Removed oudated use grammar.

This commit is contained in:
Achim D. Brucker 2016-10-16 10:52:43 +01:00
parent 2627f648fb
commit 47861ef715
1 changed files with 0 additions and 803 deletions

View File

@ -1,803 +0,0 @@
* USE - UML based specification environment
* Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Mark Richters, University of Bremen
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
/* $ProjectHeader: use 2-3-1-release.3 Wed, 02 Aug 2006 17:53:29 +0200 green $ */
// set package for all generated classes
header {
* USE - UML based specification environment
* Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Mark Richters, University of Bremen
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package org.tzi.use.parser.use;
// ------------------------------------
// USE parser
// ------------------------------------
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.tzi.use.parser.MyToken;
import org.tzi.use.parser.ParseErrorHandler;
import org.tzi.use.parser.ocl.*;
class GUSEParser extends GOCLParser;
options {
exportVocab = GUSE;
defaultErrorHandler = true;
buildAST = false;
k = 5;
//codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2;
//codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
// grammar start
/* ------------------------------------
model ::=
"model" id
{ enumTypeDefinition }
{ classDefinition
| associationDefinition
| "constraints" { invariant | prePost }
model returns [ASTModel n]
ASTEnumTypeDefinition e = null;
ASTAssociation a = null;
ASTConstraintDefinition cons = null;
ASTPrePost ppc = null;
n = null;
"model" name:IDENT { n = new ASTModel((MyToken) name); }
( e=enumTypeDefinition { n.addEnumTypeDef(e); } )*
( ( generalClassDefinition[n] )
| ( a=associationDefinition { n.addAssociation(a); } )
| ( "constraints"
( cons=invariant { n.addConstraint(cons); }
| ppc=prePost { n.addPrePost(ppc); }
/* ------------------------------------
enumTypeDefinition ::=
"enum" id "{" idList "}" [ ";" ]
enumTypeDefinition returns [ASTEnumTypeDefinition n]
{ List idList; n = null; }
"enum" name:IDENT LBRACE idList=idList RBRACE ( SEMI )?
{ n = new ASTEnumTypeDefinition((MyToken) name, idList); }
/* ------------------------------------
generalClassDefinition ::=
[ "abstract" ]
{ classDefinition | associationClassDefinition }
generalClassDefinition[ASTModel n]
{ boolean isAbstract = false;
ASTClass c = null;
ASTAssociationClass ac = null;}
( "abstract" { isAbstract = true; } )?
( ( c=classDefinition[isAbstract] { n.addClass(c); } ) |
( ac=associationClassDefinition[isAbstract] { n.addAssociationClass(ac); } ) )
/* ------------------------------------
classDefinition ::=
[ "abstract" ] "class" id [ specialization ]
[ attributes ]
[ operations ]
[ constraints ]
specialization ::= "<" idList
attributes ::= "attributes" { attributeDefinition }
operations ::= "operations" { operationDefinition }
constraints ::= "constraints" { invariantClause }
classDefinition[boolean isAbstract] returns [ASTClass n]
{ List idList; n = null; }
"class" name:IDENT { n = new ASTClass((MyToken) name, isAbstract); }
( LESS idList=idList { n.addSuperClasses(idList); } )?
( "attributes"
{ ASTAttribute a; }
( a=attributeDefinition { n.addAttribute(a); } )*
( "operations"
{ ASTOperation op; }
( op=operationDefinition { n.addOperation(op); } )*
( "constraints"
( { ASTInvariantClause inv; }
inv=invariantClause { n.addInvariantClause(inv); }
/* ------------------------------------
associationClassDefinition ::=
[ "abstract" ] "associationClass" id [ specialization ]
[ attributes ]
[ operations ]
[ constraints ]
[( "aggregation" | "composition" )] "between"
associationEnd { associationEnd }+
specialization ::= "<" idList
attributes ::= "attributes" { attributeDefinition }
operations ::= "operations" { operationDefinition }
constraints ::= "constraints" { invariantClause }
associationClassDefinition[boolean isAbstract] returns [ASTAssociationClass n]
{List idList; n = null; ASTAssociationEnd ae; }
{ MyToken t1 = (MyToken) LT(1); } ("associationClass"|"associationclass")
if (t1.getText().equals("associationClass")) {
reportWarning("the 'associationClass' keyword is deprecated and will " +
"not be supported in the future, use 'associationclass' instead");
name:IDENT { n = new ASTAssociationClass((MyToken) name, isAbstract); }
( LESS idList=idList { n.addSuperClasses(idList); } )?
