git-svn-id: 3260e6d1-4efc-4170-b0a7-36055960796d

This commit is contained in:
Manuel Krucker 2008-03-17 09:15:51 +00:00
parent 85c95e432d
commit 074fa38c6c
2 changed files with 238 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -147,25 +147,116 @@ datatype Classifier =
type transform_model = (Classifier list * association list)
val OclAnyC : Classifier
* RETURN transform_model
val joinModel : transform_model -> transform_model -> transform_model
val normalize : association list -> Classifier -> Classifier
val normalize_init : Classifier -> Classifier
val normalize_ext : transform_model -> transform_model
val name_of : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.Path
* RETURN Classifier
val OclAnyC : Classifier
val normalize : association list -> Classifier -> Classifier
val normalize_init : Classifier -> Classifier
* Checks if a type is a collection type.
* Type a collection type?
val isColl_Type : Rep_OclType.OclType -> bool
* Is the classifier visible?
val is_visible_cl : Classifier -> bool
* Is the operation visible?
val is_visible_op : operation -> bool
* Is the attribute visible?
val is_visible_attr : attribute -> bool
* Returns the type of a classifier.
val type_of : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.OclType
* Collections of Collections are flattened according to Ocl 2.0 Standard.
val flatten_type : Rep_OclType.OclType -> Rep_OclType.OclType
* Returns the type of a given term.
val type_of_term : Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm -> Rep_OclType.OclType
* Returns the type of a given CollectionPart.
val type_of_CollPart : Rep_OclTerm.CollectionPart -> Rep_OclType.OclType
val name_of : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.Path
val package_of : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.Path
val short_name_of : Classifier -> string
val visibility_of : Classifier -> Visibility
val parent_name_of : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.Path
val parent_interface_names_of : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.Path list
val parent_package_of : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.Path
val short_parent_name_of : Classifier -> string
val parent_interfaces_of : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.OclType list
val type_of_parent : Classifier -> Rep_OclType.OclType
* Find an operation in a list of operations.
val find_operation : string -> operation list -> operation
* Find an attribute in a list of attributes.
val find_attribute : string -> attribute list -> attribute
val prefix_type : string list -> Rep_OclType.OclType -> Rep_OclType.OclType
val prefix_expression : string list -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm
val prefix_signature : string list -> (string * Rep_OclType.OclType) list -> (string * Rep_OclType.OclType) list
val prefix_collectionpart : string list -> Rep_OclTerm.CollectionPart -> Rep_OclTerm.CollectionPart
val thy_name_of : Classifier -> string
val attributes_of : Classifier -> attribute list
@ -247,6 +338,8 @@ val connected_classifiers_of : association list -> Classifier -> Classifier list
val aend_to_attr_type : associationend -> Rep_OclType.OclType
(** update model **)
val update_thyname : string -> Classifier -> Classifier
val update_invariant : (string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list ->
Classifier -> Classifier
@ -255,23 +348,23 @@ val update_precondition : (string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list ->
operation -> operation
val update_postcondition : (string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list ->
operation -> operation
val addInvariant : constraint -> Classifier -> Classifier
val addInvariants: constraint list -> Classifier -> Classifier
val addOperation : operation -> Classifier -> Classifier
(* visibility *)
val is_visible_cl : Classifier -> bool
