(***************************************************************************** * su4sml --- an SML repository for managing (Secure)UML/OCL models * http://projects.brucker.ch/su4sml/ * * rep_su2holocl.sml --- a SecureUML to UML/OCL model transformation * This file is part of su4sml. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2007, ETH Zurich, Switzerland * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) structure SecureUML2HolOcl:sig val transform : Rep_SecureUML_ComponentUML.Model -> Rep.Model end = struct open Rep_Helper open Rep_Core open XMI_DataTypes open Rep_OclTerm open Rep_OclHelper open Rep_SecureUML_ComponentUML open StringHandling (* can this be expressed more combinatorially? *) fun deep_atpre (t as Literal _) = t | deep_atpre (t as CollectionLiteral _) = t | deep_atpre (t as If (cond,cond_type,then_term,then_type, else_term,else_type,result_type) ) = If (deep_atpre cond, cond_type, deep_atpre then_term, then_type, deep_atpre else_term, else_type, result_type) | deep_atpre (t as AssociationEndCall (source,source_type, path, result_type)) = atpre (AssociationEndCall (deep_atpre source, source_type, path, result_type)) | deep_atpre (t as AttributeCall (source,source_type,path,result_type)) = atpre (AttributeCall (deep_atpre source, source_type, path, result_type)) | deep_atpre (t as OperationCall (source, source_type, path, args, result_type)) = atpre (OperationCall (deep_atpre source, source_type, path, ListPair.zip (map (deep_atpre o #1) args, map #2 args), result_type)) | deep_atpre (t as OperationWithType (source, source_type, param, param_type, result_type)) (* FIXME: do we have to wrap it with atPre? *) = OperationWithType (deep_atpre source, source_type, param, param_type, result_type) | deep_atpre (t as Variable _) (* FIXME: we probably want to wrap this, to get self@pre? *) = t | deep_atpre (t as Let (var,var_type,rhs,rhs_type,in_term,in_type)) = Let (var,var_type, deep_atpre rhs, rhs_type, deep_atpre in_term, in_type) | deep_atpre (t as Iterate (vars,acc,acc_type,acc_init,source,source_type, body, body_type, result_type)) = Iterate (vars, acc, acc_type, deep_atpre acc_init, deep_atpre source, source_type, deep_atpre body, body_type, result_type) | deep_atpre (t as Iterator (name, vars, source, source_type, body, body_type, result_type)) = Iterator (name, vars, deep_atpre source, source_type, deep_atpre body, body_type, result_type) (* FIXME: find appropriate name for this function *) fun transform_postconds {name, precondition, postcondition, body,arguments, result, isQuery, scope, visibility} = { name=name, precondition=precondition, postcondition=map (fn (s,t) => (s,deep_atpre t)) postcondition, arguments=arguments, result=result, body=body, isQuery=isQuery, scope=scope, visibility=visibility } (** replace all operation calls in the given expression with calls to * the "secured" variant. *) fun replace_opcalls (t as Literal _) = t | replace_opcalls (t as CollectionLiteral _) = t | replace_opcalls (t as If (cond,ctype,then_term,then_type, else_term,else_type,result_type)) = If (replace_opcalls cond, ctype, replace_opcalls then_term, then_type, replace_opcalls else_term, else_type, result_type) | replace_opcalls (t as AssociationEndCall (source,source_type,path,result_type)) = AssociationEndCall (replace_opcalls source, source_type, path, result_type) | replace_opcalls (t as AttributeCall (source,source_type,path,result_type)) = AttributeCall (replace_opcalls source, source_type, path, result_type) | replace_opcalls (t as OperationCall (source,source_type,path,args,result_type))= OperationCall (replace_opcalls source, source_type, let val oper = List.hd (List.rev path) val pth = List.tl (List.rev path) in List.rev (oper^"_sec"::pth) end, ListPair.zip (map (replace_opcalls o #1) args, map #2 args), result_type) | replace_opcalls (t as OperationWithType (source,source_type, param,param_type,result_type)) = OperationWithType (replace_opcalls source, source_type, param, param_type, result_type) | replace_opcalls (t as Variable _) = t | replace_opcalls (t as Let (var,var_type,rhs,rhs_type,in_term,in_type)) = Let (var,var_type, replace_opcalls rhs, rhs_type, replace_opcalls in_term, in_type) | replace_opcalls (t as Iterate (vars,acc,acc_type,acc_init,source,source_type, body, body_type, result_type)) = Iterate (vars, acc,acc_type, replace_opcalls acc_init, replace_opcalls source, source_type, replace_opcalls body, body_type, result_type) | replace_opcalls (t as Iterator (iter,vars,source,source_type,body,body_type, result_type))= Iterator (iter,vars, replace_opcalls source, source_type, replace_opcalls body, body_type, result_type) (** replace all attribute calls in the given expression with calls to the * corresponding getter operation. *) fun replace_attcalls (t as Literal _) = t | replace_attcalls (t as CollectionLiteral _) = t | replace_attcalls (t as If (cond,ctype,then_term,then_type, else_term,else_type,result_type)) = If (replace_attcalls cond, ctype, replace_attcalls then_term, then_type, replace_attcalls else_term, else_type, result_type) | replace_attcalls (t as AssociationEndCall (source,source_type,path,result_type)) = AssociationEndCall (replace_attcalls source, source_type, path, result_type) | replace_attcalls (t as AttributeCall (source,source_type,path,result_type)) = OperationCall (replace_attcalls source, source_type, let val att = List.hd (List.rev path) val pth = List.tl (List.rev path) in List.rev ("get"^(capitalize att)::pth) end, nil, (* the getter has no arguments *) result_type) | replace_attcalls (t as OperationCall (source,source_type,path,args,result_type))= OperationCall (replace_attcalls source, source_type, path,args, result_type) | replace_attcalls (t as OperationWithType (source,source_type, param,param_type,result_type)) = OperationWithType (replace_attcalls source, source_type, param, param_type, result_type) | replace_attcalls (t as Variable _) = t | replace_attcalls (t as Let (var,var_type,rhs,rhs_type,in_term,in_type)) = Let (var,var_type, replace_attcalls rhs, rhs_type, replace_attcalls in_term, in_type) | replace_attcalls (t as Iterate (vars,acc,acc_type,acc_init,source,source_type, body, body_type, result_type)) = Iterate (vars, acc,acc_type, replace_attcalls acc_init, replace_attcalls source, source_type, replace_attcalls body, body_type, result_type) | replace_attcalls (t as Iterator (iter,vars,source,source_type,body,body_type, result_type))= Iterator (iter,vars, replace_attcalls source, source_type, replace_attcalls body, body_type, result_type) (** creates a getter function for the given attribute. * The name of the function is get, and it has * a postcondition of result=self.att * should be moved to Rep_Core? *) fun create_getter c {name,attr_type,visibility,scope,stereotypes,init} = { name="get"^(capitalize name), precondition=nil, body=nil, (* post: result=self.att *) postcondition=[(SOME ("generated_getter_for_"^name), ocl_eq (result attr_type) (ocl_attcall (self (Classifier (name_of c))) ((name_of c)@[name]) attr_type))], arguments=nil, result=attr_type, isQuery=true, scope=scope, visibility=public, stereotypes=[] } (** creates a setter function for the given attribute. * The name of the function is set, and it has * a postcondition of self.att=arg and self.att->modifiedOnly() * Should be moved to rep_core? *) fun create_setter c {name,attr_type,visibility,scope,stereotypes,init} = let val self_att = ocl_attcall (self (Classifier (name_of c))) ((name_of c)@[name]) attr_type in { name="set"^(capitalize name), precondition=nil, body=nil, postcondition=[(SOME ("generated_setter_for_"^name), ocl_and (ocl_eq self_att (Variable ("arg", attr_type))) (ocl_modifiedOnly (ocl_set [self_att] attr_type))) ], arguments=[("arg",attr_type)], result=OclVoid, isQuery=false, scope=scope, visibility=public, stereotypes=[] } end (** creates a "secured" version of the given operation. * The main change: in the postcondition, attribute calls are replaced with * calls to appropriate getter functions, and operation calls with calls * to corresponding "secured" operations. *) fun create_secured {name, body,precondition, postcondition, arguments, result, isQuery, scope,stereotypes,visibility} = { name=name^"_sec", precondition=precondition, postcondition=map (fn (name,t) => (name,replace_attcalls (replace_opcalls t))) postcondition, arguments=arguments, result=result, body=body, isQuery=isQuery, scope=scope, stereotypes=stereotypes, visibility=visibility } (** The design model transformation for a single class. * generates constructors, destructors, setters, getters, and "secured" operations. *) fun add_operations c = let val self_type = Classifier (name_of c) val res = result (Classifier (name_of c)) val constructor = {name="new", precondition=nil, (* post: result.oclIsNew() and result->modiefiedOnly() *) postcondition=[(SOME "generated_constructor", ocl_and (ocl_isNew (result self_type)) (ocl_modifiedOnly (ocl_set [res] (self_type)))) ], body = [], arguments=nil, result=Classifier (name_of c), isQuery=false, scope=ClassifierScope, visibility=public, stereotypes=[]} val destructor = {name="delete", precondition=nil, body=nil, (* post: self.oclIsUndefined() and self@pre->modifiedOnly() *) postcondition=[(SOME "generated_destructor", ocl_and (ocl_isUndefined (self self_type)) (ocl_modifiedOnly (ocl_set [atpre (self self_type)] self_type))) ], arguments=nil, result=OclVoid, isQuery=false, scope=InstanceScope, visibility=public, stereotypes=[]} val getters = map (create_getter c) (attributes_of c) val setters = map (create_setter c) (attributes_of c) val sec_ops = map create_secured (operations_of c) val generated_ops = [constructor,destructor]@getters@setters@sec_ops in List.foldl (uncurry addOperation) c generated_ops end val identity_role_association = {name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","IdentityRoleAssociation"], aends=[{name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","Association","identity"], aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Identity"], init=NONE, multiplicity=[(0,~1)], ordered=false, visibility=public}, {name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","Association","roles"], aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Role"], init=NONE,multiplicity=[(0,~1)], ordered=false, visibility=public} ], qualifiers=[], aclass=NONE} val identity_principal_association = {name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","IdentityPrincipalAssociation"], aends=[{name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","Association","identity"], aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Identity"], init=NONE, multiplicity=[(1,1)], ordered=false, visibility=public}, {name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","Association","principal"], aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Principal"], init=NONE,multiplicity=[(0,~1)], ordered=false, visibility=public} ], qualifiers=[], aclass=NONE} val context_principal_association = {name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","ContextPrincipalAssociation"], aends=[{name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","ContextPrincipalAssociation", "principal"], aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Principal"], init=NONE, multiplicity=[(1,1)], ordered=false, visibility=public}, {name=["AuthorizationEnvironment","ContextPrincipalAssociation", "context"], aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Context"], init=NONE, multiplicity=[(0,~1)], ordered=false, visibility=public} ], qualifiers=[], aclass=NONE} val role = Class {activity_graphs=[], (* associationends=[{aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Identity"], init=NONE,multiplicity=[(0,~1)], name="identity", ordered=false, visibility=public}], *) associations=[["AuthorizationEnvironment", "IdentityRoleAssociation"]], attributes=[{attr_type=String, init=NONE,name="name", scope=InstanceScope, stereotypes=[], visibility=public }], interfaces=[], invariant=[], name=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Role"], operations=[{arguments=[("s",String)], isQuery=false, name="getRoleByName", postcondition=[], precondition=[], body=[], result=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Role"], scope=ClassifierScope, stereotypes=[], visibility=public} ], parent=NONE, stereotypes=[], thyname=NONE, visibility=public} val identity = Class { activity_graphs=[], (* associations=[{aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Role"], init=NONE,multiplicity=[(0,~1)], name="roles", ordered=false, visibility=public}, {aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Principal"], init=NONE, multiplicity=[(0,~1)], name="principal", ordered=false, visibility=public}], *) associations= [["AuthorizationEnvironment","IdentityRoleAssociation"], ["AuthorizationEnvironment","IdentityPrincipalAssociation"] ], attributes=[{attr_type=String, init=NONE,name="name", scope=InstanceScope, stereotypes=[], visibility=public}], interfaces=[], invariant=[], name=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Identity"], operations=[], parent=NONE, visibility=public, stereotypes=[], thyname=NONE } val static_auth_env = [ Class { activity_graphs=[], (* associations=[{aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Principal"], init=NONE, multiplicity=[(1,1)], name="principal", ordered=false, visibility=public}], *) associations=[["AuthorizationEnvironment","ContextPrincipalAssociation"]], attributes=[], interfaces=[], invariant=[], name=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Context"], operations=[], parent=NONE, visibility=public:Rep_Core.Visibility, stereotypes=[], thyname=NONE}, Class { activity_graphs=[], (* associations=[{aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Identity"], init=NONE, multiplicity=[(1,1)], name="identity", ordered=false, visibility=public}, {aend_type=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Context"], init=NONE, multiplicity=[(0,~1)], name="context", ordered=false, visibility=public}], *) associations=[["AuthorizationEnvironment","IdentityPrincipalAssociation"], ["AuthorizationEnvironment","ContextPrincipalAssociation"] ], attributes=[], interfaces=[], invariant=[], name=Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Principal"], operations=[{arguments=[("s",String)], isQuery=false, name="isInRole", postcondition=[], precondition=[], body=[], result=Boolean, stereotypes=[], scope=InstanceScope:Rep_Core.Scope, visibility=public:Rep_Core.Visibility }], parent=NONE, visibility=public:Rep_Core.Visibility, stereotypes=[], thyname=NONE}] (** defines the role hierarchy. *) (* FIXME: context Identity inv: self.roles.name->includes(r1) implies *) (* self.roles.name->includes(r2) *) fun define_role_hierarchy (sc:Security.Configuration) = let val identity_name = ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Identity"] val identity_type = Classifier identity_name val role_name = ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Role"] val role_type = Classifier role_name val self_roles = ocl_aendcall (self identity_type) ["AuthorizationEnvironment" , "Identity", "roles"] (Bag (Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Role"])) val self_roles_name = ocl_collect self_roles "anonIterVar_0" (ocl_attcall (Variable ("anonIterVar_0", role_type)) ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Role","name"] String) fun is_in_role x = ocl_includes self_roles_name x fun invariant_for_role_inheritance (sub,super) = ocl_implies (is_in_role (Literal (sub,String))) (is_in_role (Literal (super,String))) in List.foldl (fn (rh,ident) => addInvariant (SOME "role_hierarchy", invariant_for_role_inheritance rh) ident) identity (#rh sc) end (** defines the list or roles in the model. * context Role inv: Role.allInstances().name = Bag{...} *) fun define_roles sc = let val roles = Security.all_roles sc val role_collection = map (fn x =>CollectionItem(Literal (x,String),String)) roles val role_type = Classifier ["AuthorizationEnvironment", "Role"] val inv = ocl_eq (ocl_collect (ocl_allInstances (self role_type)) "anonIterVar_0" (ocl_attcall (Variable ("anonIterVar_0",role_type)) ["AuthorizationEnvironment","Role","name"] String)) (CollectionLiteral (role_collection, Bag String)) in addInvariant (SOME "list_of_roles",inv) role end (** transform the postconditions to also include the authorization constraints. *) (* FIXME: implement this *) fun create_sec_postconds sc c = c fun transform (model:Rep.Model,sc) = let val transformedDesignModel = (map add_operations (#1 model),#2 model) val transformedModel = create_sec_postconds sc transformedDesignModel val authEnv = map (normalize (#2 transformedModel)) (define_roles sc::define_role_hierarchy sc:: static_auth_env) in ((#1 transformedModel) @ authEnv,identity_role_association:: identity_principal_association:: context_principal_association:: (#2 transformedModel)) end end