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<title>fxp - The Program fxcopy</title>
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The Program <i>fxcopy</i></h1>
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<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#DESC">Description</a></td>
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#EXA">Options by Example</a></td>
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#OPT">Summary of Options</a></td>
<p><img SRC="shadow.jpg" ALT="----------------" >
<a NAME="DESC"></a>Description</h2>
<i>fxcopy</i> is a validating XML processor. It reads an XML document and
produces a copy of it. This copy can be in a different encoding, and can
be normalized in several ways by, e.g., expanding entity references.
<p>The typical invocation of <i>fxcopy</i> is
<pre>fxcopy [option ...] [infile]</pre>
If <tt>infile</tt> is given, <i>fxcopy</i> reads its input document from
that file, otherwise <i>fxcopy</i> reads from standard input.
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<a NAME="EXA"></a>Options by Example</h2>
In addition to the options of <i><a href="fxp.html#EXA">fxp</a></i>, <i>fxcopy</i>
accepts arguments in the following two areas:&nbsp;<!--
<I>fxcopy</I> understands all options documented for
<A HREF="fxp.html#EXA"><I>fxp</I></A>; the additional options
are described now.
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#EXA-OUT">Controlling Output</a></td>
<td><img SRC="ball-shadow.jpg" ALT="o" ></td>
<td><a href="#EXA-REF">Expansion of References</a> in the <a href="#EXP-INST">Document
Instance</a> and in the <a href="#EXP-SUB">Declaration Subset</a></td>
<a NAME="EXA-OUT"></a>Controlling Output</h4>
By default, <i>fxcopy</i> writes to standard output, in the same encoding
as the input document. This can be changed by the following options:
The output can be redirected to a file named <tt>outfile</tt> via the option
<tt>--output=outfile</tt> or, for short, <tt>-o outfile</tt>.</li>
If an output encoding different from the input encoding is desired, use
the <tt>--output-encoding=enc</tt> option, where <tt>enc</tt> is one of
<i>fxcopy</i>'s <a href="features.html#ENC">supported</a> encodings.</li>
For instance,
<pre>fxcopy -o output.utf8 --output-encoding=UTF-8 input.ascii</pre>
recodes the file <tt>input.ascii</tt> to UTF-8 and writes it to the file
<a NAME="EXA-REF"></a>Expansion of References</h4>
By default <i>fxcopy</i> produces a document that is for the most parts
identical to the input, i.e.,
all character references and general entity references in the document
instance are preserved as far as the output encoding admits;</li>
attribute values are reproduced literally, i.e., without being normalized
and without replacing entity references;</li>
the internal subset of the DTD is reproduced in an equivalent form; it
is not reproduced literally in that white space is not preserved but normalized
to a canonical form;</li>
entity values in entity declarations are reproduced literally, i.e., without
replacing entities references;</li>
the external subset is not copied to the output, but the external identifier
of the document type declaration is preserved.</li>
This behavior can be affected by options.
<a NAME="EXP-INST"></a>Reference Expansion in the Document Instance</h5>
Expansion of references in content can be controlled by the <tt>--expand-ref-content</tt>
option. Its takes as argument a list of keywords each specifying a class
of references to expand, where
<td>means that a character reference shall be replaced by the described
character unless that character cannot be represented directly in the output
<td>means that references to internal general entities shall be substituted
with their replacement text, unless the entity is undeclared (which may
only happen in non-validating mode).&nbsp;</td>
<td>means references to external parsed entities shall be substituted by
the content of the file they point to, unless the entity is undeclared
(which may only happen in non-validating mode).&nbsp;</td>
Alternatively, we can use <tt>--expand-ref-content</tt> for specifying
all of the above.
<p>The second place within the document instance where references can occur
is attribute values. Furthermore, attribute values are normalized according
to their attribute type after replacement of references. By default, <i>fxcopy</i>
reproduces attribute values literally. Given the <tt>--expand-att-vals</tt>
option, it outputs the normalized value instead.
<p>As an example for expansion in the document instance assume the following
declarations in the DTD:
<pre>&lt;!ENTITY q "quote sign">
&lt;!ENTITY int "internal entity">
&lt;!ENTITY ext SYSTEM "ext.ent">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; y CDATA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; #IMPLIED></pre>
and the content of the file <tt>ext.ent</tt> is the string "<tt>external
entity</tt>". Let us consider the following document fragment:
<pre>&lt;a x=" a&nbsp;&nbsp; b " y="two &amp;q;s: &amp;#x27; and &amp;#x22;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
here is a character reference: &amp;#64;
here is an &amp;int;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
here is an &amp;ext;
Running <tt>fxcopy --expand-refs-content=char,int</tt> produces this:
<pre>&lt;a x=" a&nbsp;&nbsp; b " y="two &amp;q;s: &amp;#x27; and &amp;#x22;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
here is a character reference: @
here is an internal entity&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
here is an &amp;ext;
whereas <tt>fxcopy --expand-refs-content=ext --expand-att-vals</tt> yields
<pre>&lt;a x="a b" y="two quote signs: ' and &amp;#x22;">
here is a character reference: &amp;#64;
here is an &amp;int;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
here is an external entity
Note that the <tt>&amp;#x22;</tt> in the attribute value is not replaced
by the <tt>"</tt> sign because then it would be recognized as the end of
the attribute value literal.
