git-svn-id: 3260e6d1-4efc-4170-b0a7-36055960796d

This commit is contained in:
Achim D. Brucker 2009-01-05 14:04:54 +00:00
parent d045c9188c
commit 73f412bdca
1 changed files with 3 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -162,16 +162,15 @@ fun main (name:string,args:(string list)) =
case (prgName,args) of
(n, []) => print_usage n
(* su4sml *)
| ("su4sml", ["help"]) => print_help "su4sml"
| ("su4sml", ["help", subcmd]) => main(subcmd,["help"])
| (_, ["help"]) => print_help "su4sml"
| (_, ["help", subcmd]) => main(subcmd,["help"])
(* check-model *)
| (_, ["check-model", "help"]) => let val _ = print "not yet supported \n" in 0 end
| (_, "check-model"::_) => let val _ = print "not yet supported \n" in 0 end
(* codegen *)
| (_, ["codegen", "help"]) => let val _ = Codegen.print_usage() in 0 end
| ("su4sml", "codegen"::args) => Codegen.main("su4sml",args)
| (_, "codegen"::_) => let val _ = Codegen.print_usage() in 0 end
| (_, "codegen"::args) => Codegen.main("su4sml",args)
(* transform-model *)
| (_, ["transform-model", "help"]) => let val _ = print "not yet supported \n" in 0 end
| (_, "transform-model"::_) => let val _ = print "not yet supported \n" in 0 end