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* su4sml - a SecureUML repository for SML
* secure_uml.sml - a security language implementing mds.sig
* Copyright (C) 2005 Achim D. Brucker <>
* Juergen Doser <>
* Burkhart Wolff <>
* This file is part of su4sml.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* SecureUML is a simple security language based on RBAC.
* Permissions relate roles with actions and can be further constrained
* using OCL:
signature SECUREUML =
type Role
type Subject
val all_roles : Configuration -> Role list
val all_constraints: Configuration -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm list
val all_subjects: Configuration -> Subject list
val constraints_of : Permission -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm list
val roles_of: Permission -> Role list
val subject_name_of: Subject -> string
val subject_roles_of:Subject -> Configuration -> Role list
* SecureUML is a simple security language based on RBAC.
* Permissions relate roles with actions and can be further constrained
* using OCL:
functor SecureUML(structure Design: DESIGN_LANGUAGE):SECUREUML =
open library
structure Design : DESIGN_LANGUAGE = Design
type User = string
fun name_of (u:User) = u
datatype Subject = Group of string * (string list)
| User of User
fun subject_name_of (Group (g,_)) = g
| subject_name_of (User u) = u
type Role = string
type SubjectAssignment = (Subject * (Role list)) list
type Permission = {name: string,
roles: Role list,
constraints: Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm list,
actions: Design.Action list }
type Config_Type = string
type 'a partial_order = ('a * 'a) list
type Configuration = { config_type: Config_Type,
permissions: Permission list,
subjects: Subject list,
(* groups: Group partial_order,*)
roles: Role list,
rh: Role partial_order,
sa: SubjectAssignment }
fun subject_roles_of (s:Subject) (c:Configuration) =
(snd o valOf o (List.find (fn x => (fst x) = s)) o #sa) c
fun constraints_of (x:Permission) = #constraints x
fun roles_of (x:Permission) = #roles x
fun actions_of (p:Permission) = #actions p
fun all_roles (c:Configuration) = #roles c
fun all_subjects (c:Configuration)= #subjects c
fun all_constraints (c:Configuration) = List.concat ( constraints_of (#permissions c))
(** test whether a1 is (transitively) a subordinated_action of a2 *)
fun is_contained_in a1 a2 = (a1 = a2) orelse
List.exists (is_contained_in a1)
(Design.subordinated_actions a2)
(** test whether the permission p covers the action a. *)
fun permission_includes_action (p:Permission) (a:Design.Action) =
List.exists (is_contained_in a) (#actions p)
(* unclear yet how this will look like:
fun domain_of (x:'a partial_order) = ...
fun closure_of (x:'a partial_order) = ...
fun type_of (c:Configuration) = #config_type c
fun is_empty (c:Configuration) = List.null (#permissions c) andalso
List.null (#subjects c)
fun getPermissions (c:Configuration) = #permissions c
(* the following functions have yet to be implemented *)
fun users_of p = nil
fun check_permission (u,p) = false
fun permissions_of u = nil
(** checks whether the classifier c has the stereotype s.
* (could be moved to rep_core?)
fun classifier_has_stereotype s c = ListEq.includes (Rep.stereotypes_of c) s
(** checks whether the classifier c has none of the given stereotypes *)
fun classifier_has_no_stereotype strings c =
ListEq.disjunct strings (Rep.stereotypes_of c)
(** checks whether the classifier c has a parent.