val is_visible_op : operation -> bool
val is_visible_attr : attribute -> bool
val visibility_of : Classifier -> Visibility
exception InvalidArguments of string
exception TemplateError of string
structure Rep_Core : REP_CORE =
open library
open Rep_OclTerm
open Rep_OclType
open XMI_DataTypes
@ -383,6 +476,7 @@ datatype Classifier =
type transform_model = (Classifier list * association list)
exception InvalidArguments of string
exception TemplateError of string
(* convert an association end into the corresponding collection type *)
fun aend_to_attr_type ({name,aend_type,multiplicity,
@ -1552,4 +1646,134 @@ fun addOperation oper (Class {name, parent, attributes, operations,
= Template { parameter=parameter,
classifier=addOperation oper classifier}
(** type operations **)
fun flatten_type (Set(Set(t))) = Set(t)
| flatten_type (Set(Collection(t))) = Set(t)
| flatten_type (Set(Bag(t))) = Set(t)
| flatten_type (Set(OrderedSet(t))) = Set(t)
| flatten_type (Set(Sequence(t))) = Set(t)
| flatten_type (Collection(Set(t))) = Collection(t)
| flatten_type (Collection(Bag(t))) = Collection(t)
| flatten_type (Collection(OrderedSet(t))) = Collection(t)
| flatten_type (Collection(Sequence(t))) = Collection(t)
| flatten_type (Collection(Collection(t))) = Collection(t)
| flatten_type (OrderedSet(Collection(t))) = OrderedSet(t)
| flatten_type (OrderedSet(Bag(t))) = OrderedSet(t)
| flatten_type (OrderedSet(OrderedSet(t))) = OrderedSet(t)
| flatten_type (OrderedSet(Sequence(t))) = OrderedSet(t)
| flatten_type (OrderedSet(Set(t))) = OrderedSet(t)
| flatten_type (Bag(Collection(t))) = Bag(t)
| flatten_type (Bag(Bag(t))) = Bag(t)
| flatten_type (Bag(OrderedSet(t))) = Bag(t)
| flatten_type (Bag(Sequence(t))) = Bag(t)
| flatten_type (Bag(Set(t))) = Bag(t)
| flatten_type (Sequence(Collection(t))) = Sequence(t)
| flatten_type (Sequence(Bag(t))) = Sequence(t)
| flatten_type (Sequence(OrderedSet(t))) = Sequence(t)
| flatten_type (Sequence(Sequence(t))) = Sequence(t)
| flatten_type (Sequence(Set(t))) = Sequence(t)
| flatten_type typ = typ
fun type_of_term (Literal (s,typ)) = typ
| type_of_term (AttributeCall (t,typ,p,res_typ)) = res_typ
| type_of_term (AssociationEndCall (t,typ,p,res_typ)) = res_typ
| type_of_term (OperationCall (t,typ,p,l,res_typ)) = res_typ
| type_of_term (Variable (s,typ)) = typ
| type_of_term (CollectionLiteral (set,typ)) = typ
| type_of_term (Iterator (_,_,_,_,_,_,res_typ)) = res_typ
| type_of_term (If(_,_,_,_,_,_,res_typ)) = res_typ
| type_of_term (OperationWithType (_,_,_,_,res_typ)) = res_typ
| type_of_term (Let (_,_,_,_,_,res_typ)) = res_typ
| type_of_term (Iterate (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,res_typ)) = res_typ
| type_of_term (Predicate (_,_,_,_)) = Boolean
fun type_of_CollPart (CollectionItem (term,typ)) = typ
| type_of_CollPart (CollectionRange (term1,term2,typ)) = typ
fun isColl_Type (Set(x)) = true
| isColl_Type (Sequence(x)) = true
| isColl_Type (OrderedSet(x)) = true
| isColl_Type (Bag(x)) = true
| isColl_Type (Collection(x)) = true
| isColl_Type _ = false
fun find_operation op_name (list:operation list) = List.hd (List.filter (fn a => (#name a) = op_name) list)
fun find_attribute att_name (list:attribute list) = List.hd (List.filter (fn a => (#name a) = att_name) list)
fun type_of_parent (Class {parent,...}) =
val _ = trace development ("type_of_parent : Class{parent,...} \n")
| type_of_parent (AssociationClass {parent,...}) =
val _ = trace development ("type_of_parent : AssociationClass{parent,...} \n")
| type_of_parent (Primitive {parent, ...}) = Option.valOf(parent)
| type_of_parent (Interface {parents, ...}) = (List.hd parents)
| type_of_parent (Template{classifier,...}) = raise TemplateError ("Parent of a class can never be of type template(x).\n")
fun prefix_type [] typ = typ
| prefix_type h (Classifier (path)) = Classifier (h@[List.last path])
