- fixed a line in test-suite.sml

- refactoring + rewrite of rep_transform.sml

git-svn-id: https://projects.brucker.ch/su4sml/svn/su4sml/trunk@6936 3260e6d1-4efc-4170-b0a7-36055960796d
This commit is contained in:
Martin Bill 2007-11-11 18:16:10 +00:00
parent c0777aafa3
commit a4741f5dbc
3 changed files with 291 additions and 233 deletions

View File

@ -228,6 +228,9 @@ end
structure Rep_OclHelper =
open Rep_OclTerm
exception InvalidArguments of string
(** gives the type of an OCL expression.
* Should be moved to Rep_Ocl?
@ -260,7 +263,7 @@ fun term_name_of (Literal _) = "Literal"
fun self t = Variable ("self",t)
fun result t = Variable ("result", t)
(* BUG: let...? *)
fun ocl_let var rhs body = Let (var,type_of rhs,rhs,type_of rhs,body,type_of body)
fun ocl_opcall source f args t = OperationCall (source, type_of source, f,
map (fn x => (x,type_of x)) args,
@ -292,11 +295,16 @@ fun ocl_and a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Boolean", "and"] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_or a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Boolean", "or"] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_xor a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Boolean", "xor"] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_implies a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Boolean", "implies"] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_and_all [] = raise (InvalidArguments "rep_ocl.ocl_and_all: empty argument list")
| ocl_and_all [a] = a
| ocl_and_all (a::xs) = ocl_and a (ocl_and_all xs)
fun ocl_or_all [] = raise (InvalidArguments "rep_ocl.ocl_or_all: empty argument list")
| ocl_or_all [a] = a
| ocl_or_all (a::xs) = ocl_or a (ocl_or_all xs)
(* Integer: -,+,-,*,/,abs,div,mod,max,min *)
(* Real : -,+,-,*,/,abs,floor,round,max,min,<,>,<=,>= *)
(* String : size, concat, substring, toInteger, toReal *)
(* billk_tag *)
fun ocl_leq a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Integer", "<="] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_geq a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Integer", ">="] [b] Boolean
@ -306,7 +314,7 @@ fun ocl_neq a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "OclAny", "<>"] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_isNew a = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "OclAny", "oclIsNew"] nil Boolean
fun ocl_isUndefined a = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "OclAny", "oclIsUndefined"] nil Boolean
fun ocl_allInstances s = ocl_opcall s ["oclLib", "OclAny", "allInstances"] nil
(Set (type_of s))
(Set (type_of s))
fun ocl_isTypeOf a t = ocl_opwithtype a "oclIsTypeOf" t Boolean
fun ocl_isKindOf a t = ocl_opwithtype a "oclIsKindOf" t Boolean
fun ocl_asType a t = ocl_opwithtype a "oclAsType" t t
@ -328,6 +336,7 @@ fun ocl_includes a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Collection", "includes"] [b] Boo
fun ocl_includesAll a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Collection", "includesAll"] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_excludes a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Collection", "excludes"] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_excludesAll a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Collection", "excludesAll"] [b] Boolean
fun ocl_intersection_set a b = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Set", "intersection_set"] [b] (Set (type_of a))
fun ocl_modifiedOnly a = ocl_opcall a ["oclLib", "Set", "modifiedOnly"] [] Boolean
@ -351,16 +360,22 @@ fun ocl_collect source var body = Iterator ("collect", [(var,type_of source)],
body, type_of body,
Bag (type_of body))
(* billk_tag, using a Variable: type_of variable == type_of_source *)
fun ocl_forAll (source:OclTerm) (Variable variable) (body:OclTerm) = Iterator ("forAll", [variable],
(* source::Collection/Set/..., variables:: Variable list , body:: expression to be evaluated *)
(* body must be Boolean *)
fun ocl_forAll (source:OclTerm) (variables:OclTerm list) (body:OclTerm) =
fun strip_var (Variable(name,var_type)) = (name,var_type)
Iterator ("forAll", map strip_var variables,
source, type_of source,
body, type_of body,
Bag (type_of body))
fun ocl_select (source:OclTerm) (Variable variable) (body:OclTerm) = Iterator ("select", [variable],
source, type_of source,
body, type_of body,
Bag (type_of body))
