
2902 lines
94 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Created on Aug 22, 2005
package com.ibm.wala.cast.java.translator.polyglot;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import polyglot.ast.ArrayAccess;
import polyglot.ast.ArrayAccessAssign;
import polyglot.ast.ArrayInit;
import polyglot.ast.ArrayTypeNode;
import polyglot.ast.Assert;
import polyglot.ast.Assign;
import polyglot.ast.Binary;
import polyglot.ast.Binary.Operator;
import polyglot.ast.Block;
import polyglot.ast.BooleanLit;
import polyglot.ast.Branch;
import polyglot.ast.Call;
import polyglot.ast.CanonicalTypeNode;
import polyglot.ast.Case;
import polyglot.ast.Cast;
import polyglot.ast.Catch;
import polyglot.ast.CharLit;
import polyglot.ast.ClassBody;
import polyglot.ast.ClassDecl;
import polyglot.ast.ClassLit;
import polyglot.ast.ClassMember;
import polyglot.ast.Conditional;
import polyglot.ast.ConstructorCall;
import polyglot.ast.ConstructorCall.Kind;
import polyglot.ast.ConstructorDecl;
import polyglot.ast.Do;
import polyglot.ast.Empty;
import polyglot.ast.Eval;
import polyglot.ast.Expr;
import polyglot.ast.Field;
import polyglot.ast.FieldAssign;
import polyglot.ast.FieldDecl;
import polyglot.ast.FloatLit;
import polyglot.ast.For;
import polyglot.ast.Formal;
import polyglot.ast.Id;
import polyglot.ast.If;
import polyglot.ast.Import;
import polyglot.ast.Initializer;
import polyglot.ast.Instanceof;
import polyglot.ast.IntLit;
import polyglot.ast.Labeled;
import polyglot.ast.Local;
import polyglot.ast.LocalAssign;
import polyglot.ast.LocalClassDecl;
import polyglot.ast.LocalDecl;
import polyglot.ast.MethodDecl;
import polyglot.ast.New;
import polyglot.ast.NewArray;
import polyglot.ast.Node;
import polyglot.ast.NodeFactory;
import polyglot.ast.NullLit;
import polyglot.ast.PackageNode;
import polyglot.ast.ProcedureDecl;
import polyglot.ast.Receiver;
import polyglot.ast.Return;
import polyglot.ast.SourceFile;
import polyglot.ast.Special;
import polyglot.ast.Stmt;
import polyglot.ast.StringLit;
import polyglot.ast.Switch;
import polyglot.ast.SwitchBlock;
import polyglot.ast.SwitchElement;
import polyglot.ast.Synchronized;
import polyglot.ast.Throw;
import polyglot.ast.TopLevelDecl;
import polyglot.ast.Try;
import polyglot.ast.Unary;
import polyglot.ast.While;
import polyglot.types.ArrayType;
import polyglot.types.ClassType;
import polyglot.types.CodeInstance;
import polyglot.types.ConstructorInstance;
import polyglot.types.Context;
import polyglot.types.FieldInstance;
import polyglot.types.Flags;
import polyglot.types.InitializerDef;
import polyglot.types.InitializerInstance;
import polyglot.types.MemberDef;
import polyglot.types.MethodInstance;
import polyglot.types.ObjectType;
import polyglot.types.ProcedureInstance;
import polyglot.types.SemanticException;
import polyglot.types.StructType;
import polyglot.types.Type;
import polyglot.types.TypeSystem;
import polyglot.types.Types;
import polyglot.util.Position;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.translator.AstTranslator.InternalCAstSymbol;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.translator.TranslatorToCAst;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.ir.translator.TranslatorToCAst.DoLoopTranslator;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.java.loader.Util;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.java.translator.JavaProcedureEntity;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.java.types.JavaType;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAst;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstAnnotation;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstControlFlowMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstEntity;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNode;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstNodeTypeMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstQualifier;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSourcePositionMap;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstSymbol;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstType;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.CAstTypeDictionary;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.AbstractSourcePosition;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstControlFlowRecorder;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstImpl;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstNodeTypeMapRecorder;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstOperator;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstSourcePositionRecorder;
import com.ibm.wala.cast.tree.impl.CAstSymbolImpl;
import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.CallSiteReference;
import com.ibm.wala.shrikeBT.IInvokeInstruction;
import com.ibm.wala.types.ClassLoaderReference;
import com.ibm.wala.types.FieldReference;
import com.ibm.wala.types.MemberReference;
import com.ibm.wala.types.MethodReference;
import com.ibm.wala.types.Selector;
import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeName;
import com.ibm.wala.types.TypeReference;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.EmptyIterator;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.HashMapFactory;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.IteratorPlusOne;
import com.ibm.wala.util.collections.Pair;
import com.ibm.wala.util.debug.Assertions;
public class PolyglotJava2CAstTranslator {
protected final CAst fFactory = new CAstImpl();
protected final NodeFactory fNodeFactory;
protected final TypeSystem fTypeSystem;
protected Type fNPEType;
protected Type fCCEType;
protected Type fREType; // RuntimeException
protected Type fDivByZeroType;
protected final ClassLoaderReference fClassLoaderRef;
private CAstTypeDictionary fTypeDict;
private TranslatingVisitor fTranslator;
protected PolyglotIdentityMapper fIdentityMapper;
protected final DoLoopTranslator doLoopTranslator;
protected final boolean DEBUG = true;
private final Node ast;
final protected TranslatingVisitor getTranslator() {
if (fTranslator == null)
fTranslator = createTranslator();
return fTranslator;
protected TranslatingVisitor createTranslator() {
return new JavaTranslatingVisitorImpl();
protected CAstTypeDictionary getTypeDict() {
if (fTypeDict == null) {
fTypeDict = createTypeDict();
return fTypeDict;
protected PolyglotTypeDictionary createTypeDict() {
return new PolyglotTypeDictionary(fTypeSystem, this);
protected static CAstOperator mapUnaryOpcode(Unary.Operator operator) {
if (operator.equals(Unary.BIT_NOT))
return CAstOperator.OP_BITNOT;
if (operator.equals(Unary.NEG))
return CAstOperator.OP_SUB; // CAst will handle OP_SUB with only 1
// arg properly !!! Hah!
if (operator.equals(Unary.NOT))
return CAstOperator.OP_NOT;
if (operator.equals(Unary.POS))
return CAstOperator.OP_ADD; // CAst will throw away OP_ADD with only
// 1 arg!!!
if (operator.equals(Unary.POST_DEC))
return CAstOperator.OP_SUB; // translator will produce different
// CAstNode types for post dec
if (operator.equals(Unary.POST_INC))
return CAstOperator.OP_ADD; // translator will produce different
// CAstNode types for post inc
if (operator.equals(Unary.PRE_DEC))
return CAstOperator.OP_SUB; // translator will produce different
// CAstNode types for pre dec
if (operator.equals(Unary.PRE_INC))
return CAstOperator.OP_ADD; // translator will produce different
// CAstNode types for pre inc
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("Java2CAstTranslator.JavaTranslatingVisitorImpl.mapUnaryOpcode(): unrecognized unary operator.");
return null;
protected static CAstOperator mapBinaryOpcode(Binary.Operator operator) {
if (operator.equals(Binary.ADD))
return CAstOperator.OP_ADD;
if (operator.equals(Binary.BIT_AND))
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_AND;
if (operator.equals(Binary.BIT_OR))
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_OR;
if (operator.equals(Binary.BIT_XOR))
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_XOR;
if (operator.equals(Binary.COND_AND))
return CAstOperator.OP_REL_AND;
if (operator.equals(Binary.COND_OR))
return CAstOperator.OP_REL_OR;
if (operator.equals(Binary.DIV))
return CAstOperator.OP_DIV;
if (operator.equals(Binary.EQ))
return CAstOperator.OP_EQ;
if (operator.equals(Binary.GE))
return CAstOperator.OP_GE;
if (operator.equals(Binary.GT))
return CAstOperator.OP_GT;
if (operator.equals(Binary.LE))
return CAstOperator.OP_LE;
if (operator.equals(Binary.LT))
return CAstOperator.OP_LT;
if (operator.equals(Binary.MOD))
return CAstOperator.OP_MOD;
if (operator.equals(Binary.MUL))
return CAstOperator.OP_MUL;
if (operator.equals(Binary.NE))
return CAstOperator.OP_NE;
if (operator.equals(Binary.SHL))
return CAstOperator.OP_LSH;
if (operator.equals(Binary.SHR))
return CAstOperator.OP_RSH;
if (operator.equals(Binary.SUB))
return CAstOperator.OP_SUB;
if (operator.equals(Binary.USHR))
return CAstOperator.OP_URSH;
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("Java2CAstTranslator.JavaTranslatingVisitorImpl.mapBinaryOpcode(): unrecognized binary operator.");
return null;
protected CAstNode translateConstant(Object constant) {
return fFactory.makeConstant(constant);
protected class JavaTranslatingVisitorImpl implements TranslatingVisitor {
public CAstNode visit(MethodDecl m, MethodContext mc) {
if (m.body() == null || m.body().statements().size() == 0)
return makeNode(mc, fFactory, m, CAstNode.RETURN);
return walkNodes(m.body(), mc);
public CAstNode visit(ConstructorDecl cd, MethodContext mc) {
// Needs to examine the initializers in the ClassContext
// and glue that code into the right place relative to the
// constructor method body ("wherever that may turn out to be").
