upgrade to Isabelle2018 , synchronize with citadelle-devel 5bfebab420098b1083bf5b34a11b01e2f51e3568
HOL-OCL/Isabelle_DOF/master This commit looks good Details

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Frédéric Tuong 2019-04-16 16:30:43 +02:00
parent 436d41d232
commit e1ad1c39c6
1 changed files with 66 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -812,6 +812,72 @@ parse_translation \<open>
, parse_translation_cartouche @{binding cartouche_type} cartouche_grammar (K I) ())]
(* (* PORT TO ISABELLE2018 *)
ML \<open>
(* Author: Frédéric Tuong, Université Paris-Saclay *)
(* Title: HOL/ex/Cartouche_Examples.thy
Author: Makarius
fun mk_char (f_char, f_cons, _) (s, _) accu =
(fn c => fn (accu, l) =>
(f_char c accu, f_cons c l))
(rev (map Char.ord (String.explode s)))
fun mk_string (_, _, f_nil) accu [] = (accu, f_nil)
| mk_string f accu (s :: ss) = mk_char f s (mk_string f accu ss);
fun string_tr f f_mk accu content args =
let fun err () = raise TERM ("string_tr", args) in
(case args of
[(c as Const (@{syntax_const "_constrain"}, _)) $ Free (s, _) $ p] =>
(case Term_Position.decode_position p of
SOME (pos, _) => c $ f (mk_string f_mk accu (content (s, pos))) $ p
| NONE => err ())
| _ => err ())
syntax "_cartouche_string" :: "cartouche_position \<Rightarrow> _" ("_")
structure Cartouche_Grammar = struct
fun list_comb_mk cst n c = list_comb (Syntax.const cst, String_Syntax.mk_bits_syntax n c)
val nil1 = Syntax.const @{const_syntax String.empty_literal}
fun cons1 c l = list_comb_mk @{const_syntax String.Literal} 7 c $ l
val default =
[ ( "char list"
, ( Const (@{const_syntax Nil}, @{typ "char list"})
, fn c => fn l => Syntax.const @{const_syntax Cons} $ list_comb_mk @{const_syntax Char} 8 c $ l
, snd))
, ( "String.literal", (nil1, cons1, snd))]
fun parse_translation_cartouche binding l f_integer accu =
let val cartouche_type = Attrib.setup_config_string binding (K (fst (hd l)))
(* if there is no type specified, by default we set the first element
to be the default type of cartouches *) in
fn ctxt =>
let val cart_type = Config.get ctxt cartouche_type in
case List.find (fn (s, _) => s = cart_type) l of
NONE => error ("Unregistered return type for the cartouche: \"" ^ cart_type ^ "\"")
| SOME (_, (nil0, cons, f)) =>
string_tr f (f_integer, cons, nil0) accu (Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content o Symbol_Pos.explode)
parse_translation \<open>
[( @{syntax_const "_cartouche_string"}
, parse_translation_cartouche @{binding cartouche_type} Cartouche_Grammar.default (K I) ())]
(* tests *)
term "@{typ ''int => int''}"