fun ocl_select (source:OclTerm) (Variable variable) (body:OclTerm) = Iterator ("select", [variable],
source, type_of source,
body, type_of body,
Bag (type_of body))
fun atpre exp = ocl_opcall exp ["oclLib","OclAny","atPre"] nil (type_of exp)

View File

@ -54,23 +54,33 @@ val transform_n_ary_associations : Rep_Core.transform_model -> Rep_Core.transfor
val transform_multiplicities : Rep_Core.transform_model -> Rep_Core.transform_model (* remove multiplicities *)
(* helper functions *)
val get_prefix : Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_OclType.Path
val get_aend_name : Rep_Core.associationend -> string
val path_of_aend : Rep_Core.associationend -> Rep_OclType.Path
val type_of_aend : Rep_Core.associationend -> Rep_OclType.OclType
val association_of_aend : Rep_Core.associationend -> Rep_OclType.Path
val name_of_aend : Rep_Core.associationend -> string
val multiplicities_of_aend : Rep_Core.associationend -> (int*int) list
val get_qualifier : Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_OclType.Path
val get_short_name : Rep_OclType.Path -> string
val generate_pairs : 'a list -> ('a * 'a) list (* including symmetry *)
(* quantify_allInstances : normal variables -> body -> result *)
val quantify_allInstances : Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm list -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm
val update_classifier_with_constraint : Rep_Core.constraint -> Rep_Core.Classifier -> Rep_Core.Classifier
(* single: exactly 1 match *)
val update_classifiers_single : Rep_Core.Classifier list -> Rep_OclType.OclType -> (Rep_Core.Classifier -> Rep_Core.Classifier) -> Rep_Core.Classifier list
val update_classifiers_with_constraint: Rep_Core.Classifier list -> Rep_OclType.OclType -> Rep_Core.constraint -> Rep_Core.Classifier list
val update_classifiers_with_constraints: Rep_Core.Classifier list -> Rep_OclType.OclType -> Rep_Core.constraint list -> Rep_Core.Classifier list
val get_association : Rep_Core.association list -> Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_Core.association
val split_on_association: Rep_Core.association list -> Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_Core.association * Rep_Core.association list
(* only one of the below will remain *)
val get_other_associationends: Rep_Core.association list -> Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_OclType.OclType -> Rep_Core.associationend list
val get_other_associationends_alt : Rep_Core.association list -> Rep_OclType.OclType -> Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_Core.associationend list
val get_associationends : Rep_Core.association list -> Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_Core.associationend list
val associationends_of : Rep_Core.association -> Rep_Core.associationend list
val get_associationends : Rep_Core.association list -> Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_Core.associationend list
(* result: (Variable list , OCL expression for set intersection)*)
val reachable_set : Rep_Core.associationend -> Rep_Core.associationend list -> (Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm list * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm)
val within_bounds : Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm -> (int*int) -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm
val within_aend_multiplicities : Rep_Core.associationend -> Rep_Core.associationend list -> string -> Rep_Core.constraint
val injective_constraint : Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_OclType.OclType -> Rep_Core.associationend list -> string -> Rep_Core.constraint
structure Rep_Transform:REP_TRANSFORM =
@ -100,12 +110,31 @@ fun lowercase s = let val sl = String.explode s
String.implode ((Char.toLower (hd sl))::(tl sl))
fun path_of_aend (aend:associationend) =
#name aend
fun type_of_aend (aend:associationend) =
#aend_type aend
fun association_of_aend (aend:associationend) =
val name = #name aend
List.take(name, (List.length name)-1)
fun name_of_aend (aend:associationend):string =
List.last (#name aend)
fun multiplicities_of_aend (aend:associationend):(int*int)list =
#multiplicity aend
(** chop-off the last part of the path *)
fun get_prefix (path:Path):Path =
fun get_qualifier (path:Path):Path =
List.take (path,List.length path - 1)
fun get_aend_name (aend:associationend) =
List.last (#name aend)
fun get_short_name (path:Path):string =