List/* <FieldDecl|Initializer> */inits = mc.getInitializers();
Block body = cd.body();
if (hasSuperCall(body)) {
// Split at call to super:
// super();
// field initializer code
// remainder of ctor body
CAstNode[] bodyNodes = new CAstNode[inits.size() + body.statements().size()];
int idx = 0;
for (Iterator iter = body.statements().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Stmt s = (Stmt) iter.next();
bodyNodes[idx++] = walkNodes(s, mc);
if (idx == 1) {
Assertions.productionAssertion(isSpecialCallStmt(s, ConstructorCall.SUPER));
idx = insertInitializers(mc, bodyNodes, false, idx);
return makeNode(mc, fFactory, body, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, bodyNodes);
} else if (hasThisCall(body)) {
return walkNodes(body, mc);
} else {
// add explicit call to default super()
// RMF 4/17/2009- The following search for a superClass default ctor
// won't work if we process Object in source. In particular, the
// superClass might be null. In that case, simply omit the explicit
// super() call.
ClassType superClass = (ClassType) ((ObjectType) cd.constructorDef().asInstance().container()).superClass();
CAstNode[] bodyNodes;
int idx= 0;
int bodyInitsSize= inits.size() + body.statements().size();
if (superClass != null) {
ProcedureInstance defaultSuperCtor = findDefaultCtor(superClass);
CallSiteReference callSiteRef = CallSiteReference.make(0, fIdentityMapper.getMethodRef(defaultSuperCtor),
CAstNode superCall = makeNode(mc, fFactory, cd, CAstNode.CALL,
makeNode(mc, fFactory, cd, CAstNode.SUPER),
bodyNodes = new CAstNode[bodyInitsSize + 1];
bodyNodes[idx++] = superCall;
} else { // no super class, so no super call
bodyNodes = new CAstNode[bodyInitsSize];
idx= insertInitializers(mc, bodyNodes, false, idx);
for (Iterator iter = body.statements().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); idx++) {
Stmt s = (Stmt) iter.next();
bodyNodes[idx] = walkNodes(s, mc);
return makeNode(mc, fFactory, body, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, bodyNodes);
private ProcedureInstance findDefaultCtor(ClassType superClass) {
List/* <ProcedureInstance> */ctors = superClass.constructors();
for (Iterator iter = ctors.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ConstructorInstance ctor = (ConstructorInstance) iter.next();
if (ctor.formalTypes().isEmpty())
return ctor;
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("Couldn't find default ctor");
return null;
public CAstNode visit(FieldDecl f, MethodContext ctorContext) {
// Generate CAST node for the initializer (init())
// Type targetType = f.memberInstance().container();
// Type fieldType = f.type().type();
FieldReference fieldRef = fIdentityMapper.getFieldRef(f.fieldDef().asInstance());
// We use null to indicate an OBJECT_REF to a static field, as the
// FieldReference doesn't
// hold enough info to determine this. In this case, (unlike field ref)
// we don't have a
// target expr to evaluate.
CAstNode thisNode = f.flags().flags().isStatic() ? makeNode(ctorContext, fFactory, null, CAstNode.VOID) : makeNode(ctorContext,
fFactory, f, CAstNode.THIS);
CAstNode lhsNode = makeNode(ctorContext, fFactory, f, CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, thisNode, fFactory.makeConstant(fieldRef));
Expr init = f.init();
CAstNode rhsNode;
if (init instanceof ArrayInit) {
rhsNode = visit((ArrayInit) init, ctorContext, f.declType());
} else {
rhsNode = walkNodes(init, ctorContext);
CAstNode assNode = makeNode(ctorContext, fFactory, f, CAstNode.ASSIGN, lhsNode, rhsNode);
return assNode;
public CAstNode visit(Import i, WalkContext wc) {
return null;
public CAstNode visit(PackageNode p, WalkContext wc) {
return null;
public CAstNode visit(CanonicalTypeNode ctn, WalkContext wc) {
// We'll take care of this in its surrounding context...
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, null, CAstNode.EMPTY);
public CAstNode visit(ArrayTypeNode ctn, WalkContext wc) {
// We'll take care of this in its surrounding context...
return null;
* If we've handled all the parent cases, this should never be called --
* visit(ArrayInit,WalkContext,Type) should be instead.
public CAstNode visit(ArrayInit ai, WalkContext wc) {
if (((ArrayType) ai.type()).base().isNull()) {
Assertions.productionAssertion(false, "bad type " + ai.type() + " for " + ai + " at " + ai.position());
TypeReference newTypeRef = fIdentityMapper.getTypeRef(ai.type());
CAstNode[] eltNodes = new CAstNode[ai.elements().size() + 1];
int idx = 0;
eltNodes[idx++] = makeNode(wc, fFactory, ai, CAstNode.NEW, fFactory.makeConstant(newTypeRef), fFactory.makeConstant(ai
for (Iterator iter = ai.elements().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); idx++) {
Expr element = (Expr) iter.next();
if ( element instanceof ArrayInit ) {
eltNodes[idx] = visit((ArrayInit)element, wc, ((ArrayType)ai.type()).base());
} else {
eltNodes[idx] = walkNodes(element, wc);
if (eltNodes[idx] == null) {
Assertions.productionAssertion(eltNodes[idx] != null, element.toString());
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, ai, CAstNode.ARRAY_LITERAL, eltNodes);
* Workaround for the null array init bug: just in case ai.type().base() is null (e.g.
* "new Object[] {null}") we get the type from the parent (in this example, a
* NewArray of type Object[])
public CAstNode visit(ArrayInit ai, WalkContext wc, Type t) {
TypeReference newTypeRef = fIdentityMapper.getTypeRef(t);
CAstNode[] eltNodes = new CAstNode[ai.elements().size() + 1];
int idx = 0;
eltNodes[idx++] = makeNode(wc, fFactory, ai, CAstNode.NEW, fFactory.makeConstant(newTypeRef), fFactory.makeConstant(ai
for (Iterator iter = ai.elements().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); idx++) {
Expr element = (Expr) iter.next();
if (element instanceof ArrayInit) {
eltNodes[idx] = visit((ArrayInit) element, wc, ((ArrayType) t).base());
} else {
eltNodes[idx] = walkNodes(element, wc);
if (eltNodes[idx] == null) {
Assertions.productionAssertion(eltNodes[idx] != null, element.toString());
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, ai, CAstNode.ARRAY_LITERAL, eltNodes);
public CAstNode visit(ArrayAccessAssign aaa, WalkContext wc) {
return processAssign(aaa, wc);
public CAstNode visit(FieldAssign fa, WalkContext wc) {
return processAssign(fa, wc);
public CAstNode visit(LocalAssign la, WalkContext wc) {
return processAssign(la, wc);
protected CAstNode processAssign(Node assign, CAstNode lhsCAstNode, Assign.Operator operator, Expr rhs, WalkContext wc) {
if (operator == Assign.ASSIGN) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, assign, CAstNode.ASSIGN, lhsCAstNode, walkNodes(rhs, wc));
} else {
CAstNode op =
walkNodes(rhs, wc),
if (rhs.type().isLongOrLess() &&
(mapAssignOperator(operator)==CAstOperator.OP_DIV ||
Collection excTargets = wc.getCatchTargets(fDivByZeroType);
if (!excTargets.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iterator = excTargets.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Pair catchPair = (Pair) iterator.next();
wc.cfg().add(op, catchPair.snd, fDivByZeroType);
} else {
return op;
private CAstNode processAssign(Assign a, WalkContext wc) {
Expr lhs= a.left(fNodeFactory).type(a.type()); // PORT1.7 An Assign no longer has a lhs Expr per se; but you can ask it to materialize one...
WalkContext lvc = new AssignmentContext(wc);
return processAssign(a, walkNodes(lhs, lvc), a.operator(), a.right(), wc);
protected CAstOperator mapAssignOperator(Assign.Operator op) {
if (op == Assign.ADD_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_ADD;
else if (op == Assign.BIT_AND_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_AND;
else if (op == Assign.BIT_OR_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_OR;
else if (op == Assign.BIT_XOR_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_BIT_XOR;
else if (op == Assign.DIV_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_DIV;
else if (op == Assign.MOD_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_MOD;
else if (op == Assign.MUL_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_MUL;
else if (op == Assign.SHL_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_LSH;
else if (op == Assign.SHR_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_RSH;
else if (op == Assign.SUB_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_SUB;
else if (op == Assign.USHR_ASSIGN)
return CAstOperator.OP_URSH;
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("Unknown assignment operator");
return null;
public CAstNode visit(Binary b, WalkContext wc) {
Expr left = b.left();
Expr right = b.right();
Operator operator = b.operator();
if (operator.equals(Binary.COND_AND))
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.IF_EXPR, walkNodes(left, wc), walkNodes(right, wc), fFactory.makeConstant(false));
else if (operator.equals(Binary.COND_OR))
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.IF_EXPR, walkNodes(left, wc), fFactory.makeConstant(true), walkNodes(right, wc));
else {
Type leftType = left.type();
Type rightType = right.type();
if (leftType.isPrimitive() && rightType.isPrimitive()) {
CAstNode leftNode = walkNodes(left, wc);
CAstNode rightNode = walkNodes(right, wc);
try {
Type result = fTypeSystem.promote(leftType, rightType);
if (! result.typeEquals(leftType, fTypeSystem.emptyContext())) {
leftNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.CAST, fFactory.makeConstant(getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(result)), leftNode, fFactory.makeConstant(getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(leftType)));
if (! result.typeEquals(rightType, fTypeSystem.emptyContext())) {
rightNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.CAST, fFactory.makeConstant(getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(result)), rightNode, fFactory.makeConstant(getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(rightType)));
} catch (SemanticException e) {
CAstNode op = makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.BINARY_EXPR, mapBinaryOpcode(operator), leftNode, rightNode);
if (leftType.isLongOrLess() &&
rightType.isLongOrLess() &&
(mapBinaryOpcode(operator)==CAstOperator.OP_DIV ||
Collection excTargets = wc.getCatchTargets(fDivByZeroType);
if (!excTargets.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iterator = excTargets.iterator();
Pair catchPair = (Pair) iterator.next();
wc.cfg().add(op, catchPair.snd, fDivByZeroType);
} else {
return op;
} else {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.BINARY_EXPR, mapBinaryOpcode(operator), walkNodes(left, wc), walkNodes(right, wc));
private void handleThrowsFromCall(ProcedureInstance procedureInstance, Node callAstNode, WalkContext wc) {
List<Type> throwTypes = procedureInstance.throwTypes();
for (Iterator<Type> iter = IteratorPlusOne.make(throwTypes.iterator(), fREType); iter.hasNext();) {
Type thrownType = iter.next();
Collection/* <Pair<Type,Node>> */catchTargets = wc.getCatchTargets(thrownType);
for (Iterator targetIter = catchTargets.iterator(); targetIter.hasNext();) {
Pair/* <Type,Node> */catchTarget = (Pair/* <Type,Node> */) targetIter.next();
wc.cfg().add(callAstNode, catchTarget.snd, catchTarget.fst);
public CAstNode visit(Call c, WalkContext wc) {
MethodInstance methodInstance = c.methodInstance();
boolean isStatic = methodInstance.flags().isStatic();
StructType methodOwner = methodInstance.container();
if (methodOwner.isArray()) {
List realOne = methodInstance.overrides(fTypeSystem.emptyContext());
Assertions.productionAssertion(realOne.size() == 2, "bad array method");
methodInstance = (MethodInstance) realOne.get(1);
methodOwner = methodInstance.container();
if (!methodOwner.isClass()) {
Assertions.productionAssertion(false, "owner " + methodOwner + " of " + methodInstance + " is not a class");
boolean isIntf = ((ClassType) methodOwner).flags().isInterface();
Receiver target = c.target();
boolean isSpecial = methodInstance.flags().isPrivate()
|| (target instanceof Special && ((Special) target).kind() == Special.SUPER);
CAstNode[] children = new CAstNode[2 + methodInstance.formalTypes().size()]; // including
// the
// MethodReference
int i = 0;
if (!isStatic)
children[i++] = walkNodes(target, wc);
children[i++] = makeNode(wc, fFactory, null, CAstNode.VOID);
if (children[0] == null) {
Assertions.productionAssertion(children[0] != null, "no receiver for " + methodInstance + " in " + wc.getEnclosingMethod());
MethodReference methodRef = fIdentityMapper.getMethodRef(methodInstance);
int dummyPC = 0; // Just want to wrap the kind of call; the "rear end"
// won't care about anything else...
