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* su4sml - a SecureUML repository for SML
* xmltree_parser.sml - an xmi-parser for the import interface for su4sml
* Copyright (C) 2005 Achim D. Brucker <>
* Jürgen Doser <>
* This file is part of su4sml.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
structure XmlTree :
type Attribute
type Tag = string * Attribute list
datatype Tree = Node of Tag * Tree list
| Text of string
val tag_of : Tree -> Tag
val attributes_of : Tree -> Attribute list
val children_of : Tree -> Tree list
val node_children_of : Tree -> Tree list
val text_children_of : Tree -> Tree list
val tagname_of : Tree -> string
val attvalue_of : string -> Attribute list -> string option
val skip : string -> Tree -> Tree list
val filter : string -> Tree list -> Tree list
val filter_children : string -> Tree -> Tree list
val find_some : string -> Tree list -> Tree option
val find : string -> Tree list -> Tree
val find_child : string -> Tree -> Tree
val dfs : string -> Tree -> Tree option
val exists : string -> Tree list -> bool
val has_child : string -> Tree -> bool
val follow : string -> Tree list -> Tree list
val follow_all : string -> Tree list -> Tree list list
val apply_on : string -> (Attribute list -> Tree list -> 'a) -> Tree -> 'a
exception IllFormed of string
end =
exception IllFormed of string
type Attribute = (string * string)
(* Tags consist of element names, and a list of attribute name-value pairs *)
type Tag = string * Attribute list
datatype Tree = Node of Tag * Tree list
| Text of string
val filter_nodes = List.filter (fn Node x => true
| _ => false)
val filter_text = List.filter (fn Text x => true
| _ => false)
fun tag_of (Node (tag,trees)) = tag
fun attributes_of (Node ((elem,atts),trees)) = atts
fun children_of (Node ((elem,atts),trees)) = trees
fun node_children_of (Node ((elem,atts),trees)) = filter_nodes trees
fun text_children_of (Node ((elem,atts),trees)) = filter_text trees
fun tagname_of (Node ((elem,atts),trees)) = elem
| tagname_of (Text _) = ""
fun attvalue_of string atts = #2 (List.find (fn (x,_) => x = string) atts)
fun skip string tree = if string = tagname_of tree
then node_children_of tree
else raise IllFormed ("in XmlTree.skip: did not find element "^string)
fun filter string trees = List.filter (fn x => string = tagname_of x)
fun filter_children string tree = List.filter (fn x => string = tagname_of x)
(node_children_of tree)
fun find_some string trees = (List.find (fn x => string = tagname_of x) trees)
fun find string trees = valOf (List.find (fn x => string = tagname_of x) trees)
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("in XmlTree.find: did not find element "^string)
fun find_child string tree = valOf (List.find (fn x => string = tagname_of x) (node_children_of tree))
handle Option => raise IllFormed ("in XmlTree.find_child: did not find element "^string)
fun dfs string tree = if tagname_of tree = string
then SOME tree
else Option.join (List.find Option.isSome ( (dfs string) (node_children_of tree)))
fun exists string trees = List.exists (fn x => string = tagname_of x) trees
fun has_child string tree = List.exists (fn x => string = tagname_of x) (node_children_of tree)
fun follow string = node_children_of o (find string)
fun follow_all string trees = map node_children_of (filter string trees)
fun apply_on name f tree =
if tagname_of tree = name
then f (attributes_of tree) (node_children_of tree)
else raise IllFormed ("in XmlTree.apply_on: did not find element "^name)