* (could be moved to rep_core?)
fun classifier_has_parent (Rep.Class c) = Option.isSome (#parent c)
| classifier_has_parent (Rep.Interface c) = not (List.null (#parents c))
| classifier_has_parent (Rep.Enumeration c) = Option.isSome (#parent c)
| classifier_has_parent (Rep.Primitive c) = Option.isSome (#parent c)
| classifier_has_parent (Rep.Template c) = classifier_has_parent (#classifier c)
fun filter_permission cs = List.filter (classifier_has_stereotype
"secuml.permission") cs
(* FIXME: handle groups also *)
fun filter_subject cs = List.filter (classifier_has_stereotype "secuml.user") cs
fun filter_role cs = List.filter (classifier_has_stereotype "secuml.role") cs
fun mkRole (C as Rep.Class c) = Rep.string_of_path (Rep.name_of C)
| mkRole _ = error ("in mkRole: argument is not a class")
(* FIXME: handle groups also *)
fun mkSubject (C as Rep.Class c) = User (Rep.string_of_path (Rep.name_of C))
| mkSubject _ = error ("in mkSubject: argument is not a class")
fun mkPermission cs (C as Rep.Class c) =
let val atts = Rep.attributes_of (Rep.Class c)
val att_classifiers = List.mapPartial
(fn (Rep_OclType.Classifier p) => SOME (Rep.class_of p cs)
| _ => NONE)
(map #attr_type atts)
val aends = Rep_Core.associationends_of (Rep.Class c)
val aend_classifiers = List.mapPartial (fn (Rep_OclType.Classifier p)
=> SOME (Rep.class_of p cs)
| _ => NONE)
(map #aend_type aends)
val classifiers = att_classifiers @ aend_classifiers
val role_classes = List.filter (classifier_has_stereotype "secuml.role")
val root_classes = List.filter (fn x => ListEq.overlaps
(Rep.stereotypes_of x)
val root_resource = hd root_classes
handle Empty => error ("in mkPermission: no root resource found "^
"for permission "^Rep.string_of_path (Rep.name_of C))
val action_attributes =
List.filter (fn x => List.exists
(fn y => List.exists
(fn z => y= z)
(#stereotypes x))
Design.action_stereotypes) atts
handle ex => (error_msg "could not parse permission attributes"; raise ex)
{ name = (Rep.string_of_path (Rep.name_of C)),
roles = (map (Rep.string_of_path o Rep.name_of) role_classes),
(* FIXME: find attached constraints *)
constraints = nil,
actions = if action_attributes = []
then error ("in mkPermission: Permission "^
(Rep.string_of_path (Rep.name_of C))^
"has no action attributes")
else map (Design.parse_action root_resource) action_attributes }
| mkPermission _ _ = error "in mkPermission: argument is not a class"
fun mkSubjectAssignment cs (c as (Rep.Class _)) =
let val att_classifiers = List.mapPartial
(fn (Rep_OclType.Classifier p) => SOME (Rep.class_of p cs)
| _ => NONE)
(map #attr_type (Rep.attributes_of c))
val aend_classifiers = List.mapPartial
(fn (Rep_OclType.Classifier p) => SOME (Rep.class_of p cs)
| _ => NONE)
(map #aend_type (Rep.associationends_of c))
(* FIXME: we just take all roles that are connected to the subject. *)
(* in principle, we should check the stereotype of the association, *)
(* but that does not exist in the rep datastructure... *)
val classifiers = List.filter (classifier_has_stereotype "secuml.role")
(att_classifiers @ aend_classifiers)
(mkSubject c, map mkRole classifiers)
(** parse a list of classifiers accoriding to the SecureUML profile.
* removes the classes with SecureUML stereotypes.
fun parse (cs:Rep_Core.Classifier list) =
let val _ = info "parsing security configuration"
(List.filter (classifier_has_no_stereotype ["secuml.permission",
{ config_type = "SecureUML",
permissions = map (mkPermission cs) (filter_permission cs),
subjects = map mkSubject (filter_subject cs),
roles = map mkRole (filter_role cs),
rh = map (fn x => (Rep.string_of_path (Rep.name_of x),
Rep.string_of_path (Rep.parent_name_of x)))
(List.filter classifier_has_parent (filter_role cs)),
sa = map (mkSubjectAssignment cs) (filter_subject cs)})
handle ex => (error_msg "in SecureUML.parse: security configuration \
\could not be parsed";
raise ex)