CallSiteReference callSiteRef;
if (isStatic)
callSiteRef = CallSiteReference.make(dummyPC, methodRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.STATIC);
else if (isIntf)
callSiteRef = CallSiteReference.make(dummyPC, methodRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.INTERFACE);
else if (isSpecial)
callSiteRef = CallSiteReference.make(dummyPC, methodRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.SPECIAL);
callSiteRef = CallSiteReference.make(dummyPC, methodRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.VIRTUAL);
children[i++] = fFactory.makeConstant(callSiteRef);
for (Iterator iter = c.arguments().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Expr arg = (Expr) iter.next();
children[i++] = walkNodes(arg, wc);
handleThrowsFromCall(methodInstance, c, wc);
CAstNode result = makeNode(wc, fFactory, c, CAstNode.CALL, children);
wc.cfg().map(c, result);
return result;
public CAstNode visit(ConstructorCall cc, WalkContext wc) {
ConstructorInstance ctorInstance = cc.constructorInstance();
StructType methodOwner = ctorInstance.container();
MethodReference methodRef = fIdentityMapper.getMethodRef(ctorInstance);
int dummyPC = 0; // Just want to wrap the kind of call; the "rear end"
// won't care about anything else...
CallSiteReference callSiteRef = CallSiteReference.make(dummyPC, methodRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.SPECIAL);
CAstNode[] children = new CAstNode[1 + 1 + ctorInstance.formalTypes().size()]; // including
// the
// MethodReference
int i = 0;
CAstNode targetNode;
targetNode = (cc.kind() == ConstructorCall.THIS) ? makeNode(wc, fFactory, cc, CAstNode.THIS) : makeNode(wc, fFactory, cc,
children[i++] = targetNode;
children[i++] = fFactory.makeConstant(callSiteRef);
for (Iterator iter = cc.arguments().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Expr arg = (Expr) iter.next();
children[i++] = walkNodes(arg, wc);
handleThrowsFromCall(ctorInstance, cc, wc);
CAstNode result = makeNode(wc, fFactory, cc, CAstNode.CALL, children);
wc.cfg().map(cc, result);
return result;
public CAstNode visit(Cast c, WalkContext wc) {
Expr arg = c.expr();
Type castedFrom = arg.type();
Type castedTo = c.castType().type();
// null can go into anything (e.g. in "((Foobar) null)" null can be assumed to be of type Foobar already)
if (castedFrom.isNull())
castedFrom = castedTo;
CAstNode ast = makeNode(wc, fFactory, c, CAstNode.CAST, fFactory.makeConstant(getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(castedTo)),
walkNodes(arg, wc),
Collection excTargets = wc.getCatchTargets(fCCEType);
if (!excTargets.isEmpty()) {
// connect ClassCastException exception edge to relevant catch targets
// (presumably only one)
for (Iterator iterator = excTargets.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Pair catchPair = (Pair) iterator.next();
wc.cfg().add(c, catchPair.snd, fCCEType);
} else {
// connect exception edge to exit
wc.cfg().add(c, CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT, fCCEType);
wc.cfg().map(c, ast);
return ast;
public CAstNode visit(Conditional c, WalkContext wc) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, c, CAstNode.IF_EXPR, walkNodes(c.cond(), wc), walkNodes(c.consequent(), wc), walkNodes(c
.alternative(), wc));
public CAstNode visit(Instanceof io, WalkContext wc) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, io, CAstNode.INSTANCEOF, fFactory.makeConstant(getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(
io.compareType().type())), walkNodes(io.expr(), wc));
public CAstNode visit(BooleanLit bl, WalkContext wc) {
return fFactory.makeConstant(bl.value());
public CAstNode visit(ClassLit cl, WalkContext wc) {
Type litType = cl.typeNode().type();
String typeName = fIdentityMapper.typeToTypeID(litType);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, cl, CAstNode.TYPE_LITERAL_EXPR, fFactory.makeConstant(typeName));
public CAstNode visit(FloatLit fl, WalkContext wc) {
return (fl.kind() == FloatLit.FLOAT) ? fFactory.makeConstant((float) fl.value()) : fFactory.makeConstant(fl.value());
public CAstNode visit(NullLit nl, WalkContext wc) {
return fFactory.makeConstant(null);
public CAstNode visit(CharLit cl, WalkContext wc) {
return fFactory.makeConstant(cl.value());
public CAstNode visit(IntLit il, WalkContext wc) {
return fFactory.makeConstant((int) il.value());
public CAstNode visit(StringLit sl, WalkContext wc) {
return fFactory.makeConstant(sl.value());
public CAstNode visit(New n, WalkContext wc) {
CAstEntity anonClass = null;
String newTypeNameStr;
TypeReference newTypeRef;
ConstructorInstance ctorInst = n.constructorInstance();
MethodReference ctorRef = fIdentityMapper.getMethodRef(ctorInst);
if (n.body() != null) {
fIdentityMapper.mapLocalAnonTypeToMethod((ClassType) n.type(), wc.getEnclosingMethod());
anonClass = walkEntity(n, wc);
newTypeNameStr = anonClass.getType().getName();
TypeName newTypeName = TypeName.string2TypeName(newTypeNameStr);
Selector ctorSel = ctorRef.getSelector();
newTypeRef = TypeReference.findOrCreate(fClassLoaderRef, newTypeName);
ctorRef = MethodReference.findOrCreate(newTypeRef, ctorSel);
} else {
newTypeRef = fIdentityMapper.getTypeRef(n.type());
List/* <Expr> */args = n.arguments();
String tmpName = "ctor temp"; // this name is an illegal Java
// identifier
// new nodes with an explicit enclosing argument, e.g. "outer.new Inner()". They are mostly treated the same, except in JavaCAst2IRTranslator.doNewObject
CAstNode newNode;
Expr enclosing = n.qualifier();
if (enclosing != null) {
CAstNode encNode = walkNodes(enclosing, wc);
newNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.NEW_ENCLOSING, fFactory.makeConstant(newTypeRef), encNode);
newNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.NEW, fFactory.makeConstant(newTypeRef));
// end enclosing new stuff
if (n.body() != null)
wc.addScopedEntity(newNode, anonClass);
int dummyPC = 0; // Just want to wrap the kind of call; the "rear end"
// won't care about anything else...
