Changed handling of association ends with multiplicity (0,1) or (1,1). Instead

of generating attributes of type Set (or Sequence) we generate non-collection 
typed attributes. In the case of multiplicty (0,0) no invariant is generated, in 
the case of (1,1) the invariant "assocEnd->OclIsDefined()" is generated.

git-svn-id: 3260e6d1-4efc-4170-b0a7-36055960796d
This commit is contained in:
Achim D. Brucker 2005-10-24 19:51:49 +00:00
parent 0f1b8df03d
commit f27239f22a
1 changed files with 20 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -88,8 +88,11 @@ datatype Classifier =
(* convert an association end into the corresponding collection type *)
fun assoc_to_attr_type {name,aend_type,multiplicity,ordered,visibility} =
if ordered then Rep_OclType.Sequence aend_type (* OrderedSet? *)
else Rep_OclType.Set aend_type
case multiplicity of
[(0,1)] => aend_type
| [(1,1)] => aend_type
| _ =>if ordered then Rep_OclType.Sequence aend_type (* OrderedSet? *)
else Rep_OclType.Set aend_type
(* convert an association end into an attribute of the *)
(* corresponding collection type *)
@ -140,8 +143,21 @@ fun range_to_inv cls_name aend (a,b) =
(* FIXME: 2. is not implemented yet... *)
fun assoc_to_inv cls_name (aend:associationend) =
let val inv_name = "multiplicity_constraint_for_association_end_"^(#name aend)
val range_constraints = map (range_to_inv cls_name aend)
(#multiplicity aend)
val range_constraints = case (#multiplicity aend) of
[(0,1)] => let
val attr_name = cls_name@[#name aend]
val attr_type = assoc_to_attr_type aend
val cls = Rep_OclType.Classifier cls_name
val self = Rep_OclTerm.Variable ("self",cls)
val attribute = Rep_OclTerm.AttributeCall (self,cls,attr_name,attr_type)
[Rep_OclTerm.OperationCall (attribute,attr_type,
| [(1,1)] => [] (* FIXME: should be aend->OclIsDefined() *)
| _ => map (range_to_inv cls_name aend)
(#multiplicity aend)
fun ocl_or (x,y) =
Rep_OclTerm.OperationCall (x,Rep_OclType.Boolean,