));
return makeCall(fun, Ast.makeConstant(null), callee.getNext(), context);
} else {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.PRIMITIVE, gatherChildren(n, context, 1));
case Token.BINDNAME:
case Token.NAME: {
return readName(context, n.getString());
case Token.THIS: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.VAR, Ast.makeConstant("this"));
case Token.THISFN: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.VAR, Ast.makeConstant(((FunctionNode) context.top()).getFunctionName()));
case Token.STRING: {
return Ast.makeConstant(n.getString());
case Token.NUMBER: {
return Ast.makeConstant(n.getDouble());
case Token.FALSE: {
return Ast.makeConstant(false);
case Token.TRUE: {
return Ast.makeConstant(true);
case Token.NULL:
case Token.VOID: {
return Ast.makeConstant(null);
case Token.ADD:
case Token.DIV:
case Token.LSH:
case Token.MOD:
case Token.MUL:
case Token.RSH:
case Token.SUB:
case Token.URSH:
case Token.BITAND:
case Token.BITOR:
case Token.BITXOR:
case Token.EQ:
case Token.SHEQ:
case Token.GE:
case Token.GT:
case Token.LE:
case Token.LT:
case Token.SHNE:
case Token.NE: {
Node l = n.getFirstChild();
Node r = l.getNext();
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BINARY_EXPR, translateOpcode(NT), walkNodes(l, context), walkNodes(r, context));
case Token.NEG: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.UNARY_EXPR, translateOpcode(Token.SUB), walkNodes(n.getFirstChild(), context));
case Token.BITNOT:
case Token.NOT: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.UNARY_EXPR, translateOpcode(NT), walkNodes(n.getFirstChild(), context));
case Token.VAR: {
List<CAstNode> result = new ArrayList<CAstNode>();
Node nm = n.getFirstChild();
while (nm != null) {
context.addInitializer(Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.DECL_STMT, Ast.makeConstant(new CAstSymbolImpl(nm.getString())),
readName(context, "$$undefined")));
if (nm.getFirstChild() != null) {
WalkContext child = new ExpressionContext(context);
result.add(Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.ASSIGN, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.VAR, Ast.makeConstant(nm.getString())), walkNodes(nm
.getFirstChild(), child)));
nm = nm.getNext();
if (result.size() > 0) {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, result.toArray(new CAstNode[result.size()]));
} else {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY);
case Token.REGEXP: {
int regexIdx = n.getIntProp(Node.REGEXP_PROP, -1);
assert regexIdx != -1 : "while converting: " + context.top().toStringTree(context.top())
+ "\nlooking at bad regex:\n " + n.toStringTree(context.top());
String flags = context.top().getRegexpFlags(regexIdx);
Node flagsNode = Node.newString(flags);
String str = context.top().getRegexpString(regexIdx);
Node strNode = Node.newString(str);
return handleNew(context, "RegExp", strNode);
case Token.ENUM_INIT_KEYS: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY);
case Token.ENUM_ID: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EACH_ELEMENT_GET, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.VAR, Ast.makeConstant(context.getForInInitVar())));
case Token.ENUM_NEXT: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EACH_ELEMENT_HAS_NEXT, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.VAR, Ast.makeConstant(context.getForInInitVar())));
case Token.RETURN: {
Node val = n.getFirstChild();
if (val != null) {
WalkContext child = new ExpressionContext(context);
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.RETURN, walkNodes(val, child));
} else {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.RETURN);
case Token.SETNAME: {
Node nm = n.getFirstChild();
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.ASSIGN, walkNodes(nm, context), walkNodes(nm.getNext(), context));
case Token.IFNE:
case Token.IFEQ: {
context.cfg().add(n, ((Node.Jump) n).target, Boolean.TRUE);
WalkContext child = new ExpressionContext(context);