CallSiteReference callSiteRef = CallSiteReference.make(dummyPC, ctorRef, IInvokeInstruction.Dispatch.SPECIAL);
CAstNode[] argNodes = new CAstNode[args.size() + 2]; // args + recvr
// + ctor ref
int idx = 0;
argNodes[idx++] = makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.VAR, fFactory.makeConstant(tmpName));
argNodes[idx++] = fFactory.makeConstant(callSiteRef);
for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Expr arg = (Expr) iter.next();
argNodes[idx++] = walkNodes(arg, wc);
CAstNode callNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.CALL, argNodes);
wc.cfg().map(n, callNode);
handleThrowsFromCall(ctorInst, n, wc);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.LOCAL_SCOPE, makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, makeNode(wc, fFactory,
n, CAstNode.DECL_STMT, fFactory.makeConstant(new InternalCAstSymbol(tmpName, getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(n.type()), true)), newNode), callNode, makeNode(wc,
fFactory, n, CAstNode.VAR, fFactory.makeConstant(tmpName))));
public CAstNode visit(NewArray na, WalkContext wc) {
Type newType = na.type();
ArrayInit ai = na.init();
if (ai != null) {
return visit(ai, wc, newType);
} else {
ArrayType arrayType = (ArrayType) newType;
TypeReference arrayTypeRef = fIdentityMapper.getTypeRef(arrayType);
List/* <Expr> */dims = na.dims();
CAstNode[] args = new CAstNode[dims.size() + 1];
int idx = 0;
args[idx++] = fFactory.makeConstant(arrayTypeRef);
for (Iterator iter = dims.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Expr dimExpr = (Expr) iter.next();
args[idx++] = walkNodes(dimExpr, wc);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, na, CAstNode.NEW, args);
public CAstNode visit(Special s, WalkContext wc) {
if (s.qualifier() != null) {
Type owningType = s.qualifier().type();
TypeReference owningTypeRef = fIdentityMapper.getTypeRef(owningType);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, s.kind() == Special.THIS ? CAstNode.THIS : CAstNode.SUPER, fFactory
} else {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, s.kind() == Special.THIS ? CAstNode.THIS : CAstNode.SUPER);
public CAstNode visit(Unary u, WalkContext wc) {
if (isAssignOp(u.operator())) {
WalkContext lvc = new AssignmentContext(wc);
if (u.operator().isPrefix())
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, u, CAstNode.ASSIGN_PRE_OP, walkNodes(u.expr(), lvc), fFactory.makeConstant(1),
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, u, CAstNode.ASSIGN_POST_OP, walkNodes(u.expr(), lvc), fFactory.makeConstant(1),
} else if (u.operator() == Unary.POS) // drop useless unary plus
// operator
return walkNodes(u.expr(), wc);
else if (u.operator() == Unary.NEG) {
CAstNode zero;
if (u.expr().type().isLongOrLess())
zero = fFactory.makeConstant(0L);
zero = fFactory.makeConstant(0.0);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, u, CAstNode.BINARY_EXPR, CAstOperator.OP_SUB, zero, walkNodes(u.expr(), wc));
} else
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, u, CAstNode.UNARY_EXPR, mapUnaryOpcode(u.operator()), walkNodes(u.expr(), wc));
protected boolean isAssignOp(Unary.Operator operator) {
return operator == Unary.POST_DEC || operator == Unary.POST_INC || operator == Unary.PRE_DEC || operator == Unary.PRE_INC;
public CAstNode visit(ArrayAccess aa, WalkContext wc) {
TypeReference eltTypeRef = fIdentityMapper.getTypeRef(aa.type());
hookUpNPETargets(aa, wc);
CAstNode n = makeNode(wc, fFactory, aa, CAstNode.ARRAY_REF, walkNodes(aa.array(), wc), fFactory.makeConstant(eltTypeRef),
walkNodes(aa.index(), wc));
wc.cfg().map(aa, n);
return n;
protected void hookUpNPETargets(Node n, WalkContext wc) {
Collection excTargets = wc.getCatchTargets(fNPEType);
if (!excTargets.isEmpty()) {
// connect NPE exception edge to relevant catch targets
// (presumably only one)
for (Iterator iterator = excTargets.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Pair catchPair = (Pair) iterator.next();
wc.cfg().add(n, catchPair.snd, fNPEType);
} else {
// connect exception edge to exit
wc.cfg().add(n, CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT, fNPEType);
public CAstNode visit(Field f, WalkContext wc) {
Receiver target = f.target();
Type targetType = target.type();
if (targetType.isArray()) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.ARRAY_LENGTH, walkNodes(target, wc));
FieldInstance fi = f.fieldInstance();
FieldReference fieldRef = fIdentityMapper.getFieldRef(fi);
CAstNode targetNode = walkNodes(target, wc);
if (fi.flags().isStatic()) {
// JLS says: evaluate the target of the field ref and throw it away.
// Hence the following block expr, whose 2 children are the target
// evaluation
// followed by the OBJECT_REF with a null target child (which the
// "back-end"
// CAst -> IR translator interprets as a static ref).
if (fi.isConstant()) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, targetNode, // can have side effects!
} else {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, targetNode, makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.OBJECT_REF,
makeNode(wc, fFactory, null, CAstNode.VOID), fFactory.makeConstant(fieldRef)));
} else {
Collection excTargets = wc.getCatchTargets(fNPEType);
if (!excTargets.isEmpty()) {
// connect NPE exception edge to relevant catch targets
// (presumably only one)
for (Iterator iterator = excTargets.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Pair catchPair = (Pair) iterator.next();
wc.cfg().add(f, catchPair.snd, fNPEType);
} else {
// connect exception edge to exit
wc.cfg().add(f, CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT, fNPEType);
CAstNode refNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.OBJECT_REF, targetNode, fFactory.makeConstant(fieldRef));
wc.cfg().map(f, refNode);
if (fi.isConstant()) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.BLOCK_EXPR, refNode, // can have side effects!
} else {
return refNode;
public CAstNode visit(Local l, WalkContext wc) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, l, CAstNode.VAR, fFactory.makeConstant(l.name().id().toString()));
public CAstNode visit(ClassBody cb, WalkContext wc) {
return null;
public CAstNode visit(ClassDecl cd, WalkContext wc) {
return null;
public CAstNode visit(Initializer i, WalkContext wc) {
// Perhaps this is invoked from within the ConstructorDecl visit()
// method...
return walkNodes(i.body(), wc);
public CAstNode visit(Assert a, WalkContext wc) {
return PolyglotJava2CAstTranslator.this.makeNode(wc, fFactory, a, CAstNode.ASSERT, walkNodes(a.cond(), wc));
public CAstNode visit(Branch b, WalkContext wc) {
Node target = null;
Id labelNode = b.labelNode();
String labelStr = labelNode != null ? labelNode.id().toString() : null;
if (b.kind() == Branch.BREAK) {
target = wc.getBreakFor(labelStr);
} else {
target = wc.getContinueFor(labelStr);
Assertions.productionAssertion(target != null);
CAstNode result = makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.GOTO);
wc.cfg().map(b, result);
wc.cfg().add(b, target, null);
return result;
public CAstNode visit(Block b, WalkContext wc) {
CAstNode[] stmtNodes = new CAstNode[b.statements().size()];
int idx = 0;
for (Iterator iter = b.statements().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); idx++) {
Stmt s = (Stmt) iter.next();
stmtNodes[idx] = walkNodes(s, wc);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.LOCAL_SCOPE, makeNode(wc, fFactory, b, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, stmtNodes));
public CAstNode visit(SwitchBlock sb, WalkContext wc) {
CAstNode[] stmtNodes = new CAstNode[sb.statements().size()];
int idx = 0;
for (Iterator iter = sb.statements().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); idx++) {
Stmt s = (Stmt) iter.next();
stmtNodes[idx] = walkNodes(s, wc);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, sb, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, stmtNodes);
public CAstNode visit(Catch c, WalkContext wc) {
Block body = c.body();
Formal f = c.formal();
CAstNode excDecl = makeNode(wc, fFactory, c, CAstNode.CATCH, fFactory.makeConstant(f.name().id().toString()), walkNodes(body, wc));
CAstNode localScope = makeNode(wc, fFactory, c, CAstNode.LOCAL_SCOPE, excDecl);
wc.cfg().map(c, excDecl);
wc.getNodeTypeMap().add(excDecl, wc.getTypeDictionary().getCAstTypeFor(c.catchType()));
return localScope;
public CAstNode visit(If i, WalkContext wc) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, i, CAstNode.IF_STMT, walkNodes(i.cond(), wc), walkNodes(i.consequent(), wc), walkNodes(i
.alternative(), wc));
public CAstNode visit(Labeled l, WalkContext wc) {
Node breakTarget = makeBreakTarget(l);
Node stmt = l.statement();
while (stmt instanceof Block) {
stmt = ((Block) stmt).statements().iterator().next();
wc.getLabelMap().put(stmt, l.labelNode().id().toString());
CAstNode result;
if (! (l.statement() instanceof Empty)) {
WalkContext child = new BreakContext(wc, l.labelNode().id().toString(), breakTarget);
result =
makeNode(wc, fFactory, l, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT,
makeNode(wc, fFactory, l, CAstNode.LABEL_STMT, fFactory.makeConstant(l.labelNode().id().toString()), walkNodes(l.statement(), child)),
walkNodes(breakTarget, wc));
} else {
result =
makeNode(wc, fFactory, l, CAstNode.LABEL_STMT, fFactory.makeConstant(l.labelNode().id().toString()), walkNodes(l.statement(), wc));
wc.cfg().map(l, result);
return result;
public CAstNode visit(LocalClassDecl lcd, WalkContext wc) {
fIdentityMapper.mapLocalAnonTypeToMethod(lcd.decl().classDef().asType(), wc.getEnclosingMethod());
CAstEntity classEntity = walkEntity(lcd.decl(), wc);
final CAstNode lcdNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, lcd, CAstNode.EMPTY);
wc.addScopedEntity(lcdNode, classEntity);
return lcdNode;
protected Node makeBreakTarget(Node loop) {
return fNodeFactory.Labeled(Position.COMPILER_GENERATED,
fNodeFactory.Id(Position.COMPILER_GENERATED, "breakLabel" + loop.position().toString().replace('.', '_')),
protected Node makeContinueTarget(Node loop) {
return fNodeFactory.Labeled(Position.COMPILER_GENERATED,
fNodeFactory.Id(Position.COMPILER_GENERATED, "continueLabel" + loop.position().toString().replace('.', '_')),
public CAstNode visit(Do d, WalkContext wc) {
Node breakTarget = makeBreakTarget(d);
Node continueTarget = makeContinueTarget(d);
String loopLabel = wc.getLabelMap().get(d);
CAstNode continueNode = walkNodes(continueTarget, wc);
CAstNode breakNode = walkNodes(breakTarget, wc);
WalkContext lc = new LoopContext(wc, loopLabel, breakTarget, continueTarget);
CAstNode loopExpr = walkNodes(d.cond(), wc);
CAstNode loopBody = walkNodes(d.body(), lc);
return doLoopTranslator.translateDoLoop(loopExpr, loopBody, continueNode, breakNode, wc);
public CAstNode visit(For f, WalkContext wc) {
Node breakTarget = makeBreakTarget(f);
Node continueTarget = makeContinueTarget(f);
String loopLabel = wc.getLabelMap().get(f);
WalkContext lc = new LoopContext(wc, loopLabel, breakTarget, continueTarget);
CAstNode[] inits = new CAstNode[f.inits().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < inits.length; i++) {
inits[i] = walkNodes(f.inits().get(i), wc);
CAstNode[] iters = new CAstNode[f.iters().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < iters.length; i++) {
iters[i] = walkNodes(f.iters().get(i), wc);
CAstNode initsBlock = makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, inits);
CAstNode itersBlock = makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, iters);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, initsBlock, makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.LOOP, walkNodes(
f.cond(), wc), makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, walkNodes(f.body(), lc), walkNodes(continueTarget, wc),
itersBlock)), walkNodes(breakTarget, wc));
public CAstNode visit(While w, WalkContext wc) {
Expr c = w.cond();
Stmt b = w.body();
Node breakTarget = makeBreakTarget(w);
Node continueTarget = makeContinueTarget(w);
String loopLabel = wc.getLabelMap().get(w);
LoopContext lc = new LoopContext(wc, loopLabel, breakTarget, continueTarget);
* The following loop is created sligtly differently than in jscore. It doesn't have a specific target for continue.
