
137 lines
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Standard ML

signature CatOptions =
val O_CATALOG_FILES : Uri.Uri list ref
val O_PREFER_SOCAT : bool ref
val O_PREFER_SYSID : bool ref
val O_PREFER_CATALOG : bool ref
val O_SUPPORT_REMAP : bool ref
val O_CATALOG_ENC : Encoding.Encoding ref
val setCatalogDefaults : unit -> unit
val setCatalogOptions : Options.Option list * (string -> unit) -> Options.Option list
val catalogUsage : Options.Usage
functor CatOptions () : CatOptions =
open Encoding Options Uri
val O_CATALOG_FILES = ref nil: Uri list ref
val O_PREFER_SOCAT = ref false
val O_PREFER_SYSID = ref false
val O_PREFER_CATALOG = ref true
val O_SUPPORT_REMAP = ref true
fun setCatalogDefaults() =
val _ = O_CATALOG_FILES := nil
val _ = O_PREFER_SOCAT := false
val _ = O_PREFER_SYSID := false
val _ = O_PREFER_CATALOG := true
val _ = O_SUPPORT_REMAP := true
in ()
val catalogUsage =
[U_ITEM(["-C <url>","--catalog=<url>"],"Use catalog <url>"),
U_ITEM(["--catalog-syntax=(soc|xml)"],"Default syntax for catalogs (xml)"),
U_ITEM(["--catalog-encoding=<enc>"],"Default encoding for Socat catalogs (LATIN1)"),
U_ITEM(["--catalog-remap=[(yes|no)]"],"Support remapping of system identifiers (yes)"),
U_ITEM(["--catalog-priority=(map|remap|sys)"],"Resolving strategy in catalogs (map)")
fun setCatalogOptions (opts,doError) =
val catalogs = ref nil:string list ref
fun hasNoArg key = "option "^key^" has no argument"
fun mustHave key = String.concat ["option ",key," must have an argument"]
fun mustBe(key,what) = String.concat ["the argument to --",key," must be ",what]
val yesNo = "'yes' or 'no'"
val mapRemapSys = "'map', 'remap' or 'sys'"
val encName = "'ascii', 'latin1', 'utf8' or 'utf16'"
val syntaxName = "'soc' or 'xml'"
fun do_catalog valOpt =
case valOpt
of NONE => doError(mustHave "--catalog")
| SOME s => catalogs := s::(!catalogs)
fun do_prio valOpt =
let fun set(cat,sys) = (O_PREFER_CATALOG := cat; O_PREFER_SYSID := sys)
in case valOpt
of NONE => doError(mustHave "--catalog-priority")
| SOME "map" => set(true,false)
| SOME "remap" => set(true,true)
| SOME "sys" => set(false,true)
| SOME s => doError(mustBe("catalog-priority",mapRemapSys))
fun do_enc valOpt =
case valOpt
of NONE => doError(mustHave "--catalog-encoding")
| SOME s => case isEncoding s
of NOENC => doError("unsupported encoding "^s)
| enc => O_CATALOG_ENC := enc
fun do_remap valOpt =
case valOpt
of NONE => doError(mustHave "--catalog-remap")
| SOME "no" => O_SUPPORT_REMAP := false
| SOME "yes" => O_SUPPORT_REMAP := true
| SOME s => doError(mustBe("catalog-remap",yesNo))
fun do_syntax valOpt =
case valOpt
of NONE => doError(mustHave "--catalog-syntax")
| SOME "soc" => O_PREFER_SOCAT := true
| SOME "xml" => O_PREFER_SOCAT := false
| SOME s => doError(mustBe("catalog-remap",syntaxName))
fun do_long(key,valOpt) =
case key
of "catalog" => true before do_catalog valOpt
| "catalog-remap" => true before do_remap valOpt
| "catalog-syntax" => true before do_syntax valOpt
| "catalog-encoding" => true before do_enc valOpt
| "catalog-priority" => true before do_prio valOpt
| _ => false
fun do_short cs opts =
case cs
of nil => doit opts
| [#"C"] =>
(case opts
of OPT_STRING s::opts1 => (catalogs := s::(!catalogs);
doit opts1)
| _ => let val _ = doError (mustHave "-C")
in doit opts
| cs =>
let val cs1 = List.filter
(fn c => if #"C"<>c then true
else false before doError (mustHave "-C")) cs
in if null cs1 then doit opts else (OPT_SHORT cs1)::doit opts
and doit nil = nil
| doit (opt::opts) =
case opt
of OPT_NOOPT => opts
| OPT_LONG(key,value) => if do_long(key,value) then doit opts
else opt::doit opts
| OPT_SHORT cs => do_short cs opts
| OPT_NEG cs => opt::doit opts
| OPT_STRING s => opt::doit opts
val opts1 = doit opts
val uris = map String2Uri (!catalogs)
val _ = O_CATALOG_FILES := uris
in opts1