List.last path
fun generate_pairs [] =
error "in generate_pairs: argument list is empty" (* or simply return []? *)
@ -122,34 +151,6 @@ fun generate_pairs [] =
pairs@rev_pairs@(generate_pairs xs)
(* nest the vars in x.allInstances->forAll expressions *)
(* FIXME: Literal correct? *)
fun quantify_allInstances [Variable var] body =
val lit = Literal(#1 var ,#2 var)
ocl_forAll (ocl_allInstances lit) (Variable var) body
| quantify_allInstances ((Variable var)::vars) body =
val lit = Literal(#1 var ,#2 var)
val rest = quantify_allInstances vars body
ocl_forAll (ocl_allInstances lit) (Variable var) rest
| quantify_allInstances vars _ =
val qnt = List.length vars
val error_term = if (qnt > 0) then
((Int.toString qnt)^" "^(term_name_of (hd vars)))
error ("in quantify_allInstances: only Variables supported and at least 1 needed, "^
error_term^" provided")
fun update_classifier_with_constraint constraint (Class {name,parent,attributes,operations,associations,
invariant,stereotypes,interfaces,thyname,activity_graphs}) =
Class {name = name,
@ -219,8 +220,13 @@ fun update_classifiers_single (all_classifiers:Classifier list) (classifier:OclT
| _ => error "in update_classifiers_single: more than 1 match found"
fun update_classifiers_with_constraint (all_classifiers:Classifier list) (classifier:OclType) (constraint:constraint) :Classifier list =
update_classifiers_single all_classifiers classifier (update_classifier_with_constraint constraint)
fun update_classifiers_with_constraints (all_classifiers:Classifier list) (classifier:OclType) (con::constraints:constraint list) :Classifier list =
val modified_clsses = update_classifiers_single all_classifiers classifier (update_classifier_with_constraint con)
update_classifiers_with_constraints modified_clsses classifier constraints
| update_classifiers_with_constraints all_classifiers _ [] = all_classifiers
fun get_association (all_assocs: Rep_Core.association list) (assoc_path:Path): association =
@ -252,6 +258,101 @@ fun get_associationends (all_assocs:association list) (assoc_path:Path):associat
#aends assoc
fun associationends_of (assoc:association):associationend list =
#aends assoc
fun reachable_set (_:associationend) ([]:associationend list) = error "rep_transform.get_reachable_set: empty source list"
| reachable_set (target:associationend) ([source]:associationend list) =
val src_var = Variable(name_of_aend source ,type_of_aend source)
([src_var], ocl_aendcall src_var (path_of_aend target) (type_of_aend target))
| reachable_set (target:associationend) ((source::rest):associationend list) =
val (old_vars,intermediate) = reachable_set target rest
val src_var = Variable(name_of_aend source ,type_of_aend source)
val new_set = ocl_aendcall src_var (path_of_aend target) (type_of_aend target)
(src_var::old_vars ,ocl_intersection_set new_set intermediate)
fun within_bounds (set:Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) ((lower,upper):int*int):Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm =
val size = ocl_size set
val lower_lit = Literal (Int.toString lower,Integer)
val upper_lit = Literal (Int.toString upper,Integer)
val lower_bound = ocl_geq size lower_lit
val upper_bound = ocl_leq size upper_lit
ocl_and lower_bound upper_bound
fun within_aend_multiplicities (target:associationend) (sources:associationend list) (name:string):constraint =
val tgt_multiplicities = multiplicities_of_aend target
val tgt_name = name_of_aend target
val tgt_type = type_of_aend target
val (variables,set) = reachable_set target sources
val constr_body = ocl_or_all (map (within_bounds set) tgt_multiplicities)
val tgt_variable = Variable(tgt_name,tgt_type)
val allInstances = ocl_allInstances tgt_variable
val constr_complete = ocl_forAll allInstances variables constr_body
val constraint = (SOME name,constr_complete)
fun injective_constraint (source_path:Path) (source_type:OclType) (targets:associationend list) (name:string):constraint =
val source_name = get_short_name source_path
val src_var = Variable(source_name,source_type)
fun role_bounds src_var aend =
val name = path_of_aend aend
val aend_type = type_of_aend aend
val set = ocl_aendcall src_var name aend_type
val size = ocl_size set
val bounds = ocl_eq size (Literal("1",Integer))
fun role_equals src_var src2_var aend =
val name = path_of_aend aend
val aend_type = type_of_aend aend
val set = ocl_aendcall src_var name aend_type