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, w, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, makeNode(wc, fFactory, w, CAstNode.LOOP, walkNodes(c, wc), makeNode(wc,
fFactory, w, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, walkNodes(b, lc), walkNodes(continueTarget, wc))), walkNodes(breakTarget, wc));
public CAstNode visit(Switch s, WalkContext wc) {
Node breakLabel = fNodeFactory.Labeled(s.position(),
fNodeFactory.Id(s.position(), "switchBreakLabel" + s.position().toString().replace('.', '_')),
CAstNode breakAst = walkNodes(breakLabel, wc);
String loopLabel = wc.getLabelMap().get(s);
WalkContext child = new BreakContext(wc, loopLabel, breakLabel);
Expr cond = s.expr();
List cases = s.elements();
// First compute the control flow edges for the various case labels
for (int i = 0; i < cases.size(); i++) {
SwitchElement se = (SwitchElement) cases.get(i);
if (se instanceof Case) {
Case c = (Case) se;
if (c.isDefault())
wc.cfg().add(s, c, CAstControlFlowMap.SWITCH_DEFAULT);
wc.cfg().add(s, c, fFactory.makeConstant(c.value()));
CAstNode[] caseNodes = new CAstNode[cases.size()];
// Now produce the CAst representation for each case
int idx = 0;
for (Iterator iter = cases.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); idx++) {
SwitchElement se = (SwitchElement) iter.next();
caseNodes[idx] = walkNodes(se, child);
// Now produce the switch stmt itself
CAstNode switchAst = makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.SWITCH, walkNodes(cond, wc), makeNode(wc, fFactory, s,
CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, caseNodes));
wc.cfg().map(s, switchAst);
// Finally, wrap the entire switch in a block so that we have a
// well-defined place to 'break' to.
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, switchAst, breakAst);
public CAstNode visit(Synchronized s, WalkContext wc) {
CAstNode exprNode = walkNodes(s.expr(), wc);
String exprName = fFactory.makeUnique();
CAstNode declStmt = makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.DECL_STMT, fFactory.makeConstant(new CAstSymbolImpl(exprName, getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(s.expr().type()), true)),
CAstNode monitorEnterNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.MONITOR_ENTER, makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.VAR,
CAstNode bodyNodes = walkNodes(s.body(), wc);
CAstNode monitorExitNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.MONITOR_EXIT, makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.VAR, fFactory
CAstNode tryBody = makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, monitorEnterNode, bodyNodes);
CAstNode bigBody = makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.UNWIND, tryBody, monitorExitNode);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, s, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, declStmt, bigBody);
public CAstNode visit(Try t, WalkContext wc) {
List catchBlocks = t.catchBlocks();
Block finallyBlock = t.finallyBlock();
Block tryBlock = t.tryBlock();
// try/finally
if (catchBlocks.isEmpty()) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, t, CAstNode.UNWIND, walkNodes(tryBlock, wc), walkNodes(finallyBlock, wc));
// try/catch/[finally]
} else {
TryCatchContext tc = new TryCatchContext(wc, t, fTypeSystem.emptyContext());
CAstNode tryNode = walkNodes(tryBlock, tc);
for (Iterator iter = catchBlocks.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
tryNode = makeNode(wc, fFactory, t, CAstNode.TRY, tryNode, walkNodes((Catch) iter.next(), wc));
// try/catch
if (finallyBlock == null) {
return tryNode;
// try/catch/finally
} else {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, t, CAstNode.UNWIND, tryNode, walkNodes(finallyBlock, wc));
public CAstNode visit(Empty e, WalkContext wc) {
CAstNode result = makeNode(wc, fFactory, e, CAstNode.EMPTY);
wc.cfg().map(e, result);
return result;
public CAstNode visit(Eval e, WalkContext wc) {
return walkNodes(e.expr(), wc);
public CAstNode visit(LocalDecl ld, WalkContext wc) {
Expr init = ld.init();
Type type = ld.declType();
CAstNode initNode;
if (init == null) {
if (type.isLongOrLess())
initNode = fFactory.makeConstant(0);
else if (type.isDouble() || type.isFloat())
initNode = fFactory.makeConstant(0.0);
initNode = fFactory.makeConstant(null);
} else if (init instanceof ArrayInit)
initNode = visit((ArrayInit) init, wc, type);
initNode = walkNodes(init, wc);
Object defaultValue;
if (type.isLongOrLess())
defaultValue = new Integer(0);
else if (type.isDouble() || type.isFloat())
defaultValue = new Double(0.0);
defaultValue = CAstSymbol.NULL_DEFAULT_VALUE;
boolean isFinal = ld.flags().flags().isFinal();
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, ld, CAstNode.DECL_STMT, fFactory.makeConstant(new CAstSymbolImpl(ld.name().id().toString(), getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(type), isFinal,
defaultValue)), initNode);
public CAstNode visit(Return r, WalkContext wc) {
Expr retExpr = r.expr();
if (retExpr == null)
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, r, CAstNode.RETURN);
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, r, CAstNode.RETURN, walkNodes(retExpr, wc));
public CAstNode visit(Case c, WalkContext wc) {
CAstNode label = makeNode(wc, fFactory, c, CAstNode.LABEL_STMT, fFactory.makeConstant(c.value()));
wc.cfg().map(c, label);
return label;
public CAstNode visit(Throw t, WalkContext wc) {
CAstNode result = makeNode(wc, fFactory, t, CAstNode.THROW, walkNodes(t.expr(), wc));
Type label = t.expr().type();
wc.cfg().map(t, result);
Collection/* <Pair<Type,Node>> */catchNodes = wc.getCatchTargets(label);
for (Iterator iter = catchNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Pair/* <Type,Node> */catchNode = (Pair/* <Type,Node> */) iter.next();
wc.cfg().add(t, catchNode.snd, catchNode.fst);
return result;
public CAstNode visit(Formal f, WalkContext wc) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, f, CAstNode.VAR, fFactory.makeConstant(f.name().id().toString()));
protected static final class CompilationUnitEntity implements CAstEntity {
private final String fName;
private final Collection<CAstEntity> fTopLevelDecls;
public CompilationUnitEntity(SourceFile file, List<CAstEntity> topLevelDecls) {
fName = (file.package_() == null) ? "" : file.package_().package_().get().fullName().toString().replace('.', '/');
fTopLevelDecls = topLevelDecls;
public int getKind() {
public String getName() {
return fName;
public String getSignature() {
return null;
public String[] getArgumentNames() {
return new String[0];
public CAstNode[] getArgumentDefaults() {
return new CAstNode[0];
public int getArgumentCount() {
return 0;
public Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> getAllScopedEntities() {
return Collections.singletonMap(null, fTopLevelDecls);
public Iterator<CAstEntity> getScopedEntities(CAstNode construct) {
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("CompilationUnitEntity asked for AST-related entities, but it has no AST.");
return null;
public CAstNode getAST() {
return null;
public Collection<CAstAnnotation> getAnnotations() {
return null;
public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() {
return null;
public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() {
return null;
public CAstSourcePositionMap.Position getPosition() {
return null;
public CAstNodeTypeMap getNodeTypeMap() {
return null;
public Collection<CAstQualifier> getQualifiers() {
return Collections.emptyList();
public CAstType getType() {
return null;
public class PolyglotJavaType implements JavaType {
protected final CAstTypeDictionary fDict;
protected final TypeSystem fSystem;
protected final ClassType fType;
private Collection<CAstType> fSuperTypes = null;
public PolyglotJavaType(ClassType type, CAstTypeDictionary dict, TypeSystem system) {
fDict = dict;
fSystem = system;
fType = type;
public String getName() {
// TODO Will the IdentityMapper do the right thing for anonymous classes?