<a NAME="EXP-SUB"></a>Reference Expansion in the Declaration Subset</h5>
Normally <i>fxcopy</i> reproduces only the internal subset of the document
type, preserving all references to parameter entities. This behavior can
be changed with the <tt>--expand-ents-subset</tt> option. Its argument
indicates which references shall be substitutes by their replacement text:
<td>Expand all references to internal parameter entities.&nbsp;</td>
<td>Replace all references to external parameter entities with the content
of file they point to. Note that this option implies <tt><a href="#EXP-ENT">--expand-ent-vals</a></tt>
in order to ensure well-formedness.&nbsp;</td>
<td>Expand references to internal and external parameter entities. <tt>--expand-ents-subset</tt>
is equivalent <tt>--expand-ents-subset=yes</tt></td>
<td>Expand no parameter entity references at all.&nbsp;</td>
This applies to references occurring where a declaration could occur. It
does not affect references within declarations which are expanded regardless
of options.
<p>The external subset can be viewed as a special reference. The <tt>--expand-ext-subset</tt>
option makes <i>fxcopy</i> drop the external identifier from the document
type declaration, and copy the content of the file it denotes to the end
of the internal subset. As <tt>--expand-ents-subset=ext</tt>, this option
implies <tt><a href="#EXP-ENT">--expand-ent-vals</a></tt>.
<p><a NAME="EXP-ENT"></a>Usually, entity values in entity declarations
are reproduced literally, i.e., without replacement of references. However,
if a declaration is copied from an external entity to the internal subset,
parameter entity references become invalid in the entity value. Therefore,
given the <tt>--expand-ent-vals</tt> option, <i>fxcopy</i> substitutes
the derived entity replacement text for the entity value. This does not
contain parameter entity references (only if the %-sign was escaped with
a character reference, but then it wasn't even recognized as a reference
by the parser); it uses character references only for characters that can
not be represented directly.
<p>For instance, consider the document <tt>exa-6.xml</tt>:
<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
&lt;!DOCTYPE exa SYSTEM "exa-6.ext" [
&lt;!ENTITY % int "&lt;!ELEMENT exa ANY>">
&lt;!ENTITY % ext SYSTEM "ext-6.decl">
where the content of the file <tt>exa-6.ext</tt> is
<pre>&lt;!ENTITY % vnum "1.0">
&lt;!ENTITY % version "xml version %vnum;"></pre>
and <tt>ext-6.decl</tt> contains
<pre>&lt;!NOTATION text SYSTEM "/bin/cat"></pre>
Running <tt>fxcopy --expand-refs-subset=int exa-6.xml</tt> produces:
<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
&lt;!DOCTYPE exa SYSTEM "exa-6.ext" [
&lt;!ENTITY % int "&lt;!ELEMENT exa ANY>">
&lt;!ENTITY % ext SYSTEM "ext-6.decl">
&lt;!ELEMENT exa ANY>
Note that only the internal reference <tt>%int;</tt> was expanded. On the
other hand, if we run <tt>fxcopy --expand-refs-subset=ext exa-6.xml</tt>
we get:
<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
&lt;!DOCTYPE exa SYSTEM "exa-6.ext" [
&lt;!ENTITY % int "&lt;!ELEMENT exa ANY>">
&lt;!ENTITY % ext SYSTEM "ext-6.decl">
&lt;!NOTATION text SYSTEM "/bin/cat">
Finally, using <tt>fxcopy --expand-ext-subset exa-6.xml</tt> yields
<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
&lt;!DOCTYPE exa [
&lt;!ENTITY % int "&lt;!ELEMENT exa ANY>">
&lt;!ENTITY % ext SYSTEM "ext-6.decl">
&lt;!ENTITY % vnum "1.0">
&lt;!ENTITY % version "xml version 1.0">
Note that the entity value in the last entity declaration has been expanded,
because the <tt>--expand-ent-vals</tt> option was implied by <tt>--expand-ext-subset</tt>.