val size = ocl_size set
val match = ocl_eq size (Literal("1",Integer))
val roles = map (role_bounds src_var) targets
val roles_part = ocl_and_all roles
val allInstances = ocl_allInstances src_var
val src_var2 = Variable(source_name^"2",source_type)
val matches = map (role_equals src_var src_var2) targets
val matches_anded = ocl_and_all roles
val matches_equal = ocl_eq src_var src_var2
val matches_imp = ocl_implies matches_anded matches_equal
val allInstances2 = ocl_allInstances src_var2
val matches_part = ocl_forAll allInstances2 [src_var2] matches_imp
val constr_body = ocl_and roles_part matches_part
val constr_complete = ocl_forAll allInstances [src_var] constr_body
val constraint = (SOME name,constr_complete)
fun split_on_association (associations:association list) (path:Path): (association * association list) =
fun belonging_association tgt {name,aends,aclass} = tgt = name
val ([assoc],others) = List.partition (belonging_association path) associations
(assoc, others)
******** Transforms ********
@ -273,10 +374,27 @@ fun transform_aggregation ((all_classifiers,all_associations):transform_model):t
(all_classifiers,all_associations) (*dummy*)
(** Transform an Association Class into a Class
(** Transform an AssociationClass into a Class
* Each association class instance is associated with excatly one instance of the association it is
* attached to. Therefore, a simple (1,1) multiplicity isn't suffiecient, as it doesn't guarantee
* that the association class is referenced only once. Since the 'perspective' is switched from
* "generate_n_ary_constraint" from below, the constraint reflects this. For {A,X_1,...X_n}, A the
* association class as regular class, X_i the old association participants:
* Constraint: A.role_X_i == 1, for all X_i
* A'.role_X_i == A.role_X_i, for all X_i implies A' == A
* In OCL, this is:
* context A inv:
* A.allInstances->forAll(a:A| a.role_X_1 = 1 and ... and a.role_X_n = 1 and
* A.allInstances->forAll(a2:A|a2.role_X_1=a.role_X_1 and ... a2.role_X_1=a.role_X_n implies a2=a )
* )
* Since the name of the resulting class equals the original association class name/path/type,
* paths referencing the original association class needn't be updated.
* requires: AssociationClass
* generates: Class, constraint
* removes:
* removes: AssociationClass
fun transform_association_class_into_class (all_associations: association list )
(Rep_Core.AssociationClass {name,parent,attributes,operations,
@ -284,34 +402,13 @@ fun transform_association_class_into_class (all_associations: association list )
: Rep_Core.Classifier =
(* the association of the association class to the original
* association is injective, meaning that each instance of
* the newly created class is associated with exactly one
* association pair of the original association.
* The new association end already contains the 1..1 multi-
* plicity, so the constraint only needs to ensure, that
* each instance is "used" only once.
* To do this locally, simply make sure that all association
* end calls have a size of 1.
val self = self name
val src_path = path_of_OclType name
(* the corresponding association hasn't been modified yet *)
val aends = get_associationends all_associations association
fun handle_aend ({name,aend_type,...}:associationend) =
(src_path@[List.last name],aend_type)
val parts = map handle_aend aends
fun quantify (aend,target_type):OclTerm=
(* FIXME: aendcall again *)
val aend_call = ocl_aendcall self aend target_type
val eq_constraint = ocl_eq (ocl_size aend_call) (Literal ("1",Integer))
val quantified_parts = map quantify parts
val combined_parts:OclTerm = foldl (uncurry ocl_and) (hd quantified_parts) (tl quantified_parts)
val constraint = (SOME (lowercase (List.last src_path) ^"_injective_constraint"),combined_parts)
val (assoc,others) = split_on_association all_associations association
val assoc_class_path = path_of_OclType name
val assoc_class_name = get_short_name assoc_class_path
val constr_name = "InjectiveAssociationClass"^assoc_class_name
val src_path = assoc_class_path
val src_type = name
val constraint = injective_constraint src_path src_type (associationends_of assoc) constr_name
Rep_Core.Class { name = name,
parent = parent,
@ -328,37 +425,35 @@ fun transform_association_class_into_class (all_associations: association list )
(short_name_of cls)^" provided")
(** Transform an Association Class into an Association.
