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@// Template for C#
@// (c) Rolf Adelsberger (
@openfile generated/csharp/StateMachine_$classifier_package$.cs
// generated by su4sml GCG - Generic Code Generator
@foreach classifier_list
@if hasAG
@nl using System;
@nl using System.Collections;
@nl namespace $classifier_package$
@nl {
//State Class
@nl @tab public class State
@nl @tab {
@nl @tab@tab public string name;
@nl @tab@tab public Hashtable transitions; //this is indexed by the event IDs.
@nl @tab@tab public State(string n)
@nl @tab@tab {
@nl @tab@tab@tab transitions = new Hashtable();
@nl @tab@tab@tab name = n;
@nl @tab@tab }
@nl @tab }
@nl @tab public delegate bool EventF();
@nl @tab public delegate bool Guard();
@nl @tab public delegate bool Effect();
// Transition Class
@nl @tab public class Transition
@nl @tab {
@nl @tab@tab public State target;
@nl @tab@tab public Guard[] guards;
@nl @tab@tab public Effect[] effects;
@nl @tab@tab public Transition(State t, Guard[] ga, Effect[] e)
@nl @tab@tab {
@nl @tab@tab@tab target = t;
@nl @tab@tab@tab guards = ga;
@nl @tab@tab@tab effects = e;
@nl @tab@tab }
@nl @tab }
// State machine class
@nl @tab public class StateMachine
@nl @tab {
@nl @tab@tab public enum EVENTS
@nl @tab@tab {
@nl @tab@tab@tab ALWAYS = -1,
@foreach event_list
@nl @tab@tab@tab $event_name$,
@nl @tab@tab@tab NUM_EV
@nl @tab@tab };
@nl @tab@tab public State CUR_STATE;
@nl @tab@tab State START;
@foreach state_list
@nl @tab@tab State $state_ident$;
@nl @tab@tab State END;
@nl @tab@tab private void init_states()
@nl @tab@tab {
@nl @tab@tab@tab START = new State("Initial");
@foreach state_list
@nl @tab@tab@tab $state_ident$ = new State("$state_ident$");
@nl @tab@tab@tab END = new State("Final");
@nl @tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab public StateMachine()
@nl @tab@tab {
@nl @tab@tab init_states();
@foreach state_list
@foreach events_of_state
@nl @tab@tab $state_ident$.transitions.Add(EVENTS.$cur_event_id$,new Transition[]{
@foreach transition_list
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab
new Transition($transition_target$,
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab new Guard[]{
@foreach guard_of_trans_list
new Guard($guard_ident$)
@if isLastGuard
} @//closing guard array
, @//between guards
, @//comma between guards and Effects
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab new Effect[] {
@foreach effect_list
new Effect($effect_ident$),
@if isLastTrans
}); @//endof transition array
, @//separate transitions
@end @//endof events_of_state
@end @//endof state_list
@nl @tab@tab CUR_STATE = START = $real_init$;
@nl @tab@tab END = $final_state_name$;
@nl @tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab //these three guards always exist
@nl @tab@tab public bool alwaysG(){return true;}
@nl @tab@tab public bool elseG(){return true;}
@nl @tab@tab public bool noneR(){return true;}
@nl @tab@tab private bool checkState(EVENTS E_ID)
@nl @tab@tab {
@nl @tab@tab@tab return (CUR_STATE.transitions.ContainsKey(E_ID));
@nl @tab@tab }
@foreach event_list
@nl @tab@tab public void $trigger_name$()
@nl @tab@tab {
@nl @tab@tab@tab EVENTS E_ID = EVENTS.$event_name$;
@nl @tab@tab@tab if(checkState(E_ID)) {
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab Console.WriteLine("Checkstate ok...\n");
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab Transition[] trans = (Transition[]) CUR_STATE.transitions[E_ID];
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab foreach(Transition t in trans){
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab foreach(Guard g in t.guards){
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab if(g()){
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab Console.WriteLine("Guard \"{0}\" in $event_name$ succeeded...\n",g.Method.ToString());
@//@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab CUR_STATE =;
@//@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab return;
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab } else {
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab Console.WriteLine("Guard \"{0}\" in $event_name$ didn't hold...\n",g.Method.ToString());
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab break;
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab //if we arrived here, all guards did hold -->
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab CUR_STATE =;
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab //fire all effects
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab foreach(Effect e in t.effects) {
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab e.eval();
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab //go back
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab return;
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab@tab } else {
Console.WriteLine("Current state \"{0}\" does not accept Event \"{1}\"",,E_ID.ToString());
@nl @tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab private void auto() {
@nl @tab@tab@tab if(checkState(EVENTS.AUTO)){
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab Transitions[] trans = (Transition[]) CUR_STATE.transitions[EVENTS.AUTO];
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab foreach(Transition t in trans) {
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab foreach(Guard g in t.guards) {
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab if(!g()) {
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab@tab break; // break out of the iteration over the guards
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab CUR_STATE =;
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab foreach(Effect e in t.effects) {
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab@tab e.eval();
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab@tab@tab return;
@nl @tab@tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab }
@nl @tab@tab else {
@nl @tab@tab@tab return;
@nl @tab@tab }
@nl @tab }
@nl @tab@tab } @//endof state machine
@nl} // End