If we supersede this with <tt>--expand-ext-subset=no</tt>, we get
<pre>&lt;!ENTITY % version "xml version %vnum;"></pre>
but this is not well-formed:
<pre>> fxcopy --expand-ext-subset --expand-ent-vals=no exa-6.xml | fxp
[&lt;stdin>:8.33] Error: a parameter entity reference is not allowed in a&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; declaration in the internal subset.</pre>
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<a NAME="OPT"></a>Summary of Command Line Options</h2>
Each option can be one of:
A file name specifying the input document. Only one input document may
be specified.</li>
A long option of the form <tt>--key[=arg]</tt></li>
A short option of the form <tt>-k</tt>, where <tt>k</tt> consists of single
character. If <tt>k</tt> consists of more than one character, each character
is assumed to be a short option itself (e.g., <tt>-vic</tt> equals <tt>-v
-i -c</tt>).</li>
A short option with argument of the form <tt>-k arg</tt>, where <tt>k</tt>
consists of a single character.</li>
A negative short option of the form <tt>-nk</tt>, where <tt>k</tt> consists
of single character. If <tt>k</tt> consists of more than one character,
each character is assumed to be a negative short option itself (e.g., <tt>-nvic</tt>
equals <tt>-nv -ni -nc</tt>). If <tt>k</tt> is empty, then we have the
(non-negative) short option <tt>-n</tt>.</li>
The string <tt>--</tt>. This option is ignored, except that all remaining
options are interpreted as file names, whether they start with <tt>-</tt>
or not.</li>
<i>fxcopy</i> understands all options documented for <i><a href="fxp.html#OPT">fxp</a></i>;
additionally, the following options are available:
<tt>-o fname</tt></dt>
Write all output, except for errors and warnings, to the file named <tt>fname</tt>.
If <tt>fname</tt> is <tt>-</tt>, the standard output is used. Defaults
is <tt>-</tt>.</dd>
Use encoding <tt>enc</tt> for generating the output. <tt>enc</tt> must
be a <a href="features.html#ENC">supported</a> encoding. Default is the
encoding of the input document.</dd>
Controls whether entity references in content are expanded, i.e., included
or preserved as references in the output. <tt>key</tt> is either a comma-separated
list of</dd>
<tt>char</tt> for character references,</li>
<tt>ext</tt> for references to external parsed entities, and</li>
<tt>int</tt> for references to internal general entities;</li>
or it is <tt>yes</tt> for all or <tt>no</tt> for none of the above. If
no <tt>key</tt> is given, <tt>yes</tt> is assumed. Default is <tt>no</tt>.
Controls whether parameter entity references in the internal or external
subset are expanded, i.e., included or preserved as references in the output.
<tt>key</tt> is one out of</dd>
<tt>yes</tt> for all references,</li>
<tt>int</tt> for references to internal entities,</li>
<tt>ext</tt> for references to external entities; implies <tt>--expand-ent-vals</tt>;
<tt>no</tt> for no references at all</li>
to be expanded. If <tt>key</tt> is omitted, <tt>yes</tt> is assumed. Default
is <tt>no</tt>.
Controls whether the external subset shall be expanded, i.e., appended
to the internal subset of the output while dropping its external identifier
from the document type declaration. <tt>yes</tt> implies <tt>--expand-ent-vals</tt>.
If no argument is given, <tt>yes</tt> is assumed. Default is <tt>no</tt>.</dd>
Controls whether attribute values are reproduced literally or in expanded
form, i.e., with all references expanded and white space normalized according
to the attribute type. If no argument is given, <tt>yes</tt> is assumed.
Default is <tt>no</tt>.</dd>
Controls whether entity values are reproduced literally or in expanded
form, i.e., with all references expanded. If no argument is given, <tt>yes</tt>
is assumed. Default is <tt>no</tt>.</dd>
Depending on <tt>key</tt>, equivalent to:</dd>
<td><tt>--expand-refs-content --expand-refs-subset --expand-ext-subset
--expand-att-vals --expand-ent-vals</tt></td>
<td><tt>--expand-refs-content=no --expand-refs-subset=no --expand-ext-subset=no
--expand-att-vals=no --expand-ent-vals=no</tt></td>
<td><tt>--expand-refs-content=char,int --expand-refs-subset=int --expand-ext-subset=no
--expand-att-vals --expand-ent-vals=no</tt></td>
<td><tt>--expand-refs-content=ext --expand-refs-subset=yes --expand-ext-subset
--expand-att-vals=no --expand-ent-vals</tt></td>
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fxp's feedback address <a href="mailto:fxp@PSI.Uni-Trier.DE">fxp@PSI.Uni-Trier.DE</a></address>