* Add the association class to the belonging association. All constraints are handled in
* "transform_association_class_into_class", so no special treatment is required here.
* requires: AssociationClass
* generates: association
* removes:
fun transform_association_class_into_association (all_associations:association list)
(AssociationClass {name,association,...}):Rep_Core.association=
fun transform_association_class_into_association (AssociationClass {name,association,...},
all_associations:association list):Rep_Core.association list =
val name_path = path_of_OclType name
val prefix = List.take(name_path,List.length name_path - 1)
(* the name of the association end call (role) is the association class name *)
val new_aend= {name = prefix@[List.last name_path] (* FIXME: convention? *),
aend_type = name, (* target of the association is the original AssociationClass *)
multiplicity = [(1,1)], (* dummy *)
val (assoc,others) = split_on_association all_associations association
val assoc_path = association
val assoc_class_path = path_of_OclType name
val assoc_class_name = get_short_name assoc_class_path
val new_aend= {name = assoc_path@[assoc_class_name] (* FIXME: convention? *),
aend_type = name (* target of the association is the original AssociationClass *),
multiplicity = [],
visibility = XMI.public (* dummy *),
ordered = false, (* dummy *)
ordered = false (* dummy *),
init = NONE (* dummy *)
val aends = get_associationends all_associations association
val names = map (List.last o #name) (new_aend::aends)
(* pretty printing *)
fun combine [] = ""
| combine [x,y] = x^"_"^y
| combine (x::xs) = x^"_"^(combine xs)
val combined = combine names
fun add_aend_to_and_update_association (new_aend:associationend) {name,aends,aclass} = {name=name,
val modified_association = add_aend_to_and_update_association new_aend assoc
{name = prefix@["Association_"^combined] (* FIXME: better/proper convention? *),
aends = new_aend :: aends,
aclass = NONE
| transform_association_class_into_association _ cls = error ("in transform_association_class_into_association: only AssociationClass supported, "^
| transform_association_class_into_association (cls,_) = error ("in transform_association_class_into_association: only AssociationClass supported, but "^
(short_name_of cls)^" provided")
(** Transform an AssociationClass into a Class and an Association
@ -371,83 +466,35 @@ fun transform_association_classes ((classifiers,associations):transform_model):t
val (association_classes,other_classifiers) =
List.partition (fn (Rep_Core.AssociationClass x) => true
| _ => false) classifiers
val modified_classifiers = map (transform_association_class_into_class associations) association_classes
val modified_associations = map (transform_association_class_into_association associations) association_classes
val new_classifiers = map (transform_association_class_into_class associations) association_classes
val modified_associations = foldl transform_association_class_into_association associations association_classes
(other_classifiers @ modified_classifiers,
associations @ modified_associations)
(new_classifiers @ other_classifiers,
(* FIXME: binary only or general? *)
(** Move multiplicities from association ends to classifier constraints.
