(***************************************************************************** * su4sml --- a SML repository for managing (Secure)UML/OCL models * http://projects.brucker.ch/su4sml/ * * context_declarations.sml --- * This file is part of su4sml. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2007, ETH Zurich, Switzerland * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************) (* $Id: context_declarations.sml 6727 2007-07-30 08:43:40Z brucker $ *) (** Implementation of the wellformed constraint for a constructor *) signature WFCPOG_CONSTRUCTOR_CONSTRAINT = sig (** sub constraint, included in constructor consistency.*) val post_implies_invariant : WFCPOG.wfpo -> Rep.Model -> (Rep_OclType.Path * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list (** sub constraint, included in constructor consistency.*) val override_old_creators : WFCPOG.wfpo -> Rep.Model -> bool (** sub constraint, included in constructor consistency.*) val force_initialize_attributes : WFCPOG.wfpo -> Rep.Model -> (Rep_OclType.Path * Rep_OclTerm.OclTerm) list (** Any kind of Exception *) exception WFCPO_ConstructorError of string end structure WFCPOG_Constructor_Constraint : WFCPOG_CONSTRUCTOR_CONSTRAINT = struct (* SU4SML *) open Rep_Core open Rep open Rep_OclTerm open Rep_OclType open Rep_HolOcl_Namespace open Rep_HolOcl_Helper (* OclParser *) open ModelImport (* WFCPO *) open WFCPOG_Library exception WFCPO_ConstructorError of string fun term_post_implies_inv class oper model = let val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.term_post_implies_inv\n") val inv = Predicate (Variable("self",type_of class),type_of class,name_of_inv class,[]) val post = Predicate (Variable ("self",type_of class),type_of class,name_of_post class oper,args2varargs ((arguments_of_op oper)@[("result",(#result oper))])) val implies = OperationCall (post,Boolean,["holOclLib","Boolean","implies"],[(inv,Boolean)],Boolean) val _ = trace function_ends ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.term_post_implies_inv\n") in implies end fun term_init_attributes class oper model = let val atts = all_attributes_of class model val _ = trace wgen ("Number of attributes found = "^(Int.toString(List.length(atts)))) val post = Predicate (Variable ("self",type_of class),type_of class,name_of_post class oper,args2varargs ((arguments_of_op oper)@[("result",(#result oper))])) val att_is_defined = List.map (fn a => let val attr_name = (string_of_path (name_of class))^"."^(#name a) val attr_typ = (#attr_type a) val src = Predicate(Variable(attr_name,attr_typ),attr_typ,(name_of class)@[(#name a)],[]) in OperationCall(src,Boolean,["oclIsDefined"],[],Boolean) end) atts val and_atts = holocl_and_all att_is_defined val post_impl_atts = holocl_implies post and_atts in post_impl_atts end fun check_override_classifier class (model as (clist,alist)) = let val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.check_override_classifier\n") val creas = creation_operations_of class model val over_ops = modified_operations_of class model val check = List.map (fn a => if (List.exists (fn b => a = b) over_ops) then true else let val s1 = "SYNTAX ERROR: Constructor Consistency override old creators\n\n" val s2 = "In the classifier " ^ (string_of_path (name_of class)) ^ " the Creator " ^ (name_of_op a) ^ "is not overriden.\n" in raise WFCPOG.WFC_FailedMessage (s1^s2) end) creas val res = List.all (fn a => a = true) check val _ = trace function_ends ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.check_override_classifier\n") in res end fun generate_post_classifier class model = let val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.check_post_classifier\n") val atts = all_attributes_of class model val pos = if (List.length(atts) = 0) then [] else List.map (fn a => let val term = term_post_implies_inv class a model val path = ["po_cstr_","post_",(string_of_path (name_of class)),(name_of_op a)] in (path,term) end) (creation_operations_of class model) val _ = trace function_ends ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.check_override_classifier\n") in pos end fun generate_attribute_classifier class model = let val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.generate_attribute_classifier\n") val pos = List.map (fn a => let val term = term_init_attributes class a model val path = ["po_cstr_","attribute_",(string_of_path (name_of class)),(name_of_op a)] in (path,term) end) (creation_operations_of class model) val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.generate_attribute_classifier\n") in pos end fun override_old_creators wfpo (model as (clist, alist)) = let val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency.overrides_old_creators\n") val cl = removeOclLibrary clist val classes = List.filter (fn a => (is_Class a) orelse (is_AssoClass a)) cl val res = List.all (fn a => a = true) (List.map (fn a => check_override_classifier a model handle WFCPOG.WFC_FailedMessage s => raise WFCPOG.WFC_FailedException (wfpo,s)) classes) val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency.overrides_old_creators\n") in res end fun post_implies_invariant wfpo (model as (clist, alist)) = let val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.post_implies_invariant\n") val cl = removeOclLibrary clist val classes = List.filter (fn a => (is_Class a) orelse (is_AssoClass a)) cl val list = List.concat (List.map (fn a => generate_post_classifier a model) classes) val _ = trace function_ends ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.post_implies_invariant\n") in list end fun force_initialize_attributes wfpo (model as (clist,alist)) = let val _ = trace function_calls ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.force_initialize_attributes\n") val cl = removeOclLibrary clist val classes = List.filter (fn a => (is_Class a) orelse (is_AssoClass a)) cl val list = List.concat (List.map (fn a => generate_attribute_classifier a model) classes) val _ = trace function_ends ("WFCPOG_Constructor_Consistency_Constraint.force_initialize_attributes\n") in list end end;