
199 lines
8.0 KiB
Standard ML

(* Structure: UtilList *)
(* *)
(* Depends on: *)
(* *)
(* Exceptions raised by functions in this structure: *)
(* member : none *)
(* findAndDelete : none *)
signature UtilList =
val split : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list list
val member : ''a -> ''a list -> bool
val mapAllPairs : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c list
val findAndMap : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b option
val findAndDelete : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> ('a option * 'a list)
val sort : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val merge : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list
val diff : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list
val cap : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list
val sub : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list * 'a list -> bool
val insert : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a * 'a list -> 'a list
val delete : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a * 'a list -> 'a list
val elem : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a * 'a list -> bool
structure UtilList : UtilList =
(* split a list into a list of lists at each element fullfilling p. *)
fun split p l =
let val (one,ls) = foldr
(fn (a,(curr,ls)) => if p a then (nil,curr::ls) else (a::curr,ls))
(nil,nil) l
in one::ls
(* is x a member of l? *)
fun member x l = List.exists (fn y => x=y) l
(* for [a1,...,an] and [b1,...,bk], generate *)
(* [f(a1,b1),f(a1,b2),...,f(an,bk-1),f(an,bk)]. *)
fun mapAllPairs f (ass,bs) =
(fn (a,cs) => foldr (fn (b,cs) => f(a,b)::cs) cs bs)
nil ass
(* find the first element x of l such that f x = SOME y, and return *)
(* f x. If there is no such x, return NONE. *)
fun findAndMap _ nil = NONE
| findAndMap f (x::xs) = case f x of NONE => findAndMap f xs | y => y
(* find the first element x of l such that f x = true, delete it from *)
(* l, and return SOME x with the modified list. If there is no such x *)
(* return (NONE,l). *)
fun findAndDelete _ nil = (NONE,nil)
| findAndDelete f (x::xs) =
if f x then (SOME x,xs)
else let val (y,ys) = findAndDelete f xs in (y,x::ys) end
(* given a function that compares elements, merge two sorted lists. *)
fun merge comp (l1,l2) =
fun go (nil,l) = l
| go (l,nil) = l
| go (l1 as (x1::r1),l2 as (x2::r2)) =
case comp(x1,x2)
of LESS => x1::go(r1,l2)
| EQUAL => go(l1,r2)
| GREATER => x2::go(l1,r2)
in go(l1,l2)
(* given a comparing function, compute the intersection of two *)
(* ordered lists. *)
fun cap comp (l1,l2) =
fun go (nil,l) = nil
| go (l,nil) = nil
| go (l1 as (x1::r1),l2 as (x2::r2)) =
case comp(x1,x2)
of LESS => go(r1,l2)
| EQUAL => x1::go(r1,r2)
| GREATER => go(l1,r2)
in go(l1,l2)
(* given a comparing function, compute the difference of two *)
(* ordered lists. *)
fun diff comp (l1,l2) =
fun go (nil,l) = nil
| go (l,nil) = l
| go (l1 as (x1::r1),l2 as (x2::r2)) =
case comp(x1,x2)
of LESS => x1::go(r1,l2)
| EQUAL => go(r1,r2)
| GREATER => go(l1,r2)
in go(l1,l2)
(* given a comparing function, find out whether an ordered list is *)
(* contained in an other ordered list. *)
fun sub comp (l1,l2) =
fun go (nil,l) = true
| go (l,nil) = false
| go (l1 as (x1::r1),l2 as (x2::r2)) =
case comp(x1,x2)
of LESS => false
| EQUAL => go(r1,r2)
| GREATER => go(l1,r2)
in go(l1,l2)
(* given a function that compares elements, insert an element into an *)
(* ordered list. *)
fun insert comp (x,l) =
fun go nil = [x]
| go (l as y::ys) =
case comp(x,y)
of LESS => x::l
| EQUAL => l
| GREATER => y::go ys
in go l
(* given a function that compares elements, delete an element from *)
(* an ordered list. *)
fun delete comp (x,l) =
fun go nil = [x]
| go (l as y::ys) =
case comp(x,y)
of LESS => l
| EQUAL => ys
| GREATER => y::go ys
in go l
(* given a function that compares elements, insert an element into an *)
(* ordered list. *)
fun elem comp (x,l) =
fun go nil = false
| go (l as y::ys) =
case comp(x,y)
of LESS => false
| EQUAL => true
| GREATER => go ys
in go l
(* merge-sort a list of elements comparable with the function in the *)
(* 1st argument. Preserve duplicate elements. *)
fun sort _ nil = nil
| sort comp l =
let fun mergeOne (x::y::l) = merge comp (x,y)::mergeOne l
| mergeOne l = l
fun mergeAll [l] = l
| mergeAll ls = mergeAll (mergeOne ls)
val singles = map (fn x => [x]) l
mergeAll singles