* requires: binary multiplicities
* generates: constraints
* removes: multiplicities
* removes: binary multiplicities
fun transform_multiplicities ((classifiers,all_associations):transform_model):transform_model =
fun binary_constraint (Variable src_var) (aend_path:Path) target_type (multiplicity as (lower,upper)):OclTerm =
(* FIXME: is ocl_aendcall src aend t correct? *)
(* FIXME: handling of *? *)
val aend_call = ocl_aendcall (Variable src_var) aend_path target_type
val lower_bound = ocl_geq (ocl_size aend_call) (Literal (Int.toString lower,Integer)) (* size >= lower *)
val upper_bound = ocl_leq (ocl_size aend_call) (Literal (Int.toString upper,Integer)) (* size <= upper *)
val combined_bound = ocl_and lower_bound upper_bound
| binary_constraint term _ _ _ = error ("in transform_multiplicities.binary_constraint: only Variables supported, "^
(term_name_of term)^" supplied")
fun generate_multiplicity_constraints ({name,aends=[a,b],aclass}:association):(OclType * constraint) list =
fun all_binary_constraints src_type ({name,aend_type,multiplicity,...}:associationend) =
val self = self src_type
val aend_name = List.last name
val aend = path_of_OclType src_type @[aend_name]
val binary_parts = map (binary_constraint self aend aend_type) multiplicity
val combined_parts = foldl (uncurry ocl_or) (hd binary_parts) (tl binary_parts)
val constraint_name = List.last (path_of_OclType src_type) ^"_"^ aend_name ^"_"^
(List.last (path_of_OclType aend_type))
(SOME constraint_name,combined_parts)
val ab = all_binary_constraints (#aend_type a) b
val ba = all_binary_constraints (#aend_type b) a
[(#aend_type a,ab),(#aend_type b,ba)]
| generate_multiplicity_constraints {name,aends,aclass} =
(* FIXME: all.. *)
(* FIXME: take isNavigable into account *)
fun update_wrap target_type (constraint,classifiers):Rep_Core.Classifier list=
update_classifiers_with_constraint classifiers target_type constraint
fun handle_aend (({multiplicity,aend_type=target_type,name=aend_name,...},classifiers)
:(Rep_Core.associationend * Rep_Core.Classifier list)):Rep_Core.Classifier list =
(* val source_name = short_name_of classifier
val src_var = Variable (string_of_OclType source_name ^"_to_"^ aend_name,source_type)
val aend_path = path_of_OclType source_type @ [aend_name]
val constraints = map (binary_constraint src_var aend_path target_type) multiplicity
*) in
(* foldl (update_wrap target_type) classifiers constraints
*) []
(* foldl handle_aend all_classifiers associationends
*) []
fun add_multiplicity_constraints ((assoc,classifiers):association * Classifier list):Classifier list =
val constraint_list:((OclType * constraint) list) = generate_multiplicity_constraints assoc
fun fold_update ((cls_type,constraint),classfiers) =
update_classifiers_with_constraint classifiers cls_type constraint
val modified_classifiers = foldl fold_update classifiers constraint_list
val [a,b] = associationends_of assoc
val a_type = type_of_aend a
val b_type = type_of_aend b
val a_name = name_of_aend a
val b_name = name_of_aend b
val a_constr_name = "BinaryAssociation"^a_name
val b_constr_name = "BinaryAssociation"^b_name
val a_constraint = within_aend_multiplicities a [b] a_constr_name
val b_constraint = within_aend_multiplicities b [a] b_constr_name
val modified_tmp = update_classifiers_with_constraints classifiers a_type [a_constraint]
val modified_classifiers = update_classifiers_with_constraints modified_tmp b_type [b_constraint]
@ -477,70 +524,64 @@ fun transform_multiplicities ((classifiers,all_associations):transform_model):tr
(** Process an association, add it to the processed list and update the relevant classifier invariants.
* For each association end, generate the matching-constraint and add it to the classifier. Multiplicities
* are not handled here.
* For each association end, generate the matching-constraint and add it to the classifier.
* {A,X_1,...,X_n} are the participants of an association, where A is the type the multiplicity is
* handled for. There are always at least 2 elements.
* The semantics of n-ary associations is, that if the X_i are fixed and A may vary, the size of the
* resulting set is within the multiplicities specified. That set is the intersection of the As
* associated to each X_i.
* Constraint: X_1.role_A intersect X_2.role_A .... intersect X_n.role_A == set
* loweri <= set.size <= upperi, for all multiplicity pairs i of A
* In OCL, this is:
* context A inv:
* let set(x_1:X_1,...,x_n:X_n) : Set(A) = x_n.role_A->intersection(x_(n-1).role_A->intersection(...(x_1.role_A)...))