structure XmlTreeHooks : Hooks =
open IgnoreHooks XmlTree UniChar HookData
exception IllFormed
type AppData = Dtd.Dtd * Tree list * (Tag * Tree list) list
type AppFinal = Tree
(* val appStart = (nil,nil) *)
fun attspec2name dtd nil = nil
| attspec2name dtd ((i,AP_PRESENT (s,v,_),_)::atts) =
let val attName = UniChar.Data2String (Dtd.Index2AttNot dtd i)
val attValue = UniChar.Vector2String v
(attName,attValue)::(attspec2name dtd atts)
| attspec2name dtd ((i,AP_DEFAULT (s,v,_),_)::atts) =
let val attName = UniChar.Data2String (Dtd.Index2AttNot dtd i)
val attValue = UniChar.Vector2String v
(attName,attValue)::(attspec2name dtd atts)
| attspec2name dtd (_::atts) = attspec2name dtd atts
fun hookStartTag ((dtd,content, stack), (_,elem,atts,_,empty)) =
let val elemName = UniChar.Data2String (Dtd.Index2Element dtd elem)
val attNames = attspec2name dtd atts in
if empty
then (dtd,Node ((elemName,attNames),nil)::content,stack)
else (dtd,nil,((elemName,attNames),content)::stack)
fun hookEndTag ((dtd,_,nil),_) = raise IllFormed
| hookEndTag ((dtd,content,(tag,content')::stack),_) =
(dtd,Node (tag,rev content)::content',stack)
fun hookData ((dtd,content,stack),(_,vec,_)) =
(dtd,Text (UniChar.Vector2String vec)::content,stack)
fun hookCData ((dtd,content,stack),(_,vec)) =
(dtd,Text (UniChar.Vector2String vec)::content,stack)
fun hookCharRef ((dtd,content,stack),(_,c,_)) = (* FIX *)
fun hookFinish (dtd,[elem],nil) = elem
| hookFinish _ = raise IllFormed
structure ParseXmlTree : sig
val readFile : string -> XmlTree.Tree
end =
open XmlTree
exception FileNotFound of string
structure Parser = Parse (structure Dtd = Dtd
structure Hooks = XmlTreeHooks
structure ParserOptions = ParserOptions ()
structure Resolve = ResolveNull)
fun readFile filename =
let val currentDir = OS.FileSys.getDir()
val _ = OS.FileSys.fileSize filename (* dummy check to see if the file exists...*)
val dtd = Dtd.initDtdTables()
(* how to do the following in a clean/portable way? *)
val _ = OS.FileSys.chDir (su4sml_home())
val _ = OS.FileSys.fileSize "dummy.xmi" (* dummy check to see if the file exists...*)
val _ = Parser.parseDocument
(SOME (Uri.String2Uri ("file:dummy.xmi")))
(SOME dtd) (dtd,nil,nil)
val _ = OS.FileSys.chDir currentDir
in Parser.parseDocument
(SOME (Uri.String2Uri filename))
(SOME dtd) (dtd,nil,nil)
handle SysErr => (print ("Warning: in readFile: did not find file "^filename^"\n");
Node (("",nil),nil))
(* supposed to print a XmlTree to a xml file. *)
(* Works in principle, but currently does not escape *)
(* entities like "<", and is not UTF-8 clean *)
structure WriteXmlTree: sig
val writeFile : string -> XmlTree.Tree -> unit
end =
open XmlTree
fun writeAttribute stream (name,value) =
TextIO.output (stream, " "^name^"=\""^value^"\"")
fun writeEndTag stream name = TextIO.output (stream,"</"^name^">\n")
fun writeStartTag stream tree =
(TextIO.output (stream,"<"^(tagname_of tree));
map (writeAttribute stream) (attributes_of tree);
TextIO.output (stream,">\n"))
fun writeIndent stream 0 = ()
| writeIndent stream n = (TextIO.output (stream, " "); writeIndent stream (n-1))
fun writeXmlTree indent stream tree =
let val elemName = tagname_of tree
writeIndent stream indent;
writeStartTag stream tree;
map (writeXmlTree (indent+1) stream) (children_of tree);
writeIndent stream indent;
writeEndTag stream elemName
fun writeFile filename tree =
let val stream = TextIO.openOut filename
TextIO.output (stream,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
writeXmlTree 0 stream tree;
TextIO.closeOut stream