// If so, we can delete most of the following logic...
if (fType.isLocal() || fType.isAnonymous()) {
return fIdentityMapper.anonLocalTypeToTypeID(fType);
} else
return fIdentityMapper.getTypeRef(fType).getName().toString();
public Collection<CAstType> getSupertypes() {
if (fSuperTypes == null) {
return fSuperTypes;
private void buildSuperTypes() {
// TODO this is a source entity, but it might actually be the root type
// (Object), so assume # intfs + 1
Type superType;
if (fType.superClass() == null && fType != fSystem.Object()) {
superType = fSystem.Object(); // fSystem.Object() MUST be the root of the class hierarchy
} else {
superType = fType.superClass();
int N = fType.interfaces().size() + 1;
fSuperTypes = new ArrayList<CAstType>(N);
// Following assumes that no one can call getSupertypes() before we have
// created CAstType's for every type in the program being analyzed.
if (superType != null) {
for (Iterator iter = fType.interfaces().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Type t = (Type) iter.next();
if (t instanceof ClassType) {
ClassType classType = (ClassType) t;
if (classType == fSystem.Object()) {
continue; // Skip fSystem.Object() as a super-interface; it really MUST be a class as far as WALA is concerned
public Collection<CAstQualifier> getQualifiers() {
return mapFlagsToQualifiers(fType.flags());
public boolean isInterface() {
if (fType == fSystem.Object()) {
return false; // fSystem.Object() MUST be a class, as far as WALA is concerned
return fType.flags().isInterface();
protected abstract static class CodeBodyEntity implements CAstEntity {
private final Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> fEntities;
public CodeBodyEntity(Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> entities) {
fEntities = new LinkedHashMap<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>>(entities);
public Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> getAllScopedEntities() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(fEntities);
public Iterator<CAstEntity> getScopedEntities(CAstNode construct) {
if (fEntities.containsKey(construct)) {
return (fEntities.get(construct)).iterator();
} else {
return EmptyIterator.instance();
public String getSignature() {
return Util.methodEntityToSelector(this).toString();
protected final class ClassEntity implements CAstEntity {
private final ClassContext fContext;
private final ClassType fCT;
private final String fName;
private final Collection<CAstEntity> fEntities;
private final CAstSourcePositionMap.Position sourcePosition;
private ClassEntity(ClassContext context, List<CAstEntity> entities, ClassDecl cd, Position p) {
this(context, entities, cd.classDef().asType(), cd.name().id().toString(), p);
private ClassEntity(ClassContext context, List<CAstEntity> entities, ClassType ct, String name, Position p) {
fContext = context;
this.fEntities = entities;
fCT = ct;
fName = name;
sourcePosition = makePosition(p);
public int getKind() {
public String getName() {
return fName; // unqualified?
public String getSignature() {
return "L" + fName.replace('.', '/') + ";";
public String[] getArgumentNames() {
return new String[0];
public CAstNode[] getArgumentDefaults() {
return new CAstNode[0];
public int getArgumentCount() {
return 0;
public CAstNode getAST() {
// This entity has no AST nodes, really.
return null;
public Collection<CAstAnnotation> getAnnotations() {
return null;
public Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> getAllScopedEntities() {
return Collections.singletonMap(null, fEntities);
public Iterator<CAstEntity> getScopedEntities(CAstNode construct) {
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("Non-AST-bearing entity (ClassEntity) asked for scoped entities related to a given AST node");
return null;
public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() {
// This entity has no AST nodes, really.
return null;
public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() {
// This entity has no AST nodes, really.
return null;
public CAstSourcePositionMap.Position getPosition() {
return sourcePosition;
public CAstNodeTypeMap getNodeTypeMap() {
// This entity has no AST nodes, really.
return new CAstNodeTypeMap() {
public CAstType getNodeType(CAstNode node) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Collection<CAstNode> getMappedNodes() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Collection<CAstQualifier> getQualifiers() {
if (fCT == fTypeSystem.Object()) { // pretend the root of the hierarchy is always a class
return mapFlagsToQualifiers(fCT.flags().clear(Flags.INTERFACE));
return mapFlagsToQualifiers(fCT.flags());
public CAstType getType() {
return new PolyglotJavaType(fCT, getTypeDict(), fTypeSystem);
public String toString() {
return fCT.fullName().toString();
protected final class ProcedureEntity extends CodeBodyEntity implements JavaProcedureEntity {
private final CAstNode fPdast;
private final TypeSystem fSystem;
private final Type declaringType;
private final CodeInstance fPd;
private final MethodContext fMc;
private final String[] argumentNames;
public ProcedureEntity(CAstNode pdast, TypeSystem system, CodeInstance pd, Type declaringType, String[] argumentNames,
Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> entities, MethodContext mc) {
fPdast = pdast;
fSystem = system;
fPd = pd;
this.declaringType = declaringType;
this.argumentNames = argumentNames;
fMc = mc;
public ProcedureEntity(CAstNode pdast, TypeSystem system, CodeInstance pd, String[] argumentNames,
Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> entities, MethodContext mc) {
//PORT1.7 used to be this(pdast, system, pd, ((MemberInstance) pd).container(), argumentNames, entities, mc);
this(pdast, system, pd, ((MemberDef) pd.def()).container().get(), argumentNames, entities, mc);
private List formalTypes() {
if (fPd instanceof ProcedureInstance) {
return ((ProcedureInstance) fPd).formalTypes();
} else {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
public String toString() {
return fPd.toString();
public int getKind() {
return CAstEntity.FUNCTION_ENTITY;
public String getName() {
if (fPd instanceof ConstructorInstance) {
return MethodReference.initAtom.toString();
} else {
if (fPd instanceof InitializerInstance) {
return MethodReference.clinitName.toString();
} else {
Assertions.productionAssertion(fPd instanceof MethodInstance);
return ((MethodInstance) fPd).name().toString();
public String[] getArgumentNames() {
return argumentNames;
public CAstNode[] getArgumentDefaults() {
return new CAstNode[0];
private Flags getFlags() {
// PORT1.7
if (fPd instanceof ProcedureInstance) {
return ((MemberDef) fPd.def()).flags();
return Flags.NONE;
private boolean isStatic() {
// PORT1.7
if (fPd instanceof ProcedureInstance) {
return ((MemberDef) fPd.def()).flags().isStatic();
} else if (fPd instanceof InitializerInstance) {
return ((InitializerInstance) fPd).def().flags().isStatic();
return false;
public int getArgumentCount() {
return isStatic() ? formalTypes().size() : formalTypes().size() + 1;
public CAstNode getAST() {
return fPdast;
public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() {
return fMc.cfg();
public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() {
return fMc.pos();
public CAstSourcePositionMap.Position getPosition() {
return getSourceMap().getPosition(fPdast);
public CAstNodeTypeMap getNodeTypeMap() {
return fMc.getNodeTypeMap();
public Collection<CAstQualifier> getQualifiers() {
return mapFlagsToQualifiers(getFlags());
public CAstType getType() {
return new CAstType.Method() {
private Collection<CAstType> fExceptionTypes = null;
private List<CAstType> fParameterTypes = null;
public CAstType getReturnType() {
return fMc.getTypeDictionary().getCAstTypeFor(
(fPd instanceof MethodInstance) ? ((MethodInstance) fPd).returnType() : fSystem.Void());
public List<CAstType> getArgumentTypes() {
if (fParameterTypes == null) {
final List formalTypes = formalTypes();
fParameterTypes = new ArrayList<CAstType>(formalTypes.size());
for (Iterator iter = formalTypes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
return fParameterTypes;
public String getName() {
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("CAstType.FunctionImpl#getName() called???");
return "?";
public Collection<CAstType> getSupertypes() {
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("CAstType.FunctionImpl#getSupertypes() called???");
return null;
public Collection/* <CAstType> */<CAstType> getExceptionTypes() {
if (fExceptionTypes == null) {
fExceptionTypes = new LinkedHashSet<CAstType>();
if (fPd instanceof ProcedureInstance) {
List exceptions = ((ProcedureInstance) fPd).throwTypes();
if (exceptions != null) {
for (Iterator iterator = exceptions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Type type = (Type) iterator.next();
return fExceptionTypes;
public int getArgumentCount() {
return formalTypes().size();
public CAstType getDeclaringType() {
return getTypeDict().getCAstTypeFor(declaringType);
public Collection<CAstAnnotation> getAnnotations() {
return null;
protected final class FieldEntity implements CAstEntity {
private final FieldInstance fFI;
private final WalkContext fContext;
private FieldEntity(FieldDecl fd, WalkContext context) {
fFI = fd.fieldDef().asInstance();
fContext = context;
public int getKind() {
return CAstEntity.FIELD_ENTITY;
public String getName() {
return fFI.name().toString();
public String getSignature() {
return fFI.name() + fIdentityMapper.typeToTypeID(fFI.type());
public String[] getArgumentNames() {
return new String[0];
public CAstNode[] getArgumentDefaults() {
return new CAstNode[0];
public int getArgumentCount() {
return 0;
public Iterator<CAstEntity> getScopedEntities(CAstNode construct) {
return EmptyIterator.instance();
public Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> getAllScopedEntities() {
return Collections.emptyMap();
public CAstNode getAST() {
// No AST for a field decl; initializers folded into
// constructor processing...
return null;
public Collection<CAstAnnotation> getAnnotations() {
return null;
public CAstControlFlowMap getControlFlow() {
// No AST for a field decl; initializers folded into
// constructor processing...
return null;
public CAstSourcePositionMap getSourceMap() {
// No AST for a field decl; initializers folded into
// constructor processing...
return null;
public CAstSourcePositionMap.Position getPosition() {
return makePosition(fFI.position());
public CAstNodeTypeMap getNodeTypeMap() {
// No AST for a field decl; initializers folded into
// constructor processing...