ae=associationEnd { n.addEnd(ae); }
( ae=associationEnd { n.addEnd(ae); } )+
( "attributes"
{ ASTAttribute a; }
( a=attributeDefinition { n.addAttribute(a); } )*
( "operations"
{ ASTOperation op; }
( op=operationDefinition { n.addOperation(op); } )*
( "constraints"
( { ASTInvariantClause inv; }
inv=invariantClause { n.addInvariantClause(inv); }
( { MyToken t = (MyToken) LT(1); }
( "aggregation" | "composition" )
{ n.setKind(t); }
/* ------------------------------------
attributeDefinition ::=
id ":" type [ ";" ]
attributeDefinition returns [ASTAttribute n]
{ ASTType t; n = null; }
name:IDENT COLON t=type ( SEMI )?
{ n = new ASTAttribute((MyToken) name, t); }
/* ------------------------------------
operationDefinition ::=
id paramList [ ":" type [ "=" expression ] ]
{ prePostClause } [ ";" ]
operationDefinition returns [ASTOperation n]
{ List pl; ASTType t = null; ASTExpression e = null;
ASTPrePostClause ppc = null; n = null;
ASTALActionList al = null;
( COLON t=type )?
(EQUAL e=expression )?
("begin" al=alActionList "end" )?
{ n = new ASTOperation((MyToken) name, pl, t, e,al); }
( ppc=prePostClause { n.addPrePostClause(ppc); } )*
( SEMI )?
/* ------------------------------------
associationDefinition ::=
( "association" | "aggregation" | "composition" )
id "between"
associationEnd associationEnd { associationEnd }
associationDefinition returns [ASTAssociation n]
{ ASTAssociationEnd ae; n = null; }
{ MyToken t = (MyToken) LT(1); }
( "association" | "aggregation" | "composition" )
// ( classDefinition | (name:IDENT { n = new ASTAssociation(t, (MyToken) name); }) )
name:IDENT { n = new ASTAssociation(t, (MyToken) name); }
ae=associationEnd { n.addEnd(ae); }
( ae=associationEnd { n.addEnd(ae); } )+
/* ------------------------------------
associationEnd ::=
id "[" multiplicity "]" [ "role" id ] [ "ordered" ] [ ";" ]
associationEnd returns [ASTAssociationEnd n]
{ ASTMultiplicity m; n = null; }
name:IDENT LBRACK m=multiplicity RBRACK
{ n = new ASTAssociationEnd((MyToken) name, m); }
( "role" rn:IDENT { n.setRolename((MyToken) rn); } )?
( "ordered" { n.setOrdered(); } )?
( SEMI )?
/* ------------------------------------
multiplicity ::=
multiplicityRange { "," multiplicityRange }
multiplicityRange ::=
multiplicitySpec [ ".." multiplicitySpec ]
multiplicitySpec ::=
"*" | INT
multiplicity returns [ASTMultiplicity n]
{ ASTMultiplicityRange mr; n = null; }
MyToken t = (MyToken) LT(1); // remember start position of expression
n = new ASTMultiplicity(t);
mr=multiplicityRange { n.addRange(mr); }
( COMMA mr=multiplicityRange { n.addRange(mr); } )*
multiplicityRange returns [ASTMultiplicityRange n]
{ int ms1, ms2; n = null; }
ms1=multiplicitySpec { n = new ASTMultiplicityRange(ms1); }
( DOTDOT ms2=multiplicitySpec { n.setHigh(ms2); } )?