* let bounds(lower:Interger,upper:Integer,x_1:X_1,..,x_n:X_n): Boolean =
* set(x1,..,xn).size >= lower and set(x1,..,xn).size <= upper
* in
* A.allInstances->forAll(a:A,x1:X_1,...,xn:X_n| bounds(a.lower_1,a.upper_1,..) or ... or bounds(a.lower_n,a.upper_n,...))
* FIXME: Exact Let syntax? Currently no Let used.
fun handle_n_ary_constraint ((association as {name,aends=[a,b],aclass},(all_classifiers,processed_assocs))
fun generate_n_ary_constraint ((association as {name,aends=[a,b],aclass},(all_classifiers,processed_assocs))
:(association * transform_model)): transform_model =
| handle_n_ary_constraint ((association as {name,aends,aclass},(all_classifiers,processed_assocs))
| generate_n_ary_constraint ((association as {name,aends,aclass},(all_classifiers,processed_assocs))
:(association * transform_model)) :transform_model =
fun collection_equality coll1 coll2 =
ocl_and (ocl_includesAll coll1 coll2) (ocl_includesAll coll2 coll1)
(* generate the aend call *)
fun generate_collection ({name=target_name, aend_type=target_type, ...}:associationend)
({name=souce_name, aend_type=source_type,...}:associationend) =
(** generate the constraint and update all classifiers *)
fun n_ary_local_part classifiers a_part rest =
(* FIXME: what's the proper convention? *)
(* variable name: <souce_name>_<aend_call_name>_<target_name> *)
val var_name = lowercase (List.last (path_of_OclType source_type)) ^"_"^
(lowercase (List.last target_name))^"_"^
(lowercase (List.last (path_of_OclType target_type)))
val var = Variable(var_name,source_type)
val a_type = type_of_aend a_part
val assoc_name = string_of_path (association_of_aend a_part)
val a_name = name_of_aend a_part
val constr_name = "NAryToBinary"^assoc_name^a_name
val constraint = within_aend_multiplicities a_part rest constr_name
(* FIXME: ocl_aendcall source aend t, is 't' correct/...? *)
(* path of aend call: source path + aend name (as with
* attributes *)
(ocl_aendcall var ((path_of_OclType source_type)@[List.last target_name]) (Collection target_type),var)
update_classifiers_with_constraints classifiers a_type [constraint]
(* link the seperate aend call results together
* needs at least 2 elements *)
fun match_associations (match::coll::rem) variables:OclTerm =
(* match is the linking element *)
(* iterate over the participants of the association *)
fun process_assoc classifiers done [] = classifiers
| process_assoc classifiers done (x::xs) =
val equalities = map (collection_equality match) (coll::rem)
val body = foldl (uncurry ocl_and) (hd equalities) (tl equalities)
val rest = done@xs
val modified_clsses = n_ary_local_part classifiers x rest (* || rest || >= 2 *)
quantify_allInstances variables body
process_assoc modified_clsses (x::done) xs
| match_associations elements variables = error ("in handle_n_ary_constraint.match_associations: at least 2 elements needed, "^
(Int.toString (List.length elements))^" provided")
(* update the participant with the new constraint *)
fun n_ary_local_part (classifiers: Classifier list) (remaining_connection:associationend list) (aend:associationend):Classifier list =
val (collections,vars) = ListPair.unzip (map (generate_collection aend) remaining_connection)
val constraint = (SOME ("n-ary association constraint for "^(List.last name)), match_associations collections vars)
val classifier_type = #aend_type aend
update_classifiers_with_constraint all_classifiers classifier_type constraint
(* Instead of fold, for clarity.