CAstNode gotoAst = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.IFGOTO, translateOpcode(NT), walkNodes(n.getFirstChild(), child), Ast
context.cfg().map(n, gotoAst);
return gotoAst;
case Token.GOTO: {
context.cfg().add(n, ((Node.Jump) n).target, null);
CAstNode gotoAst = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.GOTO, Ast.makeConstant(((Node.Jump) n).target.labelId()));
context.cfg().map(n, gotoAst);
return gotoAst;
case Token.BREAK: {
context.cfg().add(n, ((Node.Jump) n).getJumpStatement().target, null);
CAstNode gotoAst = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.GOTO, Ast.makeConstant(((Node.Jump) n).getJumpStatement().target.labelId()));
context.cfg().map(n, gotoAst);
return gotoAst;
case Token.CONTINUE: {
context.cfg().add(n, ((Node.Jump) n).getJumpStatement().getContinue(), null);
CAstNode gotoAst = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.GOTO, Ast.makeConstant(((Node.Jump) n).getJumpStatement().getContinue().labelId()));
context.cfg().map(n, gotoAst);
return gotoAst;
case Token.TARGET: {
CAstNode result = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.LABEL_STMT, Ast.makeConstant(n.labelId()), Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.EMPTY));
context.cfg().map(n, result);
return result;
case Token.OR: {
Node l = n.getFirstChild();
Node r = l.getNext();
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.IF_EXPR, walkNodes(l, context), Ast.makeConstant(true), walkNodes(r, context));
case Token.AND: {
Node l = n.getFirstChild();
Node r = l.getNext();
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.IF_EXPR, walkNodes(l, context), walkNodes(r, context), Ast.makeConstant(false));
case Token.HOOK: {
Node cond = n.getFirstChild();
Node thenBranch = cond.getNext();
Node elseBranch = thenBranch.getNext();
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.IF_EXPR, walkNodes(cond, context), walkNodes(thenBranch, context),
walkNodes(elseBranch, context));
case Token.INC:
case Token.DEC: {
int flags = n.getIntProp(Node.INCRDECR_PROP, -1);
CAstNode op = ((flags & Node.DECR_FLAG) != 0) ? CAstOperator.OP_SUB : CAstOperator.OP_ADD;
Node l = n.getFirstChild();
CAstNode last = walkNodes(l, context);
return Ast.makeNode((((flags & Node.POST_FLAG) != 0) ? CAstNode.ASSIGN_POST_OP : CAstNode.ASSIGN_PRE_OP), last, Ast
.makeConstant(1), op);
case Token.NEW: {
if (isPrimitiveCreation(context, n)) {
return makeBuiltinNew(context, n.getFirstChild().getString());
} else {
Node receiver = n.getFirstChild();
return handleNew(context, walkNodes(receiver, context), receiver.getNext());
case Token.ARRAYLIT: {
int count = 0;
for (Node x = n.getFirstChild(); x != null; count++, x = x.getNext())
int i = 0;
CAstNode[] args = new CAstNode[2 * count + 1];
args[i++] = (isPrologueScript(context)) ? makeBuiltinNew(context, "Array") : handleNew(context, "Array", null);
int[] skips = (int[]) n.getProp(Node.SKIP_INDEXES_PROP);
int skip = 0;
int idx = 0;
Node elt = n.getFirstChild();
while (elt != null) {
if (skips != null && skip < skips.length && skips[skip] == idx) {
args[i++] = Ast.makeConstant(idx++);
args[i++] = walkNodes(elt, context);
elt = elt.getNext();
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.OBJECT_LITERAL, args);
case Token.OBJECTLIT: {
Object[] propertyList = (Object[]) n.getProp(Node.OBJECT_IDS_PROP);
CAstNode[] args = new CAstNode[propertyList.length * 2 + 1];
int i = 0;
args[i++] = ((isPrologueScript(context)) ? makeBuiltinNew(context, "Object") : handleNew(context, "Object", null));
Node val = n.getFirstChild();
int nameIdx = 0;
for (; nameIdx < propertyList.length; nameIdx++, val = val.getNext()) {
args[i++] = Ast.makeConstant(propertyList[nameIdx]);
args[i++] = walkNodes(val, context);
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.OBJECT_LITERAL, args);
case Token.GETPROP:
case Token.GETELEM: {
Node receiver = n.getFirstChild();
Node element = receiver.getNext();
CAstNode rcvr = walkNodes(receiver, context);