multiplicitySpec returns [int m]
{ m = -1; }
i:INT { m = Integer.parseInt(i.getText()); }
| STAR { m = -1; }
/* ------------------------------------
constraintDefinition ::=
invariant | prePost
// constraintDefinition returns [ASTConstraintDefinition n]
// { n = null; }
// :
// n=invariant // | prePost
// ;
/* ------------------------------------
invariant ::=
invariantContext invariantClause { invariantClause }
invariantContext :=
"context" [ id ":" ] simpleType
invariant returns [ASTConstraintDefinition n]
{ n = null; ASTType t = null; ASTInvariantClause inv = null; }
{ n = new ASTConstraintDefinition(); }
( v:IDENT COLON { n.setVarName((MyToken) v); } )? // requires k = 2
t=simpleType { n.setType(t); }
( inv=invariantClause { n.addInvariantClause(inv); } )* //+
/* ------------------------------------
invariantClause ::=
"inv" [ id ] ":" expression
invariantClause returns [ASTInvariantClause n]
{ ASTExpression e; n = null; }
"inv" ( name:IDENT )? COLON e=expression
{ n = new ASTInvariantClause((MyToken) name, e); }
/* ------------------------------------
prePost ::=
prePostContext prePostClause { prePostClause }
prePostContext :=
"context" id "::" id paramList [ ":" type ]
prePost returns [ASTPrePost n]
{ n = null; List pl = null; ASTType rt = null; ASTPrePostClause ppc = null; }
"context" classname:IDENT COLON_COLON opname:IDENT pl=paramList ( COLON rt=type )?
{ n = new ASTPrePost((MyToken) classname, (MyToken) opname, pl, rt); }
( ppc=prePostClause { n.addPrePostClause(ppc); } )+
/* ------------------------------------
prePostClause :=
("pre" | "post") [ id ] ":" expression
prePostClause returns [ASTPrePostClause n]
{ ASTExpression e; n = null; }
{ MyToken t = (MyToken) LT(1); }
( "pre" | "post" ) ( name:IDENT )? COLON e=expression
{ n = new ASTPrePostClause(t, (MyToken) name, e); }
alActionList returns [ASTALActionList al]
al = null;
ASTALAction action = null;
al = new ASTALActionList();
( action=alAction {al.add(action);})*
alAction returns [ASTALAction action]
action = null;
action = alCreateVar
| action = alDelete
| action = alSet
| action = alSetCreate
| action = alInsert
| action = alDestroy
| action = alIf
| action = alWhile
| action = alFor
| action = alExec
alCreateVar returns [ASTALCreateVar var]
var = null;
ASTType type = null;
("var"|"declare") name:IDENT COLON type=type
{ var = new ASTALCreateVar(name,type); }
alSet returns [ASTALSet set]
set = null;
ASTExpression lval = null;
ASTExpression rval = null;
"set" lval=expression COLON_EQUAL rval=expression
{ set = new ASTALSet(lval, rval); }
alSetCreate returns [ASTALSetCreate setcreate]
setcreate = null;
ASTExpression lval = null;
ASTExpression nameExpr = null;
"create" lval=expression COLON_EQUAL { LT(1).getText().equals("new") }? new_:IDENT cls:IDENT
( "namehint" nameExpr=expression )?
{ setcreate = new ASTALSetCreate(lval, (MyToken)cls, nameExpr);}
alInsert returns [ASTALInsert insert]
{ ASTExpression e; List exprList = new ArrayList(); insert = null; }
"insert" LPAREN
e=expression { exprList.add(e); } COMMA
e=expression { exprList.add(e); } ( COMMA e=expression { exprList.add(e); } )*
RPAREN "into" id:IDENT
{ insert = new ASTALInsert(exprList, (MyToken) id); }
alDelete returns [ASTALDelete n]
{ ASTExpression e; List exprList = new ArrayList(); n = null; }
"delete" LPAREN
e=expression { exprList.add(e); } COMMA
e=expression { exprList.add(e); } ( COMMA e=expression { exprList.add(e); } )*
RPAREN "from" id:IDENT
{ n = new ASTALDelete(exprList, (MyToken) id); }
alDestroy returns [ASTALDestroy n]
{ ASTExpression e = null; n = null; }
"destroy" e=expression
{ n = new ASTALDestroy(e); }
alIf returns [ASTALIf i]
i = null;
ASTExpression ifexpr;
ASTALActionList thenlist;
ASTALActionList elselist=null;
"if" ifexpr=expression
"then" thenlist=alActionList
("else" elselist=alActionList)?
