package it.unitn.molerat.cmd; import; import; import; import; import it.unitn.molerat.evidence.VulnerabilityEvidence; import it.unitn.molerat.repos.trackers.vuln.VulnerabilityEvidenceTracker; import it.unitn.molerat.repos.trackers.vuln.VulnerabilityEvidenceTrackerFactory; import it.unitn.molerat.repos.utils.IORoutines; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; public class Main { private static MongoWrapper db = new MongoWrapper("molerat"); public static void main(String[] args) { Options opts = new Options(); Option listTrackersOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("list-trackers") .desc("List the available trackers for vulnerability vulnerability evidence") .build(); opts.addOption(listTrackersOpt); Option projectNameOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("project-name") .desc("The name of the project") .hasArg() .build(); opts.addOption(projectNameOpt); Option repoTypeOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("repo-type") .desc("The type of the source code repository ('git' or 'svn')") .hasArg() .build(); opts.addOption(repoTypeOpt); Option repoPathOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("repo-path") .desc("The path of the working copy of the source code repository") .hasArg() .build(); opts.addOption(repoPathOpt); Option cveIdOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("cve-id") .desc("The CVE identifier of a vulnerability") .hasArg() .build(); opts.addOption(cveIdOpt); Option fixCommitOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("fix-commit") .desc("The commit that fixed a vulnerability") .hasArg() .build(); opts.addOption(fixCommitOpt); Option trackerTypeOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("tracker-type") .desc("The type of the vulnerability evidence tracker") .hasArg() .build(); opts.addOption(trackerTypeOpt); Option inputFileOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("input-file") .desc("Path to the input .csv file") .hasArg() .argName("input-file-path") .build(); opts.addOption(inputFileOpt); Option outputFileOpt = Option.builder() .longOpt("output-file") .desc("Path to the output .csv file") .hasArg() .argName("output-file-path") .build(); opts.addOption(outputFileOpt); CommandLineParser cmdParser = new DefaultParser(); HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter(); CommandLine cmd; try { cmd = cmdParser.parse(opts, args); if (cmd.getOptions().length == 0) { throw new ParseException("Arguments are not specified"); } if (cmd.hasOption("list-trackers")) { System.out.println(VulnerabilityEvidenceTrackerFactory.getTrackersList()); return; } if (cmd.hasOption("input-file")) { String i = cmd.getOptionValue("input-file"); collectVulnEvidence(i); } if (cmd.hasOption("output-file")) { String o = cmd.getOptionValue("output-file"); generateCsv(o); } if (!cmd.hasOption("input-file") && !cmd.hasOption("output-file")) { String projectName = null; String repoType = null; String repoPath = null; String cveId = null; String fixCommit = null; String trackerType = null; if (cmd.hasOption("project-name")) { projectName = cmd.getOptionValue("project-name"); } if (cmd.hasOption("repo-type")) { repoType = cmd.getOptionValue("repo-type"); } if(cmd.hasOption("repo-path")) { repoPath = cmd.getOptionValue("repo-path"); } if(cmd.hasOption("cve-id")) { cveId = cmd.getOptionValue("cve-id"); } if(cmd.hasOption("fix-commit")) { fixCommit = cmd.getOptionValue("fix-commit"); } if(cmd.hasOption("tracker-type")) { trackerType = cmd.getOptionValue("tracker-type"); } if (projectName == null) { throw new ParseException("The 'project-name' parameter is not specified"); } if (repoType == null) { throw new ParseException("The 'repo-type' parameter is not specified"); } if (repoPath == null) { throw new ParseException("The 'repo-path' parameter is not specified"); } if (cveId == null) { throw new ParseException("The 'cve-id' parameter is not specified"); } if (fixCommit == null) { throw new ParseException("The 'fix-commit' parameter is not specified"); } if (trackerType == null) { throw new ParseException("The 'tracker-type' parameter is not specified"); } collect(projectName, repoType, repoPath, cveId, fixCommit, trackerType); } } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); helpFormatter.printHelp("java -jar molerat.jar", opts); } } private static void collectVulnEvidence(String inputCsvPath) { try { Set inputs = IORoutines.readInputDataPoints(inputCsvPath); for (InputDataPoint ip : inputs) { collect(ip.PROJECTID, ip.REPO_TYPE, ip.REPO_ROOT, ip.CVEID, ip.FIX_REV, ip.TRACKER_TYPE); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } } private static void collect(String projectName, String repositoryType, String repositoryPath, String cveName, String fixCommit, String trackerType) { try { boolean entryExists = db.analysisEntryExists(projectName, cveName, repositoryType, repositoryPath); if (entryExists) { System.out.format("WARNING: The analysis entry for '%s' from '%s' already exists, skipping\n", cveName, projectName); return; } System.out.format("INFO: Collecting the vulnerability evidence for '%s' from '%s'\n", cveName, projectName); VulnerabilityEvidenceTracker vulnTracker = VulnerabilityEvidenceTrackerFactory.getTracker( repositoryPath, fixCommit, repositoryType, trackerType ); vulnTracker.trackEvidence(); AnalysisEntry entry = new AnalysisEntry( cveName, projectName, repositoryType, repositoryPath, fixCommit, vulnTracker.getProcessedCommits(), vulnTracker.getEvidences(), null // we're not tracking any changes so far ); boolean isSuccessful = db.insertAnalysisEntry(entry); if (!isSuccessful) { System.out.format("WARNING: Could not get any vulnerability evidence for '%s' in '%s'\n", cveName, projectName); } System.out.println("INFO: Done!"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } } private static void generateCsv(String outFilePath) { System.out.format("INFO: generating the .csv file '%s'\n", outFilePath); String csvHeader = new VulnEvidenceDataPoint().getHeader() + "\n"; try { IORoutines.writeFile(outFilePath, csvHeader); Set cveIds = db.getAllCveIds(); for (ObjectId cveId : cveIds) { AnalysisEntry analysis = db.getAnalysisEntry(cveId); if (analysis == null) { continue; } String projectName = analysis.getProjectName(); String cveName = analysis.getCveName(); System.out.format("INFO: writing the entries for '%s'\n", cveName); Set evidences = analysis.getVulnEvidencesSet(); if (evidences.size() == 0) { throw new Exception(String.format("There is no vulnerability evidence for '%s' in the database", cveName)); } Map locsCount = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (VulnerabilityEvidence evd : evidences) { if (locsCount.containsKey(evd.getCommit())) { int count = locsCount.get(evd.getCommit()); locsCount.remove(evd.getCommit()); locsCount.put(evd.getCommit(), ++count); } else { locsCount.put(evd.getCommit(), 1); } } int timestamp = 0; for (Map.Entry entry : locsCount.entrySet()) { VulnEvidenceDataPoint dp = new VulnEvidenceDataPoint(new String[]{ projectName, cveName, entry.getKey(), String.valueOf(timestamp--), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()) }); IORoutines.writeFile(outFilePath, dp.toString() + "\n"); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } } }