(***************************************************************************** * su4sml --- a SML repository for managing (Secure)UML/OCL models * http://projects.brucker.ch/su4sml/ * * context_declarations.sml --- * This file is part of su4sml. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 ETH Zurich, Switzerland * 2008-2009 Achim D. Brucker, Germany * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) signature CONTEXT = sig (* datatypes *) datatype ConditionType = pre | post | body (* | def *) datatype AttrOrAssoc = derive | init | def datatype context = Empty_context of string * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* expression *) | Inv of string list * (* context *) string option * (* name of invariant *) Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* invariant expression *) | Attr of string list * (* context *) Rep_OclType.OclType * (* type *) AttrOrAssoc * (* {Init|Derive} *) Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* init_or_der_value *) | Cond of string list * (* context *) string * (* name of operation *) (string * Rep_OclType.OclType) list * (* signature of operation *) Rep_OclType.OclType * (* result *) ConditionType * (* {Pre | Post | Body} *) string option * (* name of precondition *) Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* condition expression *) | Guard of string list * (* context *) (* not yet supported *) string option * (* name *) Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* expression *) (* exceptions *) exception Error of string exception wrongOperation of string (* operations *) val add_source : Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm val nest_source : Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm list -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm val cond_type_to_string : ConditionType -> string val package_of_context : context -> string list val real_path : string list -> string list val gen_let_term : (string * Rep_OclType.OclType * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm val gen_literal_term : string * Rep_OclType.OclType -> Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm * Rep_OclType.OclType val extend_path : context -> string list -> context val list_extend_path : string list -> context list -> context list val real_signature : ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list val cxt_list2string : context list -> string val guard_list : string list * (string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list -> context list val inv_list : string list * (string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list -> context list val cond_list : string list * (string * Rep_OclType.OclType) list * (ConditionType * string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list -> context list val attr_list : string list * Rep_OclType.OclType * (AttrOrAssoc * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list -> context list (* values *) val OclLibPackage : string (* OclConsoleParser *) val rename_classifier : Rep_OclType.Path -> Rep_Core.Classifier -> Rep_Core.Classifier val merge_classifiers : Rep_Core.Classifier list -> Rep_Core.Classifier val operations_to_classifier : Rep_Core.operation list -> Rep_Core.Classifier val attributes_to_classifier : Rep_Core.attribute list -> Rep_Core.Classifier val constraints_to_classifier : ((string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list) -> Rep_Core.Classifier val dispatch_pre_or_post : ConditionType -> ((ConditionType * string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list) -> (string option * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list end structure Context:CONTEXT = struct open Rep_Core open Rep_OclType open Rep_OclTerm open XMI_DataTypes open OclLibrary type operation = Rep_Core.operation type Visibility = Rep_Core.Visibility type Scope = XMI_DataTypes.ScopeKind datatype ConditionType = pre | post | body datatype AttrOrAssoc = derive | init | def datatype context = Empty_context of string * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* expression *) | Inv of string list * (* context *) string option * (* name of invariant *) Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* invariant expression *) | Attr of string list * (* context *) Rep_OclType.OclType * (* type *) AttrOrAssoc * (* {Init|Derive} *) Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* init_or_der_value *) | Cond of string list * (* context *) string * (* name of operation *) (string * Rep_OclType.OclType) list * (* signature of operation *) Rep_OclType.OclType * (* result *) ConditionType * (* {Pre | Post | Body} *) string option * (* name of precondition *) Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* preondition expression *) | Guard of string list * (* context *) (* not yet supported *) string option * (* name *) Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm (* expression *) exception Error of string exception wrongOperation of string exception NestSourceError of string val OclLibPackage = OclLibrary.OclLibPackage (* RETURN: string *) fun cond_type_to_string pre = "pre" | cond_type_to_string post = "post" | cond_type_to_string body = "body" (* RETURN: string list *) fun package_of_context (Empty_context (_,_)) = raise Error "Empty Context in Context.package_of" | package_of_context (Inv (p,_,_)) = rev (tl (rev p)) | package_of_context (Attr (p,_,_,_)) = rev ((tl o tl) (rev p)) | package_of_context (Cond (p,_,_,_,_,_,_)) = rev ((tl o tl) (rev p)) | package_of_context (Guard (_,_,_)) = raise Error "Guard not supported in in Context.package_of" (* switch arguments *) fun switch f (a,b) = f (b,a) (* RETURN: Path *) fun real_path ([]) = [] | real_path ([x]) = [] | real_path (x::tail) = x::real_path tail (* RETURN: OclTerm /* a let term */ *) fun gen_let_term [] expr = expr | gen_let_term ((str,typ,exp)::init_var_list_tail) expr = (Let (str,typ,exp,DummyT,gen_let_term init_var_list_tail expr,DummyT)) (* RETURN: OclTerm *) fun gen_literal_term (name,typ) = (Literal (name,typ),typ) (* prefix the path of an OclTerm with 'ext_path' *) fun extend_path (Attr (path,typ,selector,expr)) ext_path = Attr (ext_path@path,prefix_type ext_path typ,selector,prefix_expression ext_path expr) | extend_path (Cond (path,name,sign,res,selector,name_sel,expr)) ext_path = Cond (ext_path@path,name,sign,res,selector,name_sel,prefix_expression ext_path expr) | extend_path (Inv (path, name, expr)) ext_path = Inv (ext_path@path,name,prefix_expression ext_path expr) | extend_path (Guard (path, name, expr)) ext_path = Guard (ext_path@path, name, prefix_expression ext_path expr) (* RETURN: context list *) (* prefixes the path of every list member with 'ext_path' *) fun list_extend_path s [] = [] | list_extend_path ext_path ((Empty_context (s,t))::(context_list_tail)) = [(Empty_context(s,t))]@(list_extend_path ext_path context_list_tail) | list_extend_path ext_path ((Inv(path,st,t))::(context_list_tail)) = [(extend_path (Inv(path,st,t)) ext_path)]@(list_extend_path ext_path context_list_tail) | list_extend_path ext_path ((Attr(path,ty,aoa,t))::(context_list_tail)) = [(extend_path (Attr(path,ty,aoa,t)) ext_path)]@(list_extend_path ext_path context_list_tail) | list_extend_path ext_path ((Cond(path,s,sig_list,res,con,so,t))::(context_list_tail)) = [(extend_path (Cond(path,s,sig_list,res,con,so,t)) ext_path)]@(list_extend_path ext_path context_list_tail) | list_extend_path ext_path ((Guard(path,so,t))::(context_list_tail)) = [(extend_path (Guard(path,so,t)) ext_path)]@(list_extend_path ext_path context_list_tail) (* deletes last element of signature which is return type of operation *) fun real_signature ([]) = [] | real_signature [(name,typ)] = [] | real_signature ((name,typ)::tail) = (name,typ)::real_signature tail (* RETURN: OclTerm *) (* Add to an OclTerm the correct source term 'source' *) fun add_source (source,(AttributeCall (_, _, path, res_typ ))) = let val test = (AttributeCall (source,DummyT,path,res_typ)) val _ = Logger.debug4 ("source added for AttributeCall..." ^ Ocl2String.ocl2string true test ^ "\n"); in (AttributeCall (source, DummyT, path, res_typ)) end | add_source (source,(OperationCall (_,_,path,paras,res_typ))) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("source added for OperationCall..." ^ "\n"); in (OperationCall (source,DummyT,path,paras,res_typ)) end | add_source (source, Literal(s,t)) = Literal (s,t) | add_source (source, CollectionLiteral (part_list,typ)) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("source added for AttributeCall..." ^ "\n"); in (CollectionLiteral (part_list,typ)) end | add_source (source, Iterator(name,iter_vars_list,_,_,body_term,body_typ,res_typ)) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("source added for Iterator..." ^ "\n"); in (Iterator (name,iter_vars_list,source,DummyT,body_term,body_typ,res_typ)) end | add_source (source, Let(paras)) = (* let has no source *) Let(paras) | add_source (source, If (paras)) = (* If has no source *) If (paras) | add_source (source, Iterate([],acc_var_name,acc_var_type,acc_var_term,sterm,stype,bterm,btype,res_type)) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("source added for Iterate ..." ^ "\n"); in (Iterate ([],acc_var_name,acc_var_type,acc_var_term,source,DummyT,bterm,btype,res_type)) end | add_source (source, Iterate(iter_vars,acc_var_name,acc_var_type,acc_var_term,sterm,stype,bterm,btype,res_type)) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("source added for Iterate ..." ^ "\n"); in (Iterate (iter_vars,acc_var_name,acc_var_type,acc_var_term,source,DummyT,bterm,btype,res_type)) end (* RETURN: OclTerm list *) fun add_source_to_list source (h::tail) = (add_source (source,h))::tail (* RETURN: OclTerm *) (* add sources of a list, when every list element is the source of the following element. The last element is initalized with "self", because its always so in an object oriented language if its no an argument of an operation, which is checked later. *) (* RETURN: OclTerm *) fun nest_source (OperationCall (sterm,styp,[OclLibPackage,rtyp,"-"],[],res_typ)::tail) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("unary_exp_cs Call: '-' ... \n") in foldl (switch add_source) (OperationCall (sterm,styp,[OclLibPackage,rtyp,"-"],[],res_typ)) tail end | nest_source (OperationCall (sterm,styp,[OclLibPackage,rtyp,"not"],[],res_typ)::tail) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("unary_exp_cs Call: 'not' ... \n") in foldl (switch add_source) (OperationCall (sterm,styp,[OclLibPackage,rtyp,"not"],[],res_typ)) tail end | nest_source term_list = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("source nested for AttributeCall..." ^ "\n"); val _ = Logger.debug1 ((Ocl2String.ocl2string true (List.last term_list)) ^ "bla\n"); in foldl (switch add_source) (Variable ("dummy_source",DummyT)) term_list end (* RETURN: context list *) fun attr_list (context,Typ,[]) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("Contextes created form list of Attributes ..." ^ "\n") in [] end | attr_list (context,Typ,((asser,expr)::tail)) = let val _ = Logger.debug1 ("Contextes created form list of Attributes ..." ^ "\n") in (Attr (context,Typ,asser,expr))::(attr_list (context,Typ,tail)) end (* RETURN: context list *) fun inv_list (context,[]) = let val _ = Logger.debug4 ("Contextes created form list of invs ..." ^ "\n") in [] end | inv_list (context,((name,expr)::tail)) = let val _ = Logger.debug4 ("Contextes created form list of invs ..." ^ "\n") in (Inv(context,name,expr))::(inv_list (context,tail)) end (* RETURN: context list *) fun cond_list (path,sign,[]) = let val _ = Logger.debug4 ("Contextes created form list of conds ..." ^ "\n") in [] end | cond_list (path,sign,((asser,name_cond,expr)::tail)) = let val _ = Logger.debug4 ("Contextes created form list of conds ..." ^ "\n") in Cond(real_path path,List.last path,real_signature sign, #2(List.last sign),asser,name_cond,expr)::cond_list (path,sign,tail) end (* RETURN: context list *) fun guard_list (context,[]) = [] | guard_list (context,(name,expr)::tail) = Guard (context,name,expr)::guard_list (context,tail) (* RETURN: string *) (* fun cxt_list2string ([]) = "" | cxt_list2string ((Empty_context(s,t))::tail) = "empty: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n"^(cxt_list2string tail) | cxt_list2string ((Inv(p,s,t))::tail) = "inv: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n"^(cxt_list2string tail) | cxt_list2string ((Attr(p,ty,a,t))::tail) = "attr_or_assoc "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n"^(cxt_list2string tail) | cxt_list2string ((Cond(p,s,l,ty,c,so,t))::tail) = "condition: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n"^(cxt_list2string tail) | cxt_list2string ((Guard(p,so,t))::tail) = "guard: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n"^(cxt_list2string tail) *) fun string_of_arglist [] = "" | string_of_arglist [(n,t)] = n^":"^(Rep_OclType.string_of_OclType t) | string_of_arglist (x::xs) = (string_of_arglist [x])^", "^(string_of_arglist xs) fun cxt2string (Empty_context(s,t)) = s^"\n" ^" empty: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Inv(p,NONE,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path p)^"\n" ^" inv: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Inv(p,SOME cn,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path p)^"\n" ^" inv "^cn^": "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Attr(p,ty,derive,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path p)^"\n" ^" derive: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Attr(p,ty,init,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path p)^"\n" ^" init: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Attr(p,ty,def,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path p)^"\n" ^" def: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Cond(p,s,l,ty,pre,NONE,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path (tl p))^"::"^s^"("^(string_of_arglist l)^"):"^(Rep_OclType.string_of_OclType ty)^"\n" ^" pre: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Cond(p,s,l,ty,pre,SOME cn,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path (tl p))^"::"^s^"("^(string_of_arglist l)^"):"^(Rep_OclType.string_of_OclType ty)^"\n" ^" pre "^cn^": "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Cond(p,s,l,ty,post,NONE,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path (tl p))^"::"^s^"("^(string_of_arglist l)^"):"^(Rep_OclType.string_of_OclType ty)^"\n" ^" post: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Cond(p,s,l,ty,post,SOME cn,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path (tl p))^"::"^s^"("^(string_of_arglist l)^"):"^(Rep_OclType.string_of_OclType ty)^"\n" ^" post "^cn^": "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Cond(p,s,l,ty,body,NONE,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path (tl p))^"::"^s^"("^(string_of_arglist l)^"):"^(Rep_OclType.string_of_OclType ty)^"\n" ^" body: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Cond(p,s,l,ty,body,SOME cn,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path (tl p))^"::"^s^"("^(string_of_arglist l)^"):"^(Rep_OclType.string_of_OclType ty)^"\n" ^" body "^cn^": "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Guard(p,NONE,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path p)^"\n" ^" guard: "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" | cxt2string (Guard(p,SOME cn,t)) = (Rep_Core.string_of_path p)^"\n" ^" guard "^cn^": "^(Ocl2String.ocl2string false t)^"\n" fun cxt_list2string ctxs = String.concat (map cxt2string ctxs) fun rename_classifier path (Class{name=name,parent=parent,attributes=attributes,operations=operations,associations=associations,invariant=invariant,stereotypes=stereotypes,interfaces=interfaces,thyname=thyname,visibility=visibility,activity_graphs=activity_graphs}) = let val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.rename_classifier\n") val res = Class { name = Classifier (path), parent=parent, attributes=attributes, operations=operations, associations=associations, invariant=invariant, stereotypes=stereotypes, interfaces=interfaces, thyname=thyname, visibility=visibility, activity_graphs=activity_graphs } val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.rename_classifier\n") in res end fun merge_classifier ((a as Class{attributes=a_atts,operations=a_ops,invariant=a_invs,associations=a_assocs,...}),(b as Class{attributes=b_atts,operations=b_ops,invariant=b_invs,associations=b_assocs,...})) = let val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.merge_classifier\n") val res = Class { name = OclVoid, parent=NONE, attributes=a_atts@b_atts, operations=a_ops@b_ops, associations=a_assocs@b_assocs, invariant=a_invs@b_invs, stereotypes=[], interfaces=[], thyname=NONE, visibility=public:Rep_Core.Visibility, activity_graphs=[] } val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.merge_classifier\n") in res end fun merge_classifiers list = let val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.merge_classifiers\n") val Empty_Class = Class{ name = OclVoid, parent=NONE, attributes=[], operations=[], associations=[], invariant=[], stereotypes=[], interfaces=[], thyname=NONE, visibility=public:Rep_Core.Visibility, activity_graphs=[] } val res = List.foldr (merge_classifier) Empty_Class list val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.merge_classifier\n") in res end fun operations_to_classifier ops = let val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.operation_to_classifier\n") val res = Class{ name = OclVoid, parent=NONE, attributes=[], operations=ops, associations=[], invariant=[], stereotypes=[], interfaces=[], thyname=NONE, visibility=public:Rep_Core.Visibility, activity_graphs=[] } val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.operation_to_classifier\n") in res end fun attributes_to_classifier atts = let val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.attributes_to_classifier\n") val res = Class{ name = OclVoid, parent=NONE, attributes=atts, operations=[], associations=[], invariant=[], stereotypes=[], interfaces=[], thyname=NONE, visibility=public:Rep_Core.Visibility, activity_graphs=[] } val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.attributes_to_classifier\n") in res end fun constraints_to_classifier invs = let val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.constraints_to_classifier\n") val res = Class{ name = OclVoid, parent=NONE, attributes=[], operations=[], associations=[], invariant=invs, stereotypes=[], interfaces=[], thyname=NONE, visibility=public:Rep_Core.Visibility, activity_graphs=[] } val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.constraints_to_classifier\n") in res end fun dispatch_pre_or_post (cond_type:ConditionType) (list:(ConditionType * string option * OclTerm) list) = let val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.dispatch_pre_or_post") val filter = List.filter (fn (a,b,c) => if cond_type = a then true else false) list val res = List.map (fn (a,b,c) => (b,c)) filter val _ = Logger.debug2 ("Context.dispatch_pre_or_post") in res end end;