{ i = new ASTALIf(ifexpr,thenlist,elselist); }
alWhile returns [ASTALWhile w]
w = null;
ASTExpression expr;
ASTALActionList body;
"while" expr=expression
{ w = new ASTALWhile(expr,body); }
alFor returns [ASTALFor f]
f = null;
ASTExpression expr;
ASTALActionList body;
ASTType type;
"for" var:IDENT COLON type=type "in" expr=expression
{ LT(1).getText().equals("next") }? next:IDENT
{ f = new ASTALFor(var,type,expr,body); }
alExec returns [ASTALExecute c]
ASTExpression op;
"execute" op=expression
{ c = new ASTALExecute(op); }
// ------------------------------------
// USE lexer
// ------------------------------------
import org.tzi.use.util.Log;
import org.tzi.use.util.StringUtil;
import org.tzi.use.parser.ParseErrorHandler;
import org.tzi.use.parser.MyToken;
class GUSELexer extends GOCLLexer;
options {
// MyLexer.reportError depends on defaultErrorHandler == true for
// providing correct column number information
defaultErrorHandler = true;
// don't automatically test all tokens for literals
testLiterals = false;
k = 2;
protected int fTokColumn = 1;
private PrintWriter fErr;
private ParseErrorHandler fParseErrorHandler;
public void consume() throws CharStreamException {
if (inputState.guessing == 0 ) {
if (text.length() == 0 ) {
// remember token start column
fTokColumn = getColumn();
public String getFilename() {
return fParseErrorHandler.getFileName();
protected Token makeToken(int t) {
MyToken token =
new MyToken(getFilename(), getLine(), fTokColumn);
if (t == EOF )
token.setText("end of file or input");
return token;
public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
ex.getLine() + ":" + ex.getColumn() + ": " + ex.getMessage());
* Returns true if word is a reserved keyword.
public boolean isKeyword(String word) {
ANTLRHashString s = new ANTLRHashString(word, this);
boolean res = literals.get(s) != null;
Log.trace(this, "keyword " + word + ": " + res);
return res;
public void traceIn(String rname) throws CharStreamException {
traceDepth += 1;
System.out.println("> lexer " + rname + ": c == '" +
StringUtil.escapeChar(LA(1), '\'') + "'");
public void traceOut(String rname) throws CharStreamException {
traceDepth -= 1;
System.out.println("< lexer " + rname + ": c == '" +
StringUtil.escapeChar(LA(1), '\'') + "'");
public void init(ParseErrorHandler handler) {
fParseErrorHandler = handler;
// Whitespace -- ignored
( ' '
| '\t'
| '\f'
| ( "\r\n"
| '\r'
| '\n'
{ newline(); }
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); }
// Single-line comments
("//" | "--")
(~('\n'|'\r'))* ('\n'|'\r'('\n')?)