| prefix_type h (Set (t)) = Set (prefix_type h t)
| prefix_type h (Collection (t)) = Collection (prefix_type h t)
| prefix_type h (OrderedSet (t)) = OrderedSet (prefix_type h t)
| prefix_type h (Sequence (t)) = Sequence (prefix_type h t)
| prefix_type h (Bag (t)) = Bag (prefix_type h t)
| prefix_type h basic_type = basic_type
fun prefix_signature ext_path [] = []
| prefix_signature ext_path ((s,typ)::tail) =
(s,prefix_type ext_path typ)::(prefix_signature ext_path tail)
fun prefix_collectionpart ext_path (CollectionItem (term,typ)) =
(CollectionItem (prefix_expression ext_path term,typ))
| prefix_collectionpart ext_path (CollectionRange (first_term,last_term,typ)) =
(CollectionRange (prefix_expression ext_path first_term,prefix_expression ext_path last_term,typ))
(* RETURN: OclTerm *)
and prefix_expression ext_path (Variable (s,t)) = (Variable (s,t))
| prefix_expression ext_path (Literal(s,t)) = Literal (s,t)
| prefix_expression ext_path (AttributeCall (sterm,stype,path,res_typ)) =
(AttributeCall (prefix_expression ext_path sterm,stype,path,res_typ))
| prefix_expression ext_path (OperationCall (sterm,stype,path,args,res_typ)) =
(OperationCall (prefix_expression ext_path sterm,stype,path,args,res_typ))
| prefix_expression ext_path (Iterator (name,iter_vars,sterm,styp,expr,expr_typ,res_typ)) =
val prefixed_vars = (fn a => (#1 a,prefix_type ext_path (#2 a))) iter_vars
Iterator (name,prefixed_vars,prefix_expression ext_path sterm,styp,prefix_expression ext_path expr,expr_typ,res_typ)
| prefix_expression ext_path (Let (var_name,var_type,rhs_term,rhs_type,expr,expr_type)) =
(Let (var_name,prefix_type ext_path var_type,rhs_term,rhs_type,prefix_expression ext_path expr,expr_type))
| prefix_expression ext_path (If (cond,cond_type,then_e,then_type,else_e,else_type,res_type)) =
(If (prefix_expression ext_path cond,cond_type,prefix_expression ext_path then_e,then_type,prefix_expression ext_path else_e,else_type,res_type))
| prefix_expression ext_path (OperationWithType (sterm,stype,para_name,para_type,res_type)) =
(OperationWithType (prefix_expression ext_path sterm,stype,para_name,para_type,res_type))
| prefix_expression ext_path (CollectionLiteral (coll_part_list,typ)) =
(CollectionLiteral ( (prefix_collectionpart ext_path) coll_part_list,typ))
| prefix_expression ext_path (Iterate (iter_vars,acc_var_name,acc_var_type,acc_var_term,sterm,stype,bterm,btype,restype)) =
val prefixed_vars = (fn a => (#1 a,prefix_type ext_path (#2 a))) iter_vars
val prefix_acc_type = prefix_type ext_path acc_var_type
(Iterate (prefixed_vars,acc_var_name,prefix_acc_type,acc_var_term,sterm,stype,bterm,btype,restype))

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ fun transform_expression t (XMI.LiteralExp {symbol,expression_type}) =
expression_type}) =
Rep_OclTerm.AttributeCall (transform_expression t source,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of source),
find_attribute t referredAttribute,
Xmi_IDTable.find_attribute t referredAttribute,
find_classifier_type t expression_type)
| transform_expression t (XMI.OperationCallExp {source,arguments,
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ fun transform_expression t (XMI.LiteralExp {symbol,expression_type}) =
Rep_OclTerm.OperationCall (transform_expression t source,
find_classifier_type t (XMI.expression_type_of source),
find_operation t referredOperation,
Xmi_IDTable.find_operation t referredOperation, (arglist, argtyplist),
find_classifier_type t expression_type)
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ fun transform_guard t (XMI.mk_Guard g) =
fun transform_event t (XMI.CallEvent ev) =
Rep.CallEvent (find_operation t (#operation ev),
Rep.CallEvent (Xmi_IDTable.find_operation t (#operation ev),
map (transform_parameter t) (#parameter ev))
| transform_event t (XMI.SignalEvent ev) =
Rep.SignalEvent (map (transform_parameter t) (#parameter ev))