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* su4sml - a SecureUML repository for SML
* ocl.sig -
* Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Achim D. Brucker <>
* Jürgen Doser <>
* This file is part of su4sml.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
(** Repository datatypes and helper functions for UML/OCL types. *)
signature REP_OCL_TYPE =
type Path = string list
datatype OclType = Integer | Real | String | Boolean | OclAny
| Set of OclType | Sequence of OclType
| OrderedSet of OclType | Bag of OclType
| Collection of OclType
| Classifier of Path | OclVoid | DummyT | TemplateParameter of string
val path_of_OclType : OclType -> Path
val string_of_OclType : OclType -> string
val string_of_path : Path -> string
val pathstring_of_path: Path -> string
val is_Classifier : OclType -> bool
val is_Collection : OclType -> bool
(** Repository datatypes and helper functions for OCL expressions. *)
signature REP_OCL_TERM =
include REP_OCL_TYPE
datatype OclTerm =
Literal of string * OclType (* Literal with type *)
| CollectionLiteral of CollectionPart list * OclType (* content with type *)
| If of OclTerm * OclType (* condition *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* then *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* else *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| AssociationEndCall of OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* Path (* assoc.-enc *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| AttributeCall of OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* Path (* attribute *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| OperationCall of OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* Path (* operation *)
* (OclTerm * OclType) list (* parameters *)
* OclType (* result tupe *)
| OperationWithType of OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* string * OclType (* type parameter *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| Variable of string * OclType (* name with type *)
| Let of string * OclType (* variable *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* rhs *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* in *)
| Iterate of (string * OclType) list (* iterator variables *)
* string * OclType * OclTerm (* result variable *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* iterator body *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| Iterator of string (* name of iterator *)
* (string * OclType) list (* iterator variables *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* iterator-body *)
* OclType (* result type *)
and CollectionPart = CollectionItem of OclTerm * OclType
| CollectionRange of OclTerm (* first *)
* OclTerm (* last *)
* OclType
structure Rep_OclType : REP_OCL_TYPE =
open library
type Path = string list
datatype OclType = Integer | Real | String | Boolean | OclAny
| Set of OclType | Sequence of OclType
| OrderedSet of OclType | Bag of OclType
| Collection of OclType | OclVoid | DummyT
| Classifier of Path
| TemplateParameter of string
(** Convert Path to a string using given separator *)
fun path_to_string (path:Path) separator = case path of
[] => ""
| p => foldr1 (fn (a,b) => a^separator^b) p
(** Convert Path to a string using ., creating a Java package name like string *)
fun string_of_path (path:Path) = path_to_string path "."
(** Convert Path to a string using /, creating a Unix directory like string *)
fun pathstring_of_path (path:Path) = path_to_string path "/"
fun string_of_OclType Integer = "Integer"
| string_of_OclType Real = "Real"
| string_of_OclType String = "String"
| string_of_OclType Boolean = "Boolean"
| string_of_OclType OclAny = "OclAny"
| string_of_OclType (Set t) = ("Set("^(string_of_OclType t)^")")
| string_of_OclType (Sequence t) = ("Sequence("^(string_of_OclType t)^")")
| string_of_OclType (OrderedSet t) = ("OrderedSet("^(string_of_OclType t)^")")
| string_of_OclType (Bag t) = ("Bag("^(string_of_OclType t)^")")
| string_of_OclType (Collection t) = ("Collection("^(string_of_OclType t)^")")
| string_of_OclType OclVoid = "OclVoid"
| string_of_OclType (Classifier p) = (string_of_path p)
| string_of_OclType DummyT = "DummyT"
fun path_of_OclType (Classifier p) = p
| path_of_OclType (TemplateParameter p) = [] (* FIXME *)
| path_of_OclType x = ["oclLib",string_of_OclType x]
fun is_Classifier (Classifier p) = true
| is_Classifier _ = false
fun is_Collection (Set _) = true
| is_Collection (Sequence _) = true
| is_Collection (OrderedSet _) = true
| is_Collection (Bag _) = true
| is_Collection (Collection _) = true
| is_Collection _ = false
structure Rep_OclTerm : REP_OCL_TERM =
open Rep_OclType
datatype OclTerm =
Literal of string * OclType (* Literal with type *)
| CollectionLiteral of CollectionPart list * OclType (* content with type *)
| If of OclTerm * OclType (* condition *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* then *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* else *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| AssociationEndCall of OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* Path (* assoc.-enc *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| AttributeCall of OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* Path (* attribute *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| OperationCall of OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* Path (* operation *)
* (OclTerm * OclType) list (* parameters *)
* OclType (* result tupe *)
| OperationWithType of OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* string * OclType (* type parameter *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| Variable of string * OclType (* name with type *)
| Let of string * OclType (* variable *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* rhs *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* in *)
| Iterate of (string * OclType) list (* iterator variables *)
* string * OclType * OclTerm (* result variable *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* iterator body *)
* OclType (* result type *)
| Iterator of string (* name of iterator *)
* (string * OclType) list (* iterator variables *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* source *)
* OclTerm * OclType (* iterator-body *)
* OclType (* result type *)
and CollectionPart = CollectionItem of OclTerm * OclType
| CollectionRange of OclTerm (* first *)
* OclTerm (* last *)
* OclType