return null;
public Collection<CAstQualifier> getQualifiers() {
return mapFlagsToQualifiers(fFI.flags());
public CAstType getType() {
return fContext.getTypeDictionary().getCAstTypeFor(fFI.type());
public interface WalkContext extends TranslatorToCAst.WalkContext<WalkContext, Node> {
Collection<Pair<Type, Object>> getCatchTargets(Type label);
Node getFinally();
CodeInstance getEnclosingMethod();
Type getEnclosingType();
CAstTypeDictionary getTypeDictionary();
List<ClassMember> getStaticInitializers();
List<ClassMember> getInitializers();
Map<Node, String> getLabelMap();
boolean needLVal();
protected static class DelegatingContext extends TranslatorToCAst.DelegatingContext<WalkContext, Node> implements WalkContext {
protected DelegatingContext(WalkContext parent) {
public Collection<Pair<Type, Object>> getCatchTargets(Type label) {
return parent.getCatchTargets(label);
public Node getFinally() {
return parent.getFinally();
public CodeInstance getEnclosingMethod() {
return parent.getEnclosingMethod();
public Type getEnclosingType() {
return parent.getEnclosingType();
public CAstTypeDictionary getTypeDictionary() {
return parent.getTypeDictionary();
public List<ClassMember> getStaticInitializers() {
return parent.getStaticInitializers();
public List<ClassMember> getInitializers() {
return parent.getInitializers();
public Map<Node, String> getLabelMap() {
return parent.getLabelMap();
public boolean needLVal() {
return parent.needLVal();
public class ClassContext extends DelegatingContext {
// private final ClassDecl cd;
private final Type type;
private List<ClassMember>/* <Initializer+FieldDecl> */fInitializers = new ArrayList<ClassMember>();
private List<ClassMember>/* <Initializer+FieldDecl> */fStaticInitializers = new ArrayList<ClassMember>();
private List<CAstEntity> fChildren;
public ClassContext(Type type, List<CAstEntity> entities, WalkContext parent) {
this.type = type;
fChildren = entities;
public void addScopedEntity(CAstNode node, CAstEntity e) {
Assertions.productionAssertion(node == null);
// public Map/*<CAstNode,CAstEntity>*/ getScopedEntities() {
// return null; // fChildren;
// }
public Type getEnclosingType() {
return type;
public List<ClassMember> getInitializers() {
return fInitializers;
public List<ClassMember> getStaticInitializers() {
return fStaticInitializers;
public CAstControlFlowRecorder cfg() {
return null;
public Iterator/* <Pair<Type,Node>> */getCatchTarget(Type label) {
return null;
public Node getFinally() {
return null;
public CodeInstance getEnclosingMethod() {
// No one outside a method defining a local class can see it,
// so it clearly can't escape through to the method's enclosing
// type...
return null;
public CAstSourcePositionRecorder pos() {
// No AST, so no AST map
return null;
public Node getContinueFor(String label) {
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("ClassContext.getContinueFor() with label " + label + " in " + type);
return null;
public Node getBreakFor(String label) {
System.err.println("Cannot find break target for " + label + " in " + type);
return null;
public Map<Node, String> getLabelMap() {
return null;
public boolean needLVal() {
return false;
public class CodeBodyContext extends DelegatingContext {
final CAstSourcePositionRecorder fSourceMap = new CAstSourcePositionRecorder();
final CAstControlFlowRecorder fCFG = new CAstControlFlowRecorder(fSourceMap);
final CAstNodeTypeMapRecorder fNodeTypeMap = new CAstNodeTypeMapRecorder();
private final Map<Node, String> labelMap = HashMapFactory.make(2);
private final Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> fEntities;
public CodeBodyContext(WalkContext parent, Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> entities) {
fEntities = entities;
public CAstNodeTypeMapRecorder getNodeTypeMap() {
return fNodeTypeMap;
public CAstSourcePositionRecorder pos() {
return fSourceMap;
public CAstControlFlowRecorder cfg() {
return fCFG;
public void addScopedEntity(CAstNode node, CAstEntity entity) {
if (! fEntities.containsKey(node)) { fEntities.put(node, new HashSet<CAstEntity>(1)); }
public Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> getScopedEntities() {
return fEntities;
public Map<Node, String> getLabelMap() {
return labelMap;
public boolean needLVal() {
return false;
public class MethodContext extends CodeBodyContext {
final CodeInstance fPI;
public MethodContext(CodeInstance pi, Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> entities, WalkContext parent) {
super(parent, entities);
fPI = pi;
public Collection<Pair<Type, Object>> getCatchTargets(Type label) {
Collection<Pair<Type, Object>> result = Collections.singleton(Pair.<Type,Object>make(fREType, CAstControlFlowMap.EXCEPTION_TO_EXIT));
return result;
public CodeInstance getEnclosingMethod() {
return fPI;
private static class TryCatchContext extends DelegatingContext {
private final Try tryNode;
private final Context context;
Collection<Pair<Type,Object>> fCatchNodes = new ArrayList<Pair<Type, Object>>();
TryCatchContext(WalkContext parent, Try tryNode, final Context context) {
this.tryNode = tryNode;
this.context = context;
for (Iterator<Catch> catchIter = tryNode.catchBlocks().iterator(); catchIter.hasNext();) {
Catch c = catchIter.next();
Pair<Type,Object> p = Pair.make(c.catchType(), (Object)c);
public Collection<Pair<Type, Object>> getCatchTargets(Type label) {
// Look for all matching targets for this thrown type:
// if supertpe match, then return only matches at this catch
// if subtype match, then matches here and parent matches
Collection<Pair<Type, Object>> catchNodes = new ArrayList<Pair<Type, Object>>();
for (Iterator<Pair<Type, Object>> iter = fCatchNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Pair<Type, Object> p = iter.next();
Type catchType = p.fst;
// _must_ be caught
if (label.isSubtype(catchType, this.context) || label.typeEquals(catchType, this.context)) {
return catchNodes;
// _might_ get caught
} else if (catchType.isSubtype(label, this.context)) {
return catchNodes;
public List<ClassMember> getStaticInitializers() {
return null;
public List<ClassMember> getInitializers() {
return null;
protected static class RootContext extends TranslatorToCAst.RootContext<WalkContext, Node> implements WalkContext {
final CAstTypeDictionary fTypeDict;
public RootContext(CAstTypeDictionary typeDict) {
fTypeDict = typeDict;
public Collection<Pair<Type, Object>> getCatchTargets(Type label) {
return null;
public Node getFinally() {
return null;
public CodeInstance getEnclosingMethod() {
return null;
public Type getEnclosingType() {
return null;
public CAstTypeDictionary getTypeDictionary() {
return fTypeDict;
public List<ClassMember> getStaticInitializers() {
return null;
public List<ClassMember> getInitializers() {
return null;
public Map<Node, String> getLabelMap() {
return null;
public boolean needLVal() {
return false;
public class BreakContext extends DelegatingContext {
protected final String label;
private final Node breakTo;
BreakContext(WalkContext parent, String label, Node breakTo) {
this.label = label;
this.breakTo = breakTo;
public Node getBreakFor(String label) {
return (label == null || label.equals(this.label)) ? breakTo : super.getBreakFor(label);
public List<ClassMember> getStaticInitializers() {
return null;
public List<ClassMember> getInitializers() {
return null;
public class LoopContext extends BreakContext {
private final Node continueTo;
public LoopContext(WalkContext parent, String label, Node breakTo, Node continueTo) {
super(parent, label, breakTo);
this.continueTo = continueTo;
public Node getContinueFor(String label) {
return (label == null || label.equals(this.label)) ? continueTo : super.getContinueFor(label);
private class AssignmentContext extends DelegatingContext {
protected AssignmentContext(WalkContext parent) {
public boolean needLVal() {
return true;
public PolyglotJava2CAstTranslator(Node ast, ClassLoaderReference clr, NodeFactory nf, TypeSystem ts, PolyglotIdentityMapper identityMapper, boolean replicateForDoLoops) {
this.ast = ast;
fClassLoaderRef = clr;
fTypeSystem = ts;
fNodeFactory = nf;
fIdentityMapper = identityMapper;
doLoopTranslator = new DoLoopTranslator(replicateForDoLoops, fFactory);
fNPEType = fTypeSystem.NullPointerException();
fCCEType = fTypeSystem.ClassCastException();
fREType = fTypeSystem.RuntimeException();
fDivByZeroType = fTypeSystem.ArithmeticException();
public static class PolyglotSourcePosition extends AbstractSourcePosition {
private final Position p;
public PolyglotSourcePosition(Position p) {
this.p = p;
public int getFirstLine() {
return p.line();
public int getLastLine() {
return p.endLine();
public int getFirstCol() {
return p.column();
public int getLastCol() {
return p.endColumn();
public int getFirstOffset() {
return p.offset();
public int getLastOffset() {
return p.endOffset();
public URL getURL() {
try {
String path = p.path();
return new URL("file:" + (path.length() == 0 ? p.file() : path));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return null;
public Reader getReader() throws IOException {
return new InputStreamReader(getURL().openConnection().getInputStream());
protected CAstSourcePositionMap.Position makePosition(Position p) {
return new PolyglotSourcePosition(p);
private void setPos(WalkContext wc, CAstNode cn, Node pn) {
if (pn != null) {
wc.pos().setPosition(cn, makePosition(pn.position()));
private void setPos(WalkContext wc, CAstNode cn, Position p) {
if (p != null) {
wc.pos().setPosition(cn, makePosition(p));
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, CAst Ast, Node n, int kind) {
CAstNode cn = Ast.makeNode(kind);
setPos(wc, cn, n);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, CAst Ast, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c[]) {
CAstNode cn = Ast.makeNode(kind, c);
setPos(wc, cn, n);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, CAst Ast, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c) {
CAstNode cn = Ast.makeNode(kind, c);
setPos(wc, cn, n);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, CAst Ast, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2) {
CAstNode cn = Ast.makeNode(kind, c1, c2);
setPos(wc, cn, n);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, CAst Ast, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2, CAstNode c3) {
CAstNode cn = Ast.makeNode(kind, c1, c2, c3);
setPos(wc, cn, n);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, CAst Ast, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2, CAstNode c3, CAstNode c4) {
CAstNode cn = Ast.makeNode(kind, c1, c2, c3, c4);
setPos(wc, cn, n);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Node n, int kind) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, kind);
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c[]) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, kind, c);
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, kind, c);
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, kind, c1, c2);
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2, CAstNode c3) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, kind, c1, c2, c3);
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Node n, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2, CAstNode c3, CAstNode c4) {
return makeNode(wc, fFactory, n, kind, c1, c2, c3, c4);
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, int kind, Position p) {
CAstNode cn = fFactory.makeNode(kind);
setPos(wc, cn, p);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Position p, int kind, CAstNode c1) {
CAstNode cn = fFactory.makeNode(kind, c1);
setPos(wc, cn, p);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Position p, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode[] rest) {
CAstNode cn = fFactory.makeNode(kind, c1, rest);
setPos(wc, cn, p);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Position p, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2) {
CAstNode cn = fFactory.makeNode(kind, c1, c2);
setPos(wc, cn, p);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Position p, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2, CAstNode c3) {
CAstNode cn = fFactory.makeNode(kind, c1, c2, c3);
setPos(wc, cn, p);
return cn;
protected CAstNode makeNode(WalkContext wc, Position p, int kind, CAstNode c1, CAstNode c2, CAstNode c3, CAstNode c4) {
CAstNode cn = fFactory.makeNode(kind, c1, c2, c3, c4);
setPos(wc, cn, p);
return cn;
public CAstEntity translateToCAst() {
return walkEntity(ast, new RootContext(getTypeDict()));
* Maps front-end-specific representations into WALA references of the appropriate kind.