* Each step updates the participant of the association end *)
fun iterate_over_connection f clses done [] = clses
| iterate_over_connection f clses done (x::xs) = iterate_over_connection f (f clses (done@xs) x) (x::done) xs
val modified_classifiers = iterate_over_connection n_ary_local_part all_classifiers [] aends (* aends > 2 *)
val modified_classifiers = process_assoc all_classifiers [] aends (* || aends || > 2 *)
(modified_classifiers, association::processed_assocs)
fun handle_n_ary_constraints ((classifiers,associations):transform_model):transform_model =
(* traverse the set of associations, generate the necessary constraints and update the classifiers *)
(* accordingly *)
fun generate_n_ary_constraints ((classifiers,associations):transform_model):transform_model =
(* using fold for commulative transformation *)
foldl handle_n_ary_constraint (classifiers,[]) associations
foldl generate_n_ary_constraint (classifiers,[]) associations
fun split_n_ary_association (ac as {name,aends=[a,b],aclass}:association):association list =
@ -548,19 +589,21 @@ fun split_n_ary_association (ac as {name,aends=[a,b],aclass}:association):associ
| split_n_ary_association (ac as {name,aends,aclass}:association) =
(* We need to generate the pairs as well as the new names *)
val prefix = get_prefix name
fun process (a,b) = {name=prefix@[get_aend_name a ^"_"^ (get_aend_name b)],
val qualifier = get_qualifier name
(* FIXME: update the name paths of all references to the new names *)
fun to_association (a,b) = {name=qualifier@[name_of_aend a ^ (name_of_aend b)],
(* FIXME: reflexiv parts? *)
(* No dupplicates due to symmetry generated *)
fun associate source targets = map (fn x => (source,x)) targets
fun iterate [] = error "in split_n_ary_association.iterate: at least 2 elements needed, 0 provided"
| iterate [x] = error "in split_n_ary_association.iterate: at least 2 elements needed, 1 provided"
| iterate [x,y] = [(x,y)]
| iterate (src::rest) = associate src rest @ (iterate rest)
val pairs = iterate aends
val binary_associations = map process pairs
fun pair source targets = map (fn x => (source,x)) targets
fun gen_pairs [] = error "in split_n_ary_association.gen_pairs: at least 2 elements needed, 0 provided"
| gen_pairs [x] = error "in split_n_ary_association.gen_pairs: at least 2 elements needed, 1 provided"
| gen_pairs [x,y] = [(x,y)]
(* pair src with all parts and continue *)
| gen_pairs (src::rest) = pair src rest @ (gen_pairs rest)
val pairs = gen_pairs aends
val binary_associations = map to_association pairs
@ -569,7 +612,8 @@ fun split_n_ary_associations ((classifiers,associations):transform_model):transf
(classifiers, List.concat (map split_n_ary_association associations))
(** We need to add OCL constraints to handle the broken relationship
* We need to add OCL constraints to handle the broken relationship.
* The problem is, that when splitting an n-ary association into it's
* components, the matching of the now 'local' associations is lost.
* For instance, participants A and B are associated to participant C
@ -577,21 +621,20 @@ fun split_n_ary_associations ((classifiers,associations):transform_model):transf
* 1. After the splitting, A may point to 2 instances, while B points
* to 3 instances.
* 2. Even if the cardinalities agree, A and B may point to different
* instances of C.
* instances of C.
* 3. The cardinalities are per association, not an absolute barrier.
* This means A may be associated to 2..3 Cs several times, provided
* they form separate association instances.
* Instead of having every participant re-check the same constraints,
* each participant will only validate it's own multiplicity boundary.
* Additionally, the 2 points are handled separately, such that all
* multiplicities will be removed silmultaniously. For this, the
* newly generated binary associations need to retain the correct
* association names for the association end calls.
* requires: n-ary associations
* generates: constraints, binary associations
* removes: n-ary associations
fun transform_n_ary_associations ((classifiers,associations):transform_model):transform_model =
handle_n_ary_constraints (classifiers,associations) |>> (* pack the association bindings into constraints *)
split_n_ary_associations (* n-ary -> binary *)
generate_n_ary_constraints (classifiers,associations) |>> (* pack the association bindings into constraints and update the classifiers *)
split_n_ary_associations (* n-ary -> binary *)

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ val testcases = [
name = "SimpleChair",
uml = prefix^"SimpleChair/SimpleChair.zargo",
ocl = "";
ocl = "",
result = initResult