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* su4sml - a SecureUML repository for SML
* ocl2string - "pretty printing" for OCL terms
* Copyright (C) 2005 Achim D. Brucker <>
* Jürgen Doser <>
* This file is part of su4sml.
* su4sml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* su4sml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
structure Ocl2String =
open library
open Rep_OclType
open Rep_OclTerm
open Rep_Core
fun ocl2string show_types oclterm =
fun string_of_infix show_types src styp opname arg atyp rtyp
= if show_types
then "(("^(ocl2string show_types src)^"):"^(string_of_OclType styp)
^" "^opname^" ("^(ocl2string show_types arg)^"):"^(string_of_OclType atyp)
^"):"^(string_of_OclType rtyp)
else (ocl2string show_types src)
^" "^opname^" "^(ocl2string show_types arg)
fun string_of_prefix1 show_types src styp opname rtyp
= if show_types
then "(("^opname^" ("^(ocl2string show_types src)^"):"^(string_of_OclType styp)
^"):"^(string_of_OclType rtyp)^")"
else "("^opname^" "^(ocl2string show_types src)^")"
fun string_of_oo_infix show_types src styp opname arg atyp rtyp
= if show_types
then "(("^(ocl2string show_types src)^"):"^(string_of_OclType styp)
^"->"^opname^"("^(ocl2string show_types arg)^"):"^(string_of_OclType atyp)
^")):"^(string_of_OclType rtyp)
else (ocl2string show_types src)
^"->"^opname^"("^(ocl2string show_types arg)^")"
fun string_of_oo_postfix1 show_types src styp opname rtyp
= if show_types
then "((("^(ocl2string show_types src)^"):"^(string_of_OclType styp)
^")->"^opname^"():"^(string_of_OclType rtyp)^")"
else "("^(ocl2string show_types src)^")->"^opname^"()"
fun string_of_oo_typeinfix show_types src styp opname arg rtyp
= if show_types
then "(("^(ocl2string show_types src)^"):"^(string_of_OclType styp)
^"->"^opname^"("^(string_of_OclType arg)^"):OclType"
^")):"^(string_of_OclType rtyp)
else (ocl2string show_types src)
^"->"^opname^"("^(string_of_OclType arg)^")"
fun cs_list [] = ""
| cs_list [a] = a
| cs_list l = foldl (fn (x,y) => (x^", "^y)) (hd l) (tl l)
fun arglist show_types args = cs_list
(map (fn (arg,atyp)
=> if show_types
then "("^(ocl2string show_types arg)^"):"^(string_of_OclType atyp)
else (ocl2string show_types arg)) args)
case oclterm of
(* Literal *)
(* OCL Boolean *)
Literal (lit, typ) => if show_types
then "("^lit^":"^(string_of_OclType typ)^")"
else lit
| If (cterm,ctyp, tterm,ttyp,eterm,etyp,iftyp) => if show_types
then "(if ("^(ocl2string show_types cterm)^":"^(string_of_OclType ctyp)
^") then ("^(ocl2string show_types tterm)^":"^(string_of_OclType ttyp)
^") else ("^(ocl2string show_types eterm)^":"^(string_of_OclType etyp)
^") endif:"^(string_of_OclType iftyp)^")"
else "if "^(ocl2string show_types cterm)
^" then "^(ocl2string show_types tterm)
^" else "^(ocl2string show_types eterm)^" endif"
| AssociationEndCall(src,styp,path,ptyp) => if show_types
then "(("^(ocl2string show_types src)^":"^(string_of_OclType styp)^")."
^(string_of_path path)^":"^(string_of_OclType ptyp)^")"
else (ocl2string show_types src)^"."^(string_of_path path)
| AttributeCall(src,styp,path,ptyp) => if show_types
then "(("^(ocl2string show_types src)^":"^(string_of_OclType styp)^")."