* @author rfuhrer
* @param <TypeRep> The front-end-specific representation of a type (e.g., for Polyglot, a Type)
* @param <MethodRep> The front-end-specific representation of a procedure/method (e.g., for Polyglot, a CodeInstance)
* @param <FieldRep> The front-end-specific representation of a field (e.g., for Polyglot, a FieldInstance)
public interface IdentityMapper<TypeRep, MethodRep, FieldRep> {
MemberReference getMethodRef(MethodRep method);
TypeReference getTypeRef(TypeRep type);
FieldReference getFieldRef(FieldRep field);
protected static Collection<CAstQualifier> mapFlagsToQualifiers(Flags flags) {
Set<CAstQualifier> quals = new LinkedHashSet<CAstQualifier>();
if (flags.isAbstract())
if (flags.isFinal())
if (flags.isInterface())
if (flags.isNative())
// if (flags.isPackage()) quals.add(CAstQualifier.PACKAGE);
if (flags.isPrivate())
if (flags.isProtected())
if (flags.isPublic())
if (flags.isStatic())
if (flags.isStrictFP())
if (flags.isSynchronized())
if (flags.isTransient())
if (flags.isVolatile())
return quals;
protected void processClassMembers(Node n, ClassType classType, List<ClassMember> members, DelegatingContext classContext,
List<CAstEntity> memberEntities) {
// Collect all initializer-related gorp
for (Iterator<ClassMember> memberIter = members.iterator(); memberIter.hasNext();) {
ClassMember member = memberIter.next();
if (member instanceof Initializer) {
Initializer initializer = (Initializer) member;
if (initializer.flags().flags().isStatic())
} else if (member instanceof FieldDecl) {
FieldDecl fd = (FieldDecl) member;
if (fd.init() != null) {
if (fd.flags().flags().isStatic())
// Now process
for (Iterator<ClassMember> memberIter = members.iterator(); memberIter.hasNext();) {
ClassMember member = memberIter.next();
if (!(member instanceof Initializer)) {
CAstEntity memberEntity = walkEntity(member, classContext);
// add class initializer, if needed
if (!classContext.getStaticInitializers().isEmpty()) {
InitializerDef initDef = fTypeSystem.initializerDef(n.position(), Types.ref(classType), Flags.STATIC);
InitializerInstance initInstance = fTypeSystem.createInitializerInstance(n.position(), Types.ref(initDef));
Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> childEntities = HashMapFactory.make();
final MethodContext mc = new MethodContext(initInstance, childEntities, classContext);
List inits = classContext.getStaticInitializers();
CAstNode[] bodyNodes = new CAstNode[inits.size()];
insertInitializers(mc, bodyNodes, true, 0);
CAstNode ast = makeNode(mc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, bodyNodes);
memberEntities.add(new ProcedureEntity(ast, fTypeSystem, initInstance, new String[0], childEntities, mc));
protected void addConstructorsToAnonymousClass(New n, ClassType anonType, ClassContext classContext,
List<CAstEntity> memberEntities) {
List superConstructors = ((ClassType) anonType.superClass()).constructors();
for (Iterator iter = superConstructors.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ConstructorInstance superCtor = (ConstructorInstance) iter.next();
Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> childEntities = HashMapFactory.make();
final MethodContext mc = new MethodContext(superCtor, childEntities, classContext);
String[] fakeArguments = new String[superCtor.formalTypes().size() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < fakeArguments.length; i++) {
fakeArguments[i] = (i == 0) ? "this" : ("argument" + i);
List inits = classContext.getInitializers();
CAstNode[] bodyNodes = new CAstNode[inits.size() + 1];
CallSiteReference callSiteRef = CallSiteReference.make(0, fIdentityMapper.getMethodRef(superCtor),
CAstNode[] children = new CAstNode[fakeArguments.length + 1];
children[0] = makeNode(mc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.SUPER);
children[1] = fFactory.makeConstant(callSiteRef);
for (int i = 1; i < fakeArguments.length; i++) {
children[i + 1] = makeNode(mc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.VAR, fFactory.makeConstant(fakeArguments[i]));
bodyNodes[0] = makeNode(mc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.CALL, children);
insertInitializers(mc, bodyNodes, false, 1);
CAstNode ast = makeNode(mc, fFactory, n, CAstNode.BLOCK_STMT, bodyNodes);
memberEntities.add(new ProcedureEntity(ast, fTypeSystem, superCtor, anonType, fakeArguments, childEntities, mc));
static String anonTypeName(ClassType ct) {
Position pos = ct.position();
return ct.fullName() + "$" + pos.line() + "$" + pos.column();
protected CAstEntity walkEntity(Node rootNode, final WalkContext context) {
if (rootNode instanceof SourceFile) {
SourceFile file = (SourceFile) rootNode;
List<CAstEntity> declEntities = new ArrayList<CAstEntity>();
for (Iterator iter = file.decls().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
TopLevelDecl decl = (TopLevelDecl) iter.next();
declEntities.add(walkEntity(decl, context));
return new CompilationUnitEntity(file, declEntities);
} else if (rootNode instanceof ClassDecl) {
final ClassDecl cd = (ClassDecl) rootNode;
final List<CAstEntity> memberEntities = new ArrayList<CAstEntity>();
final ClassContext classContext = new ClassContext(cd.classDef().asType(), memberEntities, context);
processClassMembers(rootNode, cd.classDef().asType(), cd.body().members(), classContext, memberEntities);
return new ClassEntity(classContext, memberEntities, cd, cd.position());
} else if (rootNode instanceof New) {
final New n = (New) rootNode;
final List<CAstEntity> memberEntities = new ArrayList<CAstEntity>();
ClassType anonType = n.anonType().asType();
String anonTypeName = anonTypeName(anonType);
final ClassContext classContext = new ClassContext(anonType, memberEntities, context);
processClassMembers(rootNode, anonType, n.body().members(), classContext, memberEntities);
addConstructorsToAnonymousClass(n, anonType, classContext, memberEntities);
return new ClassEntity(classContext, memberEntities, anonType, anonTypeName, n.position());
} else if (rootNode instanceof ProcedureDecl) {
final ProcedureDecl pd = (ProcedureDecl) rootNode;
final Map<CAstNode, Collection<CAstEntity>> memberEntities = HashMapFactory.make();
final MethodContext mc = new MethodContext(pd.procedureInstance().asInstance(), memberEntities, context);
CAstNode pdAST = null;
if (!pd.flags().flags().isAbstract()) {
// Presumably the MethodContext's parent is a ClassContext,
// and he has the list of initializers. Hopefully the following
// will glue that stuff in the right place in any constructor body.
pdAST = walkNodes(pd, mc);
List/* <Formal> */formals = pd.formals();
String[] argNames;
int i = 0;
if (!pd.flags().flags().isStatic()) {
argNames = new String[formals.size() + 1];
argNames[i++] = "this";
} else {
argNames = new String[formals.size()];
for (Iterator iter = formals.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
Formal formal = (Formal) iter.next();
argNames[i] = formal.name().toString();
return new ProcedureEntity(pdAST, fTypeSystem, pd.procedureInstance().asInstance(), argNames, memberEntities, mc);
} else if (rootNode instanceof FieldDecl) {
final FieldDecl fd = (FieldDecl) rootNode;
return new FieldEntity(fd, context);
} else {
Assertions.UNREACHABLE("Unknown node type for walkEntity():" + rootNode.getClass().getName());
return null;
private boolean isSpecialCallStmt(Stmt maybeSuper, Kind kind) {
if (maybeSuper instanceof ConstructorCall) {
ConstructorCall cc = (ConstructorCall) maybeSuper;
return cc.kind() == kind;
return false;
private boolean hasSpecialCall(Block body, Kind kind) {
if (body.statements().size() <= 0)
return false;
Stmt maybeSuper = body.statements().get(0);
return isSpecialCallStmt(maybeSuper, kind);
private boolean hasSuperCall(Block body) {
return hasSpecialCall(body, ConstructorCall.SUPER);
private boolean hasThisCall(Block body) {
return hasSpecialCall(body, ConstructorCall.THIS);
private int insertInitializers(WalkContext wc, CAstNode[] initCode, boolean wantStatic, int offset) {
List<ClassMember> inits = wantStatic ? wc.getStaticInitializers() : wc.getInitializers();
for (Iterator<ClassMember> iter = inits.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); offset++) {
ClassMember init = iter.next();
CAstNode initNode = walkNodes(init, wc);
if (initNode != null) {
initCode[offset] = initNode;
} else {
initCode[offset] = makeNode(wc, fFactory, null, CAstNode.EMPTY);
return offset;
protected CAstNode walkNodes(Node n, final WalkContext context) {
if (n == null)
return makeNode(context, fFactory, null, CAstNode.EMPTY);
return ASTTraverser.visit(n, getTranslator(), context);