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); newline(); }
// multiple-line comments
( options { generateAmbigWarnings = false; } : { LA(2)!='/' }? '*'
| '\r' '\n' { newline(); }
| '\r' { newline(); }
| '\n' { newline(); }
| ~('*'|'\n'|'\r')
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); }
// Use paraphrases for nice error messages
//EOF options { paraphrase = "\"end of file\""; } : EOF;
ARROW options { paraphrase = "'->'"; } : "->";
AT options { paraphrase = "'@'"; } : '@';
BAR options { paraphrase = "'|'"; } : '|';
COLON options { paraphrase = "':'"; } : ':';
COLON_COLON options { paraphrase = "'::'"; } : "::";
COLON_EQUAL options { paraphrase = "':='"; } : ":=";
COMMA options { paraphrase = "','"; } : ',';
DOT options { paraphrase = "'.'"; } : '.';
DOTDOT options { paraphrase = "'..'"; } : "..";
EQUAL options { paraphrase = "'='"; } : '=';
GREATER options { paraphrase = "'>'"; } : '>';
GREATER_EQUAL options { paraphrase = "'>='"; } : ">=";
HASH options { paraphrase = "'#'"; } : '#';
LBRACE options { paraphrase = "'{'"; } : '{';
LBRACK options { paraphrase = "'['"; } : '[';
LESS options { paraphrase = "'<'"; } : '<';
LESS_EQUAL options { paraphrase = "'<='"; } : "<=";
LPAREN options { paraphrase = "'('"; } : '(';
MINUS options { paraphrase = "'-'"; } : '-';
NOT_EQUAL options { paraphrase = "'<>'"; } : "<>";
PLUS options { paraphrase = "'+'"; } : '+';
RBRACE options { paraphrase = "'}'"; } : '}';
RBRACK options { paraphrase = "']'"; } : ']';
RPAREN options { paraphrase = "')'"; } : ')';
SEMI options { paraphrase = "';'"; } : ';';
SLASH options { paraphrase = "'/'"; } : '/';
STAR options { paraphrase = "'*'"; } : '*';
INT ( '.' INT )?
( ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? INT )?
( INT ".." ) => INT { $setType(INT); }
| ( INT '.' INT) => REAL { $setType(REAL); }
| ( INT ('e'|'E')) => REAL { $setType(REAL); }
| INT { $setType(INT); }
// String literals
{ char c1; StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); }
'\'' { s.append('\''); }
( c1=ESC { s.append(c1); }
c2:~('\''|'\\') { s.append(c2); }
'\'' { s.append('\''); }
{ $setText(s.toString()); }
// escape sequence -- note that this is protected; it can only be called
// from another lexer rule -- it will not ever directly return a token to
// the parser
// There are various ambiguities hushed in this rule. The optional
// '0'...'7' digit matches should be matched here rather than letting
// them go back to STRING_LITERAL to be matched. ANTLR does the
// right thing by matching immediately; hence, it's ok to shut off
// the FOLLOW ambig warnings.
ESC returns [char c]
{ c = 0; int h0,h1,h2,h3; }
( 'n' { c = '\n'; }
| 'r' { c = '\r'; }
| 't' { c = '\t'; }
| 'b' { c = '\b'; }
| 'f' { c = '\f'; }
| '"' { c = '"'; }
| '\'' { c = '\''; }
| '\\' { c = '\\'; }
| ('u')+
{ c = (char) (h0 + h1 * 16 + h2 * 16 * 16 + h3 * 16 * 16 * 16); }
| o1:'0'..'3' { c = (char) Character.digit(o1, 8); }
( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; } : o2:'0'..'7'
{ c = (char) (c * 8 + Character.digit(o2, 8)); }
( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; } : o3:'0'..'7'
{ c = (char) (c * 8 + Character.digit(o3, 8)); }
| d1:'4'..'7' { c = (char) Character.digit(d1, 8); }
( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; } : d2:'0'..'7'
{ c = (char) (c * 8 + Character.digit(d2, 8)); }
// hexadecimal digit (again, note it's protected!)
HEX_DIGIT returns [int n]
{ n = 0; }
( c1:'0'..'9' { n = Character.digit(c1, 16); }
| c2:'A'..'F' { n = Character.digit(c2, 16); }
| c3:'a'..'f' { n = Character.digit(c3, 16); }
// An identifier. Note that testLiterals is set to true! This means
// that after we match the rule, we look in the literals table to see
// if it's a literal or really an identifer.
options {
testLiterals = true;
paraphrase = "an identifier";
} :
('$' |'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9')*
// A dummy rule to force vocabulary to be all characters (except
// special ones that ANTLR uses internally (0 to 2)