CAstNode baseVar = context.setBase(n);
CAstNode elt = walkNodes(element, context);
if (baseVar != null) {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.ASSIGN, baseVar, rcvr), Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.OBJECT_REF,
baseVar, elt));
} else {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, rcvr, elt);
case Token.SETPROP:
case Token.SETELEM: {
Node receiver = n.getFirstChild();
Node elt = receiver.getNext();
Node val = elt.getNext();
CAstNode rcvr = walkNodes(receiver, context);
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.ASSIGN, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, rcvr, walkNodes(elt, context)),
walkNodes(val, context));
case Token.DELPROP: {
Node receiver = n.getFirstChild();
Node element = receiver.getNext();
CAstNode rcvr = walkNodes(receiver, context);
CAstNode baseVar = context.setBase(n);
CAstNode elt = walkNodes(element, context);
if (baseVar != null) {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.ASSIGN, baseVar, rcvr), Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.ASSIGN, Ast
.makeNode(CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, baseVar, elt), Ast.makeConstant(null)));
} else {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.ASSIGN, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, rcvr, elt), Ast.makeConstant(null));
case Token.TYPEOFNAME: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.TYPE_OF, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.VAR, Ast.makeConstant(n.getString())));
case Token.TYPEOF: {
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.TYPE_OF, walkNodes(n.getFirstChild(), context));
case Token.SETPROP_OP:
case Token.SETELEM_OP: {
Node receiver = n.getFirstChild();
Node elt = receiver.getNext();
Node op = elt.getNext();
CAstNode rcvr = walkNodes(receiver, context);
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.ASSIGN_POST_OP, Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, rcvr, walkNodes(elt, context)), walkNodes(op
.getFirstChild().getNext(), context), translateOpcode(op.getType()));
case Token.THROW: {
CAstNode catchNode = context.getCatchTarget();
if (catchNode != null)
context.cfg().add(n, context.getCatchTarget(), null);
context.cfg().add(n, CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT, null);
CAstNode throwAst = Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.THROW, walkNodes(n.getFirstChild(), context));
context.cfg().map(n, throwAst);
return throwAst;
case Token.EMPTY: {
return Ast.makeConstant(null);
case Token.INSTANCEOF: {
Node value = n.getFirstChild();
Node type = value.getNext();
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.INSTANCEOF,
walkNodes( value, context ),
walkNodes( type, context ));
case Token.IN: {
Node value = n.getFirstChild();
Node property = value.getNext();
return Ast.makeNode(CAstNode.IS_DEFINED_EXPR,
walkNodes( value, context ),
walkNodes( property, context ));
default: {
System.err.println("while converting: " + context.top().toStringTree(context.top()) + "\nlooking at unhandled:\n "
+ n.toStringTree(context.top()) + "\n(of type " + NT + ") (of class " + n.getClass() + ")"
+ " at " + n.getLineno());
return null;
public CAstEntity translate() throws java.io.IOException {
ToolErrorReporter reporter = new ToolErrorReporter(true);
CompilerEnvirons compilerEnv = new CompilerEnvirons();
if (DEBUG)
System.err.println(("translating " + scriptName + " with Rhino"));
Parser P = new Parser(compilerEnv, compilerEnv.getErrorReporter());
sourceReader = sourceModule.getInputReader();
ScriptOrFnNode top = P.parse(sourceReader, scriptName, 1);
return walkEntity(top, new RootContext());
private final CAst Ast;
private final String scriptName;
private final SourceModule sourceModule;
private Reader sourceReader;
private int anonymousCounter = 0;
public RhinoToAstTranslator(CAst Ast, SourceModule M, String scriptName) {
this.Ast = Ast;
this.scriptName = scriptName;
this.sourceModule = M;