^(hd (rev path))^":"^(string_of_OclType ptyp)^")"
else (ocl2string show_types src)^"."^(hd (rev path))
(* OperationCall *)
(* OCL Boolean *)
(* @pre *)
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib","OclAny","atPre"],[],rtyp) => if show_types
then "((("^(ocl2string show_types src)^"):"^(string_of_OclType styp)
^")@pre:"^(string_of_OclType rtyp)^")"
else "("^(ocl2string show_types src)^")@pre"
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib","Boolean",opname],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp opname arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib","Boolean","not"],[],rtyp) => string_of_prefix1 show_types src styp "not" rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,[opname],[],rtyp) => string_of_oo_postfix1 show_types src styp opname rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"="],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "=" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"<>"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "<>" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"=="],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "==" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"~="],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "~=" arg atyp rtyp
(* OCL Numerals *)
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"<"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "<" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"<="],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "<=" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,">"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp ">" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,">="],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp ">=" arg atyp rtyp
(* OCL Real *)
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"round"],[],rtyp) => string_of_oo_postfix1 show_types src styp "round" rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"floor"],[],rtyp) => string_of_oo_postfix1 show_types src styp "floor" rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"min"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_oo_infix show_types src styp "min" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"max"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_oo_infix show_types src styp "max" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"/"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "/" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"abs"],[],rtyp) => string_of_oo_postfix1 show_types src styp "abs" rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"-"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "-" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"+"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "+" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"*"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "*" arg atyp rtyp
(* OCL Integer *)
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"mod"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "mod" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"div"],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_infix show_types src styp "div" arg atyp rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"-"],[],rtyp) => string_of_prefix1 show_types src styp "-" rtyp
(* OCL String *)
(* | OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"subString"],[(b,Integer),(e,Integer)],String)
=> OclSubString u (ocl2string u src) (ocl2string u b) (ocl2string u e)
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,opname],[],rtyp) => string_of_oo_postfix1 show_types src styp opname rtyp
| OperationCall (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,opname],[(arg,atyp)],rtyp) => string_of_oo_infix show_types src styp opname arg atyp rtyp
(* OperationCalls to modell and Error *)
(* TODO *)
(* | OperationCall (src,styp,op_name,args,t) => if show_types
then "("^(ocl2string show_types src)^"."^(hd (rev op_name))
^"("^arglist show_types args^")"
^")"^(string_of_OclType t)
else (ocl2string show_types src)^"."^(hd (rev op_name))
^"("^arglist show_types args^")"
(* Variable *)
| Variable (vname,t) => if show_types
then "("^vname^":"^(string_of_OclType t)^")"
else vname
(* Let *)
(* Error *)
| Let (s,_,_,_,_,_) => error ("error: unknown Let '"^(s)^"' in ocl2string")
(* OperationWithType *)
(* Error *)
| OperationWithType (src,styp,opname,oclType,rtyp) => string_of_oo_typeinfix show_types src styp opname oclType rtyp
(* Iterate *)
(* Error *)
| Iterate (_,s,_,_,src,_,c,_,_) => error ("error: unknown Iterate '"^(s)^"' in in ocl2string")
(* Iterator *)
(* forAll *)
| Iterator (iname,vars,src,styp,c,ctyp,rtyp) => if show_types
then "("^(ocl2string show_types src)^":"
^(string_of_OclType styp)^"->"^iname^"("
^(cs_list (map (fn (a,t) => a^":"^(string_of_OclType t))
^"|"^(ocl2string show_types c)^")"
else (ocl2string show_types src)^"->"^iname^"("
^(cs_list (map #1 vars))
^"|"^(ocl2string show_types c)^")"
(* OCL Collection *)
| Iterate (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"iterate"],args,Collection _) => OclIterate u C be e
| Iterate (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"isUnique"],args,Collection _) => OclIsUnique u C be
| Iterate (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"one"],args,Collection _) => OclOne u C be
| Iterate (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"any"],args,Collection _) => OclAny u C be
(* OCL OrderedSet *)
| Iterate (src,styp,["oclLib",classifier,"count"],[(arg,_)],OrderedSet _) => OclOSetCount u S e *)
(* Error *)
(* | Iterator (s,_,_,_,_,_,_) => error ("error: unknown Iterator '"^(s)^"' in in ocl2string")
*) (**************************************)
(* Catch out *)
(* Error *)
| _ => error ("error: unknown OCL-term in in ocl2string")